451 research outputs found

    Response of CsI(Tl) scintillators over a large range in energy and atomic number of ions (Part I): recombination and delta -- electrons

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    A simple formalism describing the light response of CsI(Tl) to heavy ions, which quantifies the luminescence and the quenching in terms of the competition between radiative transitions following the carrier trapping at the Tl activator sites and the electron-hole recombination, is proposed. The effect of the delta rays on the scintillation efficiency is for the first time quantitatively included in a fully consistent way. The light output expression depends on four parameters determined by a procedure of global fit to experimental data.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Nucl. Inst. Meth.

    Evidence for Spinodal Decomposition in Nuclear Multifragmentation

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    Multifragmentation of a ``fused system'' was observed for central collisions between 32 MeV/nucleon 129Xe and natSn. Most of the resulting charged products were well identified thanks to the high performances of the INDRA 4pi array. Experimental higher-order charge correlations for fragments show a weak but non ambiguous enhancement of events with nearly equal-sized fragments. Supported by dynamical calculations in which spinodal decomposition is simulated, this observed enhancement is interpreted as a ``fossil'' signal of spinodal instabilities in finite nuclear systems.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Engineering Semantic Self-composition of Services Through Tuple-Based Coordination

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    Service self-composition is a well-understood research area focusing on service-based applications providing new services by automatically combining pre-existing ones. In this paper we focus on tuple-based coordination, and propose a solution leveraging logic tuples and tuple spaces to support semantic self-composition for services. A full-stack description of the solution is provided, ranging from a theoretical formalisation to a technologically valuable design and implementation

    Nucleon-induced reactions at intermediate energies: New data at 96 MeV and theoretical status

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    Double-differential cross sections for light charged particle production (up to A=4) were measured in 96 MeV neutron-induced reactions, at TSL laboratory cyclotron in Uppsala (Sweden). Measurements for three targets, Fe, Pb, and U, were performed using two independent devices, SCANDAL and MEDLEY. The data were recorded with low energy thresholds and for a wide angular range (20-160 degrees). The normalization procedure used to extract the cross sections is based on the np elastic scattering reaction that we measured and for which we present experimental results. A good control of the systematic uncertainties affecting the results is achieved. Calculations using the exciton model are reported. Two different theoretical approches proposed to improve its predictive power regarding the complex particle emission are tested. The capabilities of each approach is illustrated by comparison with the 96 MeV data that we measured, and with other experimental results available in the literature.Comment: 21 pages, 28 figure

    Signals for a Transition from Surface to Bulk Emission in Thermal Multifragmentation

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    Excitation-energy-gated two-fragment correlation functions have been studied between 2 to 9A MeV of excitation energy for equilibrium-like sources formed in π\pi^- and p + 197^{197}Au reactions at beam momenta of 8,9.2 and 10.2 GeV/c. Comparison of the data to an N-body Coulomb-trajectory code shows a decrease of one order of magnitude in the fragment emission time in the excitation energy interval 2-5A MeV, followed by a nearly constant breakup time at higher excitation energy. The observed decrease in emission time is shown to be strongly correlated with the increase of the fragment emission probability, and the onset of thermally-induced radial expansion. This result is interpreted as evidence consistent with a transition from surface-dominated to bulk emission expected for spinodal decomposition.Comment: 11 pages including 3 postscript figures (1 color

    Effect of the intermediate velocity emissions on the quasi-projectile properties for the Ar+Ni system at 95 A.MeV

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    The quasi-projectile (QP) properties are investigated in the Ar+Ni collisions at 95 A.MeV taking into account the intermediate velocity emission. Indeed, in this reaction, between 52 and 95 A.MeV bombarding energies, the number of particles emitted in the intermediate velocity region is related to the overlap volume between projectile and target. Mean transverse energies of these particles are found particularly high. In this context, the mass of the QP decreases linearly with the impact parameter from peripheral to central collisions whereas its excitation energy increases up to 8 A.MeV. These results are compared to previous analyses assuming a pure binary scenario

    Multifragmentation of a very heavy nuclear system (II): bulk properties and spinodal decomposition

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    The properties of fragments and light charged particles emitted in multifragmentation of single sources formed in central 36AMeV Gd+U collisions are reviewed. Most of the products are isotropically distributed in the reaction c.m. Fragment kinetic energies reveal the onset of radial collective energy. A bulk effect is experimentally evidenced from the similarity of the charge distribution with that from the lighter 32AMeV Xe+Sn system. Spinodal decomposition of finite nuclear matter exhibits the same property in simulated central collisions for the two systems, and appears therefore as a possible mechanism at the origin of multifragmentation in this incident energy domain.Comment: 28 pages including 14 figures; submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    Multifragmentation of a very heavy nuclear system (I): Selection of single-source events

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    A sample of `single-source' events, compatible with the multifragmentation of very heavy fused systems, are isolated among well-measured 155Gd+natU 36AMeV reactions by examining the evolution of the kinematics of fragments with Z>=5 as a function of the dissipated energy and loss of memory of the entrance channel. Single-source events are found to be the result of very central collisions. Such central collisions may also lead to multiple fragment emission due to the decay of excited projectile- and target-like nuclei and so-called `neck' emission, and for this reason the isolation of single-source events is very difficult. Event-selection criteria based on centrality of collisions, or on the isotropy of the emitted fragments in each event, are found to be inefficient to separate the two mechanisms, unless they take into account the redistribution of fragments' kinetic energies into directions perpendicular to the beam axis. The selected events are good candidates to look for bulk effects in the multifragmentation process.Comment: 39 pages including 15 figures; submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    Multifragmentation in Xe(50A MeV)+Sn Confrontation of theory and data

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    We compare in detail central collisions Xe(50A MeV) + Sn, recently measured by the INDRA collaboration, with the Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) model in order to identify the reaction mechanism which leads to multifragmentation. We find that QMD describes the data quite well, in the projectile/target region as well as in the midrapidity zone where also statistical models can be and have been employed. The agreement between QMD and data allows to use this dynamical model to investigate the reaction in detail. We arrive at the following observations: a) the in medium nucleon nucleon cross section is not significantly different from the free cross section, b) even the most central collisions have a binary character, c) most of the fragments are produced in the central collisions and d) the simulations as well as the data show a strong attractive in-plane flow resembling deep inelastic collisions e) at midrapidity the results from QMD and those from statistical model calculations agree for almost all observables with the exception of d2σdZdE{d^2 \sigma \over dZdE}. This renders it difficult to extract the reaction mechanism from midrapidity fragments only. According to the simulations the reaction shows a very early formation of fragments, even in central collisions, which pass through the reaction zone without being destroyed. The final transverse momentum of the fragments is very close to the initial one and due to the Fermi motion. A heating up of the systems is not observed and hence a thermal origin of the spectra cannot be confirmed.Comment: figures 1 and 2 changed (no more ps -errors

    Spallation Neutron Production by 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 GeV Protons on various Targets

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    Spallation neutron production in proton induced reactions on Al, Fe, Zr, W, Pb and Th targets at 1.2 GeV and on Fe and Pb at 0.8, and 1.6 GeV measured at the SATURNE accelerator in Saclay is reported. The experimental double-differential cross-sections are compared with calculations performed with different intra-nuclear cascade models implemented in high energy transport codes. The broad angular coverage also allowed the determination of average neutron multiplicities above 2 MeV. Deficiencies in some of the models commonly used for applications are pointed out.Comment: 20 pages, 32 figures, revised version, accepted fpr publication in Phys. Rev.