491 research outputs found

    Los seguros marítimos y la movilidad como biopolítica de seguridad

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    There is nothing natural about mobility regimes. They are the result of complex ensembles of power that involve the control of conducts in the form of moral economies. To analize mobility as a political, social, cultural and economic phenomenon circumscribed to the promotion and protection of forms and styles of life, opens up the possibility to investigate, following the work of Foucault, what can be called a biopolitics of mobility. Mobility, from this perspective, must be approached, not from the abstract, but from concrete practices, discourses and technologies through which people, goods, and services are put in circulation. Such circulation, together with its allied connectivity and complexity, constitute what has been termed the quasi-transcendentals for contemporary liberal life. Building on this theory, the article offers a reading of maritime mobility from the study of insurance discourses and practices. In particular, the role of Lloyd’s of London is analyzed as constituting moral economies of maritime mobility.Regímenes de movilidad no son en absoluto naturales. Son el resultado de complejos entramados de poder que incorporan formas de control de comportamientos, a manera de lo que se puede llamar economías morales. El analizar la movilidad como fenómeno político, social, cultural, y económico, circunscrito a la promoción y protección de formas y estilos de vida, abre la posibilidad de investigar lo que puede llamarse, siguiendo el pensamiento de Foucault, una biopolítica de movilidad. La movilidad, desde está perspectiva, debe investigarse no desde lo abstracto sino en relación a prácticas, discursos, y tecnologías concretas a través de las cuales personas, bienes y servicios son puestas en circulación. Tal circulación, junto con la conectividad que la acompaña y la complejidad de redes que se tejen en su articulación, constituyen lo que ha denominado como los cuasi-transcendentes de la vida liberal contemporánea. Elaborando esta teoría, este artículo ofrece una lectura del fenómeno de la movilidad oceánica a partir del estudio de discursos y prácticas de seguros marítimos. En concreto, se analiza el rol de Lloyd’s of London como mercado global de seguros marítimos en la articulación de economías morales de movilidad oceánica

    Insurance, subjectivity, and governnace

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    Insurance, an industry worth 4.6 trillion USD in premium volume in 2016,1 has major effects on how individuals and collectives are governed in the world. With 80 per cent of premiums sold in OECD countries, it is reasonable to argue that the form of governance it facilitates is premised on the liberal forms of life that insurance has been designed to protect.2 If, as argued in the ‘Introduction’, doing a socio-political economy of the globe is indeed possible, the problem of understanding the role of insurance in creating liberal governance in the world, and the possibility of questioning and resisting this process, is certainly an important challenge. This can only be done, as posed by the forum, by integrating the analysis of the political, the economic and the sociocultural, of the everyday and the global, as a single problem space where an integration between IPE and IPS has much to offer. This contribution to the forum focuses on identifying empirical spaces where IPE meets IPS in the problem that results from insurantial practices of governing through risk

    Poseidonians and the tragedy of mapping European Empires

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    To calculate the elastic deformations experienced by soils subjected to static or dynamic loads, knowledge of the elastic constants is required. The elastic constants (poisson's ratio, E, G) are normally evaluated in the laboratory using conventional triaxial compressive tests on cylindrical samples. For meaningful test results, it is necessary to maintain a ratio of sample diameter to the maximum particle size of approximately 6 to 1 or greater. However, some soils have large and dispersed oversize particles that make it impossible for them to be tested in the conventional triaxial apparatus. This study presents the application of theoretical models that calculate the elastic properties of a composite made of an elastic matrix containing large dispersed particles. The presented models require only knowledge of the elastic properties of the matrix coupled with the concentration by volume of the large particles in order to calculate the elastic properties of the mixture. These models were applied to different mixtures under different conditions of vertical pressure and moisture content. It was found that the models predict very well the measured elastic properties. The measurement of the elastic properties was carried out using an ultrasonic velocity apparatus. It should be noticed that most of the tests presented in this research are related to the dynamic elastic properties of the mixtures; however, it was found that most of these models could be applied in order to predict the static elastic properties too


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    Granular materials forming part of embankments, foundations, pavement structures, and rail trackstructures are subjected to both static and dynamic loads. As a result of these loads particle breakage may occur. Particle breakage causes settlements and a reduction in the hydraulic conductivity of the granularmaterial. Moreover, the elastic modulus and the shear strength of the granular material are also negatively affected. Granular crushing is a detrimental phenomenon that deserves to be sudied in order to understand its causes, consequences, and ways to avoid it. Laboratory tests conducted on a weak granular material (sugar) and computer simulations (in the form of the Discrete Element Method, DEM) were usedto visualize, analyze, and understand the evolution of crushing in granular materials. The original DEM was modified to include the possibility of particle fragmentation. A tensile failure criterion developed by the author was programmed and incorporated into a commercial DEM code (PFC2D). The breakage model was also used to study the evolution of crushing in practical geotechnical applications. Fractal theory was used to quantify the amount of crushing produced under different conditions of stress and strain. In particular, the fragmentation fractal dimension was used to describe the changes on the grain sizedistribution of the analyzed materials

    Pre- and post-Katangan granitoids of the Greater Lufilian Arc - geology, geochemistry, geochronology and metallogenic significance

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    This document reports observations, findings and conclusions of the research project entitled “Pre- and Post-Katangan Granitoids of the Greater Lufilian Arc - Geology, Geochemistry, Geochronology and Metallogenic Significance”. The project, structured and supervised by Professor Laurence Robb, was designed to study granitoids that comprise the Greater Lufilian Arc. Its main aims were to define the various granitoids, and study their role in Katangan orogenesis and mineralization. Main fieldwork was concentrated in northwestern Zambia and northern Namibia. The Greater Lufilian Arc is a curvilinear belt of Neoproterozoic Katangan sediments that was deformed during the Pan African orogeny in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, and the westward extension of similar rock sequences into Botswana, Angola and Namibia. The mobile belt of the Greater Lufilian Arc also comprises a dominantly Paleoproterozoic basement of deformed granitoids, and a diverse suite of Pan-African granitoids that intrude the Katangan sequences. A total of 1500 samples were collected in the field; 351 plutonic rocks were analysed. 157 chemical analysis were compiled from various well-documented sources, to reach a total of 508 samples analysed in the database. 38 new zircon U-Pb SHRIMP II and laser ablation ICP-MS ages were produced. The majority of intrusive rocks from the Greater Lufilian Arc that were analysed (60%) had midalkaline characte. 33% were subalkaline and 7% were alkaline. Mafic rocks are closely associated to felsic rocks in most domains of the Arc. Two thirds of the gabbroids were midalkaline, 1/6 alkaline and 1/6 subalkaline. The average rock type distribution for the entire Lufilian Arc closely resembles that of the Hook Granite Batholith in Zambia. A frequent field observation is the persistent clustering of small bodies of red-altered granitoids, gabbroids, massive magnetite-hematite and quartz pods that are linked to ages around 550 and 750 Ma. The four-rock association is related to iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) mineralization, and seems to be a characteristic of continental extension anorogenic environments. Another recurrent feature observed in most outcrops of the study area is the presence of two or more contrasting types of plutonic rocks, including mafic, ultramafic and alkaline plugs and dikes. The multiplicity of rock types in a small area seems to be a characteristic of continental extension anorogenic environments. Quartz pods, hydrothermally-emplaced iron oxide bodies and round-pebble hydrothermal breccias are features that occur often in and around IOCG systems throughout the Greater Lufilian Arc. The main granitoid periods of emplacement present in the study area of the Arc are listed on Table 1. Several more restricted events occurred at 1700, 1600, 880 and 460 Ma. Table 1 Main Granitoid Terranes in the Greater Lufilian Arc Age (Ma) Rock types Location Environment of Emplacement Notes 550 ±50 Granite, alkali granite, quartzmonzonite, syenite, gabbroids Otjiwarongo, central Namibia, Kaokoland, Damaran intrusives (Namibia), Hook Granite, NW Zambia (Zambia) Continental epeirogenic uplift The period may be broken into 3 discrete events. 750 ±50 Granite, alkali granite, syenite and gabbroids with felsic and mafic volcanics Copperbelt, Kalengwa- Kasempa, NW Zambia (Zambia); Khorixas Inlier and Summas Mountains (Namibia) Rift-related and continental epeirogenic uplilft. Intrude Roan and Nguba Lithologies; overlain by Kundelungu and equivalent sediments. 1100 ±50 Granitoids and felsic to mafic volcanics South of the Copperbelt, West of Lusaka (Zambia); around Omitiomire, Kaokoland and the Witvlei area (Namibia) Continental riftrelated environments Surrounds Kapvaal Craton from Namaqualand to Irumide Belt in Zambia 1900 ±100 Foliated alkali granie, quartzmonzonite and granite Copperbelt basement, Mkushi- Serenje, NW Zambia, Domes region (Zambia); Kaokoland, central Namibia, Kamanjab Batholith, Grootfontein Inlier (Namibia) Not well defined; probably formed in an anorogenic continental extension environment Period can be broken into 4 discrete events The Zambian Lufilian Arc and Damara region of Namibia behaved as independent entities from 2200 to 2000 Ma. They also behaved significantly different from 1400 to 850 Ma. Geological history of the two main portions of the Greater Lufilian Arc is consistent from circa 800 Ma to the present, and especially during the last 600 million years. Most areas studied in the Arc show polycyclic geological histories. Repeated anorogenic intrusive events are a common denominator. Prolonged crustal histories have resulted in superimposition of events. Granitoid rock suites with closely matching chemistry and macroscopic features have been found to form two or three times in the same region, with up to a thousand million years of age difference. These features preclude lithological or detailed geochemical correlation of plutonic rocks. At least ten clusters of ring complexes were identified in the Arc. Clustering of multiple anorogenic ring complex intrusions can form batholithic size bodies. Clusters are made by amalgamation of multiple ring complexes of varying chemical composition and size. Most of their rocks are midalkaline. Volcanic and plutonic rocks of roughly the same composition occur together. Total duration of ring complex cluster cycles averages 110 Ma, and their plan view geometry is roughly that of an isosceles triangle. Information currently available on geophysics, geochronology, rock distribution and geochemistry from the Hook Granite Batholith (Zambia) fit quite well with an intracontinental, anorogenic, ring complex cluster origin. The Nchanga Granite (Zambia) has all the characteristics of an anorogenic granite ring complex, and might have contributed to the origin of copper in its environs. Several sources of evidence indicate that the Kamanjab Batholith (Namibia) is an anorogenic cluster of ring complexes. Volcanic and plutonic rocks of similar composition make the batholith. Geological history for the Khorixas Inlier and the Kamanjab Batholith are significantly different. Complete Wilson cycles were not identified in the study areas of the Greater Lufilian Arc. The dominant magmatic process, as evidenced by the volume of extruded rock, is anorogenic continental epeirogenic uplift, closely-followed in time by a rift-related granitoid emplacement. Coalescing and overprinting aulacogens seem to be the main geological event in the Arc. Incipient migmatitization and alteration of Paleoproterozoic rocks modified their chemistry to a point where their environment of emplacement cannot be identified by traditional geochemical means. The anomalous thorium content in some granitoids of the Greater Lufilian Arc induced and maintained long-lived, large convective cells of hydrothermal fluid flow. E-W-trending regional fracture systems, that run parallel to the elongation of the Arc, play an important role in the emplacement of magmatism and IOCG mineralization. Those structures are generally parallel to the main Lufilian Arc trend, and could have been normal syn-rift faults reactivated multiple times during geological history. At least eight discrete periods of mineralization were identified in the Greater Lufilian Arc. There is a wide-spread series of midalkaline intrusions emplaced around 750 Ma that produces a variety of mineral deposits. Another event took place around 540±40 Ma. Five less well defined events occurred at ~1970, ~1930, ~1866, 1097-1059 and ~460 Ma. The dominant deposit type is iron oxide-copper-gold mineralization, but other types of mineral deposits are present in the Arc. At least two distinct events of disseminated copper mineralization associated to midalkaline granitoid intrusives were identified in the Kamanjab Batholith; the first took place around 1975 Ma and the second around 1928 Ma. The main IOCG events that have been identified in the Greater Lufilian Arc took place during eight time periods. The rocks of many IOCG deposits and prospects in the Arc are pristine. There is no significant deformaton involved. Hydrothermal brecciation and other mineralization features are un-deformed. Three discrete time periods show IOCG mineralization in close temporal spatial association with sedimentary-hosted copper deposits. The first took place around Witvlei (Namibia) from 1108 to 1059 Ma. The second and third ocurred in the basement to the Zambian Copperbelt from 882 to 725 Ma and from 607 to 500 Ma. This idea may generate a new concept for the origin of sedimentary-hosted copper and cobalt deposits

    Personal branding aplicado a estudiantes de nivel de postgrado en marketing en el Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración (CESA) año 2013

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    Personal Branding, es un concepto de marketing aplicado a las personas. Generar valor a una marca personal, es generarle valor a la persona como esencia básica para posicionarla en el mercado. Por medio de una imagen y concepto de marca individual, es posible ser diferenciado de otros. Hoy se puede retar a las personas a ser su propia marca, a compararse con las marcas líderes del mercado y gerenciarse como tal. El mercado laboral cada vez es más competido y lograr ser identificado es la estrategia. En este trabajo se realizó un estudio cuantitativo para investigar si los estudiantes de marketing a nivel de postgrado en el Colegio de Estudios Superiores de Administración (CESA), año 2013, usan el marketing personal en su vida laboral.Índice general. Resumen. Planteamiento del problema. Estado del arte. Marco teórico. Diseño metodológico. Resultados. Detalle de los resultados, Conclusiones. Bibliografía. Apéndices. Índice de tablas. Índice de ilustracionesMagíster en Dirección de Marketing, CESA.Maestrí

    Comparación del método AASTHO y el SETRA en Evaluación del desempeño dinámico en pasarelas ante vibraciones inducidas por peatones

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    Este trabajo de profundización está enfocado a determinar si la metodología propuesta por “AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS LRFD GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DESING OF PEDESTRIAN BRIGDES” AASTHO,(2012) , que implementa una derivación de las ecuaciones propuestas por Allen & Murray (1993), para ser usadas cuando la frecuencia vertical no supera el rango inferior de 3Hz, son adecuadas para diseñar pasarelas que tengan niveles de confort aceptables ante vibraciones inducidas por peatones. Se verificara mediante la comparación de resultados entre la metodología del AASTHO,(2012) y la del Service d'études sur les transports, les routes et leurs aménagements Setra,(2006). La metodología del trabajo se basó, en el análisis analítico con comprobación mediante modelos matemáticos y dos casos reales. Se definieron cinco familias de pasarelas con tipologías de estructuras comúnmente utilizadas en Colombia y que presentan frecuencias en la zona de riesgo por resonancia. Por cada familia se definieron tres especímenes de igual estructura pero variando la longitud libre entre apoyos con una longitud promedio de 30 ml, de esta manera se logró obtener variaciones en las frecuencias naturales de las familias que permitieran observar su efecto en la respuesta dinámica. Posteriormente se hicieron las verificaciones requeridas por la metodología del AASTHO,(2012) y se les practico la evaluación del desempeño dinámico del Setra, (2006) para tres densidades de peatones realizando un toral de 45 análisis. De los resultados obtenidos de los análisis a las familias de pasarelas se determinó que; en algunos casos aun cumpliendo los requisitos del método de la AASTHO,(2012) las pasarelas tenían niveles de confort mínimos o inaceptables basados en el método Setra, por lo cual el método AASTHO no es confiables para el diseño de pasarelas ante vibraciones inducidas por peatones. Adicionalmente se realizó la evaluación del desempeño dinámico ante vibraciones en dos casos reales; una que tiene niveles adecuados de confort, otra que presentó vibraciones excesivas y debió ser reforzada con un apoyo intermedio. En el primer caso real, Pasarela de la universidad EAFIT, se determinó que; no cumplía con el límite inferior de la AASTHO,(2012) de 3hz ya que su frecuencia fundamental es de 2.32 Hz, por ello se evaluó con la ecuación (6-1) de la AASTO,(2012), obteniendo un valor incongruente ya que dio valores de frecuencias negativas, luego se evaluó la ecuación (6-2) de la AASTO,(2012), obteniendo que cumple el requisito y no debería presentar problemas de vibraciones. Posteriormente se realizó en análisis de desempeño dinámico siguiendo la metodología Setra, concluyendo que los niveles de confort son aceptables. En este caso tanto la metodología del AASTO,(2012), y Setra, (2006) coinciden con el comportamiento real de la estructura. En el segundo caso real, pasarela metálica Pan de Azúcar, se determinó que; no cumplía con el límite inferior de la AASTO,(2012) de 3hz ya que su frecuencia fundamental es de 2.63 Hz, se evaluó con el con las ecuaciones (6-1), y (6-2) de la AASTO,(2012), cumpliendo en ambos casos por lo cual cumple el requisito y no debería presentar problemas de vibraciones. Posteriormente se realizó en análisis de desempeño dinámico siguiendo la metodología Setra, concluyendo que los niveles de confort son inaceptables. En este caso se evidencia que aun cumplimiento los requisitos de la AASTHO, el método del Setra predijo que los niveles de confort no serán adecuados, comportamiento que coincide con la respuesta real de la estructura durante su operación, la cual debió ser reforzada debido a problemas de vibraciones. Se concluyo en esta investigación que la ecuaciones (6-1) y (6-2), de la AASTO,(2012), no son confiables para diseñar pasarelas que tengan niveles de confort aceptables ante vibraciones inducidas por peatones. Palabras clave: desempeño dinámico en pasarelas, vibraciones inducidas por multitudes, vibraciones en puentes peatonales, vibraciones laterales, interacción humano estructura, Setra, AASHTO.This deepening work is focused on determining if the methodology proposed by "AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS LRFD GUIDE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE DESING OF PEDESTRIAN BRIGDES" AASTHO,(2012), which implements a derivation of the equations proposed by Allen & Murray (1993), to be used when the vertical frequency does not exceed the lower range of 3Hz, are suitable for designing walkways that have acceptable levels of comfort against vibrations induced by pedestrians. It will be verified by comparing the results between the AASTHO methodology, (2012) and that of the Service d'études sur les transports, les routes et leurs aménagements Setra, (2006). The methodology of the work was based on the analytical analysis with verification through mathematical models and two real cases. Five families of footbridges were defined with typologies of structures commonly used in Colombia and that present frequencies in the zone of risk due to resonance. For each family, three specimens of the same structure were defined but varying the free length between supports with an average length of 30 ml, in this way it was possible to obtain variations in the natural frequencies of the families that allowed observing their effect on the dynamic response. Subsequently, the verifications required by the AASTHO methodology (2012) were made and the dynamic performance evaluation of the Setra (2006) for three pedestrian densities was carried out, performing a total of 45 analyses. From the results obtained from the analysis of the gateway families, it was determined that; in some cases, even meeting the requirements of the AASTHO method, (2012) the walkways had minimal or unacceptable comfort levels based on the Setra method, for which the AASTHO method is not reliable for the design of walkways against vibrations induced by pedestrians . Additionally, the evaluation of the dynamic performance against vibrations was carried out in two real cases; one that has adequate levels of comfort, another that presented excessive vibrations and had to be reinforced with an intermediate support. In the first real case, Gateway of the EAFIT university, it was determined that; did not comply with the lower limit of the AASTHO,(2012) of 3hz since its fundamental frequency is 2.32 Hz, for this reason it was evaluated with the equation (6-1) of the AASTO,(2012), obtaining an incongruous value since which gave negative frequency values, then equation (6-2) of the AASTO (2012) was evaluated, obtaining that it meets the requirement and should not present vibration problems. Subsequently, a dynamic performance analysis was carried out following the Setra methodology, concluding that the comfort levels are acceptable. In this case, both the AASTO (2012) and Setra (2006) methodology coincide with the real behavior of the structure. In the second real case, Pan de Azúcar metal footbridge, it was determined that; did not meet the lower limit of the AASTO, (2012) of 3hz since its fundamental frequency is 2.63 Hz, it was evaluated with the equations (6-1), and (6-2) of the AASTO, (2012 ), complying in both cases for which it meets the requirement and should not present vibration problems. Subsequently, a dynamic performance analysis was carried out following the Setra methodology, concluding that the comfort levels are unacceptable. In this case, it is evident that even meeting the AASTHO requirements, the Setra method predicted that the comfort levels will not be adequate, a behavior that coincides with the real response of the structure during its operation, which had to be reinforced due to problems. of vibrations. It was concluded in this investigation that the equations (6-1) and (6-2), of the AASTO, (2012), are not reliable to design footbridges that have acceptable levels of comfort before vibrations induced by pedestrians. Keywords: dynamic walkway performance, crowd-induced vibrations, pedestrian bridge vibrations, lateral vibrations, human-structure interaction, Setra, AASHTO

    Transición de poder por otros medios : cambio de roles de Estados Unidos y China en la gobernanza ambiental global

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    Tras el triunfo de Donald Trump a la presidencia de Estados Unidos, la política exterior de la superpotencia dio un giro inesperado. Esto se evidenció en la declaración de la salida del famoso Acuerdo de París por parte del país, y la eliminación de varias leyes ambientales impuestas por la administración Obama. Estas acciones han dejado un vacío significante en la gobernanza ambiental global lo cual ha hecho que diferentes países comiencen a ver esto como una oportunidad para cambiar el orden global. China, una potencia emergente, ha comenzado a llenar este vacío con iniciativas y políticas ambientales favorables que lo hacen destacarse como una potencia que está a favor del medio ambiente y de cooperar con otros países para protegerlo. Este cambio de roles supone una transición de poder sin precedentes. Sin embargo, es necesario saber por qué se está dando.After Donald Trump's election as the president of the United States, the superpower's foreign policy took an unprecedented turn. This was demonstrated in the declaration where the President stated that he was withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and the elimination of some environmental laws the Obama administration had created. These actions have left a significant void in the global environmental governance which has led to different countries to see this void as an opportunity to change the global order. China, an emerging power, has begun to fill this void with environmental policies and initiatives that have allowed the country to stand out as a power that is environmentally friendly and is willing to cooperate with other countries to protect it. This change of roles entails an unprecedented power transition. However, it is necessary to understand why is this happening.InternacionalistaPregrad