252 research outputs found

    Combining semi-automated image analysis techniques with machine learning algorithms to accelerate large scale genetic studies

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    Background: Genetic analyses of plant root system development require large datasets of extracted architectural traits. To quantify such traits from images of root systems, researchers often have to choose between automated tools (that are prone to error and extract only a limited number of architectural traits) or semi-automated ones (that are highly time consuming). Findings: We trained a Random Forest algorithm to infer architectural traits from automatically-extracted image descriptors. The training was performed on a subset of the dataset, then applied to its entirety. This strategy allowed us to (i) decrease the image analysis time by 73% and (ii) extract meaningful architectural traits based on image descriptors. We also show that these traits are sufficient to identify Quantitative Trait Loci that had previously been discovered using a semi-automated method. Conclusions: We have shown that combining semi-automated image analysis with machine learning algorithms has the power to increase the throughput in large scale root studies. We expect that such an approach will enable the quantification of more complex root systems for genetic studies. We also believe that our approach could be extended to other area of plant phenotyping

    Uncovering natural variation in root system architecture and growth dynamics using a robotics-assisted phenomics platform

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    The plant kingdom contains a stunning array of complex morphologies easily observed above-ground, but more challenging to visualize below-ground. Understanding the magnitude of diversity in root distribution within the soil, termed root system architecture (RSA), is fundamental in determining how this trait contributes to species adaptation in local environments. Roots are the interface between the soil environment and the shoot system and therefore play a key role in anchorage, resource uptake, and stress resilience. Previously, we presented the GLO-Roots (Growth and Luminescence Observatory for Roots) system to study the RSA of soil-grown Arabidopsis thaliana plants from germination to maturity (Rellán-Álvarez et al., 2015). In this study, we present the automation of GLO-Roots using robotics and the development of image analysis pipelines in order to examine the temporal dynamic regulation of RSA and the broader natural variation of RSA in Arabidopsis, over time. These datasets describe the developmental dynamics of two independent panels of accessions and reveal highly complex and polygenic RSA traits that show significant correlation with climate variables of the accessions’ respective origins

    Demystifying roots: a need for clarification and extended concepts in root phenotyping

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    Plant roots have major roles in plant anchorage, resource acquisition and offer environmental benefits including carbon sequestration and soil erosion mitigation. As such, the study of root system architecture, anatomy and functional properties is of crucial interest to plant breeding, with the aim of sustainable yield production and environmental stewardship.Due to the importance of the root system studies, there is a need for clarification of terms and concepts in the root phenotyping community. In particular in this contribution, we advocate for the use of a reference naming system (ontologies) for roots and root phenes. Such uniformity would not only allow better understanding of research results, but would also enable a better sharing of data. In addition, we highlight the need to incorporate the concept of plasticity in breeding programs, as it is an essential component of root system development in heterogeneous environments

    Root system markup language: toward an unified root architecture description language

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    The number of image analysis tools supporting the extraction of architectural features of root systems has increased over the last years. These tools offer a handy set of complementary facilities, yet it is widely accepted that none of these software tool is able to extract in an efficient way growing array of static and dynamic features for different types of images and species. We describe the Root System Markup Language (RSML) that has been designed to overcome two major challenges: (i) to enable portability of root architecture data between different software tools in an easy and interoperable manner allowing seamless collaborative work, and (ii) to provide a standard format upon which to base central repositories which will soon arise following the expanding worldwide root phenotyping effort. RSML follows the XML standard to store 2D or 3D image metadata, plant and root properties and geometries, continuous functions along individual root paths and a suite of annotations at the image, plant or root scales, at one or several time points. Plant ontologies are used to describe botanical entities that are relevant at the scale of root system architecture. An xml-schema describes the features and constraints of RSML and open-source packages have been developed in several languages (R, Excel, Java, Python, C#) to enable researchers to integrate RSML files into popular research workflow

    Évaluations par Cartes Conceptuelles à trous et apprentissage par les pairs

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    Cet article décrit un nouveau dispositif d’évaluation des acquis d’apprentissage basé sur des cartes conceptuelles « à trous » (CCàT) permettant également l’apprentissage par les pairs en grands auditoires durant les tests et une correction automatisée par des formulaires QCM.L’intérêt du dispositif est de garantir une évaluation qualitative (à haut niveau taxonomique) des apprentissages tout en facilitant la conception et la correction de ces évaluations par l’enseignant, même pour de grands groupes d’étudiants (>500) et en favorisant la coopération entre étudiants en amont et pendant les évaluations

    Measuring root system traits of wheat in 2D images to parameterize 3D root architecture models

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    Background and aimsThe main difficulty in the use of 3D root architecture models is correct parameterization. We evaluated distributions of the root traits inter-branch distance, branching angle and axial root trajectories from contrasting experimental systems to improve model parameterization.MethodsWe analyzed 2D root images of different wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum) from three different sources using automatic root tracking. Model input parameters and common parameter patterns were identified from extracted root system coordinates. Simulation studies were used to (1) link observed axial root trajectories with model input parameters (2) evaluate errors due to the 2D (versus 3D) nature of image sources and (3) investigate the effect of model parameter distributions on root foraging performance.ResultsDistributions of inter-branch distances were approximated with lognormal functions. Branching angles showed mean values <90°. Gravitropism and tortuosity parameters were quantified in relation to downwards reorientation and segment angles of root axes. Root system projection in 2D increased the variance of branching angles. Root foraging performance was very sensitive to parameter distribution and variance.Conclusions2D image analysis can systematically and efficiently analyze root system architectures and parameterize 3D root architecture models. Effects of root system projection (2D from 3D) and deflection (at rhizotron face) on size and distribution of particular parameters are potentially significant