123 research outputs found

    Los desafíos del uso de la fuerza en el ciberespacio

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    La mayor dependencia de los Estados de las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación y consecuentemente su mayor vulnerabilidad ha provocado que la ciberseguridad se convierta en uno de los principales tópicos de debate de la comunidad internacional. En este aspecto, es de trascendental importancia la determinación del modo en que las normas del ius ad bellum, es decir, el conjunto de normas que regulan la utilización de la fuerza en el contexto internacional, se aplican en el ámbito del ciberespacio. En el presente trabajo se exploran las principales aristas que presenta esta problemática.Fil: Llorens, María Pilar. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones Jurídicas y Sociales; Argentin

    Crossing Routes: Artificial Intelligence Governance and Human Rights in Latin America

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    Currently ongoing efforts are underway to develop normative frameworks for AI governance at different levels, including the Latin American region. These normative frameworks tend to highlight that the “respect and protection of human rights” should be at the core of AI development. However, the meaning of that expression remains to be explored. This work aims to understand the distinctive policy implications that arise for Latin American States when adopting a human centered approach to AI governance.Fil: Llorens, María Pilar. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Centro de Investigaciones Juridícas y Sociales; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentin

    Effect of different substrates for organic agriculture in seedling development of traditional species of Solanaceae

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    Sowing of seedlings is one of the most critical processes on the establishment of a crop, since the future development of the plant depends largely on its health when is planted on the field. Moreover, organic agriculture has to deal with the low application of fertilizers and pesticides, which hinder the growth of seedlings. In this work, we studied the big influence of different mixtures of substrates suitable for organic agriculture based on peat, coconut husk and vermicompost in traditional varieties of tomato, pepper and eggplant. Our results indicate that the use of coconut husk based substrates in organic agriculture can reduce the growth of seedlings between 20 and 30% compared with peat-based substrates. Moreover, the plants growth in this substrate showed lower levels of chlorophyll and lower weight, but the results are strongly dependent on the species tested. Comparison between traditional plants demonstrates that traditional varieties are strongly influenced by the substrate, whereas the growth of a commercial variety of tomato barely differs when different substrates are used. The election of the substrate in organic agriculture is critical to the correct development of the plant, especially when traditional plant varieties are used.This work was carried under the collaboration agreement for training of students between the Universitat Jaume I and El3ments Sun, Water & Land Project

    Incidencia de la pandemia covid-19 en derechos fundamentales. Las organizaciones internacionales y la seguridad de los estados

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    A lo largo de la evolución de la sociedad, han existido hechos que han generado eventos que modifican el curso paulatino sobre el cual se vienen desarrollando los eventos y los comportamientos de los actores y sujetos internacionales. El año 2020 quedará marcado por uno de ellos y nos plantea nuevos desafíos para conocer cómo se desarrollarán las relaciones entre los Estados y los comportamientos de otros actores dentro de la comunidad internacional. La pandemia ha barrido pronósticos, infinidad de sesudos estudios de prospectiva hechos por organismos internos e internacionales, públicos y privados, sobre el mundo del porvenir. Como pasa con las quinielas, los expertos no tienen, a menudo, más posibilidades de acertar en estos análisis. La expansión de la pandemia del virus COVID-19 ha puesto a los Estados y otros sujetos internacionales en una situación de emergencia de salud global, que posteriormente ha generado otras repercusiones en lo social, económico y sobre el abordaje de las restricciones de algunas libertades y respeto de derechos humanos. Esta pandemia está impactando en la gestión de crisis de los Estados, pero también en cómo se han venido efectuando las relaciones internacionales entre éstos y los procesos de cooperación internacional. Hasta esta reciente realidad de crisis internacional, las normas internacionales existentes en la gestión de pandemias no conllevaban gran atención de la comunidad internacional y se reducían más bien al seno del trabajo de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y de órganos regionales como la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS).Fil: Sommer, Christian G. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho; Argentina.Fil: Sommer, Christian G. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho. Instituto de Derechos Humanos; Argentina.Fil: Llorens, María Pilar. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho; Argentina.Fil: Benítez, Oscar. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho; Argentina.Fil: Costilla, Guillermo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Derecho; Argentina

    Chemodiversity of wild populations of aromatic plants as source of valuable essential oil profiles. A study on Thymus vulgaris L. from Valencia (Spain)

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    [EN] Chemodiversity of wild populations of aromatic plants is a valuable source of essential oils, whose composition may be suitable for specific purposes according their biological activity. Furthermore, knowing the intrapopulational variability based on individual analysis has allowed characterizing atypical profiles, which can reach high levels of active compounds. Obviously, it requires the treatment of a high number of individual samples. In this work, a methodology to characterize T. vulgaris profiles in an area of recognized biodiversity was proposed and applied. After Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) screening data of 85 individual samples, 7 groups, and 13 individuals were classified. Then, 20 samples were subjected to GC/MS and GC/FID analysis, respectively. These data were subjected to Hierarchical Agglomerative, Discriminant Analysis and ANOVA, which finally highlighted five profiles: (1) based on the camphane skeleton (camphene, camphor and borneol), (2) rich in the oxygenated sesquiterpenic fraction, (3) rich in 1,8-cineole, with appreciable amounts of camphor and borneol (typical chemotype from Eastern Iberian Peninsula), (4) camphor and terpinen-4-ol as major compounds, and (5) linalool chemotype. It should be noted that the percentages of the main compounds in these groups were higher than some of those described in the literature for similar chemotypes. In summary, the preliminary screening by TLC, grouping individuals with similar profiles, allowed establishing a quick first approximation to the chemodiversity of T. vulgaris in the studied area. Furthermore, the analysis of unclassified and potentially atypical individuals has also provided valuable information to establish the final profiles.Llorens Molina, JA.; Vacas, S.; Burgals Royo, E.; Santamarina Siurana, MP.; Verdeguer Sancho, MM. (2020). Chemodiversity of wild populations of aromatic plants as source of valuable essential oil profiles. A study on Thymus vulgaris L. from Valencia (Spain). Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils. 7(3):29-50. https://doi.org/10.37929/nveo.722313S29507

    Radiovisiografía : nueva alternativa diagnóstica en odontoestomatología

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    Para el diagnóstico de diversas patologías odontológicas, la exploración de tejidos blandos y duros debe ser rigurosa. En muchas ocasiones, además de las técnicas de inspección, palpación, percusión y auscultación podemos servirnos de métodos complementarios como sondaje, aspiración, citología, biopsia, cultivos y para el diagnóstico por imagen nos valdremos de la radiología simple y de contraste. Actualmente podemos disponer de un nuevo método llamado Visiorradiología, que nos proporciona una serie de ventajas frente a la radiología convencional. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio comparativo entre la radiología simple y la visiorradiología en base al estudio de diversas piezas dentales, concluyéndose con los mejores resultados y posibilidades de la segunda con respecto a la primera en cuanto a rapidez, tratamiento de imágenes así como la posibilidad de almacenamiento en soporte magnético y control visual mediante impresora para el dueño de los animales.To diagnose some odontologic pathologies, the soft and tough tissues exploration must be strict. Sometimes, we can use complementary methods like sounding, aspiration, citology, biopsy, cultures and image diagnosis using ordinary and contrast radiology; in addition to the following techniques: examination, palpation, percution and auscultation. Actually we can have available a new method provide us advantages against the conventional radiology. In this study we present a comparative study between the simple radiology and the visiorradiology according to some tooth studies. We demonstrate that visiorradiology is beíter for the speed, images quality as well as the storing possibility . in magnetic supports and visual control trough the printer for the owner

    Emergency department direct discharge compared to short-stay unit admission for selected patients with acute heart failure: analysis of short-term outcomes

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    Insuficiència cardíaca; Serveis d'urgències mèdiques; MortalitatHeart failure; Emergency service, hospital; MortalityInsuficiencia cardíaca; Servicio hospitalario de urgencias; MortalidadShort stay unit (SSU) is an alternative to conventional hospitalization in patients with acute heart failure (AHF), but the prognosis is not known compared to direct discharge from the emergency department (ED). To determine whether direct discharge from the ED of patients diagnosed with AHF is associated with early adverse outcomes versus hospitalization in SSU. Endpoints, defined as 30-day all-cause mortality or post-discharge adverse events, were evaluated in patients diagnosed with AHF in 17 Spanish EDs with an SSU, and compared by ED discharge vs. SSU hospitalization. Endpoint risk was adjusted for baseline and AHF episode characteristics and in patients matched by propensity score (PS) for SSU hospitalization. Overall, 2358 patients were discharged home and 2003 were hospitalized in SSUs. Discharged patients were younger, more frequently men, with fewer comorbidities, had better baseline status, less infection, rapid atrial fibrillation and hypertensive emergency as the AHF trigger, and had a lower severity of AHF episode. While their 30-day mortality rate was lower than in patients hospitalized in SSU (4.4% vs. 8.1%, p < 0.001), 30-day post-discharge adverse events were similar (27.2% vs. 28.4%, p = 0.599). After adjustment, there were no differences in the 30-day risk of mortality of discharged patients (adjusted HR 0.846, 95% CI 0.637-1.107) or adverse events (1.035, 0.914-1.173). In 337 pairs of PS-matched patients, there were no differences in mortality or risk of adverse event between patients directly discharged or admitted to an SSU (0.753, 0.409-1.397; and 0.858, 0.645-1.142; respectively). Direct ED discharge of patients diagnosed with AHF provides similar outcomes compared to patients with similar characteristics and hospitalized in a SSU.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following fnancial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was partially supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III supported with funds from the Spanish Ministry of Health and FEDER (PI15/01019, PI18/00393) and Fundació La Marató de TV3 (2015/2510). The Emergencies: Processes and Pathologies research group of the IDIBAPS receives fnancial support from the Catalonian government for consolidated groups of investigation (GRC 2009/1385 and 2014/0313)

    A Novel Route for the Easy Production of Thermochromic VO₂ Nanoparticles

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    In this work, a simple, fast and dry method for the fabrication of a thermochromic product with a high load of VO2 (M1) consisting of the controlled heat treatment of pure vanadium nanoparticles in air is presented. After a complete design of experiments, it is concluded that the most direct way to attain the maximum transformation of V into VO2 (M1) consists of one cycle with a fast heating ramp of 42°Cs-1 , followed by keeping 700°C for 530-600 seconds, and a subsequent cooling at 0.05°Cs-1 . Careful examination of these results lead to a second optimum, even more suitable for industrial production (quicker and less energy-intensive because of its lower temperatures and shorter times), consisting of subjecting V to two consecutive cycles of temperatures and times (625°C for 5 minutes) with similar preheating (42°Cs-1 ) but a much faster postcooling ( 8°Cs-1 ). These green reactions only use the power for heating a tube open to atmosphere and a vanadium precursor; without assistance of reactive gases or catalysts, and no special vacuum or pressure requirements. The best products present similar thermochromic properties but higher thermal stability than commercial VO2 particles. These methods can be combined with VO2 doping.A. J. Santos would like to thank the IMEYMAT Institute and the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Cultura for the concessions of grants (ICARO-173873 and FPU16-04386). University of Cádiz and IMEYMAT are also agreed by financing the mutual facilities available at the UCA R&D Central Services (SC-ICYT), the UCA project references “PUENTE PR2020-003” and “OTRI AT2019/ 032”, and the IMEYMAT projects “PLP2019120-3” and “PLP2021120-1”. Additional support was given by the Spanish State Agency of Research through the “Retos” call (Project No. 1572, Ref. PID2020-114418RB-I00/ AEI / 10.13039/ 501100011033). The regional government of Andalusia with FEDER cofunding also participates through the projects AT-5983 Trewa 1157178 and FEDER-UCA18-10788, and the contract hiring M. Escanciano

    Induced resistance in sweet orange against 'Xanthomonas citri' subsp. 'citri' by hexanoic acid

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    Abstract Citrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri, is a serious and wide-spread disease of citrus, causing losses in fruit yield and quality. There are no highly effective citrus canker disease control measures. Repeated spray applications of copper are often employed to protect fruit from bacterial infection with consequences for copper phytotoxicity and accumulation in the soil. Alternatively, innate plant defense mechanisms can be enhanced by plant treatments with specific natural and synthetic inducers for control of bacterial diseases. In this study, hexanoic acid applied as a soil drench or foliar spray on 9-month-old potted citrus trees reduced lesions on leaves by 50% compared with control plants. Disease-reducing activity lasted up to 50 days after application. Induction of resistance mediated by hexanoic acid was demonstrated by enhanced expression of Pathogenesis-related (PR) genes and callose deposition in treated and infected plants. These findings indicated that hexanoic acid applications trigger a defensive response in the plants. The application of this natural compound may have potential for management of citrus canker in conjunction with other disease control measures and may reduce the frequency or rate of copper bactericides

    Resistance Inducers Modulate Pseudomonas syringae pv. Tomato Strain DC3000 Response in Tomato Plants

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    The efficacy of hexanoic acid (Hx) as an inducer of resistance in tomato plants against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 was previously demonstrated, and the plant response was characterized. Because little is known about the reaction of the pathogen to this effect, the goal of the present work was to determine whether the changes in the plant defence system affect the pathogen behaviour. This work provides the first demonstration of the response of the pathogen to the changes observed in plants after Hx application in terms of not only the population size but also the transcriptional levels of genes involved in quorum sensing establishment and pathogenesis. Therefore, it is possible that Hx treatment attenuates the virulence and survival of bacteria by preventing or diminishing the appearance of symptoms and controlling the growth of the bacteria in the mesophyll. It is interesting to note that the gene transcriptional changes in the bacteria from the treated plants occur at the same time as the changes in the plants. Hx is able to alter bacteria pathogenesis and survival only when it is applied as a resistance inducer because the changes that it promotes in plants affect the bacteria