36 research outputs found

    Chromosomal Differences between European and North American Atlantic salmon Discovered by Linkage Mapping and Supported by Fluorescence in situ Hybridization Analysis

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    BACKGROUND:Geographical isolation has generated a distinct difference between Atlantic salmon of European and North American Atlantic origin. The European Atlantic salmon generally has 29 pairs of chromosomes and 74 chromosome arms whereas it has been reported that the North American Atlantic salmon has 27 chromosome pairs and an NF of 72. In order to predict the major chromosomal rearrangements causing these differences, we constructed a dense linkage map for Atlantic salmon of North American origin and compared it with the well-developed map for European Atlantic salmon.RESULTS:The presented male and female genetic maps for the North American subspecies of Atlantic salmon, contains 3,662 SNPs located on 27 linkage groups. The total lengths of the female and male linkage maps were 2,153cM and 968cM respectively, with males characteristically showing recombination only at the telomeres. We compared these maps with recently published SNP maps from European Atlantic salmon, and predicted three chromosomal reorganization events that we then tested using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis. The proposed rearrangements, which define the differences in the karyotypes of the North American Atlantic salmon relative to the European Atlantic salmon, include the translocation of the p arm of ssa01 to ssa23 and polymorphic fusions: ssa26 with ssa28, and ssa08 with ssa29.CONCLUSIONS:This study identified major chromosomal differences between European and North American Atlantic salmon. However, while gross structural differences were significant, the order of genetic markers at the fine-resolution scale was remarkably conserved. This is a good indication that information from the International Cooperation to Sequence the Atlantic salmon Genome, which is sequencing a European Atlantic salmon, can be transferred to Atlantic salmon from North America

    Beyond large-effect loci : large-scale GWAS reveals a mixed large-effect and polygenic architecture for age at maturity of Atlantic salmon

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    Background Understanding genetic architecture is essential for determining how traits will change in response to evolutionary processes such as selection, genetic drift and/or gene flow. In Atlantic salmon, age at maturity is an important life history trait that affects factors such as survival, reproductive success, and growth. Furthermore, age at maturity can seriously impact aquaculture production. Therefore, characterizing the genetic architecture that underlies variation in age at maturity is of key interest. Results Here, we refine our understanding of the genetic architecture for age at maturity of male Atlantic salmon using a genome-wide association study of 11,166 males from a single aquaculture strain, using imputed genotypes at 512,397 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). All individuals were genotyped with a 50K SNP array and imputed to higher density using parents genotyped with a 930K SNP array and pedigree information. We found significant association signals on 28 of 29 chromosomes (P-values: 8.7 x 10(-133)-9.8 x 10(-8)), including two very strong signals spanning the six6 and vgll3 gene regions on chromosomes 9 and 25, respectively. Furthermore, we identified 116 independent signals that tagged 120 candidate genes with varying effect sizes. Five of the candidate genes found here were previously associated with age at maturity in other vertebrates, including humans. Discussion These results reveal a mixed architecture of large-effect loci and a polygenic component that consists of multiple smaller-effect loci, suggesting a more complex genetic architecture of Atlantic salmon age at maturity than previously thought. This more complex architecture will have implications for selection on this key trait in aquaculture and for management of wild salmon populations.Peer reviewe

    Beyond large-effect loci : large-scale GWAS reveals a mixed large-effect and polygenic architecture for age at maturity of Atlantic salmon

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    Background Understanding genetic architecture is essential for determining how traits will change in response to evolutionary processes such as selection, genetic drift and/or gene flow. In Atlantic salmon, age at maturity is an important life history trait that affects factors such as survival, reproductive success, and growth. Furthermore, age at maturity can seriously impact aquaculture production. Therefore, characterizing the genetic architecture that underlies variation in age at maturity is of key interest. Results Here, we refine our understanding of the genetic architecture for age at maturity of male Atlantic salmon using a genome-wide association study of 11,166 males from a single aquaculture strain, using imputed genotypes at 512,397 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). All individuals were genotyped with a 50K SNP array and imputed to higher density using parents genotyped with a 930K SNP array and pedigree information. We found significant association signals on 28 of 29 chromosomes (P-values: 8.7 x 10(-133)-9.8 x 10(-8)), including two very strong signals spanning the six6 and vgll3 gene regions on chromosomes 9 and 25, respectively. Furthermore, we identified 116 independent signals that tagged 120 candidate genes with varying effect sizes. Five of the candidate genes found here were previously associated with age at maturity in other vertebrates, including humans. Discussion These results reveal a mixed architecture of large-effect loci and a polygenic component that consists of multiple smaller-effect loci, suggesting a more complex genetic architecture of Atlantic salmon age at maturity than previously thought. This more complex architecture will have implications for selection on this key trait in aquaculture and for management of wild salmon populations.Peer reviewe

    A Dense SNP-Based Linkage Map for Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Reveals extended Chromosome Homeologies and Striking Differences in Sex-Specific Recombination Patterns

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    Background: The Atlantic salmon genome is in the process of returning to a diploid state after undergoing awhole genome duplication (WGD) event between 25 and100 million years ago. Existing data on the proportion ofparalogous sequence variants (PSVs), multisite variants (MSVs) and other types of complex sequence variationsuggest that the rediplodization phase is far from over. The aims of this study were to construct a high densitylinkage map for Atlantic salmon, to characterize the extent of rediploidization and to improve our understandingof genetic differences between sexes in this species.Results: A linkage map for Atlantic salmon comprising 29 chromosomes and 5650 single nucleotidepolymorphisms (SNPs) was constructed using genotyping data from 3297 fish belonging to 143 families. Of these,2696 SNPs were generated from ESTs or other gene associated sequences. Homeologous chromosomal regionswere identified through the mapping of duplicated SNPs and through the investigation of syntenic relationshipsbetween Atlantic salmon and the reference genome sequence of the threespine stickleback (Gasterosteusaculeatus). The sex-specific linkage maps spanned a total of 2402.3 cM in females and 1746.2 cM in males,highlighting a difference in sex specific recombination rate (1.38:1) which is much lower than previously reportedin Atlantic salmon. The sexes, however, displayed striking differences in the distribution of recombination siteswithin linkage groups, with males showing recombination strongly localized to telomeres.Conclusion: The map presented here represents a valuable resource for addressing important questions of interestto evolution (the process of re-diploidization), aquaculture and salmonid life history biology and not least as aresource to aid the assembly of the forthcoming Atlantic salmon reference genome sequence

    Genome-wide reconstruction of rediploidization following autopolyploidization across one hundred million years of salmonid evolution

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    Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council grant BBS/E/D/10002070 and the Frimedbio program of the Research Council of Norway (grant number 241016). MKG received studentship funding from a University of Aberdeen Elphinstone scholarship with additional support from the Government of Karnataka. We thank Dr Sebastian Beggel, Dr Bernhard C. Stoeckle, Jens-Eike Täuber and Ms Haiyu Ding at the Aquatic Systems Biology Unit, Technical University of Munich for their support in sampling huchen. We thank Dr Torfinn Nome for supporting bioinformatic analyses. We thank Madhusudhan Gundappa (Twitter: @fish_lines) for providing species illustrations in Figure 1. We also thanks Dr Gareth Gillard (Norwegian University of Life Sciences) for support with the RNA-Seq data. The Earlham Institute performed library preparation and sequencing used in the huchen genome assembly.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Dissecting the loci underlying maturation timing in Atlantic salmon using haplotype and multi-SNP based association methods

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    Characterizing the role of different mutational effect sizes in the evolution of fitness-related traits has been a major goal in evolutionary biology for a century. Such characterization in a diversity of systems, both model and non-model, will help to understand the genetic processes underlying fitness variation. However, well-characterized genetic architectures of such traits in wild populations remain uncommon. In this study, we used haplotype-based and multi-SNP Bayesian association methods with sequencing data for 313 individuals from wild populations to test the mutational composition of known candidate regions for sea age at maturation in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). We detected an association at five loci out of 116 candidates previously identified in an aquaculture strain with maturation timing in wild Atlantic salmon. We found that at four of these five loci, variation explained by the locus was predominantly driven by a single SNP suggesting the genetic architecture of this trait includes multiple loci with simple, non-clustered alleles and a locus with potentially more complex alleles. This highlights the diversity of genetic architectures that can exist for fitness-related traits. Furthermore, this study provides a useful multi-SNP framework for future work using sequencing data to characterize genetic variation underlying phenotypes in wild populations.Peer reviewe

    Distribution of ancestral proto-Actinopterygian chromosome arms within the genomes of 4R-derivative salmonid fishes (Rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon)

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    Comparative genomic studies suggest that the modern day assemblage of ray-finned fishes have descended from an ancestral grouping of fishes that possessed 12-13 linkage groups. All jawed vertebrates are postulated to have experienced two whole genome duplications (WGD) in their ancestry (2R duplication). Salmonids have experienced one additional WGD (4R duplication event) compared to most extant teleosts which underwent a further 3R WGD compared to other vertebrates. We describe the organization of the 4R chromosomal segments of the proto-rayfinned fish karyotype in Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout based upon their comparative syntenies with two model species of 3R ray-finned fishes. Results: Evidence is presented for the retention of large whole-arm affinities between the ancestral linkage groups of the ray-finned fishes, and the 50 homeologous chromosomal segments in Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout. In the comparisons between the two salmonid species, there is also evidence for the retention of large whole-arm homeologous affinities that are associated with the retention of duplicated markers. Five of the 7 pairs of chromosomal arm regions expressing the highest level of duplicate gene expression in rainbow trout share homologous synteny to the 5 pairs of homeologs with the greatest duplicate gene expression in Atlantic salmon. These regions are derived from proto-Actinopterygian linkage groups B, C, E, J and K. Conclusion: Two chromosome arms in Danio rerio and Oryzias latipes (descendants of the 3R duplication) can, in most instances be related to at least 4 whole or partial chromosomal arms in the salmonid species. Multiple arm assignments in the two salmonid species do not clearly support a 13 proto-linkage group model, and suggest that a 12 proto-linkage group arrangement (i.e., a separate single chromosome duplication and ancestral fusion/fissions/recombination within the putative G/H/I groupings) may have occurred in the more basal soft-rayed fishes. We also found evidence supporting the model that ancestral linkage group M underwent a single chromosome duplication following the 3R duplication. In the salmonids, the M ancestral linkage groups are localized to 5 whole arm, and 3 partial arm regions (i.e., 6 whole arm regions expected). Thus, 3 distinct ancestral linkage groups are postulated to have existed in the G/H and M lineage chromosomes in the ancestor of the salmonids

    Advancing fish breeding in aquaculture through genome functional annotation

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    Genomics is increasingly applied in breeding programmes for farmed fish and shellfish species around the world. However, current applications do not include information on genome functional activity, which can enhance opportunities to predict relationships between genotypes and phenotypes and hence increase the accuracy of selection. Here, we review prospects for improving aquaculture breeding practises through the uptake of functional genomics data in light of the EU Horizon 2020 project AQUA-FAANG: ‘Advancing European Aquaculture by Genome Functional Annotation’. This consortium targeted the six major farmed fish species in European aquaculture, producing thousands of functional genomic datasets from samples representing embryos to mature adults of both sexes, and following immunological stimulation. This data was used to catalogue functional activity across the genome of each species, revealing transcribed regions, distinct chromatin states and regulatory elements impacting gene expression. These functional annotations were shared as open data through the Ensembl genome browser using the latest reference genomes for each species. AQUA-FAANG data offers novel opportunities to identify and prioritize causative genetic variants responsible for diverse traits including disease resistance, which can be exploited to enhance selective breeding. Such knowledge and associated resources have the potential to improve sustainability and boost production in aquaculture by accelerating genetic gain for health and robustness to infection, whilst reducing the requirement for animal testing. We further outline directions to advance and leverage genome functional annotation beyond the AQUA-FAANG project. Given the diversity of aquaculture sectors and businesses, the incorporation of functional genomic information into breeding decisions will depend on technological readiness level and scale of operation, with cost-benefit analysis necessary to determine the most profitable approach for each species and production system

    Fish scales and SNP chips: SNP genotyping and allele frequency estimation in individual and pooled DNA from historical samples of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    BACKGROUND: DNA extracted from historical samples is an important resource for understanding genetic consequences of anthropogenic influences and long-term environmental change. However, such samples generally yield DNA of a lower amount and quality, and the extent to which DNA degradation affects SNP genotyping success and allele frequency estimation is not well understood. We conducted high density SNP genotyping and allele frequency estimation in both individual DNA samples and pooled DNA samples extracted from dried Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) scales stored at room temperature for up to 35 years, and assessed genotyping success, repeatability and accuracy of allele frequency estimation using a high density SNP genotyping array. RESULTS: In individual DNA samples, genotyping success and repeatability was very high (> 0.973 and > 0.998, respectively) in samples stored for up to 35 years; both increased with the proportion of DNA of fragment size > 1000 bp. In pooled DNA samples, allele frequency estimation was highly repeatable (Repeatability = 0.986) and highly correlated with empirical allele frequency measures (Mean Adjusted R(2) = 0.991); allele frequency could be accurately estimated in > 95% of pooled DNA samples with a reference group of at least 30 individuals. SNPs located in polyploid regions of the genome were more sensitive to DNA degradation: older samples had lower genotyping success at these loci, and a larger reference panel of individuals was required to accurately estimate allele frequencies. CONCLUSIONS: SNP genotyping was highly successful in degraded DNA samples, paving the way for the use of degraded samples in SNP genotyping projects. DNA pooling provides the potential for large scale population genetic studies with fewer assays, provided enough reference individuals are also genotyped and DNA quality is properly assessed beforehand. We provide recommendations for future studies intending to conduct high-throughput SNP genotyping and allele frequency estimation in historical samples