178 research outputs found

    Open-Source GEMM Hardware Kernels Generator: Toward Numerically-Tailored Computations

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    Many scientific computing problems can be reduced to Matrix-Matrix Multiplications (MMM), making the General Matrix Multiply (GEMM) kernels in the Basic Linear Algebra Subroutine (BLAS) of interest to the high-performance computing community. However, these workloads have a wide range of numerical requirements. Ill-conditioned linear systems require high-precision arithmetic to ensure correct and reproducible results. In contrast, emerging workloads such as deep neural networks, which can have millions up to billions of parameters, have shown resilience to arithmetic tinkering and precision lowering

    Fiberweb : visualisation et interaction dans le web en imagerie par résonance magnétique de diffusion

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    Ce mémoire présente une nouvelle application web permettant de visualiser et d'interagir avec des données d'imagerie médicale provenant principalement de l'imagerie par résonance magnétique de diffusion, une technique non-invasive permettant d'explorer la matière blanche du cerveau. Dans le premier chapitre, un historique de la diffusion, l'explication de divers concept importants du domaine ainsi qu'un survol des méthodes de visualisation seront présentés. Le deuxième chapitre présentera le web, et plus précisément la technologie qui a rendu possible l'existence du Fiberweb : WebGL. Des choix de design du Fiberweb seront également abordés. Le troisième chapitre est la contribution principale de ce mémoire. Il consiste en un article présentant le Fiberweb, ses fonctionnalités et également une nouvelle technique de tractographie en temps réel probabiliste. Finalement, les diverses problématiques non-résolues liées à notre application, ses utilisations potentielles et ses perspectives futures seront discutées

    Enabling Green Energy awareness in Interactive Cloud Application

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    International audienceWith the proliferation of Cloud computing, data centers have to urgently face energy consumption issues. Although recent efforts such as the integration of renewable energy to data centers or energy efficient techniques in (virtual) machines contribute to the reduction of carbon footprint, creating green energy awareness around Interactive Cloud Applications by smartly using the presence of green energy has not been yet addressed. By awareness, we mean the inherited capability of Software-as-a-Service applications to dynamically adapt with the availability of green energy and to reduce energy consumption while green energy is scarce or absent. In this paper, we present two application controllers based on different metrics (e.g., availability of green energy, response time, user experience level). Based on extensive experiments with a real application benchmark and workloads in Grid'5000, results suggest that providers revenue can be increased as high as 64%, while 13% brown energy can be reduced without deprovisioning any physical or virtual resources at IaaS layer and 17 fold increment of performance can be guaranteed

    Bibliothèque publique, un lieu de travail (La)

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    Les troubles musculo-squelettiques sont fréquents chez les personnels de bibliothèques, en raison des postures statiques prolongées, des mouvements répétés, de l\u27utilisation d\u27outils informatiques ou de tâches de manutention. Ce rapport fait état de travaux qui ont mené à l\u27élaboration d\u27un modèle d\u27intervention ergonomique pour contribuer aux projets d\u27aménagement et concevoir des situations de travail qui ne soient pas source d\u27atteintes à la santé pour le personnel. Ces travaux leur ont permis d\u27établir un lien entre les activités du travail en bibliothèque et de nombreux facteurs de risques de troubles musculo-squelettiques. Les auteurs ont documenté l\u27influence de différents choix faits pendant deux projets d\u27aménagement en bibliothèque sur l\u27apparition de telles lésions. Les résultats de leur étude ont servi de base à la rédaction de publications pratiques qui permettent aux gestionnaires et au personnel des bibliothèques, aux ergonomes et aux spécialistes municipaux en santé et en sécurité du travail d\u27effectuer des choix d\u27équipements et d\u27aménagement qui tiennent compte de la prévention des troubles musculo-squelettiques

    Intégration de la prévention des TMS dès la conception d\u27un aménagement : le cas des bibliothèques publiques

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    Les troubles musculo-squelettiques sont fréquents chez les personnels de bibliothèques, en raison des postures statiques prolongées, des mouvements répétés, de l\u27utilisation d\u27outils informatiques ou de tâches de manutention. Ce rapport fait état de travaux qui ont mené à l\u27élaboration d\u27un modèle d\u27intervention ergonomique pour contribuer aux projets d\u27aménagement et concevoir des situations de travail qui ne soient pas source d\u27atteintes à la santé pour le personnel. Ces travaux leur ont permis d\u27établir un lien entre les activités du travail en bibliothèque et de nombreux facteurs de risques de troubles musculo-squelettiques. Les auteurs ont documenté l\u27influence de différents choix faits pendant deux projets d\u27aménagement en bibliothèque sur l\u27apparition de telles lésions. Les résultats de leur étude ont servi de base à la rédaction de publications pratiques qui permettent aux gestionnaires et au personnel des bibliothèques, aux ergonomes et aux spécialistes municipaux en santé et en sécurité du travail d\u27effectuer des choix d\u27équipements et d\u27aménagement qui tiennent compte de la prévention des troubles musculo-squelettiques

    The SAFRAN-ISBA-MODCOU hydrometeorological model applied over France

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    An edited version of this paper was published by AGU. Copyright (2008) American Geophysical UnionThe hydrometeorological model SIM consists in a meterological analysis system (SAFRAN), a land surface model (ISBA) and a hydrogeological model (MODCOU). It generates atmospheric forcing at an hourly time step, and it computes water and surface energy budgets, the river ow at more than 900 rivergauging stations, and the level of several aquifers. SIM was extended over all of France in order to have a homogeneous nation-wide monitoring of the water resources: it can therefore be used to forecast flood risk and to monitor drought risk over the entire nation. The hydrometeorologival model was applied over a 10-year period from 1995 to 2005. In this paper the databases used by the SIM model are presented, then the 10-year simulation is assessed by using the observations of daily stream-flow, piezometric head, and snow depth. This assessment shows that SIM is able to reproduce the spatial and temporal variabilities of the water fluxes. The efficiency is above 0.55 (reasonable results) for 66 % of the simulated rivergages, and above 0.65 (rather good results) for 36 % of them. However, the SIM system produces worse results during the driest years, which is more likely due to the fact that only few aquifers are simulated explicitly. The annual evolution of the snow depth is well reproduced, with a square correlation coeficient around 0.9 over the large altitude range in the domain. The stream ow observations were used to estimate the overall error of the simulated latent heat ux, which was estimated to be less than 4 %

    Contribuer à un projet d’aménagement par l’analyse ergonomique du travail : le cas d’une bibliothèque publique

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    L’ergonomie est de plus en plus intégrée à la conception de situations de travail, que ce soit dans le cadre de projets industriels ou de projets architecturaux. Dans ce dernier cas, en participant à la définition des espaces, les ergonomes contribuent également à influencer, en partie, l’organisation du travail future. Lors d’une intervention dans un projet de construction d’une nouvelle bibliothèque, des ergonomes chercheurs ont accompagné le déroulement du projet, aux phases concours d’architecture, études de concepts et études préliminaires. C’est en s’appuyant essentiellement sur l’analyse ergonomique du travail effectuée dans la bibliothèque existante, de même que dans des sites de référence que les ergonomes ont pu analyser les propositions architecturales et élaborer, avec un groupe de travail, des suggestions de modifications au cadre futur de travail. Cet article rend compte des activités mises en œuvre par les ergonomes au cours de leur intervention, notamment l’analyse ergonomique du travail, et de la manière dont l’intervention a pu influencer l’espace et l’organisation du travail. La trajectoire de la conception de deux des trois étages du bâtiment de la nouvelle bibliothèque illustrera ce propos et nous amènera à discuter de la portée et des limites de l’intervention ergonomique d’accompagnement et des conditions qui en rendent possible une issue positive pour le travail futur.Ergonomic considerations are increasingly being factored into work situation design, in both industrial and architectural projects. In the latter case, by participating in the definition of spaces, ergonomists also have an impact, in part, on future work organisation. Ergonomic researchers accompanied the construction of a new library in the architectural competition, design study and preliminary study phases. Basing themselves primarily on the ergonomic work analysis of the existing library and reference sites, the ergonomists analyzed the architectural proposals and then developed, with a working group, suggestions for modifying the future work framework. This article discusses the intervention activities implemented by the ergonomists during their intervention, namely ergonomic work analysis, and how the intervention was able to affect the work space and work organization. The design trajectory of two of the new library’s three floors will illustrate this and lead to a discussion of the scope and limitations of the accompanying ergonomic intervention and the conditions necessary for a positive outcome for future work.Se integra cada vez más la ergonomía a la concepción de situaciones de trabajo, que sea como parte de proyectos industriales o de proyectos arquitectónicos. En este caso, al participar a la definición de los espacios, los ergonomistas también contribuyen a influir en parte sobre la organización del trabajo venidero. Mientras intervinieron en un proyecto de construcción de una nueva biblioteca, los investigadores ergonomistas acompañaron el desarrollo del proyecto hasta las fases del concurso de arquitectura, estudios de conceptos y estudios preliminares. Los ergonimistas pudieron analizar las proposiciones arquitectónicas y elaborar, con un grupo de trabajo, sugerencias de modificaciones en el contexto futuro del trabajo, basándose esencialmente sobre el análisis ergonómico del trabajo efectuado en la biblioteca existente así como en los sitios de referencia. Este artículo informa sobre las actividades puestas en práctica por los ergonomistas a lo largo de su intervención como el análisis ergonómico del trabajo, y sobre la manera con la cual la intervención pudo influir sobre el espacio y la organización del trabajo. La trayectoria del diseño de dos de los tres pisos del edificio de la nueva biblioteca ilustrará este estudio y nos llevará a debatir el alacance y los límites de la intervención ergonómica de apoyo y las condiciones que hacen posible una solución positiva para el trabajo venidero

    Thrombolytic removal of intraventricular haemorrhage in treatment of severe stroke: results of the randomised, multicentre, multiregion, placebo-controlled CLEAR III trial

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    Background: Intraventricular haemorrhage is a subtype of intracerebral haemorrhage, with 50% mortality and serious disability for survivors. We aimed to test whether attempting to remove intraventricular haemorrhage with alteplase versus saline irrigation improved functional outcome. Methods: In this randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, multiregional trial (CLEAR III), participants with a routinely placed extraventricular drain, in the intensive care unit with stable, non-traumatic intracerebral haemorrhage volume less than 30 mL, intraventricular haemorrhage obstructing the 3rd or 4th ventricles, and no underlying pathology were adaptively randomly assigned (1:1), via a web-based system to receive up to 12 doses, 8 h apart of 1 mg of alteplase or 0·9% saline via the extraventricular drain. The treating physician, clinical research staff, and participants were masked to treatment assignment. CT scans were obtained every 24 h throughout dosing. The primary efficacy outcome was good functional outcome, defined as a modified Rankin Scale score (mRS) of 3 or less at 180 days per central adjudication by blinded evaluators. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT00784134. Findings: Between Sept 18, 2009, and Jan 13, 2015, 500 patients were randomised: 249 to the alteplase group and 251 to the saline group. 180-day follow-up data were available for analysis from 246 of 249 participants in the alteplase group and 245 of 251 participants in the placebo group. The primary efficacy outcome was similar in each group (good outcome in alteplase group 48% vs saline 45%; risk ratio [RR] 1·06 [95% CI 0·88–1·28; p=0·554]). A difference of 3·5% (RR 1·08 [95% CI 0·90–1·29], p=0·420) was found after adjustment for intraventricular haemorrhage size and thalamic intracerebral haemorrhage. At 180 days, the treatment group had lower case fatality (46 [18%] vs saline 73 [29%], hazard ratio 0·60 [95% CI 0·41–0·86], p=0·006), but a greater proportion with mRS 5 (42 [17%] vs 21 [9%]; RR 1·99 [95% CI 1·22–3·26], p=0·007). Ventriculitis (17 [7%] alteplase vs 31 [12%] saline; RR 0·55 [95% CI 0·31–0·97], p=0·048) and serious adverse events (114 [46%] alteplase vs 151 [60%] saline; RR 0·76 [95% CI 0·64–0·90], p=0·002) were less frequent with alteplase treatment. Symptomatic bleeding (six [2%] in the alteplase group vs five [2%] in the saline group; RR 1·21 [95% CI 0·37–3·91], p=0·771) was similar. Interpretation: In patients with intraventricular haemorrhage and a routine extraventricular drain, irrigation with alteplase did not substantially improve functional outcomes at the mRS 3 cutoff compared with irrigation with saline. Protocol-based use of alteplase with extraventricular drain seems safe. Future investigation is needed to determine whether a greater frequency of complete intraventricular haemorrhage removal via alteplase produces gains in functional status

    The EPOC project: Energy Proportional and Opportunistic Computing system

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    15397International audienceWith the emergence of the Future Internet and the dawning of new IT models such as cloud computing, the usage of data centers (DC), and consequently their power consumption, increase dramatically. Besides the ecological impact, the energy consumption is a predominant criteria for DC providers since it determines the daily cost of their infrastructure. As a consequence, power management becomes one of the main challenges for DC infrastructures and more generally for large-scale distributed systems. In this paper, we present the EPOC project which focuses on optimizing the energy consumption of mono-site DCs connected to the regular electrical grid and to renewable energy sources

    Consensus on circulatory shock and hemodynamic monitoring. Task force of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.

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    OBJECTIVE: Circulatory shock is a life-threatening syndrome resulting in multiorgan failure and a high mortality rate. The aim of this consensus is to provide support to the bedside clinician regarding the diagnosis, management and monitoring of shock. METHODS: The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine invited 12 experts to form a Task Force to update a previous consensus (Antonelli et al.: Intensive Care Med 33:575-590, 2007). The same five questions addressed in the earlier consensus were used as the outline for the literature search and review, with the aim of the Task Force to produce statements based on the available literature and evidence. These questions were: (1) What are the epidemiologic and pathophysiologic features of shock in the intensive care unit ? (2) Should we monitor preload and fluid responsiveness in shock ? (3) How and when should we monitor stroke volume or cardiac output in shock ? (4) What markers of the regional and microcirculation can be monitored, and how can cellular function be assessed in shock ? (5) What is the evidence for using hemodynamic monitoring to direct therapy in shock ? Four types of statements were used: definition, recommendation, best practice and statement of fact. RESULTS: Forty-four statements were made. The main new statements include: (1) statements on individualizing blood pressure targets; (2) statements on the assessment and prediction of fluid responsiveness; (3) statements on the use of echocardiography and hemodynamic monitoring. CONCLUSIONS: This consensus provides 44 statements that can be used at the bedside to diagnose, treat and monitor patients with shock
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