12 research outputs found

    Unwasted DASE : Lean Architecture Evaluation

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    A software architecture evaluation is a way to assess the quality of the technical design of a product. It is also a prime opportunity to discuss the business goals of the product and how the design bears on them. But architecture evaluation methods are seen as hard to learn and costly to use. We present DASE, a compact approach that combines carefully selected key parts of two existing architecture evaluation methods while making evaluation lean and fast. We have applied DASE in three industrial cases and the early results show that even a one-day evaluation workshop yields valuable results at a modest cost.A software architecture evaluation is a way to assess the quality of the technical design of a product. It is also a prime opportunity to discuss the business goals of the product and how the design bears on them. But architecture evaluation methods are seen as hard to learn and costly to use. We present DASE, a compact approach that combines carefully selected key parts of two existing architecture evaluation methods while making evaluation lean and fast. We have applied DASE in three industrial cases and the early results show that even a one-day evaluation workshop yields valuable results at a modest cost.A software architecture evaluation is a way to assess the quality of the technical design of a product. It is also a prime opportunity to discuss the business goals of the product and how the design bears on them. But architecture evaluation methods are seen as hard to learn and costly to use. We present DASE, a compact approach that combines carefully selected key parts of two existing architecture evaluation methods while making evaluation lean and fast. We have applied DASE in three industrial cases and the early results show that even a one-day evaluation workshop yields valuable results at a modest cost.Peer reviewe

    A Cost-Effective ELP-Intein Coupling System for Recombinant Protein Purification from Plant Production Platform

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    BACKGROUND: Plant bioreactor offers an efficient and economical system for large-scale production of recombinant proteins. However, high cost and difficulty in scaling-up of downstream purification of the target protein, particularly the common involvement of affinity chromatography and protease in the purification process, has hampered its industrial scale application, therefore a cost-effective and easily scale-up purification method is highly desirable for further development of plant bioreactor. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To tackle this problem, we investigated the ELP-intein coupling system for purification of recombinant proteins expressed in transgenic plants using a plant lectin (PAL) with anti-tumor bioactivity as example target protein and rice seeds as production platform. Results showed that ELP-intein-PAL (EiP) fusion protein formed novel irregular ER-derived protein bodies in endosperm cells by retention of endogenous prolamins. The fusion protein was partially self-cleaved in vivo, but only self-cleaved PAL protein was detected in total seed protein sample and deposited in protein storage vacuoles (PSV). The in vivo uncleaved EiP protein was accumulated up to 2-4.2% of the total seed protein. The target PAL protein could be purified by the ELP-intein system efficiently without using complicated instruments and expensive chemicals, and the yield of pure PAL protein by the current method was up to 1.1 mg/g total seed protein. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: This study successfully demonstrated the purification of an example recombinant protein from rice seeds by the ELP-intein system. The whole purification procedure can be easily scaled up for industrial production, providing the first evidence on applying the ELP-intein coupling system to achieve cost-effective purification of recombinant proteins expressed in plant bioreactors and its possible application in industry

    Kelkkakaistatutkimus E.S. Lahtinen Oy:lle

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    OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli tuottaa taustatietoa potkukelkkojen markkinointiin ja myyntiin. OpinnĂ€ytetyön ensimmĂ€isenĂ€ tavoitteena oli perehtyĂ€ markkinoinnin kilpailukeinoihin yleisellĂ€ tasolla sekĂ€ kertoa E.S. Lahtinen Oy:n nĂ€kökulma niihin. OpinnĂ€ytetyön toisena tavoitteena oli toteuttaa tutkimus kuntien hiekoittamattomiin kelkkakaistoihin liittyen. Tutkimus on tĂ€rkeĂ€ yritykselle, koska saadaan kartoitettua kuntien asenteet kelkkakaistoihin. OpinnĂ€ytetyön teoriaosuus koostuu markkinoinnin kilpailukeinosta; tuote, hinta, saatavuus ja markkinointiviestintĂ€ sekĂ€ markkinoinnin yleistiedosta; mÀÀrittely, toiminnot, tehtĂ€vĂ€t ja muodot. Tutkimus on tehty SeinĂ€joen ammattikorkeakoulun liiketoiminta ja kulttuuri yksikön liiketalouden koulutusohjelmassa. OpinnĂ€ytetyön nimi on kelkkakaistatutkimus E.S. Lahtinen Oy:lle. Tutkimuksen toimeksiantaja on E.S. Lahtinen Oy, joka sijaitsee SeinĂ€joella. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tutkimuksen kohteena on kelkkakaistojen kĂ€yttö kunnissa sekĂ€ niiden mielipide kelkkakaistojen perustamiseen liittyvistĂ€ esteistĂ€ ja hyödyistĂ€. Kelkkakaista tarkoittaa sitĂ€, ettĂ€ toinen puoli kevyen liikenteen vĂ€ylÀÀ jĂ€tetÀÀn hiekoittamatta potkukelkalla ja pulkalla liikkumista varten. LĂ€htökohtana tutkimukselle on se, ettĂ€ hiekoitus estÀÀ potkukelkoilla liikkumisen, sillĂ€ jalasten alla oleva hiekka aiheuttaa voimakkaan kitkan. Tutkimus toteutettiin sĂ€hköpostikyselynĂ€, joka lĂ€hetettiin kuntien tekniselle johdolle. KohderyhmĂ€nĂ€ ovat kaikki Suomen kunnat eli kyseessĂ€ on kokonaistutkimus. Vastauksista saatiin selville, ettĂ€ vain viidessĂ€ kunnassa on kĂ€ytössĂ€ kelkkakaista. Pelko vastuukysymyksistĂ€ ja hiekoituskaluston sopimattomuus olivat suurimmat esteet. Suurimmat hyödyt olivat pulkan ja potkukelkan kĂ€ytön yleinen helpottuminen sekĂ€ erityisesti vanhuksien liikkumisen helpottuminen. Puolet vastanneista oli saanut aloitteita kelkkakaistoista, joten ihmiset ovat kiinnostuneita kelkkakaistoista, niiden perustaminen lisĂ€isi ihmisten liikkumisvaihtoehtoja ja lisĂ€isi potkukelkkojen myyntiĂ€.The study was conducted at SeinĂ€joki University of Applied Sciences in faculty of School of Business and Culture, Degree programme in Business Management. The study was commissioned by E. S. Lahtinen Inc, which is located in SeinĂ€joki. The purpose of this thesis was to provide background information on kicksleds in marketing and sales. The first objective of this thesis was to explore competitive factors on a general level, and to tell E.S. Lahtinen Inc's aspect on them. The second goal was to conduct a survey of municipality’s kicksled lanes, which means that it is not broadcast with sand. Kicksled lane means that other half of street is not sanded, so people can use kicksled in winters. The starting point for research is that the sanding to block on kicksleds to move, because under the runners of the sand causes intense friction. The study was conducted an email inquiry, which were sent to municipalities technical management. The target group is all Finland’s municipalities, so this is total study. The result shows that only five municipalities used kicksled lane. The main barriers were fear of liability issues and the inappropriateness of equipment. The main benefits were a kicksled easier use in general and in particular easier moving for the elderly. People are interested in kicksleds lane, because half of the respondents had received initiatives about kicksled lane, their establishment of more opportunities for people to move and increases kicksled sales

    Service Composition for End-Users

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    RESTful services are becoming a popular technology for providing and consuming cloud services. The idea of cloud computing is based on on-demand services and their agile usage. This implies that also personal service compositions and workflows should be supported. Some approaches for RESTful service compositions have been proposed. In practice, such compositions typically present mashup applications, which are composed in an ad-hoc manner. In addition, such approaches and tools are mainly targeted for programmers rather than end-users. In this paper, a user-driven approach for reusable RESTful service compositions is presented. Such compositions can be executed once or they can be configured to be executed repeatedly, for example, to get newest updates from a service once a week.Peer reviewe