155 research outputs found

    Propuestas para el Plan Nacional de Salud y Medio Ambiente

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    According to international strategies for environment and health, the spanish administration of Health and Environment launched in 2007 the necessary mechanisms for developing the National Plan for Health and Environment. The first step was an agreement with the Carlos III Health Institute for designing the basis on which to sus- tain the plan. The scientific committee established for that purpose has drafted a basis-report with the participation of a large group of experts. This work is an abstract of the proposals contained in that report. The proposals refer to the items considered as a priority in the European environment and health strategy, ie, cancer, endocrine disruption, neuro-developmental disorders and respiratory diseases and are organized around the major environmental risk factors for health: water, persistent toxic chemicals, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation, noise and climate change and extreme temperatures. To give consistency to the plan, the report identifies some essential measures to ensure its administrative, political, technical and financial feasibility. To give it coherence, the report point to some common priorities and methodological strategies. To give a shape to the plan, the report finally identifies programs to be implemented.De acuerdo con las estrategias internacionales en materia de salud y medio ambiente, los Ministerios de Sanidad y de Medio Ambiente pusieron en marcha en 2007 los mecanismos necesarios para la elaboración del Plan Nacional de Salud y Medio Ambiente. El primer paso ha sido la firma de un acuerdo de encomienda de gestión con el Instituto de Salud Carlos III para que éste diseñara las bases sobre las que sustentar el plan. El comité científico creado al efecto ha redactado un informe de bases para lo que ha contado con el concurso de un nutrido grupo de expertos. Las propuestas que se recogen en el informe constituyen el contenido del presente trabajo. Las propuestas hacen referencia a los ítems considerados prioritarios en la Estrategia Europea de Medio Ambiente y Salud, es decir, cáncer, alteraciones endocrinas, trastornos del desarrollo neurológico y enfermedades respiratorias, y se organizan en torno a los principales factores de riesgo ambiental para la salud: agua, compuestos químicos tóxicos persistentes, campos electromagnéticos, radicaciones ionizantes, ruido y cambio climático y temperaturas extremas. Para dar consistencia al plan se señalan algunas medidas imprescindibles que aseguren su viabilidad administrativa, política, técnica y financiera. Para darle coherencia, se arbitran unas líneas prioritarias comunes y unas estrategias metodológicas compatibles. Para darle forma, se señalan los programas nacionales que deberán implementarse y que deberán basarse en esa consistencia y coherencia. Más que entrar a concretar lo que se debe hacer —materia propia del futuro plan—, el informe señala cómo se debe hacer para lograr resultados exitosos

    Patrones de consumo y variables de personalidad en drogodependientes a tratamiento

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la relación entre factores de personalidad y consumo de sustancias. Específi camente se busca analizar la impulsividad y la búsqueda de sensaciones como variables de personalidad derivadas de modelos psicobiológicos de personalidad, así como el autocontrol, para examinar su relación con los patrones de consumo de drogas. En el trabajo se exploran las características diferenciales en términos de personalidad en pacientes adictos a heroína y en pacientes adictos a cocaína, así como en otro grupo de consumidores que puede merecer especial atención, como es el caso de los antiguos consumidores de heroína que ahora son adictos a la cocaína. La muestra está compuesta por 256 drogodependientes adultos, a tratamiento por su adicción. Se han evaluado características sociodemográfi cas, de consumo y criminológicas, así como características de impulsividad, búsqueda de sensaciones y autocontrol. Los resultados apoyan la importancia de delimitar un grupo especial formado por los exheroinómanos que ahora son cocainómanos, a los que llamamos cocaheroinómanos. Presentan un perfi l de mayor gravedad de la adicción y marginalidad: consumo más problemático y desde más temprana edad, más problemas judiciales, así como diferencias en cuanto a las variables de personalidad en el sentido de mayor impulsividad y búsqueda de sensaciones y peor autocontrol, lo que justifi caría la importancia de ser considerados como un nuevo grupo diferenciado de los clásicosThe aim of this work is to analyze the relationship between personality factors and substance use. It specifi cally seeks to analyze impulsiveness and sensation seeking as personality variables derived from psychobiological personality models, as well as self-control, in order to examine their relationship with drug consumption patterns. The work explores the differential personality characteristics in heroin-addicted and cocaine-addicted patients, as well as in another group of consumers which may deserve special attention, as is the case of former heroin users who are now addicted to cocaine. The sample consists of 256 adult addicts undergoing treatment for their addiction. Sociodemographic, consumption and criminology characteristics have been assessed, as well as characteristics of impulsiveness, sensation-seeking and self-control. The results support the importance of delimiting a special group made up of former heroin addicts who are now addicted to cocaine, who are called cocaheroin addicts. Their profi le implies more serious addiction and marginality: more problematic and earlier onset of consumption, more legal problems, as well as differences in personality variables in the sense of higher impulsivity and sensation seeking and poorer self-control, which would justify the importance of being considered as a new group differentiated from the archetypal onesS

    Psychopathic personality as a distinctive indicator of severity and persistence for child and youth conduct problems

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    Los problemas de conducta constituyen uno de los fenómenos más analizados durante la infancia y la adolescencia. Dada su heterogeneidad, durante las últimas décadas se ha planteado la necesidad de delimitar los problemas de conducta de inicio temprano a partir de la manifestación de rasgos afectivos, interpersonales y conductuales similares a los que definen la psicopatía adulta. El presente trabajo pretende analizar, desde una perspectiva transversal y longitudinal, si la manifestación temprana de rasgos psicopáticos permite distinguir a un grupo de sujetos con problemas conductuales más severos y persistentes. Para ello, se analizaron los datos obtenidos en una muestra de 192 niños de entre 6 y 11 años, de los cuales 133 fueron nuevamente evaluados en un seguimiento realizado tres años después. A partir de los resultados obtenidos en el mCPS y CBCL (padres) y en el APSD y TRF (profesores), se observó que los niños que manifestaban rasgos psicopáticos de forma temprana presentaban mayor frecuencia, gravedad y persistencia de problemas de conducta. Estos resultados sugieren la necesidad de tener en cuenta el papel de los rasgos psicopáticos, especialmente de tipo afectivo-interpersonal, como factor de riesgo con el que delimitar los patrones más severos y persistentes de conducta externalizanteConduct problems are among the most discussed behavioral problems during childhood and adolescence. Given their heterogeneity, in recent years, researchers on this topic have called for delineation of early-onset conduct problems on the basis of affective, interpersonal and behavioral traits that resemble adult psychopathy. The present study aims to analyze, from both a cross-sectional and longitudinal perspective, whether early psychopathic traits allow identification of a group of individuals defined by severe and persistent behavioral problems. To achieve this goal, data from a sample of 192 children (aged 6 to 11) were analyzed; from this sample, 133 children were followed-up in a new data collection that took place three years later. From the data obtained with the mCPS and CBCL (parents), and APSD and TRF (teachers), we observed that children who showed early psychopathic traits, also showed greater frequency, severity and persistence of conduct problems. These results suggest the need to take into account the role of psychopathic traits (particularly, affective and interpersonal) as risk factors to delimit the most serious and persistent patterns of externalizing behaviorS

    Characterizing Normal and Pathological Gait through Permutation Entropy

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    Altres ajuts: We acknowledge the contribution of the children and their families who generously collaborated to build the gait dataset used in this study. We are also grateful to Michael R. Paul for kindly editing the English style of this manuscript. The acquisition and processing of gait data were funded by Escuela de Fisioterapia de la ONCE-UAM, through a private donation, and Agencia de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), .Cerebral palsy is a physical impairment stemming from a brain lesion at perinatal time, most of the time resulting in gait abnormalities: the first cause of severe disability in childhood. Gait study, and instrumental gait analysis in particular, has been receiving increasing attention in the last few years, for being the complex result of the interactions between different brain motor areas and thus a proxy in the understanding of the underlying neural dynamics. Yet, and in spite of its importance, little is still known about how the brain adapts to cerebral palsy and to its impaired gait and, consequently, about the best strategies for mitigating the disability. In this contribution, we present the hitherto first analysis of joint kinematics data using permutation entropy, comparing cerebral palsy children with a set of matched control subjects. We find a significant increase in the permutation entropy for the former group, thus indicating a more complex and erratic neural control of joints and a non-trivial relationship between the permutation entropy and the gait speed. We further show how this information theory measure can be used to train a data mining model able to forecast the child's condition. We finally discuss the relevance of these results in clinical applications and specifically in the design of personalized medicine interventions

    Gait phenotypes in paediatric hereditary spastic paraplegia revealed by dynamic time warping analysis and random forests

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    The Hereditary Spastic Paraplegias (HSP) are a group of heterogeneous disorders with a wide spectrum of underlying neural pathology, and hence HSP patients express a variety of gait abnormalities. Classification of these phenotypes May help in monitoring disease progression and personalizing therapies. This is currently managed by measuring values of some kinematic and spatio-temporal parameters at certain moments during the gait cycle, either in the doctor´s surgery room or after very precise measurements produced by instrumental gait analysis (IGA). These methods, however, do not provide information about the whole structure of the gait cycle. Classification of the similarities among time series of IGA measured values of sagittal joint positions throughout the whole gait cycle can be achieved by hierarchical clustering analysis based on multivariate dynamic time warping (DTW). Random forests can estimate which are the most important isolated parameters to predict the classification revealed by DTW, since clinicians need to refer to them in their daily practice. We acquired time series of pelvic, hip, knee, ankle and forefoot sagittal angular positions from 26 HSP and 33 healthy children with an optokinetic IGA system. DTW revealed six gait patterns with different degrees of impairment of walking speed, cadence and gait cycle distribution and related with patient’s age, sex, GMFCS stage, concurrence of polyneuropathy and abnormal visual evoked potentials or corpus callosum. The most important parameters to differentiate patterns were mean pelvic tilt and hip flexion at initial contact. Longer time of support, decreased values of hip extension and increased knee flexion at initial contact can differentiate the mildest, near to normal HSP gait phenotype and the normal healthy one. Increased values of knee flexion at initial contact and delayed peak of knee flexion are important factors to distinguish GMFCS stages I from II- III and concurrence of polyneuropathyDGA was in receipt of a grant from Sociedad Española de Neurología Pediátrica (SENEP). Publication fee was supported by EUF-ONCE-UAM and Asociación Española de Paraparesia Espástica Familiar (AEPEF)