416 research outputs found

    Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives for Medical Applications

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    Impact of Filter Characteristics and Optical Signal Parameters on Interchannel Crosstalk

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    In this paper we present analysis of the influence of filter characteristics of Wavelength Division Multiplexing network components and transmission parameters over interchannel crosstalk for symmetric and asymmetric transmission. The simulation was carried out for bit rate 10 Gb/s, 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s considering the following modulations: DPSK, DQPSK and OOK. The obtained results show that OOK and DQPSK modulation are better than DPSK modulation in terms of crosstalk occurring during the transmission of signals in Wavelength Division Multiplexing systems.

    Comparative analysis of interface sketch design tools in the context of User Experience

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    The design stage plays a significant role in software development. Making skeleton models helps to understand the specification and requirements of the product. Design tools, as well as any other tools, should focus on User Experience. The aim of the publication is to compare tools for sketching interfaces taking into account User Experience. The main criterion for the evaluation of the tools was a test consisting in measuring the time and distance of a computer mouse during the execution of a given application sketch in 8 selected tools. Then, the respondents assessed the possibilities and experiences resulting from working in a given tool. This was supplemented by the assessment of the technical criteria. Ultimately, the best and the worst tools were selected according to the research subgroups. The level of education has been proven to influence the evaluation of interface sketch design tools

    Idea ziemiańska a modernizacja

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    Góry rzeczywiste a wyobrażone w poematach opisowych doby romantyzmu. Tatry Stęczyńskiego, Góra Odyńca i Podole Gosławskiego

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    Poematy opisowe powstałe w okresie romantyzmu – Tatry Bogusza Zygmunta Stęczyńskiego, Góra Antoniego Edwarda Odyńca i Podole Maurycego Gosławskiego – współtworzą literacką panoramę ziem pogranicza związanych z dawną Rzeczypospolitą. Ukazane w nich trzy różne wizje przestrzeni łączą powtarzające się obrazy gór, wzniesień i skał, które uwidaczniają odmienny i charakterystyczny tylko dla danego twórcy sposób patrzenia na opisywaną przestrzeń. Poetyckie wizje górzystych obszarów pogranicza wyrastają z topografii rzeczywistej regionu i wiodą ku wykreowaniu miejsc emanujących ukrytymi sensami. Miejsca te tworzą swoistą geograficzną mapę wyobrażeniową, oddającą romantyczny sposób widzenia i interpretowania przestrzeni opisywanego świata.Real and imaginary mountains in descriptive poems of the Romantic period. Tatry by Stęczyński, Góra by Odyniec and Podole by Gosławski Descriptive poems of the Romantic period – Tatry (Tatra) by Bogusz Zygmunt Stęczyński, Góra (Mountain) by Antoni Edward Odyniec and Podole (Podolia) by Maurycy Gosławski – create a literary panorama of the old Republic’s borderlands. Three different visions of space shown in these three poems are similar in their repetitive pictures of mountains, elevations and rocks, but each poem shows a different way of perceiving the described space. The poetic visions of mountainous borderlands emerge from the real topography of the region and lead to creating places full of hidden meanings. These places create a specific geographic map of images which reflects the romantic way of perceiving and interpreting the area of the described world

    „Wszystkie drogi prowadzą do Soczi” − analiza przekazów reklamowych przygotowanych na Zimowe Igrzyska Olimpijskie 2014 w aspekcie kreatywności językowej

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Cognitive inhibition in task switching: Exploring the n–2 repetition cost

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    The current thesis provides novel insights into the n–2 repetition cost, a task-switching behavioural effect thought to reflect cognitive inhibition. The n–2 repetition cost is widely used as a measure of group and individual differences in inhibitory control; however, there was uncertainty around its reliability and the extent to which it reflects cognitive inhibition. Overall, the current thesis indicates that the n–2 repetition cost is unlikely to be a measure of cognitive inhibition. Experiment 1 showed that the n–2 repetition cost has low reliability at an individual level, which questions its use as a measure of individual differences in inhibitory control. Experiments 2–4 demonstrated that the n–2 repetition cost is considerably modulated by a non-inhibitory mechanism (i.e., episodic retrieval), which means that the common understanding that the cost reflects cognitive inhibition is incomplete. Furthermore, Experiments 5–7 show that the n–2 repetition cost seems not affected by cognitive resources as it is not modulated by working memory load; however, from Experiments 8–9 it cannot be said for certain that the cost is not modulated by attentional resources, because a trend for the cost to be smaller under conditions exhausting attentional resources was present. In terms of the individual differences in the n–2 repetition cost, this thesis shows that they are not explained with processing speed, depressive rumination, working memory capacity, or day-to-day distractibility trait (Experiments 1, 4, 7, 8–9). And, computational modelling analyses (ex-Gaussian and diffusion modelling; Simulation Studies 1–4) support the view that the n–2 repetition cost is mainly due to non-inhibitory mechanisms. Taken together, the current thesis indicates that the n–2 repetition cost is unlikely to reflect cognitive inhibition, and if used as such should be interpreted with caution

    Niemodlitewne modlitwy Krasińskiego

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    The subject of Krasiński’s Non-prayer Prayer Poems is a number of his works which although fit the structural characteristics of the genre, are not in fact prayers. There are some other reasons for using this literary forms.. For instance, Daj jej o Panie… (Give Her Oh Lord...) is an instruction for the beloved one on how to behave in difficult life situations, and on the other hand a treatise on philosophy and religion. Another example is Boże, wysłuchaj modlitwę moją serdeczną… (God, Hear my Cordial Prayer…) which is a classic erotic poem addressed to Joanna Bobrowa. O Boże, błogosław tym… (Dear God bless those…) is yet another example of this phenomenon since it is a courtesy gesture towards the Ankwicz family and at the same time a personal and unlikely fantasy about the end of the world. The article reveals both Krasiński’s genealogical awareness of the prayer poem form as well as his religious attitude.Przedmiotem pracy Niemodlitewne modlitwy Krasińskiego jest grupa utworów poety które, mimo że spełniają cechy strukturalne tego gatunku, w rzeczywistości modlitwami nie są. Mamy tu bowiem do czynienia z użyciem tej formy literackiej do innych celów. I tak np. Daj jej o Panie… to z jednej strony swoisty instruktarz dla ukochanej, jak postępować w trudnych biograficznie sytuacjach, a z drugiej strony traktat filozoficzno-religijny. Boże, wysłuchaj modlitwę moją serdeczną… to z kolei klasyczny erotyk kierowany do Joanny Bobrowej. O Boże, błogosław tym… to natomiast swego rodzaju gest kurtuazyjnej wdzięczności wobec rodziny Ankwiczów, połączony z osobistą i dość oryginalną fantazją o końcu świata. Artykuł ten ujawnia zarówno świadomość genologiczną Krasińskiego w zakresie modlitwy poetyckiej, jak też jego postawę religijną

    Examinations of the methods used to power supply of different light sources and their effect on bioelectrical brain activity

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    Objective The article represents the preliminary study, with the aim of the experiment being to examine whether different types of light sources used commonly in building interiors combined with various color temperature have an effect on EEG activity. The effect of frequency pulsation and color temperature on brain activity in EEG examinations in the beta 2 band was assumed. Material/participants Twenty healthy men aged 19–25 years participated in the experiment. Methods The research stand was lit by: LED diodes with color temperatures of 3000K, 4200K, 6500K, with the power supplied using the pulse width modulation (PWM) method with the current frequency of 122Hz, linear fluorescent tubes (3000K, 6500K), with the power supplied with the frequency of 50Hz and 52kHz from the electromagnetic and electronic ballasts, and the conventional light bulb, with the power supplied directly from the mains electricity, used as a reference light. System Flex 30 apparatus with TrueScan software was used to record the EEG signal. The examination used two factors (speed and accuracy) of the Kraepelin's work curve to describe changes in work performance for various types of lighting. Results The results demonstrate that the use of different types of emission of light and color temperature of the light have an effect on bioelectrical brain activity and work performance. Conclusions The highest activity of brain waves concerns the beta band in the frequency range of 21–22Hz, regardless of the type of the light source (LED, fluorescent tube). The methods used to supply power and color temperature of fluorescent tubes do not significantly affect bioelectrical brain activity during “work”, but previous lighting with fluorescent tubes during work has an essential effect on bioelectrical brain activity during rest. Regardless of the color temperature, LED lighting with PWM power supply leads to the highest bioelectrical activity (mainly in the range of 21–22Hz) in the brain during work and rest, which might suggests the usefulness of this method of supplying power for everyday work. Incandescent light does not affect the bioelectrical brain activity during work and rest