107 research outputs found

    Increasing Students Listening Comprehension By Using Voa: Special English Video

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    : Increasing Students Listening Comprehension by Using VOA: Special English Video is a Pre-Experimental Study at the Eleventh Grade Students of Accounting Class B of SMK Mandiri Pontianak in the Academic Year 2011/2012. The aim of this research at investigating whether or not VOA: Special English Video increases students listening comprehension. The researcher used Pre-Experimental Study as the method of this research. The data of this research were collected by measurement technique. The researcher used written test as a tool of data collecting and the sample of this research was 37 students of Accounting Class B. Based on the analysis of the students test result, the writer describe the qualification of the students score of the t-test (11.60) which was higher than t-table (2.402) on the level of significance 5%

    Insight into the RssB-mediated recognition and delivery of σ<sup>s</sup> to the AAA+ protease, ClpXP

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    In Escherichia coli, SigmaS (σS) is the master regulator of the general stress response. The cellular levels of σS are controlled by transcription, translation and protein stability. The turnover of σS, by the AAA+ protease (ClpXP), is tightly regulated by a dedicated adaptor protein, termed RssB (Regulator of Sigma S protein B)-which is an atypical member of the response regulator (RR) family. Currently however, the molecular mechanism of σS recognition and delivery by RssB is only poorly understood. Here we describe the crystal structures of both RssB domains (RssBN and RssBC) and the SAXS analysis of full-length RssB (both free and in complex with σS). Together with our biochemical analysis we propose a model for the recognition and delivery of σS by this essential adaptor protein. Similar to most bacterial RRs, the N-terminal domain of RssB (RssBN) comprises a typical mixed (βα)5-fold. Although phosphorylation of RssBN (at Asp58) is essential for high affinity binding of σS, much of the direct binding to σS occurs via the C-terminal effector domain of RssB (RssBC). In contrast to most RRs the effector domain of RssB forms a β-sandwich fold composed of two sheets surrounded by α-helical protrusions and as such, shares structural homology with serine/threonine phosphatases that exhibit a PPM/PP2C fold. Our biochemical data demonstrate that this domain plays a key role in both substrate interaction and docking to the zinc binding domain (ZBD) of ClpX. We propose that RssB docking to the ZBD of ClpX overlaps with the docking site of another regulator of RssB, the anti-adaptor IraD. Hence, we speculate that docking to ClpX may trigger release of its substrate through activation of a "closed" state (as seen in the RssB-IraD complex), thereby coupling adaptor docking (to ClpX) with substrate release. This competitive docking to RssB would prevent futile interaction of ClpX with the IraD-RssB complex (which lacks a substrate). Finally, substrate recognition by RssB appears to be regulated by a key residue (Arg117) within the α5 helix of the N-terminal domain. Importantly, this residue is not directly involved in σS interaction, as σS binding to the R117A mutant can be restored by phosphorylation. Likewise, R117A retains the ability to interact with and activate ClpX for degradation of σS, both in the presence and absence of acetyl phosphate. Therefore, we propose that this region of RssB (the α5 helix) plays a critical role in driving interaction with σS at a distal site

    The impact of diabetes on multiple avoidable admissions: a cross-sectional study

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    Background Multiple admissions for ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) are responsible for an important proportion of health care expenditures. Diabetes is one of the conditions consensually classified as an ACSC being considered a major public health concern. The aim of this study was to analyse the impact of diabetes on the occurrence of multiple admissions for ACSC. Methods We analysed inpatient data of all public Portuguese NHS hospitals from 2013 to 2015 on multiple admissions for ACSC among adults aged 18 or older. Multiple ACSC users were identified if they had two or more admissions for any ACSC during the period of analysis. Two logistic regression models were computed. A baseline model where a logistic regression was performed to assess the association between multiple admissions and the presence of diabetes, adjusting for age and sex. A full model to test if diabetes had no constant association with multiple admissions by any ACSC across age groups. Results Among 301,334 ACSC admissions, 144,209 (47.9%) were classified as multiple admissions and from those, 59,436 had diabetes diagnosis, which corresponded to 23,692 patients. Patients with diabetes were 1.49 times (p < 0,001) more likely to be admitted multiple times for any ACSC than patients without diabetes. Younger adults with diabetes (18–39 years old) were more likely to become multiple users. Conclusion Diabetes increases the risk of multiple admissions for ACSC, especially in younger adults. Diabetes presence is associated with a higher resource utilization, which highlights the need for the implementation of adequate management of chronic diseases policies.NOVASaudeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A thermostable salmonella phage endolysin, Lys68, with broad bactericidal properties against gram-negative pathogens in presence of weak acids

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    Resistance rates are increasing among several problematic Gram-negative pathogens, a fact that has encouraged the development of new antimicrobial agents. This paper characterizes a Salmonella phage endolysin (Lys68) and demonstrates its potential antimicrobial effectiveness when combined with organic acids towards Gram-negative pathogens. Biochemical characterization reveals that Lys68 is more active at pH 7.0, maintaining 76.7% of its activity when stored at 4°C for two months. Thermostability tests showed that Lys68 is only completely inactivated upon exposure to 100°C for 30 min, and circular dichroism analysis demonstrated the ability to refold into its original conformation upon thermal denaturation. It was shown that Lys68 is able to lyse a wide panel of Gram-negative bacteria (13 different species) in combination with the outer membrane permeabilizers EDTA, citric and malic acid. While the EDTA/Lys68 combination only inactivated Pseudomonas strains, the use of citric or malic acid broadened Lys68 antibacterial effect to other Gram-negative pathogens (lytic activity against 9 and 11 species, respectively). Particularly against Salmonella Typhimurium LT2, the combinatory effect of malic or citric acid with Lys68 led to approximately 3 to 5 log reductions in bacterial load/CFUs after 2 hours, respectively, and was also able to reduce stationary-phase cells and bacterial biofilms by approximately 1 log. The broad killing capacity of malic/citric acid-Lys68 is explained by the destabilization and major disruptions of the cell outer membrane integrity due to the acidity caused by the organic acids and a relatively high muralytic activity of Lys68 at low pH. Lys68 demonstrates good (thermo)stability properties that combined with different outer membrane permeabilizers, could become useful to combat Gram-negative pathogens in agricultural, food and medical industry.This work was supported by the projects FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-019446, FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-027462 and PEst-OE/EQB/LA0023/2013 from "Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia" (FCT), Portugal. The authors thank the Project "BioHealth - Biotechnology and Bioengineering approaches to improve health quality", Ref. NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000027, co-funded by the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (ON. 2 - O Novo Norte), QREN, FEDER. Hugo Oliveira acknowledges the FCT grant SFRH/BD/63734/2009. Maarten Walmagh held a PhD scholarship of the IWT Vlaanderen. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Does codetermination affect the composition of variable versus fixed parts of executive compensation?

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    Contrary to previous literature we hypothesize that interests of labor may well – like that of shareholders – aim at securing the long-run survival of the firm. Consequently, employee representatives on the supervisory board could well have an interest in increasing incentive-based compensation to avoid excessive risk taking and short-run orientated decisions. We compile unique panel data on executive compensation over the periods 2006 to 2011 for 405 listed companies and use a Hausman-Taylor approach to estimate the effect of codetermination on the compensation design. Finally, codetermination has a significantly positive effect on performance-based components of compensation, which supports our hypothesis

    Efficacy and safety of immune checkpoint inhibitor rechallenge in individuals with hepatocellular carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: We investigated the efficacy and safety of immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) rechallenge in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) who received ICI-based therapies in a previous systemic line. METHODS: In this international, retrospective multicenter study, patients with HCC who received at least two lines of ICI-based therapies (ICI-1, ICI-2) at 14 institutions were eligible. The main outcomes included best overall response and treatment-related adverse events. RESULTS: Of 994 ICI-treated patients screened, a total of 58 patients (male, n = 41; 71%) with a mean age of 65.0±9.0 years were included. Median systemic treatment lines of ICI-1 and ICI-2 were 1 (range, 1-4) and 3 (range, 2-9), respectively. ICI-based therapies used at ICI-1 and ICI-2 included ICI alone (ICI-1, n = 26, 45%; ICI-2, n = 4, 7%), dual ICI regimens (n = 1, 2%; n = 12, 21%), or ICI combined with targeted therapies/anti-VEGF (n = 31, 53%; n = 42, 72%). Most patients discontinued ICI-1 due to progression (n = 52, 90%). Objective response rate was 22% at ICI-1 and 26% at ICI-2. Responses at ICI-2 were also seen in patients who had progressive disease as best overall response at ICI-1 (n = 11/21; 52%). Median time-to-progression at ICI-1 and ICI-2 was 5.4 (95% CI 3.0-7.7) months and 5.2 (95% CI 3.3-7.0) months, respectively. Treatment-related adverse events of grade 3-4 at ICI-1 and ICI-2 were observed in 9 (16%) and 10 (17%) patients, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: ICI rechallenge was safe and resulted in a treatment benefit in a meaningful proportion of patients with HCC. These data provide a rationale for investigating ICI-based regimens in patients who progressed on first-line immunotherapy in prospective trials. IMPACT AND IMPLICATIONS: Therapeutic sequencing after first-line immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI)-based therapy for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains a challenge as no available second-line treatment options have been studied in immunotherapy-pretreated patients. Particularly, the role of ICI rechallenge in patients with HCC is unclear, as data from prospective trials are lacking. We investigated the efficacy and safety of ICI-based regimens in patients with HCC pretreated with immunotherapy in a retrospective, international, multicenter study. Our data provide the rationale for prospective trials investigating the role of ICI-based regimens in patients who have progressed on first-line immunotherapy

    Structure of the Head of the Bartonella Adhesin BadA

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    Trimeric autotransporter adhesins (TAAs) are a major class of proteins by which pathogenic proteobacteria adhere to their hosts. Prominent examples include Yersinia YadA, Haemophilus Hia and Hsf, Moraxella UspA1 and A2, and Neisseria NadA. TAAs also occur in symbiotic and environmental species and presumably represent a general solution to the problem of adhesion in proteobacteria. The general structure of TAAs follows a head-stalk-anchor architecture, where the heads are the primary mediators of attachment and autoagglutination. In the major adhesin of Bartonella henselae, BadA, the head consists of three domains, the N-terminal of which shows strong sequence similarity to the head of Yersinia YadA. The two other domains were not recognizably similar to any protein of known structure. We therefore determined their crystal structure to a resolution of 1.1 Å. Both domains are β-prisms, the N-terminal one formed by interleaved, five-stranded β-meanders parallel to the trimer axis and the C-terminal one by five-stranded β-meanders orthogonal to the axis. Despite the absence of statistically significant sequence similarity, the two domains are structurally similar to domains from Haemophilus Hia, albeit in permuted order. Thus, the BadA head appears to be a chimera of domains seen in two other TAAs, YadA and Hia, highlighting the combinatorial evolutionary strategy taken by pathogens
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