83 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to explain more about the results of direct interviews with MQFM as a media that is considered as a halal industry in the halal field of media. Halal industry is an activity of processing or processing products by using facilities and equipment that are permitted by Islamic sharia, in which there are many derivatives. One of them is halal media. In the era of globalization which is marked by the rapid development of the technology world, many new media developments have emerged or also existing media in advance but continue to upgrade themselves. Indonesia is a Muslim majority country, halal is an indicator of consideration in consuming or making a sound. Here halal has a broad meaning, not just food, but all aspects must have halal elements. In halal media itself there are several indicators of a media that can be said halal.Keywords: Halal media, Halal industry, MQF

    Peran Media Pendukung Perlit dalam Pengolahan Limbah Cair Industri Karet Menggunakan Tumbuhan Mensiang (Scirpus Grossus L.f) (Studi Kasus: Limbah Cair Industri Karet Remah PT. Batang Hari Barisan Padang)

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    Pengolahan limbah cair dilakukan menggunakan instalasi tumbuhan mensiang (Scirpus grossus L.f) dengan media pendukung perlit secara kontinu dalam skala laboratorium. Studi kasus dilakukan pada industri karet PT Batang Hari Barisan Padang, dengan parameter yang dianalisis BOD, COD, TSS, NH3, Nitrogen total dan pH. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan dua instalasi yang dioperasikan secara paralel, yaitu instalasi dengan tumbuhan dan tanpa tumbuhan dengan media pendukung yang sama. Penelitian dilakukan pada HLR (Hydraulic Loading Rate) 100 L/m2.hr, 200 L/m2.hr, 300 L/m2.hr dan konsentrasi COD influen 1.111 mg/L dan 2.019 mg/L. Persentase penyisihan parameter pencemar dengan instalasi tumbuhan untuk BOD 98,07 – 99,14%, COD 96,38 – 98,11%, TSS 89,70 – 97,00%, NH3 total 93,71 – 95,73%, nitrogen total 81,58 – 95,91% dan pH naik menjadi 6,61 – 7,09. Sementara pada instalasi tanpa tumbuhan penyisihan BOD 95,93 – 97,98%, COD 83,80 – 90,19%, TSS 86,57 – 89,71%, NH3 total 68,99 – 88,35%, nitrogen total 79,52 – 91,88% dan pH naik menjadi 6,4 – 6,77. Kemampuan pengolahan limbah cair menggunakan perlit pada instalasi tumbuhan rata-rata lebih besar 7% dibandingkan instalasi tanpa tumbuhan, sedangkan jika dibandingkan dengan kerikil tingkat penyisihan perlit lebih tinggi sekitar 6%. Penyisihan pencemar dengan media pendukung perlit lebih efektif, dimana kelebihan perlit dibandingkan kerikil antara lain mempunyai luas spesifik dan kapasitas adsorpsi lebih tinggi, sehingga penyerapan pencemar dan pertumbuhan jumlah mikroorganisme lebih besar untuk menguraikan bahan pencemar. HLR optimum adalah 100 L/m2.hr, namun peningkatan HLR tidak menghasilkan perbedaan efisiensi penyisihan yang terlalu signifikan, sehingga instalasi masih mampu untuk mengolah limbah dengan laju alir yang lebih besa

    Design of Web-Based Promotion

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    The purpose of this study is to determine customer satisfaction by looking at the variables of interaction quality, system quality, and usability. This is done so that Chocolatier Dessert, as one of the desserts and snacks retailers, can compete and grow, so a website is designed to promote the goods produced. The method used the waterfall method, which works on the essence of a system that is done sequentially or linearly. The data was collected by distributing a list of questions to 50 respondents. The data collected was then processed using the SPSS application to test its validation and reliability. It is done to measure customer satisfaction and the variables that influence it. The results show that promoting the chocolatier through the website was very effective where the interaction quality and information system variables affected customer satisfaction, while usability did not. From the results of this study, it can be seen to maintain customer satisfaction. It is necessary to pay attention to the interaction system and information systems in promoting the Chocolatier Dessert

    In situ observations of "cold trap" dehydration in the western tropical Pacific

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    International audienceWater vapor sonde observations were conducted at Bandung, Indonesia (6.90 S, 107.60 E) and Tarawa, Kiribati (1.35 N, 172.91 E) in December 2003 to examine the efficiency of the "cold trap'' dehydration in the tropical tropopause layer (TTL). Trajectory analysis based on bundles of trajectories suggest that the modification of air parcels' identity due to irreversible mixing by the branching-out and merging-in of nearby trajectories is found to be an important factor, in addition to the routes air parcels are supposed to follow, for interpreting the water vapor concentrations observed by radiosondes in the TTL. Clear correspondence between the observed water vapor concentration and the estimated temperature history of air parcels is found showing that dry air parcels are exposed to low temperatures while humid air parcels do not experience cold conditions during advection, in support of the "cold trap'' hypothesis. It is suggested that the observed air parcel retained the water vapor by roughly twice as much as the minimum saturation mixing ratio after its passage through the "cold trap,'' although appreciable uncertainties remain

    Innovation of Advanced 3D Printing Technology in Medical Field

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    In today’s world health problems are the main issues faced by people. Due to this people may suffer with health disorders like oral cancer and their body parts may be damaged and removed due to accidental issues and incomplete or improper surgeries. Previously, medical organization makes use of artificial organs and improper artificial body parts to treat the patients. In the present days, we make use of 3D printing technology which produces high accuracy, less time and low cost. Nagoya Municipal Industrial Research Institute invented this technology in1982.this technology is enormously used in prototype manufacturing and health industry

    Predictive Value of Tumor Ki-67 Expression in Two Randomized Trials of Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy for Node-Negative Breast Cancer

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    Several small studies have reported that having a high percentage of breast tumor cells that express the proliferation antigen Ki-67 (ie, a high Ki-67 labeling index) predicts better response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. However, the predictive value of a high Ki-67 labeling index for response to adjuvant chemotherapy is unclear. To investigate whether Ki-67 labeling index predicts response to adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy, we assessed Ki-67 expression in tumor tissue from 1924 (70%) of 2732 patients who were enrolled in two randomized International Breast Cancer Study Group trials of adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy vs endocrine therapy alone for node-negative breast cancer. A high Ki-67 labeling index was associated with other factors that predict poor prognosis. Among the 1521 patients with endocrine-responsive tumors, a high Ki-67 labeling index was associated with worse disease-free survival but the Ki-67 labeling index did not predict the relative efficacy of chemoendocrine therapy compared with endocrine therapy alone. Thus, Ki-67 labeling index was an independent prognostic factor but was not predictive of better response to adjuvant chemotherapy in these studie

    Efikasi Pemantauan Hemodinamik Non-Invasif Pada Pasien Gagal Jantung: Literature Review

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    Objectives: Therefore, this literature review aimed to identify the efficacy of non-invasive monitoring to evaluate the hemodynamics of patients with HF. Methods: This study was a literature review. Keywords include “heart failure patients” AND “non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring” AND “invasive hemodynamic monitoring” and searched extensively through Springer Link, PubMed, and Science Direct. Data analysis was assisted by a data extraction table and qualitative analysis. Result: Seven articles were included in the qualitative analysis after being selected through the title, abstract, and inclusion-exclusion criteria. The analysis revealed that non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring in heart failure patients could be carried out in the Intensive Care Unit,  non-intensive care unit, and at home. The Non-invasive Pulse Contour Analysis (NPCA), caretaker BP device, and Photoplethysmography-Based Device were used in the ICU. While in the non-ICU, Ballistocardiography (BCG) and Impedance Cardiography (ICG) were used, and Non-Invasive Telemonitoring in bioimpedance monitoring can be used in the home setting.  Conclusions: Overall, the use of technology to monitor hemodynamics in heart failure patients non-invasively had good validation and efficacy compared with invasive monitoring. Furthermore, this non-invasive technology can be used in the ICU, in Non-ICU settings, and at home (telemonitoring)
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