92 research outputs found

    Mathematics teaching self-efficacy and outcome expectancy of pre-service and in-service primary education teachers

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    Background: Given the importance of studies the mathematics teaching self-efficacy and outcome expectancy of pre-service teachers, novice teachers (up to 10 years of experience) and experienced teachers (more than 10 years of experience), it is important to research the behaviour of the three groups proposed. Objectives: Compare the mathematics teaching self-efficacy and outcome expectancy of pre-service and in-service Primary Education teachers. Design: The Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (MTEBI) is used to carry out the study. The MTEBI comprises two subscales: Personal Mathematics Teaching Efficacy (or teaching self-efficacy) (PMTE) and Mathematics Teaching Outcome Expectancy (MTOE). Setting and Participants: The first group of participants consists of 419 pre-service teachers enrolled at the bachelor’s degree in Primary Education, the second group of participants consists of 69 novice teachers and the last group consists of 176 experienced teachers. Data collection and analysis: Students of all the years of the bachelor’s degree were invited to answer the MTEBI. Therefore, the participation was optional and completely anonymous. Directors of Primary Education schools in the city were sent the link of the survey during the second trimester of 2018-19 academic year. They shared the link so that novice and experienced teachers were able to answer it confidentially. Results: The comparison reveals that experienced teachers have the highest scores in PMTE subscale. The pre-service teachers, on the contrary, give the lowest scores in this subscale. In the MTOE subscale, the lowest values are obtained in the case of novice teachers. Additionally, the statistical analysis shows that there are significant differences between the three groups in both the PMTE and MTOE subscales. Conclusions: The findings of the current study provides information that would be useful for teacher educators to design or modify courses in order to enforce the mathematics teaching efficacy beliefs of pre-service and in-service Primary Education teachers

    Knowledge of numbers and geometry of pre-service teachers in the primary education degree

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    Background: the study of the initial mathematical knowledge of primary education teachers in training is considered important, since this knowledge influences that of the students. Objectives: to study the initial knowledge of numbers and geometry of the pre-service teachers. In addition, some of the mistakes they make are analysed. Design: to carry out the study, 20 questions released from the TIMSS tests were used, specifically, arithmetic (numbers) and geometry questions were selected. Setting and participants the TIMSS-type test was applied to 97 first-year pre-service teachers. Data collection and analysis: this research is quantitative and the sample used in this investigation is a purposive sample, participants answered a questionnaire with questions the knowledge of mathematical content in numbers and geometry. Results: the results indicate that, in general, the students present greater difficulties in the geometry questions. Specifically, 36% of students fail geometry, while 14% fail in the case of numbers. In problem-type questions, which belong to the cognitive domains of application and reasoning, a high percentage of errors and blank answers are obtained. Finally, in the study of errors, the difficulties that students have with the decimal numbering system are shown. It is also observed that they present difficulties in the matter of geometric measurements (areas, perimeters and volumes). Conclusions: in this research, on the one hand, weaknesses that can be reinforced by means of the mathematics subjects of the degree have been detected. On the other hand, errors about the decimal numbering system should be a warning indicator to try to improve its understanding during the primary education stage, which is when it is introduced

    Atitude em relação à matemática de alunos do quinto ano do ensino fundamental e autoeficácia do professor

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    In this research work, the attitude towards mathematics of 194 fifth grade students is studied. Additionally, the arithmetic mean between teachers' beliefs about mathematics teaching and students' attitudes is studied. The Mathematics Attitude Scale (MAS) is used to measure students' attitudes. The Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (Mtebi) is used to measure the teachers' efficacy beliefs. The results indicate that students have a favorable level of attitude towards mathematics. The confidence factor has higher scores. The study of means indicates that students with a higher attitude have mathematics teachers with greater teachers' self-efficacy in teaching mathematics. Teachers should consider attitude as an important factor in student cognitive development.En este trabajo se estudia la actitud hacia las matemáticas de 194 estudiantes de quinto grado. Adicionalmente, se estudia las medias aritméticas entre las creencias de la enseñanza de las matemáticas de los profesores y la actitud de los estudiantes. Se utiliza la Escala de Actitud hacia las Matemáticas (EAM) para medir la actitud de los estudiantes. El Instrumento de Creencias de Eficacia en la Enseñanza de Matemáticas (Mtebi, por su sigla en inglés) se utiliza para medir las creencias de eficacia de los profesores. Los resultados indican que los estudiantes tienen una actitud positiva hacia las matemáticas. El factor confianza tiene puntuaciones más altas. El estudio de las medias indica que los estudiantes con mayor actitud positiva tienen profesores de matemáticas con mayor autoeficacia de la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Los profesores deben considerar a la actitud como un factor importante en el desarrollo cognitivo del estudiante.Nesta investigação se estuda a atitude em relação à matemática de 194 alunos do quinto ano. Adicionalmente, são estudadas as médias aritméticas entre as crenças do ensino de matemática dos professores e a atitude dos alunos. A Escala de Atitude em relação à Matemática (EAM) é usada para medir a atitude dos alunos. O Instrumento de Crenças de Eficácia do Ensino de Matemática (Mtebi, por sua sigla em inglês) é usado para medir as crenças de eficácia dos professores. Os resultados indicam que os alunos apresentam uma atitude positiva em relação à matemática. O fator confiança tem pontuações mais altas. O estudo das médias indica que os alunos com atitude mais positiva possuem professores de matemática com maior autoeficácia no ensino de matemática. Os professores devem considerar a atitude como um fator importante no desenvolvimento cognitivo do aluno

    Visió per computador, e-commerce i matrius incompletes

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    Quan no es coneixen tots els elements d'una matriu, la seva factorització es pot resoldre mitjançant mètodes alternats. Aquesta estratègia és útil per al càlcul de l'Estructura a partir del Moviment (SFM), un problema dins del camp de la visió per computador. La tècnica aplicada en aquesta tesi és útil no només en aquest àmbit, sinó també en altres problemes de bioinformàtica, fotometria i e-commerce

    Knowledge of Numbers and Geometry of Pre-Service Teachers in the Primary Education Degree

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    Background: The study of the initial mathematical knowledge of primary education teachers in training is considered important, since this knowledge influences that of the students. Objectives: to study the initial knowledge of numbers and geometry of the pre-service teachers. In addition, some of the mistakes they make are analysed. Design: to carry out the study, 20 questions released from the TIMSS tests were used, specifically, arithmetic (numbers) and geometry questions were selected. Setting and Participants the TIMSS-type test was applied to 97 first-year pre-service teachers. Data collection and analysis: This research is quantitative and the sample used in this investigation is a purposive sample, participants answered a questionnaire with questions the knowledge of mathematical content in numbers and geometry. Results: the results indicate that, in general, the students present greater difficulties in the geometry questions. Specifically, 36% of students fail geometry, while 14% fail in the case of numbers. In problem-type questions, which belong to the cognitive domains of application and reasoning, a high percentage of errors and blank answers are obtained. Finally, in the study of errors, the difficulties that students have with the decimal numbering system are shown. It is also observed that they present difficulties in the matter of geometric measurements (areas, perimeters and volumes). Conclusions: In this research, on the one hand, weaknesses that can be reinforced by means of the mathematics subjects of the Degree have been detected. On the other hand, errors about the decimal numbering system should be a warning indicator to try to improve its understanding during the Primary Education stage, which is when it is introduced

    Problem-solving and mathematics learning in schools

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    Aquest article descriu el que s’hauria d’entendre per problema i per procés de resolució de problemes a les aules d’educació primària per tal de relacionar-ho amb la producció de coneixement matemàtic per part de l’alumne.Es vol incidir en la necessitat de valorar cognitivament les tasques que es demanen a l’aula i valorar el procés de resolució de problemes com la millor manera d’abordar nous coneixements i assolir aprenentatges més sòlids. Amb la finalitat d’orientar els docents, es descriuen diferents aspectes didàctics de les tres etapes del model proposat per Polya.This article describes what is understood by problem and the problemsolving process in the primary school classroom in order to relate the above concepts to the production of mathematical knowledge by primary school pupils.We emphasize the need to cognitively value the tasks that are set in the classroom and to value the problem-solving process as the best way to approach new knowledge and acquire it more soundly. As a guideline for teachers, we describe various pedagogical aspects of the three stages of Polya’s model

    Aprendizaje basado en proyectos en la asignatura de Gráficos por Computador en Ingeniería Informática. Balance de cuatro años de experiencia

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    En esta comunicación se presenta una experiencia de aplicación de la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) en Gráficos por Computador, asignatura optativa de Ingeniería Informática, impartida en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, realizada los últimos cuatro años (cursos 2004-05 al 2007-08) Se expone la organización y recursos docentes de la asignatura previos al ABP. Los resultados y conculsiones de 15 años de con una organización clásica (teoria, problemas prácticas) nos motivaron a buscar metodologías más activas para el alumno, decidiéndonos por ABP, ofreciéndolo como como un itinerario para cursar la asignatura. Por tanto, en la asignatura se ofrecen dos itinerarios: el de ABP y el de TPPE (Teoría, Problemas Prácticas y Examen), este último basado en la organización clásica de clase magistral, problemas y prácticas, sin aumentar en exceso los recursos docentes de la asignatura. Se muestra la organización de la propuesta ABP en la asignatura y ejemplos de proyectos. Finalmente se cuantifica la carga docente del alumno en ambos itinerarios y del profesorado, así como el número de matriculados por itinerario y el resultado de encuestas a los alumnos. Con 4 años de experiencia podemos obtener las primeras conclusiones, la mayoría positivas y analizar mejoras para próximos cursos.Peer Reviewe

    Effect of Denoising in Band Selection for Regression Tasks in Hyperspectral Datasets

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    This paper presents a comparative analysis of six band selection methods applied to hyperspectral datasets for biophysical variable estimation problems, where the effect of denoising on band selection performance has also been analyzed. In particular, we consider four hyperspectral datasets and three regressors of different nature ("�SVR, Regression Trees, and Kernel Ridge Regression). Results show that the denoising approach improves the band selection quality of all the tested methods. We show that noise filtering is more beneficial for the selection methods that use an estimator based on the whole dataset for the prediction of the output than for methods that use strategies based on local information (neighboring points)

    Experiència d'aplicació de la metodologia d'aprenentatge per projectes en assignatures d'Enginyeria Informàtica per a una millor adaptació als crèdits ECTS i a l'EEES

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    En aquest article es presenta una experiència realitzada els cursos 2005-2006, 2006-2007 i 2007-2008 en aprenentatge basat en projectes (ABP) -en anglès, Project Based Learning (PBL)- com un dels itineraris per cursar Gràfics per Computador 2, assignatura optativa de tercer curs d'Enginyeria Informàtica, titulació impartida a l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria (ETSE) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Per a la gestió de la documentació que genera una assignatura es fa servir una plataforma de sistema de gestió de l'aprenentatge (LMS, de l'anglès Learning Management System) basada en Moodle que hem utilitzat en ABP i que ha permès una gestió més àgil dels indicadors i les enquestes per avaluar els estudiants.En este artículo se presenta una experiencia de aprendizaje basado en proyectos (Project Based Learning- PBL) desarrollada en los cursos 2005-2006, 2006-2007 y 2007-2008 como uno de los itinerarios para cursar Gráficos por Computador 2, asignatura optativa de tercer curso de Ingeniería Informática, titulación impartida en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (ETSE) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Para la gestión de la documentación que genera la asignatura se utiliza una plata-forma LMS (Learning Management System) basada en Moodle que hemos utilizado en ABP y que nos ha permitido una gestión más ágil de los indicadores y las encuestas para evaluar a los estudiantes.This article presents an experiment performed in academic years 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-08 on Project Based learning (PBL) as one of the tracks for students in Computer Graphics 2, an elective course in the third year of Computer Engineering, a degree offered at the Higher School of Engineering (ETSE) at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). To manage the documentation that was generated in the class, we used an LMS (Learning Management System) platform based on Moodle, which we have used in PBL and which enabled us to more easily manage the indicators and surveys to evaluate the students
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