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    The purpose of this research is to analyze Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR), Net Interest Margin (NIM), Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR), Cost to Income Ratio (CIR) toward Return On Asset (ROA) of Domestic Banks and Foreign Banks in Indonesia from 2011 to 2015. The population of this research is all domestic banks and foreign banks in Indonesia that operate from 2011 to 2015. This research uses purposive sampling method as sampling technique, therefore total samples of this research is 92 domestic banks and 10 foreign banks. The analysis technique that is used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. This research also uses Chow test to compare the influence of CAR, NIM, LDR, CIR toward ROA between domestic banks and foreign banks. The result of analysis shows that CAR, NIM, LDR, and CIR have significant influence toward ROA in domestic banks. Meanwhile, only CAR and CIR in foreign banks show significant influence toward ROA. Chow test result shows that there is different influence of CAR, NIM, LDR, CIR toward ROA between domestic banks and foreign banks

    MA’LOW CAKE (Perencanaan Pendirian Usaha Maksuba Berkalori Rendah)

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    Ma’Low Cake merupakan usaha yang bergerak dibidang kuliner yang memproduksi kue basah maksuba dengan kalori yang lebih rendah dengan varian rasa buah pisang dan rasa original yang dapat di beli secara online maupun offline. Usaha ini berlokasi di Jalan Kolonel Haji Burlian km 7Palembang. Promosi yang dilakukan oleh Ma’Low Cake difokuskan lewat media online yaitu Instagram dan What’Apps. Ma’Low Cake juga melakukan promosi dengan mengikut event seperti bazzar. Berdasarkan aspek kelayakan usaha Ma’Low Cake di nyatakan layak untuk dijalankan dan menguntungkan dalam jangka panjang. Modal awal usaha sebesar Rp 245.304.750. Dengan analisis kelayakan usaha di dapat kemampuan pengembalian modal selama 1 tahun 2 bulan 27 hari, dengan nilai NPV sebesar Rp 81.304.650 yang bernilai positif, dan IRR sebesar 68,89%, serta ARR yang bernilai 1,75% dan perhitungan Provitability Index (PI) yang mendapatkan hasil 2,6 yang beratilebih besar dari pada 1 sehingga investasi yang dilakukan oleh Ma’Low Cake dikatakan layak. Berdasarkan analisis dari aspek keuangan yang di lakukakan, maka Ma’Low Cake dapat di nyatakan layak untuk dijalankan dan menguntungkan dalam jangka panjan


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    Penelitian ini merupakan pengembangan media pembelajaran dalam proses belajar mengajar kimia. Tujuan penelitian pengembangan ini adalah: (1) untuk mengembangkan media buku petunjuk eksperimen berbasis PChK (Paedagogical Chemistry Knowledge) dalam representasi konsep laju reaksi untuk siswa SMA, (2) untuk mengetahui kualitas media buku petunjuk eksperimen berbasis PChK (Paedagogical Chemistry Knowledge) dalam representasi konsep laju reaksi untuk siswa SMA. Pengembangan produk dibimbing oleh seorang dosen kimia pembimbing skripsi. Penilaian dilakukan oleh satu dosen kimia sebagai ahli media, satu dosen kimia sebagai ahli materi, 5 peer reviewer, 13 guru kimia dan 40 peserta didik sebagai responden. Buku petunjuk eksperimen kimia ini mengandung 5 topik eksperimen, yaitu: pengaruh luas permukaan, suhu, konsentrasi, katalis terhadap laju reaksi, dan yang terakhir adalah persamaan laju reaksi dan orde reaksi. Kualitas buku petunjuk eksperimen berbasis PChK dalam representasi konsep laju reaksi untuk siswa SMA berdasarkan penilaian oleh peserta didik serta guru kimia SMA memperoleh kategori sangat baik (SB). Berdasarkan penilaian tersebut, maka petunjuk eksperimen ini layak digunakan sebagai acuan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan eksperimen dan dapat digunakan sebagai sumber serta media pembelajaran khususnya untuk materi laju reaksi

    Kartografinio diskurso semiotika: 1613 m. Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės žemėlapio analizė

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    Reading of a map is defined by two different ways of looking: firstly a synoptic gaze grasps the totality of a map, then it locates itself in some particular place and begins to travel – follows linear elements that invite and lead the eye. The reading direction is identified according to fragmentation, topology, framing, central places and layering of the elements. Thus a semiotic approach to a cartographic discourse should begin with an analysis of the plastic level. The reading direction on the 1613 map of Grand Duchy of Lithuania can be identified to start in the corner of the Baltic Sea. The route chosen denies new borders of the country and restores the old boundaries. The subject is motivated by modalities of having to do (figuratively represented by the wind) and wanting (figuratively – rivers). The former is replaced with the latter by establishing the contract between the subject and the sender. The journey ends in the territory of the Black sea, near the mouth of the Bug river – an utopian space related to the cosmic plane and historical past of Lithuania.By following the itinerary the subject passes from one space to another, he crosses forbidden borders. The shift through the border of the semantic field is qualified as an event – unit of plot construction (according to Lotman). By implementing the narrative program the subject negates the order of the plotless text; his movement forms the plot – the narrative. The spatial organization of a cartographic discourse is defined by its conceptual and visual aspects. The former is being related to the nature of space (being): the mapped milieu is usually reduced to a network of points, the distance between points is desemantized. When the being is combined with the appearing the mapped space matches a schema: a territory is seen from above, nothing is hidden, but only relevant elements appear in this view, the space between them is empty. In the map analyzed this scheme is implemented in the depiction of the Black Sea. An orthogonal depiction is related to operation of disengagement, whereas perspective view signifies the opposite. Some  elements  of  the  map  are  represented  in  perspective,  although  the space  encoded  in  these  representations  belongs  to  the  network  regime.  The space between the points in these depictions is not only desemantized, but also eliminated. The network is so dense that it looks like a tissue. These depictions (city views in the map) can be called perspective maps. The narrative program implements a shift from the space of tissue (the Baltic Sea is represented in mimetic manner) to the space of network (the Black Sea). These opposite terms are linked by the medium term of perspective map, a dense tissue (city views). The performance of the subject is associated with the orthogonal view – this witnesses the authority and value of cartographic discourse.The analysis of the written description of Lithuania appended to the map reveals that a written text can produce a cartographic effect as well. By simulating a synoptic and traveling gaze and devaluing the top category (i.e. – projecting described view onto the surface) it competes with the map and even attempts to transform its meaning.Darbe analizuojamas 1613 m. Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės žemėlapis – keli jo variantai su istoriniu geografiniu Lietuvos aprašymu ir be jo: Upsalos universiteto ir Veimaro Hercogienės Anos Amalijos bibliotekoms priklausantys egzemplioriai ir žemėlapis iš prof. Kazio Varnelio rinkinio. Žemėlapio variantų papildymas rašytiniu tekstu sudaro sąlygas tirti rašytinės ir vizualiosios plotmių santykį kartografiniame diskurse. Posūkis nuo vizualiojo prie rašytinio teksto analizės verčia kelti klausimą – kokiais būdais kartografiniame tekste kuriasi reikšmė? Semiotinė žemėlapio analizė pradedama plastinės teksto sandaros tyrimu. Plastinė analizė atskleidžia būdus, kuriais žemėlapis pagauna ir kreipia būsimo keliautojo žvilgsnį. Skaitymo kryptis nustatoma ištyrus kartografinio diskurso fragmentavimą ir topologiją, rėminimo ypatumus, centrines vietas ir elementų stratifikaciją. Susiejus žemėlapio erdvę su naratyvine subjekto programa paaiškėja, kad kelionė nuo jūros iki jūros žymi perėjimą nuo audinio erdvės, perspektyvinio paveikslo (Baltijos jūra) prie tinklo erdvės, ortogonalaus žemėlapio (Juodoji jūra). Tarp šių erdvių įsiterpę LDK miestai vaizduojami kaip perspektyviniai žemėlapiai. Tai, kad subjekto atliktis siejama su ortogonaliu vaizdu, leidžia kalbėti apie kartografinio diskurso vertę ir autoritetą. Kita vertus, istorinės praeities įvilkimas į kartografinę formą suponuoja, kad istorinį laiką apibrėžia pati erdvė, o žemės paviršiuje įrašyti įvykiai redukuojami iki orientyrų. Istorinio geografinio Lietuvos aprašymo analizė parodė, kad kartografinį efektą sukelti ir su žemėlapiu konkuruoti gali ir rašytinis tekstas. Tekste siekiama transformuoti žemėlapyje užkoduotą aksiologiją, nuvertinti istorinę LDK praeitį ir išaukštinti taikaus sambūvio su Lenkijos karalyste pažymėtą dabartį

    Indonesia’s Shifting Focus of Energy Security Amidst COVID-19

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    AbstrakBerbagai dimensi dari konsep ketahanan energi menjadikannya topik diskusi besar di saat pandemi. Pergeseran dinamis dari ketahanan energi dapat dilihat baik dalam skala internasional maupun domestik. Makalah ini akan berfokus pada perubahan dinamis ketahanan energi di Indonesia dengan menganalisis kebijakan dan inisiatif energi di masa lalu dan saat ini sesuai dengan konsep yang dielaborasi oleh Melly Caballero. Perbandingan fokus Indonesia pada ketahanan energi sebelum dan selama wabah COVID-19 akan memberikan gambaran yang jelas tentang bagaimana Indonesia mengamankan energi. Argumen utamanya tetap bahwa Indonesia sekarang berfokus pada keamanan sebagai keterjangkauan, bukan ketersediaan dan keberlanjutan. Ini karena, peningkatan tagihan listrik rumah tangga yang dicatat PLN, berbeda dengan aktivitas industri yang menurun membuat permintaan energi nasional melonjak. Kebijakan energi yang disebutkan dalam makalah ini mengacu pada peraturan dan inisiatif pemerintah dari Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). Makalah ini juga akan mengenali masalah yang sedang berlangsung tentang distribusi energi yang tidak merata di luar jaringan Jawa dan melihat bagaimana masalah ini dipengaruhi oleh pandemi. Kata Kunci:COVID-19, Keamanan Energi Indonesia, Kebijakan Energi AbstractMultiple dimensions from the concept of energy security makes it a big topic of discussion in times of a pandemic. The dynamic shift of energy security can be seen both in the international and domestic scale. This paper will focus on the dynamic shift of energy security in Indonesia by analyzing past and current energy policies and initiatives according to the concepts elaborated by Melly Caballero. A comparison of Indonesia’s focus on energy security before and during the COVID-19 outbreak will give a clear picture in how Indonesia is securing energy. The main argument remains that Indonesia is now focusing on security as affordability instead of availability and sustainability. This is because of the increased household electric bill recorded by PLN in contrast to the decreasing industrial activities. The energy policies mentioned in this paper refers government regulations and initiatives from the state-owned electric company (PLN). This paper will also recognize the ongoing issue of unequal distribution of energy outside the Java grid and see how this issue is impacted by the pandemic.  Keywords: COVID-19, Indonesia’s Energy Security, Energy Polic

    Lenkijos karių palaikų paieškos Lietuvoje: tyrimų istorija ir metodika

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    The article describes the search for the remains of Polish soldiers in Lithuania from 1992 to the present day, and presents how such research has evolved, and what archaeological research methodology is used. The involvement of specialists from different institutions and disciplines in such searches is discussed. Although the article deals with the search for the remains of all Polish soldiers who died in the course of the 20th century conflicts in general, it is notable that the most numerous part of them is made up of the soldiers of Armia Krajowa. The main data available for such searches is the testimonies of live witnesses, supplemented and refined by archaeological and anthropological research. The methodology of such research is still being shaped on a case-by-case basis, so it is important to review and familiarise oneself with researches that has been carried out and cases of (un)successes, as this may help to plan further, more productive research and searches for individuals from this period in the future.Straipsnyje aprašomos lenkų karių palaikų paieškos Lietuvoje nuo 1992-ųjų iki šių dienų, pristatoma, kaip kito tokių tyrimų tikslai, kokia taikyta archeologinių tyrimų metodika. Aptariamas skirtingų institucijų ir disciplinų atstovų įsitraukimas į paieškas. Nors straipsnyje kalbama apie visų per XX amžiaus konfliktus žuvusių Lenkijos karių palaikų paieškas apskritai, išskirtina, kad didžiausią dalį jų sudaro Armijos Krajovos kariai. Pagrindiniai turimi duomenys tokioms paieškoms vykdyti yra amžininkų liudijimai, o juos papildo ir patikslina archeologiniai ir antropologiniai tyrimai. Tokių tyrimų metodika vis dar formuojama pagal individualius atvejus, todėl svarbu apžvelgti vykusius tyrimus ir susipažinti su jų (ne)pasisekimais, nes tai gali padėti planuoti ir tolesnius, produktyvesnius šio laikotarpio tyrimus bei asmenų paieškas

    The Role of Female Headed Households Caring for Children and No Spouse in Gentrification in Los Angeles

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    Gentrification is the “in-migration of a relatively well-off, middle- and upper-middle-class population” into historically marginalized communities (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Matsuoka et al. 2017). Literature has repeatedly shown that gentrification is placing cost and rent-burdened residents at risk of displacement due to the hike in housing prices and rents. Most cost and rent burdened households are female-headed households caring for children without a spouse (FHHCCNS) (Colburn and Allen, 2018). Given there is a lack of literature describing the role of gender in gentrification, this descriptive study aims to describe the gentrification profile in Los Angeles using multiple indicators from place-based census track data including FHHCCNS. To gain an understanding of gentrification, a descriptive methodology is employed to show the role FHHCCNS play in gentrification. Census tract data is used to capture a descriptive snapshot of the current situation. Findings from this study show FHHCCNS are a significant indicator of gentrification. If gentrification continues, as seems likely, we need to improve the targeting of public health services and create policies to preserve and protect the displacement of women and their children. Measures are recommended to prevent them from displacement, eviction, and homelessness

    Pengaruh Struktur Modal Dan Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Profitabilitas

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh struktur modal dan kinerja keuangan perusahaan terhadap profitabilitas Perusahaan Grup Lippo yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2008 – 2018. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah nonprobability sampling, lebih tepatnya purposive sampling. Populasi penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan Grup Lippo yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia yang terdiri dari 12 perusahaan, dan sampelnya adalah laporan keuangan 10 tahun terakhir dari 3 Perusahaan Grup Lippo untuk mewakili 12 perusahaan tersebut. Teknik analisis data adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS versi 16,0. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa struktur modal berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap profitabilitas, terlihat dari nilai signifikansi sig 0,042 < 0,05 atau nilai t hitung > nilai t tabel (2,396 > 2,052). Kinerja keuangan juga berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap profitabilitas yang terlihat dari nilai signifikansi sig 0,000 < 0,05 atau nilai t hitung (4,181) > nilai t tabel (2,052). Struktur modal dan kinerja keuangan secara simultan berpengaruh positif terhadap profitabilitas yang terlihat dari nilai signifikansi sig 0,000<0,05 atau nilai Fhitung (11,332) > nilai Ftabel (3,34)

    Social Cognitive Development and Mental Health in Adolescence

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    Adolescence, defined from the age of 10-24, is a key developmental period which is associated with protracted biological, psychological, and social changes. While these neurocognitive changes play an important role in the individual’s social, affective, and cognitive development, adolescence has also been described as a time of “storm and stress”, representing a time of increased vulnerability to mental health problems. This thesis described a series of experimental studies investigating the effects of cognitive training on adolescents’ social cognitive development and mental health. The first experimental chapter (Chapter 2) described a cross-sectional study investigating the effect of age and puberty on susceptibility to prosocial and antisocial influence in 520 adolescents aged 11-18 years. The next two experimental chapters examined the effect of social cognitive training programmes on adolescents’ social cognitive development and mental health. Chapter 3 explored the changes in susceptibility to prosocial and antisocial influence following two 8-week social emotional training programmes in 465 adolescents aged 11-16 years. Chapter 4 described an experimental study examining the effectiveness of an affective control training paradigm (compared to a control training paradigm) in 242 adolescents aged 11-19 years. The study examined the training effect across two training groups, the extent to which training effect varied as a function of age, and how training effect associated with self-reported mental health problems, emotion regulation difficulties, and self-control ability. Finally, Chapter 5 summarised the findings of the empirical studies and discussed how these findings inform the social cognitive development and mental health during adolescence

    Anagnorisė Aristotelio Poetikoje:definicijos ir klasifikacijos problemos

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    The article analyses the problems of meaning and classification of the term anagnorisis (ἀναγνώρισις) as it is defined in Aristotle’s Poetics. It focuses on how the term anagnorisis is understood and interpreted by scholars – different translations and their interpretations of the same type of anagnorisis are compared. The article also searches for the answers to the following questions: does the term of anagnorisis discussed by Aristotle mean the recognition of persons or just any kind of truth in a drama; why do some translators differentiate five and others six types of anagnorisis; what did Aristotle bear in mind by distinguishing the type of anagnorisis called “the recognition made by a poet himself” (Arist. Poet. XVI, 1454b 30–31), whereas it is known that all recognitions were created by poets themselves; does “an anagnorisis by false reasoning (a false syllogism)” occur among tragedy characters or does the audience at first misjudge, but later recognises the characters correctly?The author of the article argues that the version of the Arabic manuscript of Aristotle’s Poetics is more logical, as it states that one of the characters (θατέρου) rather than a spectator (θεάτρου) mistakenly recognises another character (Arist. Poet. XVI, 1455a 12–17). First of all, Aristotle does not state specifically that this is the fifth (different from all the others) way of recognition, but while discussing the fourth way of “anagnorisis by reasoning”, he adds that there is also and “an anagnorisis by false reasoning (a false syllogism)” (Arist. Poet. XVI, 1455a 12–13). Secondly, the recognitions described by Aristotle in Part XVI of Poetics occur between two characters, when one has to recognise the other. Therefore, the author of the article does not agree with the opinion by Dana Munteanu (2002) – that in Menander’s comedy Epitrepontes, Smikrine’s false recognition should be referred to as an erroneous spectator’s recognition, whereas at the end of the play Menander depicts Smikrine as a misled spectator just observing the events uninvolved without understanding them properly. By such leaving the word “spectator” in Aristotle’s classification of the fifth type of anagnorisis and using it for a character observing the actions of the play uninvolved, an ambiguity occurs, as Aristotle himself in his Poetics speaks many times about an actual spectator of the tragedy, who while watching the action of the play experiences fear and pity.The author of the article thinks that the translation of chapter XVI of Aristotle’s Poetics by Marcelinas Ročka (1990) should be corrected in some places. At the fifth “recognition by false reasoning”, a note in square brackets stating that this is the last recognition should be omitted. In fact, it is the next-to-last recognition discussed by Aristotle. In translation “the recognitions invented by the poet himself”, some other word can be used, as Aristotle here has in mind that poets usually write poorly and use trite recognitions. A phrase “to contrive” (in Lithuanian “sukurpti”) could be used here instead, as it means “to make or put together roughly or hastily”. It is also true speaking of the translation that a character of the play rather than the audience recognises another character by false reasoning.Finally, the author of the article draws a conclusion that according to Aristotle an anagnorisis is the recognition of persons occurring among characters of the play. In Aristotle’s Poetics, six variants of anagnorisis are distinguished and their classification made based on the principle of artistry and the originality of its use in plays.Straipsnyje analizuojamos Aristotelio Poetikoje apibrėžto termino „anagnorisė“ (ἀναγνώρισις) reikšmės ir klasifikacijos problemos. Dėmesys kreipiamas į tai, kaip anagnorisė buvo suprantama ir interpretuojama klasikinės filologijos specialistų: lyginami skirtingi tų pačių anagnorisės rūšių vertimai, jų interpretacijos. Ieškoma atsakymo į klausimus, kodėl vieni vertėjai išskiria penkias, kiti – šešias anagnorisės rūšis; ką turėjo omenyje Aristotelis, išskirdamas anagnorisės rūšį, kurią pavadino „paties poeto sugalvoti atpažinimai“ (Arist. Poet. XVI, 1454b 30–31), kai žinoma, kad visus atpažinimus dramose kūrė patys poetai. Taip pat siekiama atsakyti į klausimą, ar tarp tragedijos personažų vyksta anagnorisė, kylanti iš klaidingo silogizmo, ar žiūrovai iš pradžių personažų neatpažįsta ir vėliau atpažįsta juos teisingai. Daroma išvada, kad Aristotelis išskyrė šešias anagnorisės rūšis, turėdamas omenyje, kad anagnorisė tarp personažų vyksta, kad klasifikacija Aristotelio Poetikoje sudaryta remiantis meniškumo ir anagnorisės panaudojimo dramose originalumo principu