11 research outputs found

    Improved antimicrobial activity of immobilised essential oil components against representative spoilage wine microorganisms

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    [EN] Wine, as a fermented drink, is considered a microbiologically safe beverage, but the growth of spoilage microorganisms can cause economic damage. As a new preservative process, the application of immobilised essential oil components (EOCs) is proposed in this study. EOCs were attached to the surface of three different commercial supports (silica particles, cellulose particles and cellulosic membrane) to avoid the disadvantages of using these compounds in their free form, such as volatility, low water solubility and intense aroma. The results showed that the treatment of spoilage microorganisms with antimicrobial particles (silica and cellulose) significantly reduced the viability and growth capacity of the target microorganisms. The covalent attachment of EOCs to particles led to a significant reduction in both the MIC values and viability compared with most free compounds. The enhanced antimicrobial activity of EOCs after their anchorage to a support was confirmed, resulting in MIC values of 10-90 fold lower than those of the free bioactive compounds. In addition, the filtration of microorganism suspensions through EOC-functionalised membranes showed remarkably antimicrobial activity.Authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and FEDER-EU (Projects AGL2015-70235-C2-1-R and AGL2016-77505-C3-1-R, granted to JMB and JMG, respectively). The authors also thank the Electron Microscopy Service at the UPV for support. Authors thank Antonio Ruiz for technical assistance.García-Ríos, E.; Ruiz Rico, M.; Guillamón Navarro, JM.; Pérez-Esteve, É.; Barat Baviera, JM. (2018). Improved antimicrobial activity of immobilised essential oil components against representative spoilage wine microorganisms. Food Control. 94:177-186. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2018.07.005S1771869

    Acetic acid bacteria in oenology

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    Els bacteris de l'àcid acètic han estat sempre considerats perjudicials en els àmbits enològics, com a principal font de problemes en el vi (fonamentalment per ser una font d'acidesa volàtil). El desenvolupament de noves tècniques de biologia molecular ha permès que la taxonomia i el coneixement del metabolisme d'aquests bacteris que, per les seves exigències nutricionals, són molt difícils de cultivar evolucionin ràpidament. En l'àmbit taxonòmic, s'ha produït el canvi de dos gèneres i cinc espècies el 1984 a deu gèneres i més de quaranta espècies al moment actual. De totes maneres, les poderoses eines moleculars utilitzades en taxonomia no són apropiades per a l'ús rutinari en estudis ecològics, on s'ha d'analitzar un gran nombre de mostres. Per tant, s'han desenvolupat noves tècniques moleculars que han permès la millora del seu coneixement i control a Enologia. Així mateix, han permès un avenç considerable en la producció de vinagre, procés en el qual aquests bacteris són imprescindibles, com s'ha posat de manifest en el projecte europeu WINEGAR.Acetic acid bacteria have always been considered the bad microorganisms of oenology; responsible for wine spoiling (vinegary taint). The taxonomy and our knowledge of the metabolism of acetic acid bacteria are rapidly evolving, especially as new molecular biology techniques are applied to this fastidious group of microorganisms, which are still rather difficult to work with. The dramatic change that acetic acid bacteria taxonomy has undergone can be summarized by the transformation of 2 genera and 5 species in 1984 into 10 genera and over 40 species at present. The powerful molecular tools used in taxonomy are not appropriate for frequent use in identification and ecological studies; yet new molecular tools for routine analysis have also been developed. These provide new insights and means of controlling this microbial group. Furthermore, these advances have improved vinegar production; a process where the presence of acetic acid bacteria is essential. The WINEGAR European Project is evidence of these improvements in vinegar production

    From Magma Source to Volcanic Sink Under Tagoro Volcano (El Hierro, Canary Islands): Petrologic, Geochemical and Physiographic Evolution of the 2011–2012 Submarine Eruption

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    Active volcanoes are key laboratories to carry out detailed research -and monitoring- about the history of magmas before, during and after eruptions. Tagoro, the submarine active volcano at El Hierro Island (Canary archipelago), is a highly favorable case to assess and monitor its daily ongoing behaviour, as well as to study the links between the processes of magma genesis occurring at depth and their derived eruptive events at the surface. In this interdisciplinary research we combine new results of classical petrology (petrography, geochemistry, and thermodynamics) on the volcanic products expelled by Tagoro during the 2011–2012 eruption, with a high-resolution (5 m grid) bathymetry model carried out during 2017, and recent data from magnetometry, to refine the current knowledge of this eruption. Our results mainly reveal (i) slight magma differentiation and mixing processes at c. 12 km depth during a continuous eruptive pulse; (ii) a similar magmatic evolution and residence times at depth between previous and 2011–2012 eruptions on the island; (iii) an insignificant interaction of external fluids with the magma at depth or within the ascent conduit; (iv) a present-day magnetometric anomaly under the Tagoro’s area; (v) a minimum volume estimate for the magma withdrawn from the plumbing system at depth.This research was possible thanks to: (i) the funds provided by the MINECO and FEDER through the project VULCANO I (CTM2012-36317) and the project VULCANA (Vulcana-IEO-2015-2017) funded by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, both granted to E.F.-N., that provided the oceanographic instruments, cruise and samples; (ii) the funds provided by the MINECO and MEC grants (Spanish Government) to A.M.A.-V. through the programs EXPLORA-CIENCIA (CGL2014—61775-EXP; MINECO), José Castillejo (CAS14-00189; MEC), and Programa Propio mod. 1B—2019 (USAL). J.M. is supported by EC Grant EVE (DG ECHO H2020 826292). A.P S is grateful for his PhD grant “Programa Propio III Universidad de Salamanca, cofounded by Banco de Santander”. H.A. is a Serra Húnter Lecturer Professor at the University of Barcelona. A-V specially thanks all the colleagues and friends who made possible this research starting from the ones designing the oceanographic campaigns, to those sharing their work on the vessel’s deck and acoustic lab, or carrying out geochemical analysis, as well as the undergraduate and graduate students involved in the research (some developing their master and graduate theses at USAL, e.g. I.N. and N.G., respectively). We also thank the careful and in-depth reviews by D. González García, an anonymous reviewer and editor. This research is also part of the PTI VOLCAN research initiatives.Peer reviewe

    From magma source to volcanic sink under Tagoro Volcano (El hierro, Canary Islands): Petrologic, Geochemical and Physiographic Evolution of the 2011-2012 Submarine Eruption

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    Active volcanoes are key laboratories to carry out detailed research -and monitoring- about the history of magmas before, during and after eruptions. Tagoro, the submarine active vol- cano at El Hierro Island (Canary archipelago), is a highly favorable case to assess and monitor its daily ongoing behaviour, as well as to study the links between the processes of magma genesis occurring at depth and their derived eruptive events at the surface. In this interdisciplinary research we combine new results of classical petrology (petrography, geochemistry, and thermodynamics) on the volcanic products expelled by Tagoro during the 2011–2012 eruption, with a high- resolution (5 m grid) bathymetry model car- ried out during 2017, and recent data from magnetometry, to refine the current knowl- edge of this eruption. Our results mainly reveal (i) slight magma differentiation and mixing processes at c. 12 km depth during a continuous eruptive pulse; (ii) a similar mag- matic evolution and residence times at depth between previous and 2011–2012 eruptions on the island; (iii) an insignificant interaction of external fluids with the magma at depth or within the ascent conduit; (iv) a present-day magnetometric anomaly under the Tagoro’s area; (v) a minimum volume estimate for the magma withdrawn from the plumbing system at depth.MINECO and FEDER: VULCANO I (CTM2012-36317). Instituto Español de Oceanografía.VULCANA (Vulcana IEO-2015-2017). Instituto Español de OceanografíaMINECO AND MEC. EXPLORA-CIENCIA (CGL2014—61775-EXP)MINECO AND MEC. EXPLORA-CIENCIA (CAS14-00189; MEC)Programa Propio mod. 1B— 2019 (USAL)EC Grant EVE (DG ECHO H2020 826292)PhD grant “Programa Propio III Universidad de Salamanca, cofounded by Banco de Santander”The PTI VOLCAN research initiatives.Peer reviewe

    Pasados y presente. Estudios para el profesor Ricardo García Cárcel

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    Ricardo García Cárcel (Requena, 1948) estudió Historia en Valencia bajo el magisterio de Joan Reglà, con quien formó parte del primer profesorado de historia moderna en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. En esta universidad, desde hace prácticamente cincuenta años, ha desarrollado una extraordinaria labor docente y de investigación marcada por un sagaz instinto histórico, que le ha convertido en pionero de casi todo lo que ha estudiado: las Germanías, la historia de la Cataluña moderna, la Inquisición, las culturas del Siglo de Oro, la Leyenda Negra, Felipe II, Felipe V, Austrias y Borbones, la guerra de la Independencia, la historia cultural, los mitos de la historia de España... Muy pocos tienen su capacidad para reflexionar, ordenar, analizar, conceptualizar y proponer una visión amplia y llena de matices sobre el pasado y las interpretaciones historiográficas. A su laboriosidad inimitable se añade una dedicación sin límites en el asesoramiento de alumnos e investigadores e impulsando revistas, dosieres, seminarios o publicaciones colectivas. Una mínima correspondencia a su generosidad lo constituye este volumen a manera de ineludible agradecimiento

    Prosthetic aortic graft thrombosis by aspergillus infection

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    Las infecciones de injertos vasculares y protésicos de etiología fúngica son entidades raras, precisan de alta sospecha diagnóstica y conllevan una elevada mortalidad. Presentamos el caso de paciente de 24 años portadora de tubo de dacron supracoronario que presenta trombosis de dicho injerto por Aspergillus flavus. Aspergillus es un hongo filamentoso cuyo principal medio de transmisión es la inhalación de sus esporas. Presenta predilección por infección de prótesis valvulares izquierdas formando vegetaciones grandes, friables y con alto riesgo embolígeno, entrañando mortalidad de hasta el 80-90%. Como principal complicación destaca la embolización séptica. Difícilmente es detectado en cultivos habituales y tratamiento se basa en terapia antifúngica intensiva y cirugía para desbridamiento. La ETE se trata de una herramienta de gran rendimiento a pie de cama, aunque difícilmente nos orienta el diagnóstico. Debido al reto que supone su diagnóstico, se necesitan mejorar las herramientas diagnósticas de las que disponemos actualmente.Infection of prosthetic vascular grafts of fungal etiology are rare entities, requiring high diagnostic suspicion and carry a high mortality. We present the case of patient with supracoronary dacron graft with thrombosis by Aspergillus flavus. Aspergillus is a filamentous fungus whose primary mode of transmission is via inhalation of spores. It has a predilection for infection of prosthetic left valves, forming large, friable and high risk of embolism vegetations, with a mortality rate of up to 80-90%. Main complication is septic embolization. It is hardly detected in normal blood cultures. The treatment is based on intensive antifungal therapy and surgery. In most cases the definitive diagnosis is through analysis of the surgical specimen. The transesophageal echocardiography is an important tool at the bedside, though hardly orients the diagnosis. Due to challenge their diagnosis, it is needed to improve the diagnostic tools we have now

    Acetic acid bacteria in oenology

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    Els bacteris de l'àcid acètic han estat sempre considerats perjudicials en els àmbits enològics, com a principal font de problemes en el vi (fonamentalment per ser una font d'acidesa volàtil). El desenvolupament de noves tècniques de biologia molecular ha permès que la taxonomia i el coneixement del metabolisme d'aquests bacteris que, per les seves exigències nutricionals, són molt difícils de cultivar evolucionin ràpidament. En l'àmbit taxonòmic, s'ha produït el canvi de dos gèneres i cinc espècies el 1984 a deu gèneres i més de quaranta espècies al moment actual. De totes maneres, les poderoses eines moleculars utilitzades en taxonomia no són apropiades per a l'ús rutinari en estudis ecològics, on s'ha d'analitzar un gran nombre de mostres. Per tant, s'han desenvolupat noves tècniques moleculars que han permès la millora del seu coneixement i control a Enologia. Així mateix, han permès un avenç considerable en la producció de vinagre, procés en el qual aquests bacteris són imprescindibles, com s'ha posat de manifest en el projecte europeu WINEGAR.Acetic acid bacteria have always been considered the bad microorganisms of oenology; responsible for wine spoiling (vinegary taint). The taxonomy and our knowledge of the metabolism of acetic acid bacteria are rapidly evolving, especially as new molecular biology techniques are applied to this fastidious group of microorganisms, which are still rather difficult to work with. The dramatic change that acetic acid bacteria taxonomy has undergone can be summarized by the transformation of 2 genera and 5 species in 1984 into 10 genera and over 40 species at present. The powerful molecular tools used in taxonomy are not appropriate for frequent use in identification and ecological studies; yet new molecular tools for routine analysis have also been developed. These provide new insights and means of controlling this microbial group. Furthermore, these advances have improved vinegar production; a process where the presence of acetic acid bacteria is essential. The WINEGAR European Project is evidence of these improvements in vinegar production

    Mejora la eficiencia energética en tu oficina

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    Currently, energy efficiency goes beyond technological aspects, involving social actions and people awareness. Proven feedback techniques based on reliable measuring at home, combined with price policies have demonstrated the feasibility of cutting down consumption up to 25% while maintaining high levels of comfort [1]. The Energy Technological Institute and Institute of Biomechanics of Valencia have studied the effect of providing real-time feedback implemented in a PC by means of pop-ups messages and information in offices. The designed system tries to integrate the previously identified key aspects for energy consumption reduction and the comfort criteria for lighting and air conditioning.Hasta hace poco, la eficiencia energética se consideraba fundamentalmente como una cuestión tecnológica: utilizar la mejor tecnología para consumir menos energía, ya sea por parte del proveedor o por el consumidor. Pero la política energética abarca hoy en día cada vez más y mayores acciones sociales: de poco sirven las nuevas tecnologías si el usuario no está convencido de su utilización. Una cada vez mayor concienciación de los beneficios derivados del ahorro de energía, tanto para el individuo como para la sociedad, debe ser el factor determinante para el cambio del comportamiento del consumidor. Se ha demostrado que técnicas de retroalimentación combinadas con tarifas económicas basadas en medidas del consumo energético en el hogar son viables para reducir el consumo casi en un 25%, manteniendo las condiciones de confort [1]. El Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (ITE) y el Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV) han estudiado el efecto de la retroalimentación en tiempo real sobre su consumo energético mediante una aplicación instalada en el ordenador del usuario que integra los aspectos identificados como claves en la reducción del consumo energético y los criterios de confort del ambiente térmico y lumínico

    Informe de Campaña - Vulcana1015 - Octubre 2015

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    El objetivo principal del proyecto VULcanología CAnaria submariNA, VULCANA, es evaluar el grado de afección y la recuperación sobre el ecosistema marino del volcán submarino de la isla de El Hierro, haciéndolo extensible a otras regiones canarias de posible interés hidrotermal o vulcanológico. En este sentido, se ha investigado además el volcán de “enmedio”, entre las islas de Gran Canaria y Tenerife y el sur de La Palma (Fuentesanta). Para ello, se realizará un estudio completo de las propiedades físico-químicas, biológicas y geológicas en las áreas descrita

    Investigación educativa en las aulas de primaria

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    Reúne trabajos derivados de la experiencias de diversos docentes en educación primaria en los siguientes temas: Tecnología de Información y Comunicación, educación inclusiva, enseñanza de la música, educación física, enseñanza de la historia, acoso escolar, auto-evaluación, métodos de enseñanza, inteligencia emocional, percepción del alumno, marco cognitivo en comprensión lectora y comunicación escuela-familia