189 research outputs found
Selvopplevd helse og fysisk aktivitet : effekten av en tilpasset og (e)post basert fysisk aktivitetsintervensjon pÄ selvopplevd helse blant fysisk inaktive voksne i alderen 40-55 Är
Physical inactivity is a leading risk factor for morbidity and mortality. The trend has
become a major public health problem and burden on society, both economic and
social are high. In order to monitor a population's health the traditionally measured
parameters are birth-, mortality- and morbidity rates in the population. In recent years,
an increased focus has been on individualâs subjective experience of his or her health.
Existing research shows that monitoring self-perceived health can provide good
information about populations sick leave, future morbidity and mortality. Physically
inactive individuals report lower self-perceived health than the individual who are
regarded as sufficiently active.
The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if an applied telephone and (e) mail
based physical activity intervention has an effect on the self-perceived health in
inactive adults, and whether there is an association between self-perceived health and
Sample and method
The sample consisted of 111 inactive men and women aged 40-55 years from
both Agder counties. All participants were randomly assigned to one of
two groups: an intervention group or a control group. Participants in the intervention
group received the results from the first medical examination, a customized training
program complete with tips and advice as well as telephone and / or
(e) mail counselling twice a month through the intervention period of 6 months. New
exercise programs were sent after 2 and 4 months to ensure a gradual progression
in the physical activity level. The participantâs self-perceived health and VO2max were
recorded in a medical examination at the start of the intervention (0 mnd) and at
the end of the intervention (6 months). This study is part of Aktiv i SĂžr project..
Results from 81 men (n=28) and women (n=53) were included in the final
analyzes. 51% of the participants in the intervention group versus 30% in the control
group reported an improved self-perceived health, but only in the intervention
group the changes were statistically significant (p = 0.034). Self perceived health
had a positive correlation with VO2max (p = 0.006).
The results indicate that a fitted and cost effective telephone and (e) mail-based
physical activity intervention can improve the self-perceived health among physically
inactive adults aged 40 - 55 years and that there are an association between
perceived health and VO2max
Assaying Chlamydia pneumoniae Persistence in Monocyte-Derived Macrophages Identifies Dibenzocyclooctadiene Lignans as Phenotypic Switchers
Antibiotic-tolerant persister bacteria involve frequent treatment failures, relapsing infections and the need for extended antibiotic treatment. The virulence of an intracellular human pathogen C. pneumoniae is tightly linked to its propensity for persistence and means for its chemosensitization are urgently needed. In the current work, persistence of C. pneumoniae clinical isolate CV6 was studied in THP-1 macrophages using quantitative PCR and quantitative culture. A dibenzocyclooctadiene lignan schisandrin reverted C. pneumoniae persistence and promoted productive infection. The concomitant administration of schisandrin and azithromycin resulted in significantly improved bacterial eradication compared to sole azithromycin treatment. In addition, the closely related lignan schisandrin C was superior to azithromycin in eradicating the C. pneumoniae infection from the macrophages. The observed chemosensitization of C. pneumoniae was associated with the suppression of cellular glutathione pools by the lignans, implying to a previously unknown aspect of chlamydiaâhost interactions. These data indicate that schisandrin lignans induce a phenotypic switch in C. pneumoniae, promoting the productive and antibiotic-susceptible phenotype instead of persistence. By this means, these medicinal plant -derived compounds show potential as adjuvant therapies for intracellular bacteria resuscitation
Turvetta korvaavien kuivikemateriaalien ilmastovaikutukset
Julkaisuun on korjattu sivut 66 ja 67 (7.1.2022). Kuvassa 41 rahkasammaleen ja jĂ€rviruoâon perustilanteen maankĂ€ytön pÀÀstöt ovat muuttuneet. Kuvassa 43 murukuivikkeen perustilanteen pÀÀstöt ovat muuttuneet.Turpeen kuivikekĂ€ytön ilmastovaikutukset eivĂ€t merkittĂ€vĂ€sti poikkea turpeen energiahyödyntĂ€misen vaikutuksista, joten ilmastosyistĂ€ turpeen kuivikekĂ€yttöÀ tulee vĂ€hentÀÀ ja tilalle tarvitaan pienemmĂ€n ilmastovaikutuksen omaavia tuotteita. Myös turpeen saatavuuden arvioidaan heikentyvĂ€n ja hinnan nousevan jo lĂ€hitulevaisuudessa energiaturpeen kĂ€ytön vĂ€henemisen seurauksena. KotielĂ€intilat tarvitsevat kuiviketurpeen tilalle nopeasti vaihtoehtoja. Ratkaisuja etsittiin Euroopan maaseudun kehittĂ€misen maatalousrahaston rahoittamassa Turvetta korvaavat uusiutuvat kuivikemateriaalit (TURVEKE 2019-2021) -hankkeessa, jossa tutkittiin turpeelle vaihtoehtoisten kuivikemateriaalien ominaisuuksia ja kĂ€ytettĂ€vyyttĂ€. Tilakokeisiin valittujen kuivikemateriaalien â turve, rahkasammal, jĂ€rviruokosilppu, ruokohelpisilppu ja -pelletti, puupohjainen murukuivike ja tekstiilibriketti â tuotannolle laskettiin hiilijalanjĂ€lki. HiilijalanjĂ€lkilaskennan rajaukset, kĂ€ytetty tausta-aineisto ja tulokset on esitetty tĂ€ssĂ€ raportissa.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ lÀhes kaikkien tutkittujen materiaalien hiilijalanjÀlki oli turvetta pienempi, mutta huomattavaa vaihtelua esiintyi materiaalien tuotantotavasta ja kÀytetyistÀ laskentaoletuksista riippuen. Mitatun tutkimustiedon niukkuus ja erot raaka-aineiden lÀhteissÀ, ominaisuuksissa sekÀ tuotantotavoissa aiheuttivat tuloksiin epÀvarmuutta, jota on syytÀ vÀhentÀÀ jatkotutkimuksilla.
Tutkituista kuivikemateriaaleista jÀrviruokosilpun hiilijalanjÀljen arvo oli negatiivinen, eli sen kÀytöllÀ voidaan vÀhentÀÀ kasvihuonekaasupÀÀstöjÀ. Myös tekstiilibriketin, kivennÀismaalla viljellyn ruokohelven ja rahkasammaleen hiilijalanjÀljet osoittautuivat turvetta pienemmiksi. Puupohjaisen murukuivikkeen hiilijalanjÀlki oli sen sijaan turvetta suurempi valitulla lÀhestymistavalla tarkasteltuna. Ruokohelven hiilijalanjÀlki puolestaan vaihtelee merkittÀvÀsti riippuen mm. pellon maalajista, satotasosta ja juurimassan osuudesta.
Kun kuivikkeena kÀytetÀÀn uusiutuvaa biomassaa, aiheuttaa sen tuotanto, korjuu ja hyödyntÀminen muutoksia ekosysteemien hiilitaseisiin sekÀ maaperÀpÀÀstöihin. TÀtÀ kutsutaan maankÀytön vaikutukseksi, ja sen merkitys on suuri nÀiden materiaalien tuotannossa. MaankÀytön pÀÀstöjen arviointiin liittyy kuitenkin suurta vaihtelua sekÀ epÀvarmuuksia tutkimustiedon niukkuuden takia.
Kuivikemateriaalien prosessointi ja kuljettaminen osoittautuivat kokonaisuudessa vaikutuksiltaan vÀhÀisiksi. NÀin ollen erityisesti kierrÀtysmateriaalien sekÀ erilaisten sivutuotteiden jalostaminen kuivikekÀyttöön voisi olla ilmastovaikutusten kannalta kannattavaa. Jalostamisella voidaan myös parantaa materiaalien soveltuvuutta kuivikkeeksi sekÀ varmistaa niiden hygieenisyys ja turvallisuus.
Kuivikemateriaalien ominaisuudet vaikuttavat kÀyttömÀÀrien lisÀksi myös esimerkiksi typen haihtumiseen ammoniakkina ja nesteen pidÀtyskykyyn. Myös lannasta muodostuvat metaanipÀÀstöt voivat vaihdella kuivikelajin mukaan. NÀitÀ ei laskennassa huomioitu tutkimustiedon puutteen vuoksi. Jotta turvetta korvaavilla materiaaleilla voidaan saavuttaa riittÀvÀt kuivikeominaisuudet ja taata niiden saatavuus, on selvÀÀ, ettÀ tarvitaan useita eri raaka-aineita sekÀ niiden seoksia. Uusien kuivikkeiden tulee myös mahdollistaa kuivikelannan ravinteiden hyödyntÀminen.
Uusien kuivikemateriaalien tuotanto aiheuttaa muutoksia raaka-aineiden hyödyntÀmisessÀ sekÀ vaikuttaa siten myös vallitseviin tuotantorakenteisiin. Siten hiilijalanjÀlki ei yksinÀÀn kuvaa tuotteen tuotannon ilmastovaikutuksia riittÀvÀsti, vaan tulisi arvioida myös, millaisia seurausvaikutuksia uusien materiaalien tuotanto ilmastolle aiheuttaa. Muut ympÀristövaikutukset, kuten vaikutukset luonnon monimuotoisuuteen ja vesistöihin, tulee myös sisÀllyttÀÀ arviointiin. Parhaimmillaan turvetta korvaavat kuivikemateriaalit voivat tuoda uusia työpaikkoja, tukea kiertotaloutta ja hillitÀ ilmastonmuutosta
Health and zoonotic infections of snow leopards Panthera unica in the South Gobi desert of Mongolia
Background: Snow leopards, Panthera uncia, are a threatened apex predator, scattered across the mountains of Central and South Asia. Disease threats to wild snow leopards have not been investigated.Methods and Results: Between 2008 and 2015, twenty snow leopards in the South Gobi desert of Mongolia were captured and immobilised for health screening and radio-collaring. Blood samples and external parasites were collected for pathogen analyses using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), microscopic agglutination test (MAT), and next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques. The animals showed no clinical signs of disease, however, serum antibodies to significant zoonotic pathogens were detected. These pathogens included, Coxiella burnetii, (25% prevalence), Leptospira spp., (20%), and Toxoplasma gondii (20%). Ticks collected from snow leopards contained potentially zoonotic bacteria from the genera Bacillus, Bacteroides, Campylobacter, Coxiella, Rickettsia, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.Conclusions: The zoonotic pathogens identified in this study, in the short-term did not appear to cause illness in the snow leopards, but have caused illness in other wild felids. Therefore, surveillance for pathogens should be implemented to monitor for potential longer- term disease impacts on this snow leopard population
Managing art projects with societal impact : study book for students, stakeholders and researchers
This publication is an outcome of a joint co-writing effort created together with several researchers: Riikka Anttonen, Victoria Ateca-Amestoy, Kaisa Holopainen, Tanja Johansson, Annukka JyrĂ€mĂ€, Anne Karkkunen, Kaari-Kiitsak Prikk, Kristina Kuznetsova-BogdanovitĆĄ, Mervi Luonila, Juko-Mart KĂ”lar, Beatriz Plaza, KĂ€tlin Pulk, Tiina Pusa, Anna Ranczakowska-Ljutjuk, Marge Sassi, Ira Stiller and Anne ĂyvĂ€ri. We have each contributed to the building and commenting on the chapters, not only within our fields of expertise but conjointly and collectively throughout the Study Book. The book is based on our joint activities within Managing Art Projects with Societal Impact (MAPSI) â project in EU Erasmus+ Lifelong learning âprogramme (201-32016). MAPSI joins five organizations that each bring into the project their special expertise; Estonian Academy of Theatre and Music, Estonian Business School, Laurea University of Applied Sciences, Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki and Universidad del PaĂs Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea UPV/EHU (for more information about the project please see http://www.mapsi.eu/). During the project we have learnt to question each other, reflect together, and jointly create new knowledge across the different fields of experiences. The Study Book highlights this process way of working.
The aims of MAPSI project were:
âą To create a specialization module in master programs in management of artistic projects with societal impact
âą To create an international network focusing on educating cultural managers and facilitators to manage and mediate artistic and cultural projects with societal impact.
âą Create an innovative field of specialization in the context of art/cultural management masterâs programmes that train the future managers and mediators for artistic projects with societal impact
âą Develop new teaching materials and content of high quality that contribute to the European arts/cultural management education
âą Build up a conception of new integrated models for interactive study and internships
This Study Book is one way to respond to these aims. The book is particularly called a âstudy bookâ, aiming not to give direct answers, but to open avenues for students and practitioners to reflect and learn to create their own way of managing art project with societal impact. The book provides analysis of the current practices, skills and the competences need for successful interaction between art and society. It contains multiple cases and examples as well as theoretical perspectives and tools for managers to build up their knowledge, competences and skills to manage art projects with societal impact. Yet, as we firmly believe that there is never only one right way to do 4 this, we do not provide only one way or a model to apply, but various perspectives to create oneâs own model or models that could work in some specific contexts and circumstances.
The key target group of the Study Book is students in arts management, social studies, arts, or economics interested in the field where art is used for societal engagement. We also believe that it contributes to the people already working or aiming to work in art projects or organizations with societal impact.
We hope that our readers will not only acquire answers but also new questions; new knowledge and new perspectives building further the content of the book
Blood Glucose and Risk of Incident and Fatal Cancer in the Metabolic Syndrome and Cancer Project (Me-Can): Analysis of Six Prospective Cohorts
Tanja Stocks and colleagues carry out an analysis of six European cohorts and confirm that abnormal glucose metabolism is linked with increased risk of cancer overall and at specific sites
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