143 research outputs found

    Out Museum: aproximação entre pessoas com deficiência visual e a arte contemporânea

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    Como seria um museu de arte contemporânea acessível a pessoas com deficiência visual? Em resposta à pergunta de partida e através de um estudo qualitativo, procurámos planear um museu de arte contemporânea portátil, multissensorial e acessível. O Out Museum, consiste numa mala com réplicas das obras de Lygia Clark - artista plástica contemporânea que desenvolveu uma estética sensorial – e conteúdos informativos nas versões braille e ampliada. Com base numa pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, questionámos a relação entre as pessoas com deficiência visual e os museus de arte, salientando a predominância da cultura visual e, consequentemente, o afastamento destes públicos. No entanto, conclui-se que a utilização de materiais quotidianos e a multissensorialidade das obras contemporâneas, facilitam o seu reconhecimento e possibilitam a sua fruição através de outros canais sensoriais, criando oportunidade à inclusão. O Out Museum, enquanto “museu portátil”, tem origem na “Boîte-en-valise” de Marcel Duchamp, à qual acrescenta o propósito de democratização e inclusão através da arte. Durante a pesquisa empírica, através da realização de entrevistas, focus group e observação participante, analisámos experiências de visita de pessoas com deficiência visual a exposições de arte contemporânea, como ao protótipo do Out Museum, que permitiram validar a escolha das obras de Lygia Clark, corrigir o protótipo e ponderar o alargamento deste projeto a outros públicos. Com base em dados estatísticos, definimos o público-alvo do projeto e, posteriormente, planeámos a estratégia de marketing, o modelo de negócio e os processos de avaliação a implementar no Out Museum.How can a contemporary art museum be accessible to visually impaired people? In response to the question, through a qualitative study, we planned a portable, multi-sensorial and accessible contemporary art museum. The Out Museum is a suitcase with replicas of Lygia Clark’s works – a contemporary artist who developed a sensorial aesthetic - with informative contents in braille and large print. Based on a documental and bibliographical research, we questioned the relationship between visually impaired people and art museums, emphasizing the predominance of visual culture and, consequently, the distance of these audiences. However, we concluded that the use of everyday materials and the multi-sensoriality of contemporary works, help visually impaired people to recognize them and experience them through other sensorial channels, creating an opportunity for inclusion. The Out Museum, as a "portable museum", comes from the "Boîte-en-valise" by Marcel Duchamp, to which we added the purpose of democratization and inclusion through the art. During the empirical research, through a focus group, interviews and participant observation, we analyzed experiences of visually impaired people visiting contemporary art exhibitions, such as the Out Museum’s prototype, which allowed us to validate the choice of Lygia Clark’s work, improve the prototype and consider to include other audiences in this project. Based on statistical data, we defined the project’s target audience and then we planned the marketing strategy, the business model and the evaluation processes to be implemented in the Out Museum

    Utilización de un juguete terapeutico como un instrumento de intervención de enfermería, en el preparo de niños sometidos a la colecta de sangre

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    This study is almost an experiment with the objective to verify the effect of the Therapeutic Play on preschool children during blood collect for laboratory tests. The sample consisted of 42 children divided into control and experimental groups. All the children had their behavior observed and only the children of the experimental group were prepared for the Therapeutic Play. The results were analyzed comparing the children's behavior with the groups and showed that arrangement with the Therapeutic Play was effective in the comprehension of the procedure and in the control of their behavioral reactions.Este estudio es un casi-experimento que tuvo como objetivo verificar el efecto de la aplicación del Juguete Terapeutico sobre el comportamiento de niños pre-escolares, durante la colecta de sangre para examines laboratoriales. La muestra se constituyó de 42 niños divididos en dos grupos: de control y experimental. Todos los niños tuvieron un comportamiento observado, siendo solo los del grupo experimental preparados con el uso del Juguete Terapeutico. Los resultados fueron analisados comparándose el comportamiento de los niños de los dos grupos y demonstraron que el preparo con el Juguete Terapeutico fue eficaz en la compreensión y en el control de sus reacciones comportamentales durante el mismo.O estudo é um quase-experimento, que teve como objetivo verificar o efeito da aplicação do Brinquedo Terapêutico sobre o comportamento de crianças pré-escolares, durante a coleta de sangue para exames laboratoriais. A amostra constituiu-se de 42 crianças divididas nos grupos controle e experimental. Todas as crianças tiveram seu comportamento observado, sendo apenas as do grupo experimental preparadas com o uso do Brinquedo Terapêutico. Os resultados foram analisados comparando-se o comportamento das crianças dos dois grupos e demonstraram que o preparo com o Brinquedo Terapêutico foi eficaz na compreensão do procedimento e no controle de suas reações comportamentais.UNIFESPUniversidade de GuarulhosUNIFESPSciEL

    Cell–fibronectin interactions and actomyosin contractility regulate the segmentation clock and spatio-temporal somite cleft formation during chick embryo somitogenesis

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    Fibronectin is essential for somite formation in the vertebrate embryo. Fibronectin matrix assembly starts as cells emerge from the primitive streak and ingress in the unsegmented presomitic mesoderm (PSM). PSM cells undergo cyclic waves of segmentation clock gene expression, followed by Notch-dependent upregulation of meso1 in the rostral PSM which induces somite cleft formation. However, the relevance of the fibronectin matrix for these molecular processes remains unknown. Here, we assessed the role of the PSM fibronectin matrix in the spatio-temporal regulation of chick embryo somitogenesis by perturbing (1) extracellular fibronectin matrix assembly, (2) integrin–fibronectin binding, (3) Rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) activity and (4) non-muscle myosin II (NM II) function. We found that integrin–fibronectin engagement and NM II activity are required for cell polarization in the nascent somite. All treatments resulted in defective somitic clefts and significantly perturbed meso1 and segmentation clock gene expression in the PSM. Importantly, inhibition of actomyosin-mediated contractility increased the period of hairy1/hes4 oscillations from 90 to 120 min. Together, our work strongly suggests that the fibronectin–integrin–ROCK–NM II axis regulates segmentation clock dynamics and dictates the spatio-temporal localization of somitic clefts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ICDP Oman Drilling Project: varitextured gabbros from the dike–gabbro transition within drill core GT3A

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    Typical gabbroic rocks from dike–gabbro transitions of fast-spreading systems are the so-called “varitextured gabbros”, often showing considerable variations in mineral mode, texture and grain size, which are regarded as the frozen fillings of axial melt lenses. Here, we present a detailed petrographic, microanalytical and bulk-chemical investigation of 36 mafic rocks from the drill hole GT3A, which represent mostly varitextured gabbros, revealing a complex formation with several evolution stages. Poikilitic domains formed first, corresponding to an early crystallization stage, where only plagioclase and clinopyroxene of more primitive composition crystallized. Later, domains of granular textures containing also interstitial amphibole and Fe–Ti oxide were formed. This stage is characterized by a magma evolution that underwent crystal fractionation established by lower temperatures due to more efficient hydrothermal cooling at the margin of the AML. A last stage is characterized by pervasive hydrothermal alteration, where all primary minerals have been altered under temperature conditions, varying from the magmatic regime down to greenschist facies. A highlight of this stage is amphiboles showing noticeable compositional zoning. The observation of peculiar microgranular domains, representing relics of stoped exogenic material from the sheeted dike complex, documents the upward migration of an AML in a replenishment event, forcing the AML to burn through previously altered sheeted dikes. This process is responsible for significant assimilation of hydrothermally altered components, indicated by a marked Cl enrichment in the outer zones of magmatic amphiboles. Petrological modeling involving gabbros and basalts revealed that the GT3A rock suite followed a fractional crystallization evolution trend, with a primitive MORB as parental melt with an estimated water content of 0.2 wt % to 0.8 wt %. The modeled liquid lines of descent suggest a magmatic evolution via fractional crystallization, where the basalts correspond to frozen liquids, while the gabbros, especially the more primitive ones, show a significant cumulate component

    A new measure to assess pain in people with haemophilia: the Multidimensional Haemophilia Pain Questionnaire (MHPQ)

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    People with haemophilia (PWH) experience acute pain during joint bleeds and might develop chronic pain due to joint degeneration. However, there is a lack of standardized measures to comprehensively assess pain in PWH. This study aimed to develop a multidimensional questionnaire for haemophilia-related pain, the Multidimensional Haemophilia Pain Questionnaire (MHPQ), and to present initial validation data among adults.The questionnaire distinguishes between acute/chronic pain and queries about pain locations, duration, frequency, triggering factors, intensity, interference, strategies, specialists for pain management and satisfaction with treatment. An initial version was tested with 16 patients to ensure item comprehensibility and face validity. The final version was answered by 104 adults, with 82 (78.8%) reporting haemophilia-related pain in the previous year (mean age = 43.17; SD = 13.00). The non-response analysis revealed good item acceptability. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis (EFA/CFA), reliability (internal consistency, test-retest, inter-item and item-total correlations) and convergent validity were analysed for the intensity and interference dimensions of the questionnaire. A combined EFA with these two constructs supported a 2-factor structure distinguishing intensity (α = 0.88) from interference items (α = 0.91). CFA was tested for the interference dimension, demonstrating suitability for this sample. Item-total correlations were >0.30 on both dimensions and most inter-item correlations were 0.30).This questionnaire is a comprehensible tool, achieving a thorough assessment of relevant pain dimensions. The MHPQ can help guide treatment recommendations by highlighting relevant topics and contributing to more effective, integrated treatments.This work is supported by a grant from the Novo Nordisk HERO Research Grant 2015. P. R. Pinto has a post-doctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/ 103529/2014) from the Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Re-thinking and re-shapping the pharmacy curriculum

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    Hypertension has been described as the most prevalent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, which are the main cause of death worldwide. In Portugal, in 2015, its prevalence was of 36%. This pathology’s therapeutic success depends upon a good knowledge about the therapeutic alternatives available. There is, therefore, imperative to insure that the learning process is efficient. In order to improve it, in a more appealing and effective way, there has been an increase in the employ of digital tools.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Antihistaminic-induced gynecomastia in chronic urticaria treatment

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    Antihistaminic drugs are very commonly used in dermatological practice, and are the first-line therapy to chronic urticaria. The commonest side effects are related to the central nervous system. Gynecomastia, in turn, may be due to a myriad of disorders, including the use of medication. The case of H1 antihistaminic-induced gynecomastia in a patient undergoing chronic urticaria treatment is reported. Radiological and laboratorial investigations discarded other possible causes for the gynecomastia, which disappeared after removal of the medication. Antihistaminic-related side effects, including gynecomastia, are discussed.Os anti-histamínicos são drogas muito usadas na prática do dermatologista, sendo a primeira escolha no tratamento da urticária crônica. Os efeitos colaterais mais comuns são os relacionados ao sistema nervoso central. A ginecomastia é decorrente de várias causas, entre elas a indução por drogas. Apresenta-se caso de ginecomastia induzida por anti-histamínico H1,em paciente em tratamento de urticária crônica. A investigação laboratorial e radiológica descartou outras causas para a ginecomastia, que involuiu com a retirada da medicação. Objetiva-se discutir os efeitos colaterais dos anti-histamínicos e apresentar caso de ginecomastia induzida por drogas.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de DermatologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Núcleo de Assistência à Saúde dos FuncionáriosUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Ambulatório de UrticáriaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de DermatologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Núcleo de Assistência à Saúde dos FuncionáriosUNIFESP, EPM, Ambulatório de UrticáriaSciEL