1,211 research outputs found

    Teacher leadership in the teaching and learning process

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    Aquest estudi pretén identificar quin estil d’ensenyament, un de més autoritari o un de més adaptatiu, s’ajusta més a la demanda d’un model educatiu competencial. Encara més, busca comprovar si tots els centres educatius de Catalunya s’han adaptat al nou model de currículum per competències, i conèixer quina és la predisposició docent davant aquest canvi, comparant-la amb la percepció de l’alumnat. En la recollida d’informació i posterior anàlisi de dades s’han utilitzat tant mètodes quantitatius com qualitatius. D’una banda, s’ha passat un qüestionari a tots els centres educatius de Catalunya, per mitjà del qual s’ha obtingut una mostra de 676 docents de diferents especialitats i etapes educatives, així com de centres de diverses titularitats. D’altra banda, s’ha passat un altre qüestionari al col·lectiu d’estudiants, a una mostra de 251 participants. Alhora, s’ha entrevistat Ignasi Duch Gavaldà, coordinador de Serveis Educatius i Formació Permanent al Departament d’Educació. Els resultats de l’estudi assenyalen que no hi ha un model establert de com és el treball per competències i que el lideratge educatiu no es pot entendre des de l’exclusivitat, sinó que cal adaptar-lo al context i a les necessitats educatives del grup o centre.This study aims to identify whether a more authoritarian or a more adaptive teaching style best fits the demands of a competency-based educational model. It also seeks to find out if all the educational centres in Catalonia have adapted to the new curriculum by competencies model, and to determine how both teachers and student fell about this change. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used to collect and analyse the data. A questionnaire was sent to all schools (of different funding models) in Catalonia, which was answered by a sample of 676 teachers from different specialties and educational stages. Another questionnaire was sent to answered by a group of 251 students. Also, an interview was conducted with, Ignasi Duch Gavaldà, Coordinator of Educational Services and Lifelong Learning at the Catalan Department of Education. The results of the study indicated that there is no established model of how a curriculum by competences should be taught, and that educational leadership cannot be understood in terms of exclusivity, but must adapt to the context and educational needs of the group or centre that it is aimed at

    Propuesta de instrumentación sísmica para el nuevo edificio de investigación y laboratorios de la facultad de ingeniería

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    Desde el momento en que la ingeniería civil buscó formas innovadoras para llevar un control detallado del comportamiento y estado de estructuras, se han implementado instrumentos de medición sísmica como los acelerómetros y galgas extensométricas permitiendo así una mayor exactitud en las respuestas obtenidas debido a los cambios de servicio, señales sísmicas y vibraciones ambientales en edificaciones reales. Para el presente caso de estudio, se tomó el nuevo edificio de investigación y laboratorios de la facultad de ingeniería de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá D.C (enmarcado en el proyecto de desarrollo de la planta física 2008-2028) de 77 metros de altura con un área de 12.000 m² y 14 pisos. Permitiendo así, definir el mejor esquema de instrumentación sísmica, considerando aspectos técnicos y económicos de algunos equipos de medición. Esto, con el fin de registrar el comportamiento del edificio ya mencionado, en dirección Norte Sur, Este Oeste y rotacional según las diferentes formas modales, según los períodos estructurales obtenidos y relacionando parámetros como aceleraciones, velocidades, desplazamientos y propiedades dinámicas de la estructura.Ingeniero (a) CivilPregrad

    El diseño de información como medio para la construcción de una aplicación de diagramación para documentos contables, a partir del caso de las facturas de servicios públicos de Emcali

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    Planteamiento del problema. Justificación. Objetivos. Marco contextual. Marco teórico. Sustentación de propuesta de diseño para las facturas de servicios públicos de Emcali. Metodología. ConclusionesPregradoDiseñador(a) de la Comunicación Gráfic

    Correlation of HbA1c with a basic math test in gestational diabetes

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    Background: A good metabolic control in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is crucial to avoid complications in the mother and the offspring. A limitation to reach a desired HbA1c in GDM is the education level of the mothers. Aims: The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between the HbA1c and the points obtained in a basic mathematical test. Study Design: cross-sectional study. Methods: This was a pilot study, prospective and cross-sectional. Pregnant women, older than 18 years old, diagnosed with GDM were invited to participate resolving a mathematical test of ten questions. HbA1c was done in the first consultation. Spearman correlation test was used between HbA1c and the punctuation of the mathematical test. Results: 31 patients with a mean age of 29 ± 6.7 years old accepted to participate. The education level was as follows: 5 (16.12%) with Primary School, 20 (64.51%) with High School, 2 (6.45%) with Preparatory School, 2 (6.45%) with technical studies and 1 (3.22%) that finished the University. The Spearman test showed a negative correlation between the mathematical test and the HbA1c (r2 = -0.395, P ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: A low mathematics knowledge limits the expectation to get an optimal metabolic control in GDM

    Neuropsychological Learning Deficits as Predictors of Treatment Outcome in Patients with Eating Disorders

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    Eating disorders (EDs) are severe psychiatric illnesses that require individualized treatments. Decision-making deficits have been associated with EDs. Decision-making learning deficits denote a lack of strategies to elaborate better decisions that can have an impact on recovery and response to treatment. This study used the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) to investigate learning differences related to treatment outcome in EDs, comparing between patients with a good and bad treatment outcome and healthy controls. Likewise, the predictive role of impaired learning performance on therapy outcome was explored. Four hundred twenty-four participants (233 ED patients and 191 healthy controls) participated in this study. Decision making was assessed using the Iowa Gambling Task before any psychological treatment. All patients received psychological therapy, and treatment outcome was evaluated at discharge. Patients with bad outcome did not show progression in the decision-making task as opposed to those with good outcome and the healthy control sample. Additionally, learning performance in the decision-making task was predictive of their future outcome. The severity of learning deficits in decision making may serve as a predictor of the treatment. These results may provide a starting point of how decision-making learning deficits are operating as dispositional and motivational factors on responsiveness to treatment in EDs

    Evaluation of evidence-based practice learning among undergraduate nursing students: Relationship between self-reported and objective assessment

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    ©2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the, Accepted, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Nurse Education Today 1. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2021.105040Abstract Background: Self-reported scales and objective measurement tools are used to assess Evidence-based Practice (EBP) learning. An agreement between these measures has not been widely investigated among nursing students. Objective: The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between EBP competency in undergraduate nursing students, defined as the capability to choose and use an integrated combination of EBP knowledge, skills and attitudes, evaluated with the self-reported EBP-COQ questionnaire and the final test score of an EBP course included in a Nursing Degree Program. Design: A cross-sectional study was carried out. Settings: University of Murcia (Spain), Nursing Degree, academic year 2019/2020. Participants: The study population was comprised by 210 4th-year undergraduate nursing students enrolled in the Clinical Practice and Evidence-based Nursing course. All the students were invited to participate. Methods: A validated EBP-COQ questionnaire (1 "lowest score" to 5 "highest score") and an objective test (score from 0 to 10) were used to assess EBP competency. The SPSS 26.0 program was used to perform descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analyses. Results: 152 students participated (response rate 72.4%), the sample was 81.4% female, and the median age was 20 years old; 76.3% attended more than 75% of the class hours. After the EBP course, the students obtained a high overall EBP competency score (mean = 4.21; SD = 0.26). The mean score on the objective test was 6.86 (SD = 1.36). A moderate positive correlation was found between the subjective and objective EBP competency measurements (Pearson's correlation coefficient 0.5; p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Our findings contribute with new and significant evidence of the convergent validity of the EBP-COQ questionnaire, which increases the value of this instrument for evaluating the EBP competency of Nursing Degree students

    Emotion regulation as a transdiagnostic factor in eating disorders and gambling disorder: Treatment outcome implications

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    Background: A first approach addressed to ascertain whether emotion regulation (ER) could be a transdiagnostic construct between eating disorders (EDs) and gambling disorder (GD) (through a joint clinical clustering analysis of both disorders) was performed by Munguia et al. (2021). Both conditions were represented by a severe, moderate, and low ER profile subgroups, according to the degree of ER difficulties. Results showed a linear relationship between the severity of ER difficulties and the severity of the disorder and the psychopathological state. Aims: Based on the aforementioned cross-sectional study, the objective of this longitudinal research was to explore the treatment response of the different ER subgroups. Methods: 459 adult patients (n = 277 ED; n =182 GD) were included. Several clinical variables, as well as outcome indicators (after completing 16 weeks of cognitive-behavioral therapy), were evaluated. Results: The three subgroups found in the previous cross-sectional study were taken for the performance of the present research. ED and GD distribution in each subgroup replicates the one exposed by Mungula et al. (2021), as well as their characterization, considering psychopathology, disorder severity and personality traits. The low ER subgroup reported a better response to treatment, whereas the severe group had the highest rates of non-remission and dropouts. Conclusions: Our results suggest that greater difficulties in ER lead to poorer treatment outcomes. Therefore, tailored treatments for patients with poor ER abilities would be recommended to improve adherence and treatment outcomes

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Neiva Huila.

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    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Neiva Huila.Narrar la violencia se ha convertido a lo largo de la historia en un rito para salvaguardar el discurso y la existencia de las víctimas, puesto que en Colombia ha tenido efectos aberrantes sobre la configuración social de la población víctima del conflicto armado. Es por ello que se debe analizar estos relatos desde el abordaje de subjetividades inmersas en los contextos de violencia aportando elementos que transforman las historias de victimización en historias esperanzadoras para que las victimas reconstruyan sus vidas como en el caso de Carlos Girón En este sentido y a través de la comprensión del alcance de la acción psicosocial en escenarios de la violencia, se presentan estrategias metodológicas para el acompañamiento partiendo desde la comprensión de las subjetividades donde la narración y la historia vincular se utiliza como herramienta transformadora El abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia a través del enfoque narrativo permite comprender la realidad de las víctimas y de los contextos en donde se encuentran los hechos victimizantes elementos útiles para intervenir desde la identidad. Donde la pregunta se convierte en una herramienta de apoyo tanto en la obtención de información como en el proceso que genera reflexiones y facilitan el cambio y proyección al futuro. De este modo el análisis de hechos traumáticos permite desarrollar competencias profesionales y disciplinarias para el diagnóstico, intervención en crisis, y el posterior acompañamiento desde una perspectiva psicológica. Palabras clave: Acompañamiento psicosocial, víctimas, conflicto armado, intervención en crisis.Narrating violence has become a rite throughout history to safeguard the discourse and the existence of the victims, since in Colombia it has had aberrant effects on the social configuration of the population victim of the armed conflict. That is why these stories should be analyzed from the approach of subjectivities immersed in the contexts of violence, contributing elements that transform the stories of victimization into hopeful stories so that the victims can rebuild their lives as in the case of Carlos Girón. In this sense and through the understanding of the scope of psychosocial action in scenarios of violence, methodological strategies for accompaniment are presented starting from the understanding of subjectivities where the narrative and linking history is used as a transformative tool. The psychosocial approach in scenarios of violence through the narrative approach allows us to understand the reality of the victims and of the contexts in which the victimizing facts are found, useful elements to intervene from the identity. Where the question becomes a support tool both in obtaining information and in the process that generates reflections and facilitate change and projection into the future. In this way, the analysis of traumatic events allows the development of professional and disciplinary competences for diagnosis, intervention in crisis, and subsequent accompaniment from a psychological perspective. Keywords: Psychosocial accompaniment, victims, armed conflict, intervention in crisis
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