165 research outputs found

    “Propuesta de rediseño del sistema contra incendios del Centro de Salud Tipo C Lasso, de la Dirección Distrital 05D01 Latacunga Salud, bajo la Norma NFPA”.

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    The present research project proposes to carry out the improvement of the fire system for Lasso Health Care Center, Type C of the health district direction 05D01 Latacunga, complying with the requirements stipulated in the NPFA 10, 14, 20 and 24 standard, with the objective of guaranteeing an optimal level of protection for the personnel who works, visitors and equipment that the aforementioned institution has, against the potential risks that a fire can cause. For the development of this proposal, the current state of the existing firefighting facilities was determined, the areas with the highest risk of fire and the furthest point, later the flow and pressure necessary for the firefighting system was determined, considering the criteria indicated in NFPA standards, which establish the minimum requirements for fire protection elements. As the main results, it was possible to determine that the Health Center has an Ordinary Fire Risk as established by the NFPA standard, Type A and C fires predominated in the analysis, so CO2 was selected for incipient fires and water for fires in development stage, it was also determined that the TDH of the pump has a pressure drop that is equal to 121 psi and a horizontal split case pump was selected whose nominal capacity is 250gpm @ 130psi and driven by a 30HP electric motor as At a minimum, it was additionally determined that the cost for the implementation is 32,500.00(ThirtytwothousandfivehundredNorthAmericanDollars).Itwasappreciatedthatthecostfortheimplementationwouldbelower,comparedtothecoststhatmaybegeneratedintheeventofadangerouseventwithfireandavoidingthelossofhumanlives,equipmentandothersthatmaybeaffectedbythefire.ElpresenteproyectodeinvestigacioˊnplantearealizarunapropuestademejoramientodelsistemacontraincendiosparaelCentrodeSaludTipoCLassodeladireccioˊndistrital05D01LatacungaSalud,cumpliendoconlosrequisitosqueestipulalanormaNPFA10,14,20y24,conelobjetivodegarantizarunoˊptimoniveldeproteccioˊnparaelpersonalquelabora,visitantesyequiposconlosquecuentalamencionadainstitucioˊn,frentealosriesgospotencialesquepuedecausarunincendio.Paraeldesarrollodeestapropuestasedeterminoˊelestadoactualdelasinstalacionesexistentescontraincendiosexistentes,laszonasdemayorriesgodeincendioˊypuntomaˊslejano,posteriorsedeterminoˊelcaudalypresioˊnnecesariaparaelsistemacontraincendios,considerandoloscriteriosindicadosenlasnormasNFPA,dondeseestablecelosrequisitosmıˊnimosdeloselementosdeproteccioˊncontraincendios.ComoprincipalesresultadosselogroˊdeterminarqueelCentrodeSalud,tieneunRiesgodeIncendioOrdinarioconformeloestablelanormaNFPA,losincendiosTipoAyCpredominaronenelanaˊlisis,porloqueseseleccionoˊCO2paraincendiosincipientesyaguaparaincendiosenetapadedesarrollo,ademaˊssedeterminoˊquelaTDHdelabombatieneunacaıˊdadepresioˊnqueesiguala121psiyseseleccionoˊunabombahorizontaldecarcazapartidacuyacapacidadnominalesde250gpm@130psieimpulsadaporunmotoreleˊctricode30HPcomomıˊnimo,adicionalmenteselogroˊdeterminarqueelcostoparalaimplementacioˊnesde 32,500.00 (Thirty-two thousand five hundred North American Dollars). It was appreciated that the cost for the implementation would be lower, compared to the costs that may be generated in the event of a dangerous event with fire and avoiding the loss of human lives, equipment and others that may be affected by the fire.El presente proyecto de investigación plantea realizar una propuesta de mejoramiento del sistema contra incendios para el Centro de Salud Tipo C Lasso de la dirección distrital 05D01 Latacunga Salud, cumpliendo con los requisitos que estipula la norma NPFA 10, 14, 20 y 24, con el objetivo de garantizar un óptimo nivel de protección para el personal que labora, visitantes y equipos con los que cuenta la mencionada institución, frente a los riesgos potenciales que puede causar un incendio. Para el desarrollo de esta propuesta se determinó el estado actual de las instalaciones existentes contra incendios existentes, las zonas de mayor riesgo de incendió y punto más lejano, posterior se determinó el caudal y presión necesaria para el sistema contra incendios, considerando los criterios indicados en las normas NFPA, donde se establece los requisitos mínimos de los elementos de protección contra incendios. Como principales resultados se logró determinar que el Centro de Salud, tiene un Riesgo de Incendio Ordinario conforme lo estable la norma NFPA, los incendios Tipo A y C predominaron en el análisis, por lo que se seleccionó CO2 para incendios incipientes y agua para incendios en etapa de desarrollo, además se determinó que la TDH de la bomba tiene una caída de presión que es igual a 121 psi y se seleccionó una bomba horizontal de carcaza partida cuya capacidad nominal es de 250gpm@130psi e impulsada por un motor eléctrico de 30HP como mínimo, adicionalmente se logró determinar que el costo para la implementación es de 32.500,00 (Treinta y dos mil quinientos Dólares de Norte América). Se pudo apreciar que el costo para la implementación sería inferior, en comparación de los costos que puedan generarse en el caso de que existiera un evento peligroso con fuego y evitando la pérdida de vidas humanas, equipos y otros que se puedan ver afectados con el incendio

    Influence of refining processes on content of bioactive compounds, rheology, and texture of olive pomace oil for use in topical formulations

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    Retaining the bioactive ingredients of olive pomace oil is a crucial step in ensuring their functional or pharmaceutical value. To help select the best method for retaining bioactive compounds in olive pomace oil, three refining processes, namely, chemical, classical physical, or molecular distillation, were compared at different temperatures. For each method, the contents of triacylglycerols, fatty acids (oleic acid, linoleic, and linolenic acids), triterpenic acids (oleanolic and maslinic acids), and unsaponifiable matter (squalene, aliphatic, sterols, and terpenic) were studied. We observed that physical refining by molecular distillation provided oils with interesting amounts of bioactive compounds, especially triterpenic acids. Of these oils, the samples submitted to a temperature of 190°C exhibited a greater albeit low acidity compared with the other oils obtained by chemical and classical physical refining but exhibited higher amounts of all bioactive compounds. Conversely, the molecular distillation refining process had only a slight effect on the values of the consistency index. The firmness, cohesiveness, and adhesiveness parameters from texture profile analysis indicated that in general, all deodorized oils had high smoothness and spreadability but low adhesiveness. Molecular distillation was concluded to be the best refining process. Nevertheless, it is necessary to improve the working conditions of this process. Practical applications: Olive pomace oil has all functional compounds of extra virgin olive oil, but with a higher concentration of some minor components. It is, therefore, very interesting to use it in skin care formulations. However, for use in the pharmaceutical field must be refined. This study aimed to provide determine the influence of different refining processes (chemical refining, classical physical refining, or physical refining by molecular distillation at different temperatures) in determining the composition of bioactive compounds. The best refining process was selected based on the analytical determination of bioactive compounds by gas chromatography. Results indicated that molecular distillation is the best refining process. Nevertheless, it is necessary to improve the working conditions. Scheme of the extraction and refining processes to which olive pomace oil is subjected, to achieve the lowest losses of bioactive compounds for use in topical formulations


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    La investigación se propuso documentar la gestión y quehacer constructivo del periódico cubano Prensa Libre en La Habana entre 1949 y 1960, mediante Planes de Regalos de inmuebles. Originalidad: Se estudia y documenta por vez primera el impacto de estos sorteos gestados por Prensa Libre en la arquitectura y el urbanismo de la ciudad. Metodología: La investigación se realizó mediante el análisis documental del diario y otras fuentes de archivo, y en el trabajo de campo para identificar las obras. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran una labor constructiva y un proceso de gestión que dejó una huella importante en la expansión y consolidación de la urbe, como parte de la historia cultural cubana

    Control de vibraciones en pasarelas peatonales

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    En los últimos años se ha construido un gran número de pasarelas peatonales como respuesta a la demanda de nuevas vías de paso en las ciudades. Estas estructuras tienen requisitos constructivos menos exigentes en comparación con otros tipos de puentes, lo cual ha facilitado el desarrollo de diseños con nuevos esquemas resistentes, complicadas geometrías y el empleo de nuevos materiales. En general estas estructuras son esbeltas, ligeras y poco amortiguadas, lo que en ocasiones ha generado problemas de vi-braciones al paso de peatones una vez puestas en servicio. Las normativas actuales son cada vez más sensibles a esta problemática, recomendando diseños cuyas frecuencias naturales deben estar alejadas de los rangos de frecuencia de paso típicos de los peatones y fijando límites de confort en forma de valores máximos de aceleración permitidos, asegurándose así un correcto comportamiento de la estructura. En el presente artículo se analiza esta problemática desde un punto de vista práctico. Para ello se muestran los puntos clave de las normativas y guías de diseño de pasarelas que se pueden encontrar actualmente en la bibliografía, se presentan las técnicas que habitualmente se emplean en el análisis dinámico experimental de estas estructuras, y se comentan las soluciones a las que generalmente se recurre para mejorar su comportamiento dinámico. Por último, se muestran los trabajos llevados a cabo por el Centro Tecnológico CARTIF en colaboración con las Universidades de Valladolid y Castilla-La Mancha en la pasarela peatonal del Museo de la Ciencia de Valladolid. Estos trabajos incluyen: (1) el estudio dinámico de los tres vanos metálicos de dicha pasarela, (2) el diseño e implementación de un amortiguador de masa sintonizado en el vano más sensible a las vibraciones, (3) la implementación de un amortiguador de masa activo utilizando un excitador electrodinámico, y (4) el desarrollo de pruebas para la verificación del estado de servicio de la pasarela. In the last years, a wide number of footbridges have been built as demand response of more direct pathways in cities. These structures have lower building requirements as compared with standard bridges. This circumstance has facilitated the development of new structural design with complex geometries and innovative materials. As a result, these structures may be slender, light and low damped, leading to vibration problems once in service. The current codes take into account this problem, and recommend designs with natural frequencies away from the typical pedestrian pacing rates and fix comfort limits to guarantee the serviceability of the structure.This paper studies this problem from a practical point of view. Thus, the key points of codes and footbridges guidelines are showed, the typical experimental dynamic analysis techniques are presented, and the usual solutions adopted to improve the dynamic performance of these structures are discussed. Finally, the works carried out on the Valladolid Science Museum Footbridge by Centro Tecnológico CARTIF in collaboration with the Universities of Valladolid and Castilla-La Mancha are showed. These works include: (1) the dynamic study of the three steel spans of the footbridge, (2) the design and implementation of a tuned mass damper in the liveliest span, (3) the implementation of an active mass damper using an electrodynamic shaker, and (4) the development of field tests to assess the serviceability of such span

    La vivienda seriada promovida por el periódico El País en La Habana (1939-1959)

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    Ante la inoperancia estatal para enfrentar el problema de la vivienda obrera en Cuba durante el periodo republicano (1902-1958), el sector empresarial privado,aprovechando el enorme déficit habitacional, desarrolló una de las prácticas más lucrativas que se alejaba totalmente de la filantropía, instrumentar grandes planes de rifas y regalos en el marco de una feroz competencia comercial, en los que la vivienda era el “premio gordo”, alimentando el sueño de la casa propia a miles de ciudadanos. En todo el país, se replicaron diferentes modelos seriados de viviendas que llegaron a conformar barrios completos,como parte de este sistema.Con vistas a conocer cuál fue el impacto de su presencia en La Habana, la pesquisa expone los resultados de una investigación histórica, basada en el análisis documental, complementado con un trabajo de campo, de la obra desarrollada por la Empresa EditoraEl País, S.A en La Habana en el periodo de 1939-1959. 

    Cost-effectiveness of Chagas disease screening in Latin American migrants at primary health-care centres in Europe: a Markov model analysis

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    Background Chagas disease is currently prevalent in European countries hosting large communities from Latin America. Whether asymptomatic individuals at risk of Chagas disease living in Europe should be screened and treated accordingly is unclear. We performed an economic evaluation of systematic Chagas disease screening of the Latin American population attending primary care centres in Europe. Methods We constructed a decision tree model that compared the test option (screening of asymptomatic individuals, treatment, and follow-up of positive cases) with the no-test option (screening, treating, and follow-up of symptomatic individuals). The decision tree included a Markov model with five states, related to the chronic stage of the disease: indeterminate, cardiomyopathy, gastrointestinal, response to treatment, and death. The model started with a target population of 100 000 individuals, of which 4·2% (95% CI 2·2–6·8) were estimated to be infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. The primary outcome was the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) between test and no-test options. Deterministic and probabilistic analyses (Monte Carlo simulations) were performed. Findings In the deterministic analysis, total costs referred to 100 000 individuals in the test and no-test option were €30 903 406 and €6 597 403 respectively, with a difference of €24 306 003. The respective number of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) gained in the test and no-test option were 61 820·82 and 57 354·42. The ICER was €5442. In the probabilistic analysis, total costs for the test and no-test option were €32 163 649 (95% CI 31 263 705–33 063 593) and €6 904 764 (6 703 258–7 106 270), respectively. The respective number of QALYs gained was 64 634·35 (95% CI 62 809·6–66 459·1) and 59 875·73 (58 191·18–61 560·28). The difference in QALYs gained between the test and no test options was 4758·62 (95% CI 4618·42–4898·82). The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was €6840·75 (95% CI 2545–2759) per QALY gained for a treatment efficacy of 20% and €4243 per QALY gained for treatment efficacy of 50%. Even with a reduction in Chagas disease prevalence to 0·05% and with large variations in all the parameters, the test option would still be more cost-effective than the no-test option (less than €30000 per QALY). Interpretation Screening for Chagas disease in asymptomatic Latin American adults living in Europe is a cost-effective strategy. Findings of our model provide an important element to support the implementation of T cruzi screening programmes at primary health centres in European countries hosting Latin American migrants

    A major role of TWEAK/Fn14 axis as a therapeutic target for post-angioplasty restenosis

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    Background: Tumor necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (Tnfsf12; TWEAK) and its receptor Fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Tnfrsf12a; Fn14) participate in the inflammatory response associated with vascular remodeling.However, the functional effect ofTWEAK on vascular smoothmuscle cells (VSMCs) is not completely elucidated. Methods: Next generation sequencing-based methodswere performed to identify genes and pathways regulated by TWEAK in VSMCs. Flow-citometry, wound-healing scratch experiments and transwellmigration assays were used to analyze VSMCs proliferation and migration. Mouse wire injury model was done to evaluate the role of TWEAK/Fn14 during neointimal hyperplasia. Findings: TWEAK up-regulated 1611 and down-regulated 1091 genes in VSMCs. Using a gene-set enrichment method,we found a functionalmodule involved in cell proliferation defined as the minimal network connecting top TWEAK up-regulated genes. In vitro experiments in wild-type or Tnfrsf12a deficient VSMCs demonstrated that TWEAK increased cell proliferation, VSMCs motility and migration. Mechanistically, TWEAK increased cyclins (cyclinD1), cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK4, CDK6) and decreased cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (p15lNK4B) mRNA and protein expression. Downregulation of p15INK4B induced by TWEAK was mediated by mitogen-activated protein kinase ERK and Akt activation. Tnfrsf12a or Tnfsf12 genetic depletion and pharmacological intervention with TWEAK blocking antibody reduced neointimal formation, decreasing cell proliferation, cyclin D1 and CDK4/6 expression, and increasing p15INK4B expression compared with wild type or IgG-treated mice in wire-injured femoral arteries. Finally, immunohistochemistry in human coronary arteries with stenosis or in-stent restenosis revealed high levels of Fn14, TWEAK and PCNA in VSMCs enriched areas of the neointima as compared with healthy coronary arteries. Interpretation: Our data define a major role of TWEAK/Fn14 in the control of VSMCs proliferation and migration during neointimal hyperplasia after wire injury in mice, and identify TWEAK/Fn14 as a potential target for treating in-stent restenosis.This work was supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias ISCiii/FEDER PI13/00395; PI16/01419; PI17/ 01495) and Spanish Biomedical Research Centre in Cardiovascular Disease (CIBERCV) and Metabolic Diseases and Diabetes (CIBERDEM). PM was supported by ISCIII Miguel Servet Program (CP16/00116). CGM was supported by Fundación Conchita Rábago. NMB and VE were supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Juan de la Cierva IJCI-2016-29630 and Ramón y Ramón Cajal Program RyC-2013-12880, respectively). JMM has been supported a postdoctoral fellowship fromthe American Diabetes Association (Grant 1-15-MI-03) and a postdoctoral fellowship fromthe American Heart Association

    Anaerobic digestion of food waste coupled with biogas upgrading in an outdoors algal-bacterial photobioreactor at pilot scale

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    [EN] This work aimed at integrating the anaerobic digestion of food waste (FW) with photosynthetic biogas upgrading at pilot scale in order to obtain a high quality biomethane and a nutrient-laden algal biomass as the main byproducts from FW treatment. The performance of a 100 L anaerobic digester treating food waste integrated via raw biogas and digestate injection with a 1.2 m2 outdoors high-rate algal pond (HRAP) was evaluated. Biogas production in the digester averaged 790 ± 89 mL g VSin-1 (68 ± 8 L d-1) (35 ◦C, 1 bar) at a loading rate of 0.86 g VS L-1 d-1 and a steady state chemical oxygen demand removal efficiency of 83 ± 7%. The biogas produced (60% CH4 / 39% CO2) was upgraded in a 2.5 L absorption column interconnected with the HRAP via culture broth recirculation at a liquid to biogas ratio of 2, resulting in a maximum CO2 removal efficiency of 90% and a maximum CH4 content of 93.9%. The HRAP, supplied with the centrifuged liquid digestate supplemented with synthetic wastewater (5.0 ± 1.1 L d-1, Total nitrogen (TN) = 793 ± 110 mg N L-1, P-PO43- = 39 ± 19 mg P L-1), supported TN and total phosphorus maximum removal efficiencies of 100% in both cases. Pseudoanabaena sp. and Chlorella vulgaris were identified as the dominant speciesSIEste trabajo contó con el apoyo de la Junta de Castilla y León y EU-FEDER (CLU 2017-09, CL-EI-2021-07, UIC 315). También se reconoce al Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades de España (FJC 2018-038402-I) por la financiación del contrato de investigación Juan de la Cierva-Formación de Lara Ménde

    Efecto espaciotemporal en las propiedades fisicoquímicas del agar nativo de Gracilaria parvispora (Rhodophyta) en el Pacífico Mexicano Tropical (Oaxaca-Chiapas)

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    Background: Gracilaria parvispora is an invasive red seaweed located in coastal lagoons along the Tropical Mexican Pacific. Gracilaria species are the main source of agar around the world. Goals: Spatial and seasonal trends of the properties of native agar from the invasive seaweed G. parvispora were determined in three localities in the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas belonging to coastal lagoons along the Tropical Mexican Pacific: Ballenato, Paredón, and San Vicente. Methods: Native agar was obtained from dry samples of seaweed and the agar yield, gel strength, melting and gelling temperatures, hysteresis, and sulfate and 3,6-anhydrogalactose content were determined for each sample. Moreover, the polysaccharide structures and the location of sulfate groups in agar samples were identified. Results: The phycocolloid is a polysaccharide agar type. The agar yield was significantly different between seasons and localities, with the highest values during the dry season (19.9 ± 0.004 %) at Paredón (20.6 ± 0.01 %). Gel strength, melting temperature and gel hysteresis showed significant spatial differences; the highest values were obtained in Ballenato (367.3 ± 14.2 g cm−2, 80.2 ± 1.4 °C, 44.3 ± 2.2 °C, respectively); gelling temperature did not show significant differences between localities or seasons. Chemical properties were significantly different between seasons: 3,6-anhydrogalactose content was higher during the dry season (36.2 ± 0.2 %), and sulfate content was higher during the rainy season (12.69 ± 0.21 %). Salinity was significantly different between seasons, and the highest was obtained during the dry season (38.7 ± 0.1). Surface water temperature varied between localities, and the highest mean value was recorded at Paredón (32.5 ± 0.2 °C). Conclusions: The chemical properties of the G. parvispora native agar were lower than the standards for food and industrial use.Antecedentes: Gracilaria parvispora es un alga roja invasora que se encuentra en lagunas costeras del Pacífico Mexicano Tropical. A nivel mundial, las especies de Gracilaria son la fuente principal de agar. Objetivos: Se determinaron las tendencias espaciales y temporales de las propiedades del agar nativo de G. parvispora en tres localidades de los estados de Oaxaca y Chiapas, pertenecientes a lagunas costeras del Pacífico Mexicano Tropical: Ballenato, Paredón y San Vicente. Métodos: Se determinó el rendimiento del agar, la fuerza de gel, la temperatura de fusión y gelificación, la histéresis, y el contenido de sulfatos y 3,6-anhidrogalactosa del agar nativo obtenido de muestras secas de macroalga. Además, se identificaron las estructuras de los polisacáridos y la posición de los grupos sulfato en las muestras. Resultados: El ficocoloide es un polisacárido tipo agar. El rendimiento mostró diferencias significativas entre localidades y temporadas, con valores mayores durante la temporada de secas (19.9 ± 0.004 %) y en Paredón (20.6 ± 0.01 %). La fuerza de gel, la temperatura de fusión y la histéresis mostraron diferencias espaciales significativas; con valores más altos para las muestras de Ballenato (367.3 ± 14.2 g cm-2, 80.2 ± 1.4 °C, 44.3 ± 2.2 °C, respectivamente); la temperatura de gelificación no mostró diferencias significativas entre localidades o temporadas. Las propiedades químicas mostraron diferencias significativas entre temporadas: el contenido de 3,6-anhidrogalactosa fue mayor durante la temporada de secas (36.2 ± 0.2 %), y el contenido de sulfato fue mayor durante la temporada de lluvias (12.69 ± 0.21 %). La salinidad fue significativamente diferente entre temporadas, con mayor valor para la temporada de secas (38.7 ± 0.1). La temperatura superficial del agua varió entre localidades, la más alta se registró en Paredón (32.5 ± 0.2 °C). Conclusiones: Las propiedades químicas de G. parvispora fueron menores a los estándares para su uso industrial y alimenticio

    Adherence to treatment by public administration workers: factors related to health and well-being

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    Artículos originales[ES] Objetivos: a) Analizar los niveles de adherencia al tratamiento por parte de los trabajadores estudiados; b) determinar los factores relacionados con el incumplimiento terapéutico y, por ende, con la salud y el bienestar de los participantes en el estudio y c) sentar las bases para el diseño futuro de estrategias de intervención preventiva. Métodos: El estudio se llevó a cabo durante el año 2008 en el Servicio de Prevención de los Servicios Centrales del Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social. Para ello, se diseñó un cuestionario aplicado a cada paciente (trabajador) en el que se recogen, además de las variables sociodemográficas, el tipo de enfermedad, tipo de tratamiento, razones de incumplimiento, apoyo social, salud y bienestar subjetivo. Resultados: Los análisis muestran que la adherencia a la medicación se da en mayor medida que la relacionada con la dieta y/o ejercicio físico. Entre los motivos de incumplimiento se señala especialmente el olvido, seguido del temor a los efectos secundarios. Existen diferencias en salud y bienestar entre quienes siguen las recomendaciones y quienes no; aquélla son estadísticamente significativas en la dieta y el ejercicio físico. El apoyo social juega un papel importante en la adherencia, en la salud y el bienestar subjetivo. Conclusiones: El conocimiento de los factores relacionados con el incumplimiento terapéutico y su vinculación con la salud y el bienestar ayuda a planificar actuaciones encaminadas a la prevención de la enfermedad en el ámbito laboral.[EN] Objectives: a) to analyse the levels of adherence to treatment by the workers studied, b) to determine the factors related to therapeutic failure and thus to participants´ health and well-being and c) to make the design of future preventive strategies. Methods: The study was carried out during 2008 in the Prevention Service of Central Services, National Institute of Social Security. A questionnaire was designed and applied to each patient (employee). This instrument contains the type of disease, treatment, reasons for non-compliance, social support, health and subjective well-being, in addition to sociodemographic variables. Results: The analysis shows that adherence to medication is higher than adherence to diet and/or exercise. Among the reasons for non-compliance are oversight and the fear of side effects. There are differences in health and well-being between those who follow recommendations and those who don´t. These differences are significant statistically in diet and exercise. Social support plays an important role in adherence, health and subjective well-being. Conclusions: Knowledge of factors related to therapeutic failure and its relationship to health and well-being helps to plan actions to prevent the disease in the workplace.N