1,398 research outputs found

    Bouncing Loop Quantum Cosmology from F(T)F(T) gravity

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    The big bang singularity could be understood as a breakdown of Einstein's General Relativity at very high energies. Adopting this viewpoint, other theories, that implement Einstein Cosmology at high energies, might solve the problem of the primeval singularity. One of them is Loop Quantum Cosmology (LQC) with a small cosmological constant that models a universe moving along an ellipse, which prevents singularities like the big bang or the big rip, in the phase space (H,ρ)(H,\rho), where HH is the Hubble parameter and ρ\rho the energy density of the universe. Using LQC when one considers a model of universe filled by radiation and matter where, due to the cosmological constant, there are a de Sitter and an anti de Sitter solution. This means that one obtains a bouncing non-singular universe which is in the contracting phase at early times. After leaving this phase, i.e., after bouncing, it passes trough a radiation and matter dominated phase and finally at late times it expands in an accelerated way (current cosmic acceleration). This model does not suffer from the horizon and flatness problems as in big bang cosmology, where a period of inflation that increases the size of our universe in more than 60 e-folds is needed in order to solve both problems. The model has two mechanisms to avoid these problems: The evolution of the universe through a contracting phase and a period of super-inflation (H˙>0\dot{H}> 0)

    On the number of limit cycles in discontinuous piecewise linear differential systems with two pieces separated by a straight line

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    In this paper we study the maximum number NN of limit cycles that can exhibit a planar piecewise linear differential system formed by two pieces separated by a straight line. More precisely, we prove that this maximum number satisfies 2N32\leq N \leq 3 if one of the two linear differential systems has its equilibrium point on the straight line of discontinuity

    The Transition. Convergence and discrepancy in the international and national press coverage of Spain’s major postwar international news export

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    The role of the national and foreign press in the news coverage of the Spanish transition to democracy (1975-1978) has been a constant reference in the historical study of the period of political change after the end of the Francoist dictatorship. In this article we present the general results of three research projects concerning the role of the foreign press, of the Spanish daily press and the magazine marketin which we can observe both convergence and discrepance in the news narrative, editorial behaviour and political standpoints. The greater independence and informative freedom of the foreign press contrasts with the proximity of the Spanish press to both King and government with the exception of the critical support to reform expressed in both the new political magazines and newspapers during the first few months of the process of political change.El papel de la prensa nacional y extranjera en la cobertura informativa de la Transición española a la democracia (1975-1978) ha sido una referencia constante en la historiografía del período de cambio político en España tras el final de la dictadura de Franco, así como en la cultura periodística. En este artículo presentamos los resultados generales de tres proyectos de investigación sobre el papel de la prensa extranjera, de la prensa diaria española y de la prensa no diaria enlos que se pueden comprobar convergencias y discrepancias en el relato informativo, las valoraciones editoriales y los posicionamientos políticos. La mayor independencia y libertad informativa de la prensa extranjera contrasta con la proximidad de la prensa española al rey y al gobierno, con la excepción del apoyo crítico a la reforma de las nuevas revistas políticas y los diarios surgidos en los primeros meses del proceso de cambio político

    Bifurcations from families of periodic solutions in piecewise differential systems

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    Consider a differential system of the form x=F0(t,x)+i=1kεiFi(t,x)+εk+1R(t,x,ε), x'=F_0(t,x)+\sum_{i=1}^k \varepsilon^i F_i(t,x)+\varepsilon^{k+1} R(t,x,\varepsilon), where Fi:S1×DRmF_i:\mathbb{S}^1 \times D \to \mathbb{R}^m and R:S1×D×(ε0,ε0)RmR:\mathbb{S}^1 \times D \times (-\varepsilon_0,\varepsilon_0) \to \mathbb{R}^m are piecewise Ck+1C^{k+1} functions and TT-periodic in the variable tt. Assuming that the unperturbed system x=F0(t,x)x'=F_0(t,x) has a dd-dimensional submanifold of periodic solutions with d<md<m, we use the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction and the averaging theory to study the existence of isolated TT-periodic solutions of the above differential system

    Simultaneous occurrence of sliding and crossing limit cycles in piecewise linear planar vector fields

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    In the present study we consider planar piecewise linear vector fields with two zones separated by the straight line x=0x=0. Our goal is to study the existence of simultaneous crossing and sliding limit cycles for such a class of vector fields. First, we provide a canonical form for these systems assuming that each linear system has center, a real one for y<0y<0 and a virtual one for y>0y>0, and such that the real center is a global center. Then, working with a first order piecewise linear perturbation we obtain piecewise linear differential systems with three crossing limit cycles. Second, we see that a sliding cycle can be detected after a second order piecewise linear perturbation. Finally, imposing the existence of a sliding limit cycle we prove that only one adittional crossing limit cycle can appear. Furthermore, we also characterize the stability of the higher amplitude limit cycle and of the infinity. The main techniques used in our proofs are the Melnikov method, the Extended Chebyshev systems with positive accuracy, and the Bendixson transformation.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Melnikov analysis in nonsmooth differential systems with nonlinear switching manifold

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    We study the family of piecewise linear differential systems in the plane with two pieces separated by a cubic curve. Our main result is that 7 is a lower bound for the Hilbert number of this family. In order to get our main result, we develop the Melnikov functions for a class of nonsmooth differential systems, which generalizes, up to order 2, some previous results in the literature. Whereas the first order Melnikov function for the nonsmooth case remains the same as for the smooth one (i.e. the first order averaged function) the second order Melnikov function for the nonsmooth case is different from the smooth one (i.e. the second order averaged function). We show that, in this case, a new term depending on the jump of discontinuity and on the geometry of the switching manifold is added to the second order averaged function