249 research outputs found


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    JARIYAH: THE COMMUNICATIVE LANGUAGE TEACHING (CLT) AND STUDENTS IMPROVEMENT IN SPEAKING SKILL The linguists perceive language as a complex communication system. It is also widely believed that language must be analyzed on several levels, e.g., phonology, syntax, morphology, semantics and lexis, pragmatics, discourse. (Mitchel and Myles, 2001: 14). Language is one of the most important elements in the communication. It is only used to communicate but also to interact with other, to express an idea or feeling, to send a message, and so on. In the process teaching and learning need also a language. A search in contemporary dictionaries reveals that “Learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a subject or a skill by study, experience, or instruction.” (Brown, 2000: 7).As like the students taught by the teacher with the method of teaching such as the teacher use the communicative language teaching in the speaking skill on the process teaching and learning of language. The communicative language teaching is a by word for language teaching. (Brown, 2000: 14). Language teaching is not easily categories into methods and trends. According to Harmer (3rd Edition: 78), the general area of methodology to the practice of English teaching are approaches, methods, techniques, procedures and models. In doing all that, the researcher takes qualitative research on the research. The researcher takes Communicative Language Teaching Today by Jack C. Richards 2006, The Practice of English Language Teaching by Jeremy Harmer 3th Edition, and Techniques, Principles in Language Teaching by Diane Larsen Freeman 2000, Introduction to Teaching English by Jill Hadfield and Charles Hadfield 2008, those are as the source and type the data of this research. The technique of data collection in this research is library research and the writer used the technique of analysis data is content analysis by David E. Grey. The result of this research shows that according to the data above, it was proven that the communicative language teaching can apply to teach in teaching language especially for the speaking skill. The researcher got the conclusion that the communicative language teaching can apply to teach the students in speaking skill. And the purposes of this research that the used of communicative language teaching and students improvement in speaking skill. The researcher also has suggestion to all the reader and the other researcher

    Physicochemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Velva Guava Crystal with the Addition of Combrang Juice and CMC

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    This research aims to ascertain the impact of CMC and kecombrang fruit juice addition on crystal guava Velva's organoleptic and physicochemical properties and the optimal treatment regimen to yield velva with the best properties. The two-factor factorial pattern utilized in this study's fully randomized design (CRD) has three repetitions. Factor I include 5%, 10%, and 15% of kecombrang fruit juice (v/v). Factor II, namely the addition of 0.5%, 0.75%, and 1% CMC. The conclusion in this study was 15% kecombrang fruit juice and 1% CMC concentration, which produced crystal guava velva with an antioxidant activity value of 41.543%; crude fiber content 6.270%; melting time 17.37 minutes/20gr; viscosity 4203 mPas; overrun 22.03 %; total solids 39.06 %; and the hedonic organoleptic test includes color 3.63; aroma 3.10; texture 3.73 and taste 3.27. The conclusion of this study shows that velva guava crystal has met the quality standards of velva

    Effect Of The Addition Of Guar Gum And Red Palm Oil On The Physical And Chemical Of Mellorine Sari Tempeh

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    The study aimed to determine the effect of the addition of guar gum and red palm oil on the physicochemical characteristics of mellorine sari tempeh and obtain the best combination on mellorine.The study used a Complete Randomized Design (RAL) two-factor pattern with three repetitions.Factor I is the addition of guar gum (v/v) 0.4%;0.6%; and 0.8%. Factor II is the addition of red palm oil 3%, 6%, and 9%. The results of this study showed that mellorine sari tempeh has met SNI ice cream standards and meets european patent specification of mellorine standards .The best treatment obtained from the addition of guar gum 0.8% and red palm oil 9% produces mellorine with protein content of 4.024%, fat content of 6,317%, overrun 18,03%, melting time of 23,53 minutes, antioxidant capacity of 7,121%, total solids of 39,06%, emulsion stability 95,86%, viscocity of 2123mPa.s and Vitamin A of 2,89mg/100gr

    Tinjauan Hukum Islam terhadap Pemindahan Hak Sewa Tanah Bondo Deso kepada Pihak Ketiga dalam Perjanjian Sewa Lelang (Studi Kasus Perjanjian Sewa Lelang Tanah Bondo Deso di Desa Tanjungmojo Kangkung Kendal)

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    Sewa menyewa bondo deso Tanjungmojo berupa tanah persawahan yang terbagi dalam beberapa blok yaitu blok Sentono, Klampis dan Sewelut. Sewa menyewa ini diawali dengan sewa lelang terlebih dahulu yang akhirnya timbul kesepakatan antara kedua belah pihak. Kesepakatan kedua belah pihak tersebut diwujudkan dengan adanya surat perjanjian yang di dalamnya berisi tentang hak dan kewajiban para pihak, salah satunya mengenai pelarangan terhadap pemindahan hak sewa bagi peyewa bondo deso. Pemindahan hak sewa dalam persewaan bondo deso di desa Tanjungmojo Kangkung Kendal ini tidak diperbolehkan, karena pemindahan hak sewa merupakan syarat sah dalam akad sewa menyewa bondo deso. Dalam akad ada unsur syarat yang disebut dengan syarat syihah yakni syarat yang ada atau tidaknya mempunyai akibat hukum terhadap suatu akad. Macam-macam syarat syihah adalah terhindarnya dari unsur gharar, ghalat, ikrah dan sifat-sifat lain yang bisa merugikan salah satu pihak. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut maka permasalahan yang timbul adalah bagaimana pandangan hukum Islam terhadap pemindahan hak sewa yang dilakukan dengan menyalahi persyaratan sah sebuah akad dan akibat hukum terhadap pemindahan hak sewa tersebut. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana pandangan hukum Islam terhadap hal tersebut dan apa akibat hukumnya. Pengambilan data di ambil dengan cara wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Wawancara dilakukan terhadap kepala desa, aparat desa, pemenang lelang. Obyek observasinya adalah praktek sewa menyewa bondo deso yang terjadi di desa Tanjungmojo. Dokumentasi yang diambil adalah berupa perjanjian sewa lelang, surat keputusan kepala desa Tanjungmojo, sedangkan teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah metode analisis kualitatif. Dari hasil analisa dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemindahan hak sewa dalam hukum Islam menurut jumhur ulama menyebabkan akad menjadi batal karena unsur sah dalam akad belum terpenuhi. Akad tidak sah tidak mempunyai implikasi hukum berupa perpindahan kepemilikan manfaat. Akibatnya adalah tanah bondo deso bisa diambil kembali oleh pihak desa atau masing-masing pihak bermusyawarah untuk mencari solusi misalnya dengan menambahi dengan pasal apabila terjadi pemindahan hak sewa maka pihak desa bisa mengambil kembali tanah bondo deso. Berdasarkan pada penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi bahan koreksi bagi para pihak agar selalu mentaati perjanjian yang sudah dibuat. Kesalahan akibat pelanggaran perjanjian sebenarnya bisa merugikan bagi masing-masing pihak. Pemilik atau penyewa harus menempatkan diri pada posisinya masing-masing yang telah ditentukan dalam perjanjian sewa lelang. Masyarakat yang rukun, aman, tertib dan sejahtera merupakan harapan bagi semua warga desa Tanjungmojo


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    ABSTRAKSI: In the daily life, electricity is a vital thing and something that never released from human activity. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) is a subsidiary company of PT. Pertamina (Persero) established since 2006 which utilize geothermal resources to generate electricity in Indonesia. PT. PGE Kamojang is the first geothermal field which was inaugurated on January 29th 1983. Total generating capacity of Kamojang Power Plant is 200MW consist of Unit 1, 2, 3 with total of 140MW and 60MW from Unit 4. In Power Plant, there are seven Mechanical Main System which is have important role. The seven system are, Steam Separating System (LBJ), Steam Supply and Venting System (LB), Steam Turbine and Lube Oil System (MA), Steam Return System (MAG), Gas Removal System (MAJ), Circualtiong Cooling Water System (PA), and Raw Water System (GA). When the seven system is being operated and there is a system fail, then Power Plant cannot be operated. The failure that can occur in the system can be avoided by doing research using RAM Analysis Method and Blocksim 9.0 software. Because with RAM Analysis Method and simulation through Blocksim 9.0 software, the Availability, Reliability, and Maaintainability of a system will be known. The last results of this research is also to determine the Critical Equipment in Mechanical Main System. From this research which is use the RAM Analysis Method and Blocksim 9.0 software, can be seen the Availability of Power Plant is 73,8675% and the Reliability is 68,7% for one month interval and 0,8% for one year (12 months) interval. For the critical equipment if it is based on RS FCI then the critical equipment are PA-BF207 with RS FCI 13,08%, PA-BF109 with RS FCI 12,99%, PA-BF110 with RS FCI 12,21%, MA-STRB with RS FCI 10,26%, MAG-CND with RS FCI 6,51%, MA-GEN with RS FCI 5,03%, and LBJ-SCR with RS FCI 4,04%. For the critical equipment when it is based on RS DTCI then the critical equipmetn are MA-STRB with RS DTCI 21,16%, MA-GEN with RS DTCI 11,98%, MA-BRX with RS DTCI 6,48%, MA-TRG with RS DTCI 5,55%, MA- GBR02 with RS DTCI 5,23%, MA-MTG with RS DTCI 5,05%, and MA-TBR02 with RS DTCI 5,05%. KATA KUNCI: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Reliability Block Diagram (RBD), Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Equipment Configuration, Power PlantABSTRACT: In the daily life, electricity is a vital thing and something that never released from human activity. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) is a subsidiary company of PT. Pertamina (Persero) established since 2006 which utilize geothermal resources to generate electricity in Indonesia. PT. PGE Kamojang is the first geothermal field which was inaugurated on January 29th 1983. Total generating capacity of Kamojang Power Plant is 200MW consist of Unit 1, 2, 3 with total of 140MW and 60MW from Unit 4. In Power Plant, there are seven Mechanical Main System which is have important role. The seven system are, Steam Separating System (LBJ), Steam Supply and Venting System (LB), Steam Turbine and Lube Oil System (MA), Steam Return System (MAG), Gas Removal System (MAJ), Circualtiong Cooling Water System (PA), and Raw Water System (GA). When the seven system is being operated and there is a system fail, then Power Plant cannot be operated. The failure that can occur in the system can be avoided by doing research using RAM Analysis Method and Blocksim 9.0 software. Because with RAM Analysis Method and simulation through Blocksim 9.0 software, the Availability, Reliability, and Maaintainability of a system will be known. The last results of this research is also to determine the Critical Equipment in Mechanical Main System. From this research which is use the RAM Analysis Method and Blocksim 9.0 software, can be seen the Availability of Power Plant is 73,8675% and the Reliability is 68,7% for one month interval and 0,8% for one year (12 months) interval. For the critical equipment if it is based on RS FCI then the critical equipment are PA-BF207 with RS FCI 13,08%, PA-BF109 with RS FCI 12,99%, PA-BF110 with RS FCI 12,21%, MA-STRB with RS FCI 10,26%, MAG-CND with RS FCI 6,51%, MA-GEN with RS FCI 5,03%, and LBJ-SCR with RS FCI 4,04%. For the critical equipment when it is based on RS DTCI then the critical equipmetn are MA-STRB with RS DTCI 21,16%, MA-GEN with RS DTCI 11,98%, MA-BRX with RS DTCI 6,48%, MA-TRG with RS DTCI 5,55%, MA- GBR02 with RS DTCI 5,23%, MA-MTG with RS DTCI 5,05%, and MA-TBR02 with RS DTCI 5,05%. KEYWORD: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Reliability Block Diagram (RBD), Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), Equipment Configuration, Power Plan

    Pengaruh Pengembangan Pola terhadap Hasil Volume Gelombang Hide And Seek pada Gaun (Kakurenbo)

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      Gaun merupakan sepotong pakaian yang mempunyai bagian badan atas (bodice) dan rok bawah (skirt). Gaun bisa dirancang pas (fitted), setengah pas (semi-fitted), tidak pas/longgar (unfited). Gaun hide and seek (kakurenbo) selain garis yoke dada yang berbentuk lengkungan dengan model melebar atau longgar kebawah juga memiliki gelombang yang struktural pada bagian tengah muka. Pembuatan Hide and seek pada gaun (kakurenbo) berasal dari jepang dengan metode pattern magic oleh Tomoko Nakamichi yang menghasilkan beberapa gelombang yang struktural sesuai desain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk a) mengetahui adanya pengaruh pengembangan pola trerhadap hasil volume gelombang hide and seek pada gaun (kakurenbo), b) mengetahui hasil terbaik pengembangan pola terhadap hasil volume gelombang hide and seek pada gaun (kakurenbo) dengan pengembangan pola ¼, ½, dan 1 lingkar. Jenis penelitian termasuk penelitian eksperimendengan variabel bebas yaitu pengembangan pola hide and seek pada gaun (kakurenbo) dengan ukuran ¼, ½, dan 1 lingkar, variabel terikat yaitu hasil volume gelombang hide and seek pada gaun (kakurenbo) ditinjau dari aspek besar volume gelombang, jatuh gaun bagian sisi, rata-rata air gaun, dan variabel kontrol yaitu desain, ukuran, metode pattern magic, proses menjahit, orang yang menjahit, waktu. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dengan instrumen penelitian yaitu lembar observasi. Analisis data mengunakan anava tunggal dengan bantuan program SPSS 21 dengan taraf nyata a<(0,05). Hasil uji anava menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan pengembangan pola ¼, ½, dan 1 lingkar terhadap hasil volume gelombang hide and seekpada gaun (kakurenbo) pada aspek jatuh gaun bagian sisi karena hasil jatuh gaun bagian sisi garis sisi lebih terlihat, sedangkan tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan pada aspek besar volume gelombang dan rata-rata air gaun. Hasil jadi terbaik yaitu pada pengembangan pola ¼ lingkar, sesuai dengan hasil pengamatan observer bahwa pengembangan pola ¼ lingkar memiliki gelombang yang baik atau bagus dibandingkan pengembangan pola ½ lingkar dan 1 lingkar.   Kata Kunci: Gaun, hide and seek (kakurenbo), pengembangan pola ¼, ½, dan 1 lingkar &nbsp

    Effect of Partial Replacement of Wheat Flour with Various Mangrove Fruit Flours and Different Emulsifiers on Physicochemical Properties of Biscuits

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    Biscuit formulation was produced from the partial substitution of wheat flour using mangrove fruit flour (MFF) with the addition of an emulsifier. In this study, Pedada (Sonneratia caseolaris) and Lindur (Bruguiera ghymnorhiza) were used as two varieties of MFF. Lecithin and sodium stearoyl lactylate (SSL) was used to enhance the physical properties of the biscuits. An experiment was conducted by replacing wheat flour with MFF at different levels (0%, 20%, and 30%). Margarine, sugars, eggs, glucose syrups, and emulsifiers were added after mixing wheat flour with MFF, baking powder, and milk powder uniformly. Dough sheets were formed and baked on a greased tray at 1500C for 10 to 15 min. The biscuits produced were analyzed for spread ratio, breaking strength, and color (L*, a*, and b*), ranging from 4.13–5.07; 54.07–89.77 N; and 34.70–50.90 L*, 15.17–18.80 a*, and 12.00–28.07 b*, respectively. The analysis of chemical composition showed that the carbohydrate ranged from 90.99–93.60%, protein 4.26–7.12%, fat 0.22–0.59%, ash 0.93–1.75%, and moisture 0.88–1.36%, and the energy value spanned over 391.10–395.33 cal/100 g. Sensory evaluation rating, substitution of 20% with MFF, and SSL addition had the highest acceptability compared to other formulations

    Phytochemical and acute toxicity studies of ethanol extract from Pedada (Sonneratia caseolaris) fruit flour (PFF)

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    Studies on the phytochemical and acute toxicity of pedada fruit flour (PFF) were carried out. In acute toxicity test, oral administration of the extract to Swiss albino mice at four levels dose, i.e. 0, 10.50; 15.75 and 21.00 g/kg body weight.  Phytochemical analysis of the ethanol extract of PFF showed the presence of saponins, sapogenins, terpenoids, flavonoids, tannins,  polyphenols. Phytochemicals such as alkaloids were not detected. The results of acute toxicity (LD50) showed that the ethanol extract of PFF in mice was found more than 21.00 g/kg body weight. It could be concluded that the PFF belongs to relatively less dangerous category ‘non toxic’ and ‘safe’ for food products

    Pengaruh Proporsi Air Pada Pembuatan Susu Kedelai Dan Konsentrasi Na-Cmc Terhadap Karakteristik Es Krim Kedelai

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    In this research, there will be an making of ice cream made from soy milk. Soymilk used is divided into several proportions of water in its making, the use of different proportions of water in making soymilk caused carboxy methyl cellulose (CMC) a decrease in the physical quality of ice cream such as total solids, melting speed, overrun, texture, and softness, therefore CMC was added in this study. to overcome this, which is expected to provide good physical properties in soy ice cream products. This study aims to determine the best combination of treatment between the proportion of water used in making soy milk and Na-CMC for making soy ice cream. This study used a completely randomized design with 2 factors, with 9 formulations. Factor I is the proportion of water used in making soy milk, namely: 1: 3; 1: 6; 1: 9 and Factor II are Na-CMC 0.3; 0.4; 0.5 The best treatment results are soy ice cream with the proportion of water in making soy milk 1: 6 with the addition of 0.4% Na-CMC is the best treatment with 2.12% fat content, 3.22% protein content, total dissolved solids 24.33 % Brix, viscosity 774.25mPas, overrun 70.50%, melting speed 16.66 minutes, emulsion stability 10.19% and organoleptic color test 3.40 (ordinary-like), organoleptic aroma test 3.36 (ordinary-like) , taste organoleptic test 2.84 (dislike), texture organoleptic test 3.28 (ordinary-like)


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    Tujuan dilakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam kelas V SDN Candipari I. Populasi dan sampel terdiri dari semua siswa kelas V SDN Candipari I yang berjumlah 35 siswa. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis belajar siswa dan uji t dengan taraf signifikan yang digunakan yaitu 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe jigsaw terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas V SDN Candipari I. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata hasil belajar pada pretest lebih kecil daripada nilai posttest, artinya secara deskriptif ada perbedaan rata-rata hasil belajar antara pretest dengan hasil posttes