41 research outputs found

    10Kin1day: A Bottom-Up Neuroimaging Initiative.

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    We organized 10Kin1day, a pop-up scientific event with the goal to bring together neuroimaging groups from around the world to jointly analyze 10,000+ existing MRI connectivity datasets during a 3-day workshop. In this report, we describe the motivation and principles of 10Kin1day, together with a public release of 8,000+ MRI connectome maps of the human brain

    Cosmetic wastewater treatment using coagulation and Fenton processes

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    The cosmetic wastewater was treated by coagulation and Fenton process. COD of raw wastewater was 2888 mg/l. The effectiveness of these processes, defined as a decrease of COD was 66.4% for coagulation for a FeCl3 dose 900 mg/l and 87.7% (to 295mg/l COD) for Fenton process for H2O2/Fe2+ doses 3000/1000mg/l. The contribution of coagulation in Fenton process was defined as 71.3% of the total treatment effect. The calculated H2O2 efficiency is high and for optimal doses reached 149.3%. The optimal pH of Fenton process is 3.0. Even a small change in its value leads to a rapid decrease in the efficiency of oxidation and hence in the effects of the process. The kinetics of the Fenton process can be described as d[COD]/dt =-a tm [COD], where t stands for time, while the a and m are constants, depending on the initial concentration of the reagents. It has been proved that the cosmetic wastewater is susceptible to purification by means of coagulation and Fenton process

    Treatment of highly polluted cosmetic wastewater

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    Three samples of cosmetic wastewater from the production of soaps and shampoos were treated by the following processes: coagulation with sedimentation (C/S), coagulation with dissolved air flotation (C/DAF), and the Fenton process (FP). The COD values of raw wastewater samples were 13 160, 13 580 and 9410 mg O2/dm3. The anionic surfactants were 3000, 4500 and 4000 mg/dm3, for samples 1, 2, and 3, respectively. All three processes were effective in highly polluted cosmetic wastewater treatment. The most effective process was coagulation. In the case of sample 1, application of FeCl3 at pH 6.0 resulted in 88.2% of COD removal and the application of aluminum based coagulants allowed for 80.1–85.3% COD removal. In the case of samples 2 and 3, the usage of Al 1019 and Al 3010 coagulants brought about a 91.6% and 82.6% decrease in COD values, respectively. C/DAF was found to be less effective than C/S. The best results with C/DAF were obtained using Al 3010 coagulant with wastewater recirculation the COD removal efficiency amounted to 82.3, 87.3 and 78.8, respectively. The lowest COD removal efficiency was observed for FP and it was equal to 64.0 and 72.7% for samples 2 and 3, respectively

    Study on removal of heavy metals from landfill leachate by Fenton’s process and modified Fenton’s process

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    Study on removal of heavy metals from landfill leachate by Fenton’s process and modified Fenton’s process. Classical and modified Fenton process were investigated to remove zinc, copper and lead from landfill leachate from three different municipal waste landfills. In the modified process, after the initial acidification of the leachate and 4h of sedimentation resulting sludge was separated, and the Fenton’s process continued. The study was conducted at pH 2, 3, 4. Modified Fenton’s process usually allows to remove more metal than the classical one.Prowadzono badania nad zastosowaniem „klasycznego” i zmodyfikowanego procesu Fentona do usuwania cynku, miedzi i ołowiu z odcieków pochodzących z trzech różnych składowisk odpadów komunalnych. Zmodyfikowany proces Fentona pozwalał zazwyczaj na usunięcie większej ilości metali niż proces klasyczny. Prawdopodobną przyczyną tego zjawiska jest usuwanie kompleksów związki humusowe – metale. Jony metali nie związane w kompleksach mogą dodatkowo sorbować się na wytracających się osadach i współstrącać razem z nimi

    Oczyszczenie ścieków kosmetycznych z wykorzystaniem procesu flotacji ciśnieniowej

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    Five cosmetics wastewater samples were treated by Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) assisted by coagulation. Different aluminum based coagulants were used: (Al2(SO4)3, Al 1019, Al 3010, Al 3030, Al 3035, PAX 16 and PAX 19). The raw wastewater COD values were in the range 285–2124 mg/l. The efficiency of DAF depended on different coagulants and production profile of factory. COD removal was varied from 11.1 to 77.7%. The efficiency of coagulants was similar during treatment of particular sample. The best results were obtained with Al2(SO4)3 and for sample 5 – lotions and shampoos production. The wastewater from UV filter creams production (sample 4) was resistant to treatment by DAF regardless of used coagulant. HS-SPME-GC-MS analysis can be a confirmation of DAF effectiveness.Pięć próbek ścieków kosmetycznych zostało poddanych oczyszczaniu z wykorzystaniem flotacji ciśnieniowej wspomaganej koagulacją. Stosowano różne koagulanty na bazie glinu: Al2(SO4)3, Al 1019, Al 3010, Al 3030, Al 3035, PAX 16 and PAX 19. Wartość ChZT ścieków surowych była w zakresie 285–2124 mg/l. Skuteczność procesu flotacji ciśnieniowej była zależna od zastosowanego koagulantu i profilu produkcji fabryki kosmetyków. Skuteczność usunięcia wartości ChZT była w przedziale 11,1–77,7%. Skuteczność wszystkich koagulantów podczas oczyszczania każdej z próbek ścieków była podobna. Najlepsze rezultaty uzyskano z wykorzystaniem koagulantu Al2(SO4)3 , dla próbki 5 – ścieki pochodzące z produkcji szamponów i logionów. Ścieki z produkcji kremów z filtrem UV (próbka 4) były oporne na oczyszczanie za pomocą procesu flotacji ciśnieniowej, niezależnie od zastosowanego koagulantu. Zastosowana analiza HS-SPME-GC-MS potwierdziła skuteczność oczyszczania z wykorzystaniem flotacji ciśnieniowej

    Cosmetic wastewater treatment by coagulation

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    In this study the coagulation process of five cosmetics wastewater types has been investigated. All samples were collected from big cosmetic factory in Poland. Due to changeable production profile, also significant changeability of the wastewater composition and the concentration of pollutants were observed. COD values of raw wastewaters samples 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were as follows: 7293, 3241, 3241, 5132 and 1089 mg/l, respectively. Before coagulation easily settleable suspended solids were removed by 30 min primary sedimentation. After sedimentation COD values were decreased to 1134, 2512, 3241, 1858 and 1089 mg/l, respectively. Coagulation with Al2 (SO4)3 at pH 7.0 and FeCl3 at pH 6.0 and 9.0 allowed to achieve COD removal in the range of 33.0–63.5%. The effect of coagulation was better for the samples of lower contents of easily settleable suspended solids and higher content of fine suspended solids. The best effects of COD removal by coagulation achieved for investigated wastewaters were as follow: sample 1 – 39.2%, by Al2 (SO4) 3 and FeCl3 at pH 9.0; sample 2 – 54.8%, by FeCl3 at pH 6.0; sample 3 – 60.0%, by Al2 (SO4) 3; sample 4 – 33.3%, by Al2 (SO4) 3; sample 5 – 63.5%, by FeCl3 at pH 6.0. The differences in coagulants effectiveness were not significant. Flopam flocculant improved the effect of coagulation – shortened the clarification time from 60 min to 5 min, reduced the coagulant doses by about 50 mg/l and increased COD removal. In the coagulation assisted by Flopam flocculant, Al2 (SO4) 3 proved to be the best coagulant for sample 3 (62.5%), FeCl3 at pH 6.0 was the best for sample 2 (54.8%) and sample 5 (63.9% – the best result of all) and FeCl3 at pH 9.0 for sample 4 (50.0%). The best effect of coagulation was achieved for sample no 5, which had no easily settleable suspended solids. The total effect of COD removal, including primary sedimentation and coagulation ranged from 63.9 to 90.6%. GC-MS analysis allowed to identify 110 compounds. The predominant compounds identified by GC-MS were: cyclopentasiloxane, decamethylcyclopentasiloxane and synthetic musk – galaxolide (HHCB). HHCB concentration was decreased in the coagulation by 87.3–92.2%. The degree of other compounds removal varied in the range 0–99.4%