2,297 research outputs found

    An integrable deformation of the AdS5 x S5 superstring action

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    An integrable deformation of the type IIB AdS5xS5 superstring action is presented. The deformed field equations, Lax connection, and k-symmetry transformations are given. The original psu (2,2\4) symmetry is expected to become q deformed.Peer reviewedSubmitted Versio

    Finding the Higgs Boson through Supersymmetry

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    The study of displaced vertices containing two b--jets may provide a double discovery at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC): we show how it may not only reveal evidence for supersymmetry, but also provide a way to uncover the Higgs boson necessary in the formulation of the electroweak theory in a large region of the parameter space. We quantify this explicitly using the simplest minimal supergravity model with bilinear breaking of R-parity, which accounts for the observed pattern of neutrino masses and mixings seen in neutrino oscillation experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Final version to appear at PRD. Discussion and results were enlarge

    Probing Neutrino Oscillations in Supersymmetric Models at the Large Hadron Collider

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    The lightest supersymmetric particle may decay with branching ratios that correlate with neutrino oscillation parameters. In this case the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has the potential to probe the atmospheric neutrino mixing angle with sensitivity competitive to its low-energy determination by underground experiments. Under realistic detection assumptions, we identify the necessary conditions for the experiments at CERN's LHC to probe the simplest scenario for neutrino masses induced by minimal supergravity with bilinear R parity violation.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Physical Review

    On Euclidean diagrams and geometrical knowledge

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    We argue against the claim that the employment of diagrams in Euclidean geometry gives rise to gaps in the proofs. First, we argue that it is a mistake to evaluate its merits through the lenses of Hilbert’s formal reconstruction. Second, we elucidate the abilities employed in diagram-based inferences in the Elements and show that diagrams are mathematically reputable tools. Finally, we complement our analysis with a review of recent experimental results purporting to show that, not only is the Euclidean diagram-based practice strictly regimented, it is rooted in cognitive abilities that are universally shared.; Argumentamos en contra de la afirmación de que el uso de diagramas en la geometría euclidiana da lugar a vacíos o lagunas en las pruebas. En primer lugar, mostramos que es un error evaluar sus méritos a través de las lentes de la reconstrucción formal de Hilbert. En segundo lugar, esclarecemos las habilidades empleadas en las inferencias basadas en los diagramas en los Elementos, y mostramos que los diagramas son herramientas matemáticas respetables. Finalmente, complementamos nuestro análisis con una revisión de resultados experimentales recientes que pretenden mostrar que la práctica diagramática euclidiana no solo está estrictamente regimentada, sino que también está enraizada en ciertas habilidades cognitivas universalmente compartidas

    Probing neutrino mass with multilepton production at the Tevatron in the simplest R-parity violation model

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    We analyze the production of multileptons in the simplest supergravity model with bilinear violation of R parity at the Fermilab Tevatron. Despite the small R-parity violating couplings needed to generate the neutrino masses indicated by current atmospheric neutrino data, the lightest supersymmetric particle is unstable and can decay inside the detector. This leads to a phenomenology quite distinct from that of the R-parity conserving scenario. We quantify by how much the supersymmetric multilepton signals differ from the R-parity conserving expectations, displaying our results in the m0⊗m1/2m_0 \otimes m_{1/2} plane. We show that the presence of bilinear R-parity violating interactions enhances the supersymmetric multilepton signals over most of the parameter space, specially at moderate and large m0m_0.Comment: 26 pages, 23 figures. Revised version with some results corrected and references added. Conclusions remain the sam

    El maltrato psicológico. Causas, consecuencias y criterios jurisprudenciales. El problema probatorio

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    Tradicionalmente, la violencia psicológica ha sido considerada como un tipo de violencia «invisible», ya que no se expresa a través de agresiones físicas. Es un hecho admitido que el maltrato psicológico, en sentido estricto, implica siempre conductas dirigidas a causar un daño en la víctima de muy difícil prueba porque, al no tratarse de menoscabos o lesiones físicas, no quedan huellas visibles en la mujer maltratada. Sin embargo, los comportamientos a través de los cuales se manifiesta, son susceptibles de ser identificados, si contamos con las herramientas conceptuales adecuadas para sacar a la superficie los elementos necesarios para su acreditación, lo que además nos permitirá advertir acerca de las consecuencias nocivas que el maltrato psicológico produce en las mujeres afectadas, consecuencias que han permanecido prácticamente desapercibidas, hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo. Tanto es así, que hace veinticinco años, aproximadamente, se consideraba muy difícil de trascender y objetivar la fundamental cuestión de la prueba de las conductas implicadas en la violencia psicológica perpetrada en el ámbito de las relaciones de pareja

    Esforços inovativos das empresas: um estudo sobre o Brasil e os estados do Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Sócio-Econômico. Economia.Esta monografia tem o propósito de investigar o esforço inovativo das empresas brasileiras e das empresas localizadas nos estados do Paraná, Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul, no período que compreende os anos de 1998 a 2005. Para isto foram utilizados os fundamentos da teoria neo-schumpteriana e os dados da Pesquisa Industrial de Inovação Tecnológica (PINTEC), que possibilitaram uma análise de categorias como: número de empresas que inovaram em produto ou processo, empresas com relações de cooperação, principais fontes de inovação e cooperação, dentre outras. Foi constatado que as inovações no Brasil e nos estados do Sul ainda estão muito concentradas em processos novos para a empresa, o que gera um impacto com proporções mais reduzidas do que aconteceria com as inovações de produtos para o mercado

    Accelerating incoherent dedispersion

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    Incoherent dedispersion is a computationally intensive problem that appears frequently in pulsar and transient astronomy. For current and future transient pipelines, dedispersion can dominate the total execution time, meaning its computational speed acts as a constraint on the quality and quantity of science results. It is thus critical that the algorithm be able to take advantage of trends in commodity computing hardware. With this goal in mind, we present analysis of the 'direct', 'tree' and 'sub-band' dedispersion algorithms with respect to their potential for efficient execution on modern graphics processing units (GPUs). We find all three to be excellent candidates, and proceed to describe implementations in C for CUDA using insight gained from the analysis. Using recent CPU and GPU hardware, the transition to the GPU provides a speed-up of 9x for the direct algorithm when compared to an optimised quad-core CPU code. For realistic recent survey parameters, these speeds are high enough that further optimisation is unnecessary to achieve real-time processing. Where further speed-ups are desirable, we find that the tree and sub-band algorithms are able to provide 3-7x better performance at the cost of certain smearing, memory consumption and development time trade-offs. We finish with a discussion of the implications of these results for future transient surveys. Our GPU dedispersion code is publicly available as a C library at: http://dedisp.googlecode.com/Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA
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