23 research outputs found
Analisis Kompetensi dan Disiplin Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Melalui Motivasi Sebagai Variabel Mediasi
This study aims to find the direct effect and the total effect of competence and work discipline on employee performance as well as the indirect effect of competence and discipline through motivation as a mediating variable. This research method is descriptive analysis, verification, and Path Analysis and Sobel Test testing. The results showed that the variables of competence and work discipline had a positive direct effect on work motivation. Competency, discipline and work motivation variables have a significant direct effect on employee performance. Motivation mediates the indirect effect between competence and employee performance but does not mediate the indirect effect between discipline and employee performance. In conclusion, that competence and discipline are very important in an employee's performance through motivation.
Keywords: Discipline, Competence, Employee Performance, Work Motivatio
The purpose of this research is to determined whether the evaluation corporate social responsibility program implementation in Bogor PDAM Tirta Pakuan has been implemented in accordance with the vision, mission, and objectives of the company. PDAM Tirta Pakuan has a vision of CSR as a pioneer in the implementation of social responsibility in Bogor city especially and Indonesia in generally. Through this vision, PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor city, would really seriously on the implementation of the CSR programs. Based on these purposes, this research is done by evaluating the CSR programs which implemented by PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor city and use CIPP evaluation model to conduct an evaluation of the program. The type which used on this research is evaluation research with use qualitative approach. The source of information used is the Chief Executive of CSR PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor. Data collected by the observation, interview and documentation. Test validity of this research by using triangulation technique, while data analysis is done by reducing the data, presenting and concluding . The result shows that the program Tirta Pakuan care as the company’s strategy goes according to the purposes and plans that have been made by the company.Keywords: evaluation, corporate social responsibility, CIPP Mode
Fraud dalam Perspektif Islam
Islam regulates all the problems of its people, one of which is regulated by Islam, namely the relationship between humans. This study aims to try to reveal how cheating or cheating behavior is from an Islamic perspective. The investigation technique used in this study is a qualitative method with a literature review approach where the researcher collects some literature from both international and national journals. The data taken from these journals are then used as study material in writing this research. The results of the study illustrate that Islam has provided clues or signs of cheating or fraudulent behavior through the Koran and Hadith. From the results of the study, it is known that Islam has regulated all the problems of its people, especially the problem of fraud, Islam forbids its followers to do this. In addition, this research reveals that the practice of deception or what is known as cheating has existed for centuries, and Islam has clearly and emphatically provided a picture of how fraud occurs and how the impact of punishment on its followers. This research is also expected to contribute to knowledge related to fraud or fraudulent practices as well as a contribution to enlightenment for society
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan antara kepemimpinan Islami, kompensasi finansial dan motivasi terhadap kinerja dosen di Universitas Djuanda Bogor. Responden adalah dosen Universitas Djuanda sebanyak 111 orang yang dipilih secara acak. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan instrumen dalam bentuk kuesioner. Instrumen dikalibrasi menggunakan validitas item dan koefisien keandalan. Data dianalisis menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dengan paket PLS Smart. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1). Kepemimpinan Islami (X1) secara signifikan mempengaruhi motivasi kerja (X3). Hal ini didukung dengan nilai t-statistic diatas 1,96 yaitu sebesar 3,653. (2). Kompensasi finansial (X2) tidak berpengaruh terhadap motivasi kerja (X3), hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai t-statistik sebesar 0,283. (3). Karena nilai t-statistic sebesar 0,793 dibawah t- tabel (1,96), hal ini berarti bahwa kompensasi finansial (X2) tidak mempengaruhi kinerja karyawan (Y). (4). Kepemimpinan Islami (X1) secara signifikan mempengaruhi kinerja dosen (Y) dengan nilai t- statistic diatas t-tabel (1,96) yaitu sebesar 2,624. (5). Motivasi Kerja (X3) secara signifikan mempengaruhi Kinerja dosen (Y) dengan nilai t- statistic 4,294. Motivasi kerja (X3) secara langsung memiliki pengaruh positif yang signifikan pada kinerja dosen (Y). Temuan ini memiliki implikasi bahwa kompensasi finansial tidak mempengaruhi motivasi kerja dan kinerja dosen. Kepemimpinan Islami secara signifikan mempengaruhi motivasi kerja dan kinerja dosen
Perancangan Sistem Antrian Protokol Kesehatan Memasuki Kampus untuk Mengoptimalkan Waktu Tunggu, Jumlah Antrian, dan Biaya Investasi Alat
Politeknik ATMI Surakarta applies a health protocol to get into campus area, which consists of body temperature check and disinfectant spray. Existing health protocol supported by 1 automatic temperature checker and 4 automatic disinfectant spray booths. There is no evaluation has been carried out yet regarding to effectiveness and efficiency of facilities utility. There are queue problems, especially at critical time at morning shift from 07.00 WIB to 07.30 WIB and the system output has not been able to reach about 650 entities within 30 minutes. This system is a terminating simulation with 30 minutes of replication length. Simulation design is carried out to find the best system solution that achieves the entities number of output target, with evaluation based on queue waiting time, number of queues, cost factors, and percentage of facility utilities. The simulation system is made with ARENA software. Design solutions are compared and ranked. Selection of solutions based on the best design rating. The results showed that at the critical time 07.00 WIB - 07.30 WIB it was necessary to have 2 automatic temperature checking devices and 3 disinfectant chambers (Multi Channel - Multi Phase). This design produces an output of about 687 entities, a waiting time of 0.75 minutes, 8.46 entities of queue, and cost of Rp. 88,411.64. At regular times, 1 automatic temperature checker and 1 disinfectant chamber (Multi Channel - Single Phase) are needed. This design produces system output of about 262 entities, waiting time of 0.22 minutes, 2.01 entities of queues, and cost of Rp. 36,399.43.
 Politeknik ATMI Surakarta menerapkan protokol kesehatan untuk masuk ke area kampus, yang terdiri dari pemeriksaan suhu tubuh dan penyemprotan disinfektan. Protokol kesehatan saat ini didukung oleh 1 pemeriksa suhu otomatis dan 4 bilik semprot desinfektan otomatis. Belum ada evaluasi yang dilakukan mengenai efektivitas dan efisiensi utilitas fasilitas. Terdapat permasalahan antrian terutama pada waktu kritis pada shift pagi dari pukul 07.00 WIB sampai dengan 07.30 WIB dan keluaran sistem belum mampu mencapai sekitar 650 entitas dalam waktu 30 menit. Sistem ini termasuk dalam terminating simulation, dengan replication length 30 menit. Perancangan simulasi dilakukan untuk mencari solusi sistem terbaik yang mencapai target keluaran jumlah entitas, dengan evaluasi berdasarkan waktu tunggu antrian, jumlah antrian entitas, biaya, dan utilitas fasilitas. Sistem simulasi dibuat dengan software ARENA. Solusi rancangan diperbandingkan dan diberi peringkat, untuk kemudian dilakukan seleksi pemilihan rancangan terbaik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada waktu kritis pukul 07.00 WIB - 07.30 WIB diperlukan 2 buah alat pengecek suhu otomatis dan 3 buah bilik desinfektan (Multi Channel - Multi Phase). Rancangan ini menghasilkan output sekitar 687 entitas, waktu tunggu 0,75 menit, jumlah antrian 8,46 entitas, dengan biaya Rp. 88.411,64. Pada waktu reguler diperlukan 1 buah alat pengecekan suhu otomatis dan 1 buah bilik desinfektan (Multi Channel - Single Phase). Rancangan ini menghasilkan output sistem sekitar 262 entitas, waktu tunggu 0,22 menit, jumlah antrian 2,01 entitas, dengan biaya Rp. 36.399,43
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh motivasi dan stres terhadap prestasi belajar dengan kovariabel lingkungan belajar Islami pada Prodi Manajemen Universitas Djuanda Bogor Studi Kasus pada Mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Djuanda Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan pola dasar The Posttest Only Control Group dengan kovariabel lingkungan belajar Islami. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan kuesioner, sedangkan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan non probability sampling dengan jumlah sampel 296 mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi dan stres berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap prestasi belajar melalui lingkungan belajar Islami. Hal ini terlihat dari hasil analisis regresi linier sederhana, regresi linier berganda, uji t, uji koefisien determinasi, uji sobel dan analisis jalur. Lingkungan belajar Islami sebagai variabel moderator memediasi antara motivasi terhadap prestasi belajar yang bersifat mediasi parsial maupun lingkungan belajar Islami sebagai variabel moderator yang memediasi antara stres terhadap prestasi belajar yang keduanya merupakan mediasi penuh
Kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia dan Iklim Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai PDAM Tirta Pakuan Kota Bogor
This study aims to analyze the effect of human resource competence and organizational climate on employee performance in PDAM Tirta Pakuan, Bogor City. The population in this study were employees of the agency that were active. The sample in this study was 75 employees. Data collection method with a questionnaire. The value of the questionnaire was tested for validity and reliability before conducting further analysis techniques. Data analysis techniques in this study used the classic assumption test, multiple linear regression, multiple correlation, coefficient of determination and t & f test. The results of this study indicate from the results of hypothesis testing it can be concluded that the HR competency and organizational climate variables have a positive and significant effect on the employee performance. In answering hypotheses with simultaneous tests conducted by looking at the value of Fstat and Ftable where Fstat is 166.181 and Ftable is 1.96 with the assumption Fstat > Ftable, then H0 is rejected and H3 is accepted with the conclusion that there is a significant influence between HR Competency and Organizational Climate variables on Performance Employee Partially the independent variable also has a significant effect on the dependent variable with the calculated t value of the HR Competency variable of 4.678 and the Organizational Climate variable of 5.768 greater than the t table of 1.992 at a significant level ? = 0.05.
Keywords: HR competency, organizational climate and employee performanc
Employee performance is a form of employee achievement after going through various stages in the work process and can be used to find out the extent of employee success and failure in the work. Based on the observations showed that the performance of MSME employees in Kalibawang, Girimulyo and Nanggulan subdistricts was not optimal. This is allegedly because it is influenced by islamic capital, marketing, and motivation. The formulation of problems in this research is whether capital and marketing can affect the performance of employees directly or through the Islamic motivation of MSMEs in three subdistricts in Kulon Progo Regency, Yogyakarta. This study aims to find out the influence of capital and marketing on the performance of employees with islamic motivation covariance on MSMEs Kulon Progo Regency, this study uses the archeal The Posttest Only Control Group with islamic motivation covariance. Data collection techniques use interviews and questionnaires, while sampling techniques use non probability sampling with a sample number of 68 people. The results showed that capital and marketing have a positive and significant effect on employee performance through Islamic motivation. This can be seen from the results of simple linear regression analysis, multiple linear regression, t test, determination coefficient test, sobel test and path analysis. Islamic motivation as a moderator variable mediates between the capital to the performance of employees who are partial mediation and Islamic motivation as moderator variables that mediate between marketing to employee performance, both of which are full mediation
The aim of the research is to find analysis and influence between training, motivation, work environment and performance and can be used as a reference for further research. The chosen method is multiple linear regression analysis. The total sample of the entire work is 49 people. The results of the study simultaneously all variables affect employee performance. Partially, training and environmental variables have an effect on employee performance, while motivational variables have no effect on employee performance. Motivational training and work environment each have an important role in improving employee performance
Optimasi Kekuatan Mekanik dan Biaya Produksi pada Pemilihan Parameter Proses Hardening Material ASSAB 705 dan ASSAB 709
Beberapa permasalahan dalam penelitian ini antara lain: 1) belum diketahui
apakah biaya proses hardening saat ini merupakan biaya paling minimal, 2) belum
diketahui apakah nilai kekerasan dan ketangguhan yang dicapai saat ini
merupakan nilai paling maksimal, 3) belum diketahui apakah resiko distorsi yang
terjadi saat ini merupakan nilai distorsi paling minimal, 4) belum diketahui
parameter proses hardening yang dapat mengoptimalkan respon biaya,
kekerasan, dan ketangguhan secara bersamaan, 5) belum diketahui komparasi
kekuatan mekanik ASSAB 705 dan ASSAB 709 sebagai referensi untuk memilih
material dan mensubtitusi material. Dengan demikian perlu dilakukan penelitian
untuk mengevaluasi parameter proses hardening baja ASSAB 705 dan ASSAB
709 terhadap dampak biaya, nilai kekerasan dan nilai ketangguhan, serta resiko
distorsi yang terjadi pasca proses hardening. Tujuannya ialah memperoleh
parameter proses hardening yang menghasilkan biaya, nilai kekerasan, nilai
ketangguhan, dan distorsi yang paling optimal.
Penelitian dilakukan dengan Design of Experiment, metode yang digunakan
ialah Taguchi - Grey Relational Analysis dan Response Surface Method. Metode
Taguchi digunakan untuk membentuk model dan mengoptimalkan respon tunggal.
Hasil analisis Taguchi selanjutnya diolah dengan metode Grey Relational Analysis
untuk mengoptimalkan multirespon, sehingga diperoleh parameter proses
hardening yang optimal. Metode Response Surface Method digunakan untuk
membentuk model, mengoptimalkan respon tunggal dan multirespon secara
bersamaan, serta memperoleh parameter proses hardening yang optimal.
Parameter proses hardening kedua metode dikomparasikan sehingga diperoleh
parameter yang memberikan respon optimal secara keseluruhan dan nilai respon
yang mendekati hasil percobaan aktual. ANOVA diterapkan pada metode Taguchi
dan Response Surface Method untuk mengidentifikasi faktor yang berkontribusi
signifikan terhadap respon.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa parameter hardening ASSAB 705 yang
optimal ialah temperatur austenite 862°C; quench oil; temperatur temper 200°C;
untuk respon biaya Rp.65.035,92; kekerasan 51 HRC; dan ketangguhan 0,9815
. Parameter hardening ASSAB 709 yang optimal ialah temperatur austenite
898,24°C; quench oil; temperatur temper 200°C; untuk respon biaya Rp.
Rp.69.299,00; kekerasan 56 HRC; dan ketangguhan 1,0892 J/mm2
menunjukkan bahwa temperatur austenite tidak berkontribusi signifikan terhadap
respon biaya, nilai kekerasan, dan nilai ketangguhan. Baja ASSAB 705 unggul
pada sifat tangguh (maksimum hingga 1,4429 J/mm2
), sedangkan ASSAB 709
unggul pada sifat keras (maksimum hingga 56 HRC). Media quench oil dan
material thickness yang lebih tebal memberikan resiko distorsi yang lebih minimal