Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof Dr Hamka

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    23060 research outputs found

    The Determination of Dawn Time through Image Processing Camera

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    Determining the early time prayer is very fundamental for Muslims as it directly relates to the legal requirements of prayer. Prayers are not performed whenever we want, but rather there is a determination of the beginning and end of the prayer time as a guideline for Muslims to carry it out. The Indonesia government sets standards for Muslims to perform the dawn prayer service, by precisely determining the degree of the emergence of the dawn of Sadiq by -20^0. This study aims to compare the determination of the government's dawn time using different sensors, specifically drone cameras as image sensors. Drones were chosen due to their several advantages. The data generated by the drone is in the form of photos, which are subsequently processed using digital image processing software, called image-J. The data obtained are in the form of mean and standard deviation. All data collected in 1 day is recorded using Excel to form a graph of data which is then carried out by a polynomial approach to find out the cutoff point as the beginning of the dawn of Sadiq which indicates the start of dawn. The method used in this research is using the 4th order polynomial approach and the Sarrus method and the data obtained is the mean value and standard deviation. The conclusions obtained in the image analysis research are that the government's dawn time is 15 minutes too fast, the standard obtained in this study is -14.98° and unlike 2D SQM data, 3D drone data results in more accurate data analysis

    Article correction table and Correspondence history of ILKOM Scientific Journal

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    Dukungan Kesehatan Mental Remaja Melalui Ceramah dan Konseling Spiritual

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    Dampaknya remaja mengalami kecemasan, ketakutan, kesusahan, stress, depresi, frustasi, kemarahan, penyangkalan, dan gangguan tidur. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah memberikan ceramah dan konseling spiritual untuk mendukung kesehatan mental remaja. Mitra-mitra kegiatan ini merupakan perkumpulan masyarakat dalam bidang konseling kesehatan keluarga yang sudah sering bekerjasama dengan Tim Pengusul Pengabdian Masyarakat. Mitra kegiatan ini ada 2 yakni Rumah Cinta Keluarga Indonesia di Srengseng Sawah dan Jagakarsa. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah remaja berumur 19-21 tahun. Mitra akan membantu dalam pengumpulan sasaran kegiatan. Peserta kegiatan 49 orang. Keberhasilan kegiatan konseling ini terlihat dari antusias peserta, diskusi dan tanya jawab dari peserta. Kegiatan akan berlangsung secara daring. Tahap awal, peserta mengisi google form sebagai pendaftaran sebagai peserta. Tahap kedua, dilanjutkan dengan pelaksanaan kajian dengan metode ceramah, Tahap ketiga, pelaksanaan konseling spiritual. Tahap keempat, pelaksanaan ceramah dan konseling. Tahapan selanjutnya, evaluasi kegiatan. Kegiatan evaluasi secara perencanaan dan pelaksanaan dari peserta kegiatan dan mitra. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan keberhasilan kegiatan kajian dan konseling spritual menunjukkan keberhasilan, terlihat dari semangat dan antusias peserta mengikuti acara tersebut dan memberikan banyak pertanyaan. Kegiatan ini disarankan untuk sering dilakukan untuk remaja, karena akan membantu mendapatkan ketenangan untuk remaja

    Fraud Diamond Theory Detection on M-Score with Profitability as a Moderating Variable: A Case Study on Sharia Banking Companies

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    Financial statements provide information about a company's financial health and performance. Fraud involves deceit created for personal or group gain and can occur within financial reports. The Fraud Diamond model serves as a tool for fraud detection, while the M-Score method detects the financial health of a company. This research explores how profitability influences the relationship between fraud diamond variables and M-Score, aiming to prove whether profitability has an impact on the relationship between at least one fraud diamond variable and M-Score. Moderation Regression Analysis, facilitated by Microsoft Excel and SPSS, is employed as the analytical tool. The study utilizes data samples from Bank Mega Syariah, Bank Syariah Bukopin, Bank Syariah Indonesia, Bank Victoria Syariah, Bank Aladin Syariah, and BPD Riau Kepri Syariah for the period 2020-2022. The findings indicate that profitability strengthens the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables. Moreover, the moderating variable interactions significantly moderate 3 out of 5 X variables against Y. This research aims to fill knowledge gaps, provide deeper understanding, and make a significant contribution to the development of financial management theory. It also offers practical guidance for business stakeholders facing complex and dynamic challenges


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    Telah dilakukan kajian kimia dan bioaktivitas dari daun tumbuhan Picrasma Javanica Bl. Tumbuhan ini dikenal baik di Sumatera Barat tepatnya didaerah BASO Bukitinggi sebagai "kayu paik" dan secara tradisional digunkanan untuk mengobati penyakit malaria, penyakit kulit dan obat kuat. Tumbuhan ini juga dikenal dengan nama Ki brahma, Ki pahit, kayu pahit, dan di Sunda dikenal sebagai tuba ulet.Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengisolasi senyawa aktif utama fraksi etil asetat dari daun P. javanica Bl dengan mengelusidasi struktur molekulnya dan mengetahui aktivitas farmakologi senyawa aktif tersebut. Uji aktivitas farmakologi dimulai dari skrining farmakologi, uji antimikroba dengan metode difusi agar, uji antioksidan dengan DPPH dan uji toksisitas dengan metode Brine Shrimps Lethality Assay. Isolasi kandungan kimia senyawa utama dari fraksi etil asetat dilakukan dengan metode maserasi menggunakan pelarut metanol. Dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan fraksi-fraksi dengan kromatografi kolom, kromatografi lapis tipis, kromatografi preparatif dan kromatografi radial. Senyawa hasil isolasi yang diperoleh adalah senyawa fenolik yang diberi nama senyawa V-1 berupa kristal berwarna putih, tidak berbau dengan jarak leleh 189-190 derajat celcius. Dari spektrum UV, IR, proton dan karbon RMI, COSY, HSQC, HMBC dan Mass Spekrofotometri diketahui bahwa senyawa V-1 hasil isolasi adalah metil3,4,5 trihidroksi benzoat atau metil galat. Skrining hipokratik terhadap ekstrak metanol dan senyawa V-1 hasil isolasi menunjukkan aktivitas farmakologi yang paling menonjol sebagai relaksasi otot dan penekanan sistem saraf pusat. Uji toksisitas dengan metode BSLT memperlihatkan fraksi n-heksan memiliki toksisitas LC50 lebih tinggi dibanding fraksi ekstrak lain yaitu 2,40ug/ml. Uji aktivitas antimikroba dari fraksi etil asetat 14,23-14,80 mm menggunkan jamur Candida albicans dan Trichopyton mentagrophites. Uji aktivitas antioksidan senyawa V-1 memperlihatkan aktivitas antioksidan dengan persentase inhibisi sebesar 95,37 % pada konsentrasi 1 mg/ml terhadap radikal bebas DPPH 0,05 mM

    Representasi Muhammadiyah di Ranah Publik Baru

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    Application of the Green Building Concept (BGH) in High-Rise Office Buildings Based on Hybrid Dynamics to Improve Cost Performance

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    Global warming, including droughts, rising sea levels, melting polar ice caps, and solar storms, poses a very serious and significant threat to the planet due to current climate change. Green Buildings (GB) are buildings that achieve significant and measurable results in saving energy, water, and other resources by applying BGH principles based on the function and classification of the project. The Indonesian government's latest regulation, through the Technical Guidance on BGH Performance Evaluation Standards of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) for 2022, is a way to reduce carbon emissions and achieve the net zero emissions (NZE) target by 2060. Regulatory Review: This study aims to analyze the factors that most influence the implementation of green buildings by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing ministry of high-rise office buildings in indonesia towards increasing costs using the hybrid dynamic method, using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) - Partial Least Square (PLS)

    Application of the Green Building Concept (BGH) in High-Rise Office Buildings Based on Hybrid Dynamics to Improve Cost Performance

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    Global warming, including droughts, rising sea levels, melting polar ice caps, and solar storms, poses a very serious and significant threat to the planet due to current climate change. Green Buildings (GB) are buildings that achieve significant and measurable results in saving energy, water, and other resources by applying BGH principles based on the function and classification of the project. The Indonesian government's latest regulation, through the Technical Guidance on BGH Performance Evaluation Standards of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) for 2022, is a way to reduce carbon emissions and achieve the net zero emissions (NZE) target by 2060. Regulatory Review: This study aims to analyze the factors that most influence the implementation of green buildings by the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing ministry of high-rise office buildings in indonesia towards increasing costs using the hybrid dynamic method, using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) - Partial Least Square (PLS)

    Analisis Pengecekan Kualitas Jaringan 3G dengan Metode Short Voice Call 1 Menit dan Iterasi sebanyak 5 kali

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    Third generation (3G) mobile network technology has been present for many years and has wide coverage in various regions of the world.3G network quality is often a problem faced by users.Poor network quality can cause interference in making voice calls, sending messages, and using the internet.Ensuring that the Short Voice Call method provides accurate and representative information about 3G network quality using the short voice call method for 1 minute and iterating 5 times.The results of 3G network quality measurements carried out by walk test in Batu Kuwung Room Hotel Le Dian 1st floor are as follows: out of 3 times of attempted calls made, 2 times were successful and 1 time the call was blocked. The measured RSCP has a low value with an average measured power of -110.31 dBm. The average measured Ec/No was -18.42, falling into the poor category. The SQI MOS also falls into the poor category as it has an average value of 1.96.By using the short voice call method, 3G network quality evaluation can be carried out effectively and potential problems can be identified


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