96 research outputs found

    Constitutional Authority Based on the Constitutional Court Decision in Indonesia

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    At least there has been a development regarding the constitutional authority of the Constitutional Court in four ways based on its decision. It is also true that the Constitutional Court's decision is final and binding, but not in the sense of not being examined further. This study uses normative research methods. The results revealed four developments in the constitutional authority of the Constitutional Court in three ways: passive, active, and passive-active methods. Furthermore, it was also revealed; that there are also development efforts that have occurred more than once in the same matter. Therefore, in the future when the Constitutional Court decides on cases related to its authority, ideally by observing the limiting signs of the previous decision and considering the three basic characteristics of constitutional interpretation. Likewise, in the future there is another development regarding the constitutional authority of the Constitutional Court. In that case, it is appropriate to also pay attention to the three basic characteristics of constitutional interpretation

    Multi Features Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Clustering And Decision Tree Algorithm

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    The classification can be performed by using the decision tree approach. Previous researches on the classification using the decision tree have mostly been intended to classify text data. This paper was intended to introduce a classification application to the content-based image retrieval (CBIR) with multi-attributes by using a decision tree. The attributes used were the visual features of the image, i.e. : color moments (order 1, 2 and 3), image entropy, energy and homogeneity. K-means cluster algorithm was used to categorize each attribute. The result of categorized data was then built into a decision tree by using C4.5. To show the concept in application, this research built an application with main features, i.e.: cases data input, cases list, training process and testing process to do classification. The resulting tests of 150 rontgen data showed the training data classification’s truth value of 75.33% and testing data classification of 55.7%

    Optimasi Parameter Pemintalan Elektrik Menggunakan Teknik Algoritma Genetika: Tegangan Listrik dan Jarak Nozzle-Kolektor

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    AbstrakStudi optimasi dua parameter pemintalan elektrik, yaitu tegangan listrik dan jarak nozzle-kolektor, telah dilakukan dengan teknik algoritma genetika dalam domain [1,60] kV dan [5,25] cm serta jumlah populasi 100 buah, peluang pindah silang (pc) 0,7 dan peluang mutasi (pm) 0,5. Jejari serat seukuran 155 nm diperoleh dari hasil subsitusi nilai optimum tegangan listrik 1,83 kV dan jarak nozzle-kolektor 23,50 cm pada simulasi pemintalan elektrik yang dimodelkan oleh Reneker, dkk. Hasil optimasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu eksperimen di laboratorium. Kata kunci: pemintalan elektrik, algoritma genetika, jejari serat, optimasi. AbstractThe study of optimizing two electrospinning parameters, i.e. electric voltage and nozzle-collector distance, was done by employing a genetic algorithm technique in the domain of [1,60] kV and [5,25] cm, the population of 100, the crossover probability of 0.7, and the mutation probability of 0.5. Fiber radius of 155 nm was obtained from the substitution of optimal values of electric voltage of 1.83 kV and nozzle-collector of 23.50 cm, which are from the simulation of a model made by Reneker, et al. This optimization result could help experiments in obtaining desired fiber radius. Keywords: electrospinning, genetic algorithm, fiber radius, optimization


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    Latar Belakang : Di seluruh dunia, angka kejadian kanker ovarium diperkirakan 204,499 kasus tiap tahun dengan 124,860 kematian. Pada tahun 2012, kejadian kanker ovarium di Indonesia sekitar 354 kasus. Kurangnya gejala awal maupun sensitifitas skrining serta teknik deteksi dini kanker ovarium yang sulit merupakan alasan mengapa umumnya saat ditemukan telah berada pada stadium lanjut. The risk of malignancy index (RMI) merupakan sistem penilaian dari kombinasi berbagai fitur klinis yaitu status menopause, pemeriksaan USG dan kadar serum Ca 125. The Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm (ROMA) adalah tes serum kuantitatif yang menggabungkan kadar serum HE4, CA 125 dan status menopause dan menjadikannya skor numerik. Skoring prediksi keganasan dengan RMI memiliki kekurangan karena menggunakan CA125 yang kurang spesifik terhadap kanker ovarium. Dengan menggunakan skoring ROMA memiliki kekurangan tidak memperhitungkan faktor imaging. Berlatar belakang inilah penulis ingin memodifikasi RMI dengan menggantikan tumor marker CA125 dengan HE4 pada rumus skoring RMI. Tujuan: Untuk membuat skoring baru yang lebih baik yang dapat digunakan dalam prediksi kanker ovarium tipe epitel. Metode : Kami melaksanakan penelitian deskriptif analitik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian cross sectional dan Teknik pengambilan sampel secara consecutive sampling. Pada pasien dilakukan anamnesis, pemeriksaan USG, kadar serum Ca125 dan HE4 kemudian dihitung skoring RMI modifikasi, RMI dan ROMA. Awalnya ditentukan ROC (Receiver Operator Curve)/AUC (Aren under the curve) dari RMI modifikasi, kemudian ditentukan cut of point dari RMI modiffiasi. Terakhir dihitung AUC, sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai duga positif, nilai duga negatif, rasio kemungkinan positif dan rasio kemungkinan negatif serta akurasi dari masing-masing skoring dan diuji secara statisktik dengan uji Chi Square. Hasil : Terdapat 61 orang pasien dengan massa kistik ovarium yang direncanakan untuk operasi. Dari 61 pasien terdapat 27 pasien dengan hasil pemeriksaan patologi anatomi (PA) ganas (44,3 %) dan 34 pasien dengan hasil PA jinak (55,7%). Dari ROC skoring RMI modifikasi didapatkan Area under the curve (AUC) 83,6 % sehingga didapatkan Cut off point yang optimal skoring RMI modifikasi pada nilai 175. Sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai duga positif (NDP), nilai duga negatif (NDN), rasio kemungkinan positif (RKP), rasio kemungkinan negatif (RKN) dan akurasi RMI modifikasi berturut-turut 66,7 %, 73,5%, 66,7%, 73,5%, 2,517, 0,453 dan 70,5%. Sensitivitas, spesifisitas, NDP, NDN, RKP, RKN dan akurasi RMI berturut-turut 66,7 %, 67,6%, 62,1%, 71,9%, 2,059, 0,493 dan 67,2%. Sensitivitas, spesifisitas, NDP, NDN, RKP, RKN dan akurasi ROMA berturut-turut 77,8%, 67,6%, 65,6%, 79,3%, 2,401, 0,328 dan 72,1%. Kesimpulan : RMI modifikasi dapat digunakan sebagai skoring baru dalam prediksi kanker ovarium tipe epitel (KOE). RMI modifikasi lebih sensitif dan spesifik dalam prediksi KOE dibanding dengan RMI dan RMI modifikasi lebih spesifik dibanding dengan ROMA akan tetapi ROMA lebih sensitif dibanding dengan RMI modifikasi dalam prediksi KOE. Kata kunci : The risk of malignancy index (RMI), The Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm (ROM), Ca125, HE4, RMI Modifikasi

    Simple Fabrication of Carbon Nanotubes From Ethanol Using an Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis

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    Carbon nanotubes of diameter (20–100 nm) are synthesized by pyrolyzing a sprayed solution of Fe(C5H5)2 and C2H5OH in an Ar atmosphere at relatively low temperatures (around 800 oC). The tubular structures consist of highly crystalline nested graphene cylinders (<200 concentric tubes). Tube diameter can be controlled by varying the furnace temperature, carrier gas flow rate and the Fe:C ratio within the precursor solution. This low cost route for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes is advantageous due the low pyrolytic temperature, safety, processable in atmospheric pressure, and scalable

    Klinostat Tiga Dimensi sebagai Simulator Mikrogravitasi untuk Berbagai Eksperimen Tanpa Bobot

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    Abstrak Sebuah klinostat tiga dimensi (3-D) telah dirancang untuk menyediakan sebuah lingkungan dengan gravitasi sangat kecil (mikrogravitasi) bagi berbagai percobaan tanpa bobot. Besarnya gravitasi berhubungan dengan kecepatan sudut dari perputaran klinostat tersebut. Dua buah rangka berbentuk segi empat diputar pada sumbu rotasi y-z dengan menggunakan dua motor DC dan kecepatannya diatur oleh mikrokontroler AT89S52 dengan menggunakan prinsip pulse width modulation (PWM). Alat ini telah diuji selama 8 jam tanpa henti untuk berbagai kecepatan sudut di bawah 17 rpm (rotation per minute). Telah didapatkan bahwa alat ini berfungsi dengan baik.Kata kunci: gaya sentrifugal, kecepatan sudut, klinostat, mikrogravitasi, rotasi.Abstract A three-dimensional (3-D) clinostat has been designed to provide an environment with very small gravity (microgravity) for weightless experiments. The obtained gravity is closely related to the angular speed of the clinostat rotation. Two rectangular frames are rotated by employing two DC motors around the y-z rotation axis and its angular speed is controlled by an AT89S52 microcontroller using the pulse width modulation (PWM) technique. Eight-hour continuous operations have been done for various angular speeds below 17 rpm. It has been found that the clinostat functions well.Keywords:angular velocity, centrifugal force, clinostat, microgravity, rotation

    Numerical Simulation of Tunneling Current in an Anisotropic Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Capacitor

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    In this paper, we have developed a model of the tunneling current through a high- dielectric stack in MOS capacitors with anisotropic masses. The transmittance was numerically calculated by employing a transfer matrix method and including longitudinal-transverse kinetic energy coupling which is represented by an electron phase velocity in the gate. The transmittance was then applied to calculate tunneling currents in TiN/HfSiOxN/SiO2/p-Si MOS capacitors. The calculated results show that as the gate electron velocity increases, the transmittance decreases and therefore the tunneling current reduces. The tunneling current becomes lower as the equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) of HfSiOxN layer increases. When the incident electron passed through the barriers in the normal incident to the interface, the electron tunneling process becomes easier. It was also shown that the tunneling current was independent of the substrate orientation. Moreover, the model could be used in designing high speed MOS devices with low tunneling currents

    Synthesis of uniformly porous NiO/ZrO2 particles

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    Porous NiO–ZrO2 particles were successfully synthesized using a spray-drying method with polystyrene latex (PSL: 400 nm) as a template and starting materials that included NiO powder (7 nm) and ZrO2 sol (1.2 nm). Porous particles with an average diameter of 4.5 µm and nearly spherical, narrow pores with an average size of ∼300 nm were obtained from the precursor at a pH of 3.7. The Brunauer, Emmett and Teller (BET) surface area of the prepared particles was relatively high—about 27 m2/g. When the solution pH was increased to 9.7, the particle morphology became completely spherical, indicating that the morphology of prepared particles can be controlled by adjusting the pH. Calcinations at 900 and 1200 °C were carried out to estimate the thermal stability of the prepared particles, which had shrinkage of less than 36%. The existence of these pores means that various applications, such as electrodes and catalysts, will be possible for the prepared particles

    Particle dynamics simulation of nanoparticle formation in a flame reactor using a polydispersed submicron-sized solid precursor

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    Formation of nanoparticles from polydispersed, non-spherical submicron-sized particles via a gas-phase route in a flame reactor was investigated using tungsten oxide particles as a model material. Nanoparticles were formed by the evaporation of non-spherical powder, followed by nucleation, coagulation and surface condensation. The effects of both the flame temperature profile and the carrier gas flow rate on particles formation were studied numerically, and the results were validated by experimental data. The simulation was initiated by the use of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to obtain the temperature distribution in the flame reactor. Then, evaporation of the feed material was modeled, taking into account both the polydispersity and the shape of the non-spherical particles. A nodal method was selected to solve the general dynamics equation (GDE), which included nucleation, coagulation, and surface condensation terms, for the prediction of particle dynamics. Results of the simulation were consistent with the experimental data, indicating that the selected model adequately predicts the final particle size distribution. Keywords Tungsten oxide; Evaporation; A gas-phase route; Non-spherical particle

    A Red Emitting of Manganese-doped Boron Carbon Oxynitride (BCNO) Phosphor Materials: Facile Approach and Photoluminescence Properties

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    BCNO (boron carbon oxynitride) phosphors have attracted attention due to their non toxicity, simple synthesis process, and high quantum efficiency. However, the tunable emission, particularly a red emission, is still challenging to achieve. In the present study, a bright red emission (emission wavelength 620 nm under 365 nm UV excitation) of a manganese-doped BCNO (BCNO:Mn) phosphor synthesized by a solid state method is reported. Without Mn-doping, the BCNO phosphor exhibited a bright blue emission that can be ascribed to the closed-shell BO� and BO2� anions that act as luminescence center. Via Mn-doping, a red emission was exhibited that can be ascribed to the 4T1(4G) / 6A1(6S) transition from a new luminescence center of Mn2+ incorporated into the BCNO host lattice. The optimum red PL properties (lem: 611 nm, lex: 365 nm) were obtained with BCNO:Mn at a molar ratio of Mn/B at 0.71% mol/mol synthesized at 550 �C. We believe that the BCNO:Mn is a promising red-emitting phosphor for white light diodes
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