87 research outputs found

    La Inspección de Enseñanza Secundaria, Normal y Especial: conformación de la burocracia educativa para la regulación de la enseñanza secundaria en la Argentina (1865-1903)

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    This article proposes a characterization of the process of creation of the inspection for secondary education in Argentine between 1865 and 1903. During this period, the features of the inspection were defined as a state agency for the regulation and control of the middle level, in the context of the expansion of enrollment and the number of establishments. The focus will be on three aspects of secondary education: the disciplinary matrix, the principle of freedom of education, and finally, the selective nature regarding the enrollment of national schools.El presente artículo propone una caracterización del proceso de conformación de la inspección para la enseñanza secundaria en la Argentina entre 1865 y 1903. Durante este período, se fueron definiendo los rasgos de la inspección como agencia estatal de regulación y control del nivel medio, en el contexto de expansión de la matrícula y el número de establecimientos. Se pondrá el foco en tres aspectos de la enseñanza secundaria: la matriz disciplinar, el principio de libertad de enseñanza y, finalmente, el carácter selectivo en lo atinente a la matrícula de los colegios nacionales

    Plan Rothe: la consolidación del ciclo básico para la escuela media argentina a través de los discursos e historias profesionales de la burocracia educativa (1941-1946)

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    La tesis estudia las condiciones de producción del “Plan Rothe” en tanto discurso pedagógico para el nivel medio que resulta en la implementación, entre 1942 y 1946 y por primera vez en la Argentina, de un ciclo básico común a los estudios de bachillerato y magisterio. Esta estructura tuvo una vigencia de cincuenta y dos años y más allá de posteriores modificaciones, sus rasgos lograron instalarse como parte de los sentidos hacia los que se habían orientado las decisiones políticas y pedagógicas en las primeras décadas del siglo XX. En tanto discurso pedagógico, el Plan Rothe se inserta en una matriz reguladora de corte normalizador que subsume tendencias pedagógicas espiritualistas o escolanovistas que de manera ecléctica se incorporan en las propuestas de los planes de estudio para el ciclo básico. Eso contribuye a la consolidación de una matriz de crecimiento de la matrícula con desgranamiento como característica del proceso de expansión del nivel. El análisis se desarrolla en tres dimensiones: la primera describe los cambios propuestos por el Plan Rothe en el contexto epocal del debate pedagógico, como estructura que contendrá los límites para la futura expansión del nivel; en segundo lugar se analiza la estructura burocrática vigente, en tanto contexto de formulación e implementación, cuya nota característica es la centralización creciente de las funciones pedagógicas y administrativas de la Inspección General de Enseñanza. Por último, se propone la reconstrucción de las historias profesionales de los agentes intervinientes en la formulación del discurso del Plan Rothe. A fin de comprender a nivel disciplinar la redefinición de una asignatura instalada en la matriz curricular desde los inicios del nivel medio, se analiza el contexto de producción del plan de estudios de la materia Historia para el Plan, atendiendo a las tres dimensiones descriptas.Es revisado por: http://sedici.unlp.edu.ar/handle/10915/76342Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Effects on the maxilla and cranial base caused by cervical headgear : a longitudinal study

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    Objectives: The aim of this study is to test the possible orthopedic effects of cervical headgear on the cranial base and maxilla. Study design: a sample consisting of 79 subjects with skeletal class II malocclusion was divided into two groups. The experimental group was made up of 41 patients all treated with cervical headgear. The control group included a total of 38 non-treated patients. Each one of these groups was then subdivided according to age into one of three groups: prepubescent, pubescent or post-pubescent. Cephalometric parameters were compared in both groups in order to measure the cranial base angle and the vertical and sagittal position of the maxilla. Additionally, cephalometric superimpositions taken at the beginning and end of the study were compared. Results: results revealed significant differences in the cranial base angle and in the SNA angle (p<0.05). However, no differences were observed in the variables that measure the maxillomandibular relationship. While no changes were noted in the palatal plane slope, a flattening of the cranial base was found caused by the cervical headgear, in addition to a retrusion of point A that does not mean there was a reduction in the maxillomandibular relationship. Conclusions: cervical headgear treatment induces cephalometric flattening of the cranial base and a decrease of the SNA angl

    Retrospective study of maxilla growth in a Spanish population sample

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    This study has been designed to evaluate the vertical and sagittal changes in the maxilla due to growth. A sample group was chosen of 38 individuals with normal occlusion, composed of 16 females and 22 males between the ages of 8 and 18. The total sample was divided into three groups: prepubescent (8-11 years), pubescent (12-14 years) and post-pubescent (15-18 years). A series of cephalometric angle parameters (SNA, maxillary height, slope of the palatal plane and maxillary depth) and lineal parameters (effective maxillary length, palatal plane length, middle third of the face height and convexity) were traced. Superimpositions of the initial and final cephalometries in the Ba-N plane and in the Nasion fixed point were carried out to measure growth. An analytic statistical analysis was applied using a Student t test for independent samples in order to evaluate the differences found according to sex. An analysis of variance followed by Duncan?s multiple range test was done to study the evolution of each variable throughout the duration of the experiment. In light of the results obtained, we have come to the following conclusions: sagittal growth of the maxilla is constant from the age of 8 to 18 years with an average increase of 0.2 mm/ year. Vertical growth, as well as general maxillary growth, is greater in the prepubescent grou

    El proceso de catalogación de los fondos del Archivo Histórico de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Náutica y Máquinas Navales

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    En este trabajo se presenta el proceso de elaboración del inventario de los fondos del Archivo Histórico de la Escuela de Náutica (UPV/EHU). Además de tratarse del primer centro de nuestra universidad en iniciar un proceso de esta naturaleza, la disposición del inventario permitirá que los fondos puedan ser explotados y se podrá completar la historia de este centro docente.Nautikako Eskolako Artxibo Historikoaren (EHU) funtsen inbentarioa egiteko prozesua aurkezten da lan honetan. Gure unibertsitatean gisa horretako prozesua abiatzen duen lehen ikastegia izateaz gainera, inbentarioa erabiltzeko aukerak bide emango du horiek ustiatzeko eta, modu horretara, ikastegi horren historia osatu ahal izango da.Dans ce travail, on présente le processus d'élaboration de l'inventaire des fonds des Archives Historiques de l'École Nautique (UPV/EHU). Outre qu'il s'agit du premier centre de notre université à mettre en marche un processus de cette nature, la disposition de l'inventaire permettra que les fonds puissent être exploités et l'histoire de ce centre d'enseignement pourra être complétée.In this work, an introduction is made to the process of elaboration of the inventory of funds in the Historical Archives of the Superior Technical School of Navigation and Naval Machinery of the University of the Basque Country. Apart from being the first centre of our university in initiating a process of this nature, the layout of the inventory will allow for the exploitation of the funds and it will be then possible to complete the history of this teaching centre

    Digitally continuous multivalued functions

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    We introduce in this paper a notion of continuity in digital spaces which extends the usual notion of digital continuity. Our approach uses multivalued maps. We show how the multivalued approach provides a better framework to define topological notions, like retractions, in a far more realistic way than by using just single-valued digitally continuous functions. In particular, we characterize the deletion of simple points, one of the most important processing operations in digital topology, as a particular kind of retraction

    Exploratory study on dyadic interactions with and without objects in western humans and chimpanzees

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    The aim of this study is to analyse the development of communication and cooperation in three different kinds of dyads: a western human dyad, a chimpanzee dyad, and a dyad composed of a human and a baby chimpanzee. These three different kinds of dyads participated in this research. We observed them for 12.37 h, 9 h, and 10.6 h, respectively, using narrative register and/or video tape recordings. The results show the different roles that objects play in their interaction. In the first case, the objects were used but did not catch the partners’ attention; in the second, the baby chimp asked the person who had engaged with her previously in interactive formats, for an object. In the last case, the objects were not only asked for but also made the centre of communicative acts, for which this communication had the only aim. However, the communicative repertoires of the baby chimpanzees that were analysed did not include protodeclaratives, and their expressions were dependent on contexts. The other characteristics of their social and communicative development are discusse

    Bone- and dentoalveolar-anchored dentofacial orthopedics for Class III malocclusion: New approaches, similar objectives? A systematic review

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    Objectives: To analyze the scientific literature and compare in the results of conventional orthopedic appliances with those obtained from recent bone-anchored orthopedics for Class III malocclusion. Materials and Methods: The literature was systematically reviewed using PubMed/Medline, Scopus, and Scirus databases up to January 2012. Articles were selected by two different researchers (kappa index  =  0.83), based on established inclusion/exclusion criteria. Methodologic quality was classified as high, medium, or low quality. Results: The search strategy identified 1020 titles. Thirty studies were selected after applying the criteria (high quality  =  9, medium quality  =  21). Protraction rates differed within a range of one- to twofold between bone-anchored and dentoalveolar therapies (P < .001). All studies noted the effect of clockwise rotation on the mandible and an increase in inferior-anterior and total facial height; this was more obvious in dentoalveolar therapy than in bone-anchored orthopedics (P < .001). Conclusions: Dental parameters like overjet increased significantly with both sets of groups, ranging from 1.7 to 7.9 mm with dentoalveolar therapy and from 2.7 to 7.6 mm with bone-anchored orthopedics

    A Rakhmanov-like theorem for orthogonal polynomials on Jordan arcs in the complex plane

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    Rakhmanov's theorem establishes a result about the asymptotic behavior of the elements of the Jacobi matrix associated with a measure ¹ which is de¯ned on the interval I = [¡1; 1] with ¹ 0 > 0 almost everywhere on I. In this work we give a weak version of this theorem, for a measure with support on a connected ¯nite union of Jordan arcs on the complex plane, in terms of the Hessenberg matrix, the natural generalization of the tridiagonal Jacobi matrix to the complex plane

    Asymptotically Toeplitz Hessenberg Operators and the Rieman mapping

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    In a recent work the authors have established a relation between the limits of the elements of the diagonals of the Hessenberg matrix D associated with a regular measure, whenever those limits exist, and the coe?cients of the Laurent series expansion of the Riemann mapping ?(z) of the support supp(?), when this is a Jordan arc or a connected nite union of Jordan arcs in the complex plane C. We extend here this result using asymptotic Toeplitz operator properties of the Hessenberg matriz