264 research outputs found

    Contrasting roles of axonal (pyramidal cell) and dendritic (interneuron) electrical coupling in the generation of neuronal network oscillations

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    Electrical coupling between pyramidal cell axons, and between interneuron dendrites, have both been described in the hippocampus. What are the functional roles of the two types of coupling? Interneuron gap junctions enhance synchrony of γ oscillations (25-70 Hz) in isolated interneuron networks and also in networks containing both interneurons and principal cells, as shown in mice with a knockout of the neuronal (primarily interneuronal) connexin36. We have recently shown that pharmacological gap junction blockade abolishes kainate-induced γ oscillations in connexin36 knockout mice; without such gap junction blockade, γ oscillations do occur in the knockout mice, albeit at reduced power compared with wild-type mice. As interneuronal dendritic electrical coupling is almost absent in the knockout mice, these pharmacological data indicate a role of axonal electrical coupling in generating the γ oscillations. We construct a network model of an experimental γ oscillation, known to be regulated by both types of electrical coupling. In our model, axonal electrical coupling is required for the γ oscillation to occur at all; interneuron dendritic gap junctions exert a modulatory effect

    A role for fast rhythmic bursting neurons in cortical gamma oscillations in vitro

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    Basic cellular and network mechanisms underlying gamma frequency oscillations (30–80 Hz) have been well characterized in the hippocampus and associated structures. In these regions, gamma rhythms are seen as an emergent property of networks of principal cells and fast-spiking interneurons. In contrast, in the neocortex a number of elegant studies have shown that specific types of principal neuron exist that are capable of generating powerful gamma frequency outputs on the basis of their intrinsic conductances alone. These fast rhythmic bursting (FRB) neurons (sometimes referred to as "chattering" cells) are activated by sensory stimuli and generate multiple action potentials per gamma period. Here, we demonstrate that FRB neurons may function by providing a large-scale input to an axon plexus consisting of gap-junctionally connected axons from both FRB neurons and their anatomically similar counterparts regular spiking neurons. The resulting network gamma oscillation shares all of the properties of gamma oscillations generated in the hippocampus but with the additional critical dependence on multiple spiking in FRB cells

    Selective impairment of hippocampal gamma oscillations in connexin-36 knock-out mouse in vivo.

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    The physiological roles of neuronal gap junctions in the intact brain are not known. The recent generation of the connexin-36 knock-out (Cx36 KO) mouse has offered a unique opportunity to examine this problem. Recent in vitro recordings in Cx36 KO mice suggested that Cx36 gap junction contributes to various oscillatory patterns in the theta (approximately 5-10 Hz) and gamma (approximately 30-80 Hz) frequency ranges and affects certain aspects of high-frequency (>100 Hz) patterns. However, the relevance of these pharmacologically induced patterns to the intact brain is not known. We recorded field potentials and unit activity in the CA1 stratum pyramidale of the hippocampus in the behaving wild-type (WT) and Cx36 KO mice. Fast-field "ripple" oscillations (140-200 Hz) were present in both WT and KO mice and did not differ significantly in power, intraepisode frequency, or probability of occurrence. Thus, fast-field oscillations either may not require electrical synapses or may be mediated by a hitherto unknown class of gap junctions. Theta oscillations, recorded during either wheel running or rapid eye movement sleep, were not different either. However, the power in the gamma frequency band and the magnitude of theta-phase modulation of gamma power were significantly decreased in KO mice compared with WT controls during wheel running. This suggests that Cx36 interneuronal gap junctions selectively contribute to gamma oscillations

    Differential Distribution of Retinal Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Kinase II (CaMKII) Isoforms Indicates CaMKII-β and -δ as Specific Elements of Electrical Synapses Made of Connexin36 (Cx36)

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    AII amacrine cells are essential interneurons of the primary rod pathway and transmit rod-driven signals to ON cone bipolar cells to enable scotopic vision. Gap junctions made of connexin36 (Cx36) mediate electrical coupling among AII cells and between AII cells and ON cone bipolar cells. These gap junctions underlie a remarkable degree of plasticity and are modulated by different signaling cascades. In particular, Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) has been characterized as an important regulator of Cx36, capable of potentiating electrical coupling in AII cells. However, it is unclear which CaMKII isoform mediates this effect. To obtain a more detailed understanding of the isoform composition of CaMKII at retinal gap junctions, we analyzed the retinal distribution of all four CaMKII isoforms using confocal microscopy. These experiments revealed a differential distribution of CaMKII isoforms: CaMKII-α was strongly expressed in starburst amacrine cells, which are known to lack electrical coupling. CaMKII-β was abundant in OFF bipolar cells, which form electrical synapses in the outer and the inner retina. CaMKII-γ was diffusely distributed across the entire retina and could not be assigned to a specific cell type. CaMKII-δ labeling was evident in bipolar and AII amacrine cells, which contain the majority of Cx36-immunoreactive puncta in the inner retina. We double-labeled retinas for Cx36 and the four CaMKII isoforms and revealed that the composition of the CaMKII enzyme differs between gap junctions in the outer and the inner retina: in the outer retina, only CaMKII-β colocalized with Cx36-containing gap junctions, whereas in the inner retina, CaMKII-β and -δ colocalized with Cx36. This finding suggests that gap junctions in the inner and the outer retina may be regulated differently although they both contain the same connexin. Taken together, our study identifies CaMKII-β and -δ as Cx36-specific regulators in the mouse retina with CaMKII-δ regulating the primary rod pathway

    Selective Adaptation in Networks of Heterogeneous Populations: Model, Simulation, and Experiment

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    Biological systems often change their responsiveness when subject to persistent stimulation, a phenomenon termed adaptation. In neural systems, this process is often selective, allowing the system to adapt to one stimulus while preserving its sensitivity to another. In some studies, it has been shown that adaptation to a frequent stimulus increases the system's sensitivity to rare stimuli. These phenomena were explained in previous work as a result of complex interactions between the various subpopulations of the network. A formal description and analysis of neuronal systems, however, is hindered by the network's heterogeneity and by the multitude of processes taking place at different time-scales. Viewing neural networks as populations of interacting elements, we develop a framework that facilitates a formal analysis of complex, structured, heterogeneous networks. The formulation developed is based on an analysis of the availability of activity dependent resources, and their effects on network responsiveness. This approach offers a simple mechanistic explanation for selective adaptation, and leads to several predictions that were corroborated in both computer simulations and in cultures of cortical neurons developing in vitro. The framework is sufficiently general to apply to different biological systems, and was demonstrated in two different cases

    The role of Cx36 and Cx43 in 4‐aminopyridine‐induced rhythmic activity in the spinal nociceptive dorsal horn: an electrophysiological study in vitro

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    Connexin (Cx) proteins and gap junctions support the formation of neuronal and glial syncytia that are linked to different forms of rhythmic firing and oscillatory activity in the CNS. In this study, quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT‐qPCR) was used to profile developmental expression of two specific Cx proteins, namely glial Cx43 and neuronal Cx36, in postnatal lumbar spinal cord aged 4, 7, and 14 days. Extracellular electrophysiology was used to determine the contribution of Cx36 and Cx43 to a previously described form of 4‐aminopyridine (4‐AP)‐induced 4–12 Hz rhythmic activity within substantia gelatinosa (SG) of rat neonatal dorsal horn (DH) in vitro. The involvement of Cx36 and Cx43 was probed pharmacologically using quinine, a specific uncoupler of Cx36 and the mimetic peptide blocker Gap 26 which targets Cx43. After establishment of 4–12 Hz rhythmic activity by 4‐AP (25 μmol/L), coapplication of quinine (250 μmol/L) reduced 4‐AP‐induced 4–12 Hz rhythmic activity (P < 0.05). Preincubation of spinal cord slices with Gap 26 (100 μmol/L), compromised the level of 4‐AP‐induced 4–12 Hz rhythmic activity in comparison with control slices preincubated in ACSF alone (P < 0.05). Conversely, the nonselective gap junction “opener” trimethylamine (TMA) enhanced 4–12 Hz rhythmic behavior (P < 0.05), further supporting a role for Cx proteins and gap junctions. These data have defined a physiological role for Cx36 and Cx43 in rhythmic firing in SG, a key nociceptive processing area of DH. The significance of these data in the context of pain and Cx proteins as a future analgesic drug target requires further study

    AII amacrine cells discriminate between heterocellular and homocellular locations when assembling connexin36-containing gap junctions

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    Electrical synapses (gap junctions) rapidly transmit signals between neurons and are composed of connexins. In neurons, connexin36 (C×36) is the most abundant isoform; however, the mechanisms underlying formation of C×36-containing electrical synapses are unknown. We focus on homocellular and heterocellular gap junctions formed by an AII amacrine cell, a key interneuron found in all mammalian retinas. In mice lacking native C×36 but expressing a variant tagged with enhanced green fluorescent protein at the C-terminus (KO-C×36-EGFP), heterocellular gap junctions formed between AII cells and ON cone bipolar cells are fully functional, whereas homocellular gap junctions between two AII cells are not formed. A tracer injected into an AII amacrine cell spreads into ON cone bipolar cells but is excluded from other AII cells. Reconstruction of C×36-EGFP clusters on an AII cell in the KO-C×36-EGFP genotype confirmed that the number, but not average size, of the clusters is reduced - as expected for AII cells lacking a subset of electrical synapses. Our studies indicate that some neurons exhibit at least two discriminatory mechanisms for assembling C×36. We suggest that employing different gapjunction- forming mechanisms could provide the means for a cell to regulate its gap junctions in a target-cell-specific manner, even if these junctions contain the same connexin

    Connexin30.2:<i>In vitro</i> interaction with connexin36 in hela cells and expression in AII amacrine cells and intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells in the mouse retina

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    Electrical coupling via gap junctions is an abundant phenomenon in the mammalian retina and occurs in all major cell types. Gap junction channels are assembled from different connexin subunits, and the connexin composition of the channel confers specific properties to the electrical synapse. In the mouse retina, gap junctions were demonstrated between intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells and displaced amacrine cells but the underlying connexin remained undetermined. In the primary rod pathway, gap junctions play a crucial role, coupling AII amacrine cells among each other and to ON cone bipolar cells. Although it has long been known that connexin36 and connexin45 are necessary for the proper functioning of this most sensitive rod pathway, differences between homocellular AII/AII gap junctions and AII/ON bipolar cell gap junctions suggested the presence of an additional connexin in AII amacrine cells. Here, we used a connexin30.2-lacZ mouse line to study the expression of connexin30.2 in the retina. We show that connexin30.2 is expressed in intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells and AII amacrine cells. Moreover, we tested whether connexin30.2 and connexin36 – both expressed in AII amacrine cells – are able to interact with each other and are deposited in the same gap junctional plaques. Using newly generated anti-connexin30.2 antibodies, we show in HeLa cells that both connexins are indeed able to interact and may form heteromeric channels: both connexins were co-immunoprecipitated from transiently transfected HeLa cells and connexin30.2 gap junction plaques became significantly larger when co-expressed with connexin36. These data suggest that connexin36 is able to form heteromeric gap junctions with another connexin. We hypothesize that co-expression of connexin30.2 and connexin36 may endow AII amacrine cells with the means to differentially regulate its electrical coupling to different synaptic partners

    The Arabidopsis thaliana Homeobox Gene ATHB12 Is Involved in Symptom Development Caused by Geminivirus Infection

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    BACKGROUND: Geminiviruses are single-stranded DNA viruses that infect a number of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants. Arabidopsis is susceptible to infection with the Curtovirus, Beet severe curly top virus (BSCTV). Infection of Arabidopsis with BSCTV causes severe symptoms characterized by stunting, leaf curling, and the development of abnormal inflorescence and root structures. BSCTV-induced symptom development requires the virus-encoded C4 protein which is thought to interact with specific plant-host proteins and disrupt signaling pathways important for controlling cell division and development. Very little is known about the specific plant regulatory factors that participate in BSCTV-induced symptom development. This study was conducted to identify specific transcription factors that are induced by BSCTV infection. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Arabidopsis plants were inoculated with BSCTV and the induction of specific transcription factors was monitored using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction assays. We found that the ATHB12 and ATHB7 genes, members of the homeodomain-leucine zipper family of transcription factors previously shown to be induced by abscisic acid and water stress, are induced in symptomatic tissues of Arabidopsis inoculated with BSCTV. ATHB12 expression is correlated with an array of morphological abnormalities including leaf curling, stunting, and callus-like structures in infected Arabidopsis. Inoculation of plants with a BSCTV mutant with a defective c4 gene failed to induce ATHB12. Transgenic plants expressing the BSCTV C4 gene exhibited increased ATHB12 expression whereas BSCTV-infected ATHB12 knock-down plants developed milder symptoms and had lower ATHB12 expression compared to the wild-type plants. Reporter gene studies demonstrated that the ATHB12 promoter was responsive to BSCTV infection and the highest expression levels were observed in symptomatic tissues where cell cycle genes also were induced. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results suggest that ATHB7 and ATHB12 may play an important role in the activation of the abnormal cell division associated with symptom development during geminivirus infection