812 research outputs found

    Organizacion del trabajo y calidad de vida laboral (CVL) en una empresa de servicios gastronomicos

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    Se presentan los avances de una investigaciòn de campo que explora los factores motivacionales, inteligencia emocional (IE), la Calidad de Vida Laboral (CVL) e implicación y compromiso, de una muestra no representativa de jóvenes trabajadores femeninos y masculinos, de los tres turnos de trabajo, que se desempeñan en una empresa de servicios de comidas rápidas, subsede local de una organización multinacional. A tal fin se efectuó la recolección de datos mediante las siguientes técnicas psicológicas: entrevistas semidirigidas y encuestas Calidad de Vida Laboral confeccionadas ad-hoc, Escala de Valores con base motivacional de S. Schwartz, y el Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMMS-24) de Inteligencia Emocional adaptada al español por Fernandez Berrocal y Extremera.Eje temático: Psicología LaboralFacultad de Psicologí

    Organizacion del trabajo y calidad de vida laboral (CVL) en una empresa de servicios gastronomicos

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    Se presentan los avances de una investigaciòn de campo que explora los factores motivacionales, inteligencia emocional (IE), la Calidad de Vida Laboral (CVL) e implicación y compromiso, de una muestra no representativa de jóvenes trabajadores femeninos y masculinos, de los tres turnos de trabajo, que se desempeñan en una empresa de servicios de comidas rápidas, subsede local de una organización multinacional. A tal fin se efectuó la recolección de datos mediante las siguientes técnicas psicológicas: entrevistas semidirigidas y encuestas Calidad de Vida Laboral confeccionadas ad-hoc, Escala de Valores con base motivacional de S. Schwartz, y el Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMMS-24) de Inteligencia Emocional adaptada al español por Fernandez Berrocal y Extremera.Eje temático: Psicología LaboralFacultad de Psicologí

    Organizacion del trabajo y calidad de vida laboral (CVL) en una empresa de servicios gastronomicos

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    Se presentan los avances de una investigaciòn de campo que explora los factores motivacionales, inteligencia emocional (IE), la Calidad de Vida Laboral (CVL) e implicación y compromiso, de una muestra no representativa de jóvenes trabajadores femeninos y masculinos, de los tres turnos de trabajo, que se desempeñan en una empresa de servicios de comidas rápidas, subsede local de una organización multinacional. A tal fin se efectuó la recolección de datos mediante las siguientes técnicas psicológicas: entrevistas semidirigidas y encuestas Calidad de Vida Laboral confeccionadas ad-hoc, Escala de Valores con base motivacional de S. Schwartz, y el Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMMS-24) de Inteligencia Emocional adaptada al español por Fernandez Berrocal y Extremera.Eje temático: Psicología LaboralFacultad de Psicologí

    Análisis de la siniestralidad laboral en trabajadores por cuenta propia en España (2019-2020).

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    Tras la puesta en vigor del Real Decreto-ley 28/2018, de 28 de diciembre, se produjo un cambio inusual que afectaba a la contabilización de los accidentes laborales en lo trabajadores por cuenta propia en España, dado que debían cotizar la totalidad de contingencias cuando antes era voluntario. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo conocer el estado de la siniestralidad laboral de los trabajadores por cuenta propia tras la aparición de esta nueva legislación. Para alcanzar el objetivo planteado, se efectúa el análisis de 68.378 accidentes laborales en trabajadores autónomos obtenidos a partir de las Estadísticas de siniestralidad laboral del Ministerio de Trabajo y Economía Social del Gobierno de España entre los años 2019 y 2020. Se ha estudiado la evolución de los índices de incidencia de accidentes de trabajo ocurridos en jornada laboral divididos por sector, sección, comunidad autónoma, edad y género del accidentado. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el sector de la construcción es el de mayor índice de siniestralidad. La Comunidad Foral de Navarra tiene el mayor índice de incidencia a pesar de no ser la comunidad con mayor número de accidentes laborales de autónomos, siendo los autónomos varones de 16 a 24 años los que tienen mayor tasa de siniestralidad laboral. Estos resultados plantean conclusiones relevantes para mejorar la actividad diaria del colectivo del trabajador autónomo tan importante y esencial para la economía española.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Optimization of NIR Spectral Data Management for Quality Control of Grape Bunches during On-Vine Ripening

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    NIR spectroscopy was used as a non-destructive technique for the assessment of chemical changes in the main internal quality properties of wine grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) during on-vine ripening and at harvest. A total of 363 samples from 25 white and red grape varieties were used to construct quality-prediction models based on reference data and on NIR spectral data obtained using a commercially-available diode-array spectrophotometer (380–1,700 nm). The feasibility of testing bunches of intact grapes was investigated and compared with the more traditional must-based method. Two regression approaches (MPLS and LOCAL algorithms) were tested for the quantification of changes in soluble solid content (SSC), reducing sugar content, pH-value, titratable acidity, tartaric acid, malic acid and potassium content. Cross-validation results indicated that NIRS technology provided excellent precision for sugar-related parameters (r2 = 0.94 for SSC and reducing sugar content) and good precision for acidity-related parameters (r2 ranging between 0.73 and 0.87) for the bunch-analysis mode assayed using MPLS regression. At validation level, comparison of LOCAL and MPLS algorithms showed that the non-linear strategy improved the predictive capacity of the models for all study parameters, with particularly good results for acidity-related parameters and potassium content

    Effectiveness of Fingolimod versus Natalizumab as Second-Line Therapy for Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in Spain: Second-Line GATE Study

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    Background: There is a lack of head-to-head studies comparing the efficacy of fingolimod (FIN) and natalizumab (NTZ) as second-line therapy for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). Methods: Multicenter, observational study, in which, information of 388 patients randomly selected and treated with FIN or NTZ in routine clinical practice was retrospectively collected with the main objective of comparing the annualized relapse rate (ARR) over the first year, after FIN or NTZ treatment initiation. Results: Mean ARR during the first year of treatment was 0.28 in FIN group and 0.12 in NTZ group (p = 0.0064); nevertheless, the difference between groups lost statistical significance when the propensity score analysis was performed. Time to disability -progression was similar in both treatment groups (12.3 +/- 6.7 months in FIN, and 12.8 +/- 0.1 months in NTZ; p = 0.4654). Treatment persistence after the first year of treatment was higher in patients treated with FIN (95%) than in those treated with NTZ (84%; p = 0.0014). Conclusions: After 12 months of treatment, both FIN and NTZ reduced the ARR, but ARR percent reduction was significantly higher with NTZ. Treatment persistence was higher in patients receiving FIN

    Chemical and electrochemical characterization of Nafion containing silver nanoparticles in stripe-like distribution

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    The particular chemical structure of Nafion with nanostructured and segregated hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains enables its use as a model structure for the manufacture of polymer–Metal nanocomposites. Among such nanocomposites, samples of Nafion-117 containing Ag-NPs of ca.10 nm prepared by Intermatrix Synthesis exhibited a particular distribution in the form of stripes, a regularpattern that could reveal the real morphology of the polymer. To evaluate the potential application of this engineered material (e.g.in electrochemical devices), these new nanocomposite membranes were characterized by different techniques: microscopic, surface chemical analysis, mechanical and electrical/electrochemical. X-ray (XRD and XPS) analyses combined with synchrotron experiments (XANES) were used to determine the chemical speciation of Ag in the membrane. Membrane potential and impedance spectroscopy measurements showed that such Ag-NPs did not hinder the diffusive transport of protons in the membrane bulk, moreover, they slightly reduced the electrical resistance in fully hydrated state samples. The mechanical evaluation of the nanocomposite evidenced a reduction of the elastic character when compared with the unmodified Nafion-117 samplePostprint (author's final draft

    Isolation and characterization of myogenic precursor cells from human cremaster muscle

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    Human myogenic precursor cells have been isolated and expanded from a number of skeletal muscles, but alternative donor biopsy sites must be sought after in diseases where muscle damage is widespread. Biopsy sites must be relatively accessible, and the biopsied muscle dispensable. Here, we aimed to histologically characterize the cremaster muscle with regard number of satellite cells and regenerative fibres, and to isolate and characterize human cremaster muscle-derived stem/precursor cells in adult male donors with the objective of characterizing this muscle as a novel source of myogenic precursor cells. Cremaster muscle biopsies (or adjacent non-muscle tissue for negative controls; N=19) were taken from male patients undergoing routine surgery for urogenital pathology. Myosphere cultures were derived and tested for their in vitro and in vivo myogenic differentiation and muscle regeneration capacities. Cremaster-derived myogenic precursor cells were maintained by myosphere culture and efficiently differentiated to myotubes in adhesion culture. Upon transplantation to an immunocompromised mouse model of cardiotoxin-induced acute muscle damage, human cremaster-derived myogenic precursor cells survived to the transplants and contributed to muscle regeneration. These precursors are a good candidate for cell therapy approaches of skeletal muscle. Due to their location and developmental origin, we propose that they might be best suited for regeneration of the rhabdosphincter in patients undergoing stress urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy.We thank patients and medical personnel for their generous involvement in the study. We also acknowledge the help of Biodonostia Animal and Experimental Operations Facility. This work was supported by grants from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (RTC-2015-3750-1) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI13/02172, PI16/01430) to A.I., co-funded by the European Union (ERDF/ESF, 'Investing in your future'). N.N.-G. received a studentship from the Department of Education, University and Research of the Basque Government (PRE2013-1-1168). A.L.M. was funded by grants from FIS (PI17/01841 and PI14/00436), CIBERNED and the Basque Government (2015/11038, RIS3 2017222021 and BIO16/ER/022). M.F.L.-C. was supported by the Servicio Andaluz de Salud from the Consejeria de Salud de la Junta de Andalucia, grant PI 0222-2014, co-funded by the European Union (ERDF/ESF). I.M.A was funded by grants from Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (PEJ-2014-P-01215 and FJCI-2016-28121)