118 research outputs found

    a challenge for current therapeutic strategies

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    Background The defects in DNA repair genes are potentially linked to development and response to therapy in medulloblastoma. Therefore the purpose of this study was to establish the spectrum and frequency of germline variants in selected DNA repair genes and their impact on response to chemotherapy in medulloblastoma patients. Methods The following genes were investigated in 102 paediatric patients: MSH2 and RAD50 using targeted gene panel sequencing and NBN variants (p.I171V and p.K219fs*19) by Sanger sequencing. In three patients with presence of rare life-threatening adverse events (AE) and no detected variants in the analyzed genes, whole exome sequencing was performed. Based on combination of molecular and immunohistochemical evaluations tumors were divided into molecular subgroups. Presence of variants was tested for potential association with the occurrence of rare life-threatening AE and other clinical features. Results We have identified altogether six new potentially pathogenic variants in MSH2 (p.A733T and p.V606I), RAD50 (p.R1093*), FANCM (p.L694*), ERCC2 (p.R695C) and EXO1 (p.V738L), in addition to two known NBN variants. Five out of twelve patients with defects in either of MSH2, RAD50 and NBN genes suffered from rare life-threatening AE, more frequently than in control group (p = 0.0005). When all detected variants were taken into account, the majority of patients (8 out of 15) suffered from life- threatening toxicity during chemotherapy. Conclusion Our results, based on the largest systematic study performed in a clinical setting, provide preliminary evidence for a link between defects in DNA repair genes and treatment related toxicity in children with medulloblastoma. The data suggest that patients with DNA repair gene variants could need special vigilance during and after courses of chemotherapy

    a comprehensive and efficient analysis pipeline designed for ChIP-nexus

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    Background ChIP-nexus, an extension of the ChIP-exo protocol, can be used to map the borders of protein-bound DNA sequences at nucleotide resolution, requires less input DNA and enables selective PCR duplicate removal using random barcodes. However, the use of random barcodes requires additional preprocessing of the mapping data, which complicates the computational analysis. To date, only a very limited number of software packages are available for the analysis of ChIP-exo data, which have not yet been systematically tested and compared on ChIP-nexus data. Results Here, we present a comprehensive software package for ChIP-nexus data that exploits the random barcodes for selective removal of PCR duplicates and for quality control. Furthermore, we developed bespoke methods to estimate the width of the protected region resulting from protein-DNA binding and to infer binding positions from ChIP-nexus data. Finally, we applied our peak calling method as well as the two other methods MACE and MACS2 to the available ChIP-nexus data. Conclusions The Q-nexus software is efficient and easy to use. Novel statistics about duplication rates in consideration of random barcodes are calculated. Our method for the estimation of the width of the protected region yields unbiased signatures that are highly reproducible for biological replicates and at the same time very specific for the respective factors analyzed. As judged by the irreproducible discovery rate (IDR), our peak calling algorithm shows a substantially better reproducibility. An implementation of Q-nexus is available at http://charite.github.io/Q/

    Gene identification and analysis of transcripts differentially regulated in fracture healing by EST sequencing in the domestic sheep

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    BACKGROUND: The sheep is an important model animal for testing novel fracture treatments and other medical applications. Despite these medical uses and the well known economic and cultural importance of the sheep, relatively little research has been performed into sheep genetics, and DNA sequences are available for only a small number of sheep genes. RESULTS: In this work we have sequenced over 47 thousand expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from libraries developed from healing bone in a sheep model of fracture healing. These ESTs were clustered with the previously available 10 thousand sheep ESTs to a total of 19087 contigs with an average length of 603 nucleotides. We used the newly identified sequences to develop RT-PCR assays for 78 sheep genes and measured differential expression during the course of fracture healing between days 7 and 42 postfracture. All genes showed significant shifts at one or more time points. 23 of the genes were differentially expressed between postfracture days 7 and 10, which could reflect an important role for these genes for the initiation of osteogenesis. CONCLUSION: The sequences we have identified in this work are a valuable resource for future studies on musculoskeletal healing and regeneration using sheep and represent an important head-start for genomic sequencing projects for Ovis aries, with partial or complete sequences being made available for over 5,800 previously unsequenced sheep genes

    PBX1 is dispensable for neural commitment of RA-treated murine ES cells

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    Experimentation with PBX1 knockout mice has shown that PBX1 is necessary for early embryogenesis. Despite broad insight into PBX1 function, little is known about the underlying target gene regulation. Utilizing the Cre–loxP system, we targeted a functionally important part of the homeodomain of PBX1 through homozygous deletion of exon-6 and flanking intronic regions leading to exon 7 skipping in embryonic stem (ES) cells. We induced in vitro differentiation of wild-type and PBX1 mutant ES cells by aggregation and retinoic acid (RA) treatment and compared their profiles of gene expression at the ninth day post-reattachment to adhesive media. Our results indicate that PBX1 interactions with HOX proteins and DNA are dispensable for RA-induced ability of ES to express neural genes and point to a possible involvement of PBX1 in the regulation of imprinted genes

    Molecular mechanism of CHRDL1-mediated X-linked megalocornea in humans and in Xenopus model

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    Chordin-Like 1 (CHRDL1) mutations cause non-syndromic X-linked megalocornea (XMC) characterized by enlarged anterior eye segments. Mosaic corneal degeneration, presenile cataract and secondary glaucoma are associated with XMC. Beside that CHRDL1 encodes Ventroptin, a secreted bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonist, the molecular mechanism of XMC is not well understood yet. In a family with broad phenotypic variability of XMC, we identified the novel CHRDL1 frameshift mutation c.807_808delTC [p.H270Wfs*22] presumably causing CHRDL1 loss of function. Using Xenopus laevis as model organism, we demonstrate that chrdl1 is specifically expressed in the ocular tissue at late developmental stages. The chrdl1 knockdown directly resembles the human XMC phenotype and confirms CHRDL1 deficiency to cause XMC. Interestingly, secondary to this bmp4 is down-regulated in the Xenopus eyes. Moreover, phospho-SMAD1/5 is altered and BMP receptor 1A is reduced in a XMC patient. Together, we classify these observations as negative-feedback regulation due to the deficient BMP antagonism in XMC. As CHRDL1 is preferentially expressed in the limbal stem cell niche of adult human cornea, we assume that CHRDL1 plays a key role in cornea homeostasis. In conclusion, we provide novel insights into the molecular mechanism of XMC as well as into the specific role of CHRDL1 during cornea organogenesis, among others by the establishment of the first XMC in vivo model. We show that unravelling monogenic cornea disorders like XMC—with presumably disturbed cornea growth and differentiation—contribute to the identification of potential limbal stem cell niche factors that are promising targets for regenerative therapies of corneal injurie

    E2F6 initiates stable epigenetic silencing of germline genes during embryonic development.

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    In mouse development, long-term silencing by CpG island DNA methylation is specifically targeted to germline genes; however, the molecular mechanisms of this specificity remain unclear. Here, we demonstrate that the transcription factor E2F6, a member of the polycomb repressive complex 1.6 (PRC1.6), is critical to target and initiate epigenetic silencing at germline genes in early embryogenesis. Genome-wide, E2F6 binds preferentially to CpG islands in embryonic cells. E2F6 cooperates with MGA to silence a subgroup of germline genes in mouse embryonic stem cells and in embryos, a function that critically depends on the E2F6 marked box domain. Inactivation of E2f6 leads to a failure to deposit CpG island DNA methylation at these genes during implantation. Furthermore, E2F6 is required to initiate epigenetic silencing in early embryonic cells but becomes dispensable for the maintenance in differentiated cells. Our findings elucidate the mechanisms of epigenetic targeting of germline genes and provide a paradigm for how transient repression signals by DNA-binding factors in early embryonic cells are translated into long-term epigenetic silencing during mouse development

    The allele distribution in next-generation sequencing data sets is accurately described as the result of a stochastic branching process

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    With the availability of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology, it is expected that sequence variants may be called on a genomic scale. Here, we demonstrate that a deeper understanding of the distribution of the variant call frequencies at heterozygous loci in NGS data sets is a prerequisite for sensitive variant detection. We model the crucial steps in an NGS protocol as a stochastic branching process and derive a mathematical framework for the expected distribution of alleles at heterozygous loci before measurement that is sequencing. We confirm our theoretical results by analyzing technical replicates of human exome data and demonstrate that the variance of allele frequencies at heterozygous loci is higher than expected by a simple binomial distribution. Due to this high variance, mutation callers relying on binomial distributed priors are less sensitive for heterozygous variants that deviate strongly from the expected mean frequency. Our results also indicate that error rates can be reduced to a greater degree by technical replicates than by increasing sequencing depth

    The Positive Rhinovirus/Enterovirus Detection and SARS-CoV-2 Persistence beyond the Acute Infection Phase: An Intra-Household Surveillance Study.

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    We aimed to assess the duration of nasopharyngeal severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA persistence in adults self-confined at home after acute infection; and to identify the associations of SARS-CoV-2 persistence with respiratory virus co-detection and infection transmission. A cross-sectional intra-household study was conducted in metropolitan Barcelona (Spain) during the time period of April to June 2020. Every adult who was the first family member reported as SARS-CoV-2-positive by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) as well as their household child contacts had nasopharyngeal swabs tested by a targeted SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR and a multiplex viral respiratory panel after a 15 day minimum time lag. Four-hundred and four households (404 adults and 708 children) were enrolled. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in 137 (33.9%) adults and 84 (11.9%) children. Rhinovirus/Enterovirus (RV/EV) was commonly found (83.3%) in co-infection with SARS-CoV-2 in adults. The mean duration of SARS-CoV-2 RNA presence in adults' nasopharynx was 52 days (range 26-83 days). The persistence of SARS-CoV-2 was significantly associated with RV/EV co-infection (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 9.31; 95% CI 2.57-33.80) and SARS-CoV-2 detection in child contacts (aOR 2.08; 95% CI 1.24-3.51). Prolonged nasopharyngeal SARS-CoV-2 RNA persistence beyond the acute infection phase was frequent in adults quarantined at home during the first epidemic wave; which was associated with RV/EV co-infection and could enhance intra-household infection transmission

    Composite transcriptome assembly of RNA-seq data in a sheep model for delayed bone healing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The sheep is an important model organism for many types of medically relevant research, but molecular genetic experiments in the sheep have been limited by the lack of knowledge about ovine gene sequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Prior to our study, mRNA sequences for only 1,556 partial or complete ovine genes were publicly available. Therefore, we developed a composite <it>de novo </it>transcriptome assembly method for next-generation sequence data to combine known ovine mRNA and EST sequences, mRNA sequences from mouse and cow, and sequences assembled <it>de novo </it>from short read RNA-Seq data into a composite reference transcriptome, and identified transcripts from over 12 thousand previously undescribed ovine genes. Gene expression analysis based on these data revealed substantially different expression profiles in standard versus delayed bone healing in an ovine tibial osteotomy model. Hundreds of transcripts were differentially expressed between standard and delayed healing and between the time points of the standard and delayed healing groups. We used the sheep sequences to design quantitative RT-PCR assays with which we validated the differential expression of 26 genes that had been identified by RNA-seq analysis. A number of clusters of characteristic expression profiles could be identified, some of which showed striking differences between the standard and delayed healing groups. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis showed that the differentially expressed genes were enriched in terms including <it>extracellular matrix</it>, <it>cartilage development</it>, <it>contractile fiber</it>, and <it>chemokine activity</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results provide a first atlas of gene expression profiles and differentially expressed genes in standard and delayed bone healing in a large-animal model and provide a number of clues as to the shifts in gene expression that underlie delayed bone healing. In the course of our study, we identified transcripts of 13,987 ovine genes, including 12,431 genes for which no sequence information was previously available. This information will provide a basis for future molecular research involving the sheep as a model organism.</p