152 research outputs found

    The mouse globin pseudogene beta h3 is descended from a premammalian delta-globin gene.

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    The beta h3 pseudogene of the BALB/c mouse contains sequence defects which prevent transcription and translation to produce a beta-globin. Comparison with other globin gene sequences indicates that beta h3 arose by recombination between an adult beta-globin gene and some significantly diverged globin sequence. Analysis of noncoding sequences shows that the 3' end of mouse beta h3 and the human delta-globin gene are both descended from an ancestral gene, which we call proto-delta. The origin of proto-delta must predate the mammalian radiation. A member of the L1 family of interspersed repetitive elements is inserted into the 3' untranslated delta-homologous sequence in beta h3 from BALB/c. beta h3 is a widespread feature of the rodent beta-globin complex, which has been fixed in the genome for 35 million years. Independent inactivation events produced pseudogenes located between the adult and nonadult beta-globin genes in the rodent, primate, rabbit, and goat lineages. One model to explain the abundance and evolutionary persistence of pseudogenes postulates that the mammalian genome simply has no efficient mechanism for deleting nonessential sequences. Consequently, the genomes of higher eukaryotes have been growing, by the accumulation of duplications, with doubling times of 200 +/- 100 million years

    Human piRNAs Are Under Selection in Africans and Repress Transposable Elements

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    Piwi-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are a recently discovered class of 24- to 30-nt noncoding RNAs whose best-understood function is to repress transposable elements (TEs) in animal germ lines. In humans, TE-derived sequences comprise āˆ¼45% of the genome and there are several active TE families, including LINE-1 and Alu elements, which are a significant source of de novo mutations and intrapopulation variability. In the ā€œping-pong model,ā€ piRNAs are thought to alternatively cleave sense and antisense TE transcripts in a positive feedback loop. Because piRNAs are poorly conserved between closely related species, including human and chimpanzee, we took a population genomics approach to study piRNA function and evolution. We found strong statistical evidence that piRNA sequences are under selective constraint in African populations. We then mapped the piRNA sequences to human TE sequences and found strong correlations between the age of each LINE-1 and Alu subfamily and the number of piRNAs mapping to the subfamily. This result supports the idea that piRNAs function as repressors of TEs in humans. Finally, we observed a significant depletion of piRNA matches in the reverse transcriptase region of the consensus human LINE-1 element but not of the consensus mouse LINE-1 element. This result suggests that reverse transcriptase might have an endogenous role specific to humans. Overall, our results elucidate the function and evolution of piRNAs in humans and highlight the utility of population genomics analysis for studying this rapidly evolving genetic system

    Two mouse early embryonic beta-globin gene sequences. Evolution of the nonadult beta-globins.

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    We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of two early embryonic beta-globin genes of the BALB/c mouse: beta h0 and beta h1 X beta h1 codes for the embryonic z protein, while the beta h0 gene may be a minor early embryonic beta-globin gene. The general sequence organization of both genes is entirely analogous to other functional globin genes. There is, however, a 220-base pair insertion of unique sequence within the first intron of beta h0 X beta h0 and beta h1 are 96% homologous for 260 base pairs 5' to the AUG initiation codon, and 93% homologous throughout their coding regions. Analysis of the 5'-flanking sequence demonstrates that these genes are more nonadult-like than adult-like. The sequences show evidence for gene conversions among the mouse nonadult beta-globin genes that were limited to individual exons, presumably by the presence of non-homologous introns. We propose that this arrangement has the beneficial evolutionary effect of allowing gene conversion to act independently on regions of the protein with different structural or functional responsibilities. beta h0 and beta h1 are evolutionary homologs to the human fetal and rabbit beta 3 genes, while their manner of expression is similar to rabbit beta 3 and dissimilar to human fetal expression. The evolutionary history of the human beta-globin genes, therefore, includes the recruitment of an embryonic gene to fetal developmental control

    The complete nucleotide sequence of a beta-globin-like structure, beta h2, from the [Hbb] d mouse BALB/c.

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    We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of beta h2, a pseudogene in the mouse beta-globin gene complex. The structure of beta h2 is analogous to that of a normal beta-globin gene, and its nucleotide sequence shares 72% homology with the coding regions of a reference mouse adult beta-globin gene. A frame shift occurs in the first coding region for which a compensatory splicing scheme can be devised. The reading frame is not otherwise disrupted. All of the recognized transcription, translation, and splicing signals in beta h2 are intact, with the exception of the " CCAAT box," which has been altered to GTAAC . We compared the predicted amino acid sequence of beta h2 with other beta-globin sequences. Evidence for a period of divergence without selection in the history of beta h2 was found in a set of codons that are usually highly conserved in productive beta-globin genes. An evolutionary tree constructed from nucleotide sequence suggests that beta h2 originated from the adult genes at least 60 million years ago. After some period as a productive gene, beta h2 was inactivated and has subsequently diverged without selection. Hybridization experiments demonstrated that beta h2 and the surrounding region occur without major alteration in other rodent species. The sequence ( AGCCA - 4n - GTGT ) occurs 5' of the CCAAT box in beta h2 and in many productive globin genes

    Bi-allelic GAD1 variants cause a neonatal onset syndromic developmental and epileptic encephalopathy.

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    Developmental and epileptic encephalopathies are a heterogeneous group of early-onset epilepsy syndromes dramatically impairing neurodevelopment. Modern genomic technologies have revealed a number of monogenic origins and opened the door to therapeutic hopes. Here we describe a new syndromic developmental and epileptic encephalopathy caused by bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in GAD1, as presented by 11 patients from six independent consanguineous families. Seizure onset occurred in the first 2 months of life in all patients. All 10 patients, from whom early disease history was available, presented with seizure onset in the first month of life, mainly consisting of epileptic spasms or myoclonic seizures. Early EEG showed suppression-burst or pattern of burst attenuation or hypsarrhythmia if only recorded in the post-neonatal period. Eight patients had joint contractures and/or pes equinovarus. Seven patients presented a cleft palate and two also had an omphalocele, reproducing the phenotype of the knockout Gad1-/- mouse model. Four patients died before 4 years of age. GAD1 encodes the glutamate decarboxylase enzyme GAD67, a critical actor of the Ī³-aminobutyric acid (GABA) metabolism as it catalyses the decarboxylation of glutamic acid to form GABA. Our findings evoke a novel syndrome related to GAD67 deficiency, characterized by the unique association of developmental and epileptic encephalopathies, cleft palate, joint contractures and/or omphalocele

    Extensive movement of LINES ONE sequences in beta-globin loci of Mus caroli and Mus domesticus.

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    LINES ONE (L1) is a family of movable DNA sequences found in mammals. To measure the rate of their movement, we have compared the positions of L1 elements within homologous genetic loci that are separated by known divergence times. Two models that predict different outcomes of this analysis have been proposed for the behavior of L1 sequences. (i) Previous theoretical studies of concerted evolution in L1 have indicated that the majority of the 100,000 extant L1 elements may have inserted as recently as within the last 3 million years. (ii) Gene conversion has been proposed as an alternative to a history of prolific recent insertions. To distinguish between these two models, we cloned and characterized two embryonic beta-globin haplotypes from Mus caroli and compared them with those of M. domesticus. In 9 of 10 instances, we observed an L1 element to be present in one chromosome and absent at the same site in a homologous chromosome. This frequency is quantitatively consistent with the known rate of concerted evolution. Therefore, we conclude that gene conversion is not required for concerted evolution of the L1 family in the mouse. Furthermore, we show that the extensive movement of L1 sequences contributes to restriction fragment length polymorphism. L1 insertions may be the predominant cause of restriction fragment length polymorphisms in closely related haplotypes

    Integrated monitoring of nature restoration along ecotones, the example of the Yser Estuary

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    Within the framework of LIFE, one of the larger nature restoration projects in Flanders was realized on the right bank of the estuarine part of the Yser. General aim of the initiative was to restore or create beach-dune-salt marsh ecotones with salt-fresh, dynamic-stable, wet-dry and mud-sand ecotones. In order to reach this goal, several large buildings and roads were broken down, an entire tidal dock was restructured and some 500,000mĀ³ of dredging material was removed to restore or create intertidal and coastal dune habitats and their connecting ecotones. Measures were taken to avoid abrupt topographical transitions along potential ecological gradients. It was decided to begin monitoring (2001-2004) from the very start of the restoration process (1999-2003). Monitoring was multidisciplinary and realized in a partnership between several scientific institutes (Ghent University, Catholic University of Louvain, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and Institute of Nature Conservation with facility support of VLIZ). Monitoring included the most relevant abiotic conditions such as sedimentation and erosion, topography and ground water fluctuations, and biological response variables, i.e. flora and vegetation, terrestrial arthropods, benthic macrofauna and birds. It was decided to include two monitoring levels, an area-covering monitoring of the entire nature reserve (ca. 128ha) and a detailed monitoring of changes along transects perpendicular to the main ecological gradients. In this paper we present some results of the first three years of monitoring

    The endothelial-specific regulatory mutation, Mvwf1, is a common mouse founder allele

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    Mvwf1 is a cis-regulatory mutation previously identified in the RIIIS/J mouse strain that causes a unique tissue-specific switch in the expression of an N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase, B4GALNT2, from intestinal epithelium to vascular endothelium. Vascular B4galnt2 expression results in aberrant glycosylation of von Willebrand Factor (VWF) and accelerated VWF clearance from plasma. We now report that 13 inbred mouse strains share the Mvwf1 tissue-specific switch and low VWF phenotype, including five wild-derived strains. Genomic sequencing identified a highly conserved 97-kb Mvwf1 haplotype block shared by these strains that encompasses a 30-kb region of high nucleotide sequence divergence from C57BL6/J flanking B4galnt2 exon 1. The analysis of a series of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) transgenes containing B4galnt2 derived from the RIIIS/J or C57BL6/J inbred mouse strains demonstrates that the corresponding sequences are sufficient to confer the vessel (RIIIS/J) or intestine (C57BL6/J)-specific expression patterns. Taken together, our data suggest that the region responsible for the Mvwf1 regulatory switch lies within an approximately 30-kb genomic interval upstream of the B4galnt2 gene. The observation that Mvwf1 is present in multiple wild-derived strains suggests that this locus may be retained in wild mouse populations due to positive selection. Similar selective pressures could contribute to the high prevalence of von Willebrand disease in humans

    Biallelic VARS variants cause developmental encephalopathy with microcephaly that is recapitulated in vars knockout zebrafish

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    Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases (ARSs) link specific amino acids with their cognate transfer RNAs in a critical early step of protein translation. Mutations in ARSs have emerged as a cause of recessive, often complex neurological disease traits. Here we report an allelic series consisting of seven novel and two previously reported biallelic variants in valyl-tRNA synthetase (VARS) in ten patients with a developmental encephalopathy with microcephaly, often associated with early-onset epilepsy. In silico, in vitro, and yeast complementation assays demonstrate that the underlying pathomechanism of these mutations is most likely a loss of protein function. Zebrafish modeling accurately recapitulated some of the key neurological disease traits. These results provide both genetic and biological insights into neurodevelopmental disease and pave the way for further in-depth research on ARS related recessive disorders and precision therapies

    Female Audit Partners and Extended Audit Reporting: UK Evidence

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    This study investigates whether audit partner gender is associated with the extent of auditor disclosure and the communication style regarding risks of material misstatements that are classified as key audit matters (KAMs). Using a sample of UK firms during the 2013ā€“2017 period, our results suggest that female audit partners are more likely than male audit partners to disclose more KAMs with more details after controlling for both client and audit firm attributes. Furthermore, female audit partners are found to use a less optimistic tone and provide less readable audit reports, compared to their male counterparts, suggesting that behavioural variances between female and male audit partners may have significant implications on their writing style. Therefore, this study offers new insights on the role of audit partner gender in extended audit reporting. Our findings have important implications for audit firms, investors, policymakers and governments in relation to the development, implementation and enforcement of gender diversity
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