455 research outputs found

    Alles beim Alten? BildungsertrĂ€ge höherer beruflicher und akademischer AbschlĂŒsse vor und nach Bologna

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    Mit EinfĂŒhrung der kĂŒrzeren BachelorabschlĂŒsse im Zuge des Bologna-Prozesses ist eine neue Konkurrenzsituation zwischen der höheren Berufsbildung und der akademischen Bildung entstanden. Ob sich die ErtrĂ€ge einer beruflichen Höherqualifizierung seit Bologna verĂ€ndert haben, wird im Beitrag aus einer beruflichen Perspektive heraus untersucht, und zwar (1) im Vergleich zu dual Ausgebildeten ohne berufliche Höherqualifizierung und (2) gegenĂŒber akademischen AbschlĂŒssen (Diplom-FH-AbschlĂŒsse oder Bachelor). Der "Bologna-Effekt" wird auf Basis der ErwerbstĂ€tigenbefragungen (ETB) des Bundesinstituts fĂŒr Berufsbildung (BIBB) und der Bundesanstalt fĂŒr Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA) 2006 und 2018 und eines Difference-in-Difference-Ansatzes modelliert. Dabei werden die Abschlusskohorten 2006-2017 (ETB 2018) und 1994-2005 (ETB 2006) jeweils (maximal) 12 Jahre nach Abschluss verglichen. Die Analysen zeigen unterschiedliche Entwicklungen in den untersuchten Berufsfeldern. WĂ€hrend fĂŒr die Gesamtgruppe der beruflich Höherqualifizierten und fĂŒr die Subgruppe der technischen Fortbildungen keine VerĂ€nderungen ĂŒber die Kohorten festzustellen sind, erzielen beruflich Höherqualifizierte in kaufmĂ€nnisch-wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fortbildungsberufen nach Bologna eine geringere LohnprĂ€mie im Vergleich zu dual Ausgebildeten als vor Bologna. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, eine hochqualifizierte TĂ€tigkeit auszuĂŒben, ist jedoch fĂŒr beide Berufsfelder unverĂ€ndert hoch. Die Analysen liefern damit insgesamt keine Belege fĂŒr eine VerdrĂ€ngung oder Entwertung höherer BerufsbildungsabschlĂŒsse. Im Gegenteil, der Abstand zu formal gleichwertigen akademischen AbschlĂŒssen ist heute geringer als vor der Bologna-Reform.The introduction of the two-cycle structure of academic education as part of the Bologna Process has created a new competitive situation between higher vocational training and academic education. Taking an occupational perspective, this article analyses whether the returns to higher vocational education and training have changed with the Bologna Process, both (1) in comparison to basic dual-vocational training and (2) in comparison to academic degrees (applied university degrees and bachelor’s degrees). The analyses of the "Bologna effect" based on data from the 2006 and 2018 Employment Surveys of the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) and the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) use a difference-in-difference approach by comparing two cohorts, the 2006-2017 (ETB 2018) cohort and the 1994-2005 (ETB 2006) cohort. The analyses consider workers a maximal period of 12 years after completion of their respective degrees. The results point to different developments depending on the occupational field associated with an acquired degree. Whereas no changes across the cohorts can be observed for the overall group of workers with higher vocational training degrees or for the subgroup of those with technical higher vocational training, workers with higher vocational degrees in commercial and economic fields are achieving lower wage premiums after the Bologna process compared to workers with basic vocational training in that field. Moreover, the probability of working in a highly qualified occupation remains high for both occupational fields. Thus, the analyses do not provide any evidence of displacement or devaluation of higher vocational training degrees. On the contrary, the distance to formally equivalent academic degrees is shorter today than before the Bologna reform

    Advanced Vocational Qualifications via Further Education and Training. A Second Chance for Women as Well?

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    Wer in Deutschland eine duale Berufsausbildung absolviert hat, kann auch ohne Hochschulzugangsberechtigung Positionen erreichen, die in anderen LĂ€ndern ausschließlich von Akademiker/-innen besetzt werden. Von Frauen wird diese „zweite Chance“ durch eine Aufstiegsfortbildung sehr viel seltener genutzt als von MĂ€nnern. Warum dies so ist, wird anhand der BIBB/BAuA-ErwerbstĂ€tigenbefragung 2012 untersucht. Im Fokus der Analysen stehen drei ErklĂ€rungsfaktoren: Karriereaspirationen (PrĂ€ferenzen), familiĂ€re Verpflichtungen (Restriktionen) und der erlernte Beruf (OpportunitĂ€ten). Im Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass Kinder und eine Ausbildung in einem geschlechtstypischen Beruf den Geschlechtereffekt moderieren, weshalb konditionale Effekte betrachtet werden mĂŒssen: FĂŒr MĂ€nner steigt und fĂŒr Frauen sinkt die Wahrscheinlichkeit fĂŒr berufliche Höherqualifizierung mit Kindern sowie mit einer Ausbildung in einem geschlechtstypischen Beruf. Bei relativ gleichen beruflichen Ausgangsbedingungen (Mischberufe) weisen kinderlose Frauen und MĂ€nner eine vergleichbare Teilnahmewahrscheinlichkeit auf, fĂŒr MĂŒtter ist diese auch dann signifikant geringer.Those who complete dual vocational training in Germany are able to achieve positions even without higher education entrance qualifications which in other countries can only be taken up by academics. Women are much less likely to take advantage of this “second chance” offered by advanced vocational qualifications than men. The reason for this is examined with the aid of the BIBB/BAUA Employment Survey from 2012. The analyses focus on three explanatory factors: career aspiration (preferences), family responsibilities (restrictions), the occupation trained for (opportunities). The results show that having children and having trained in a gender-typical occupation strengthen the (negative) gender effect, which is why conditional effects must be considered: the likelihood of vocational upskilling increases for men but decreases for women who have children and/or have trained in a gender-typical occupation. Given relatively similar baseline conditions (mixed occupations), men and women without children show comparable participation rates while mothers have significantly lower rates

    Berufliche Weiterbildung ErwerbstĂ€tiger: zur ErklĂ€rungskraft tĂ€tigkeitsbezogener Merkmale fĂŒr das Weiterbildungsverhalten

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    Zur ErklĂ€rung des Weiterbildungsverhaltens Einzelner werden hĂ€ufig soziodemografische, betriebs- und beschĂ€ftigungsbezogene Daten herangezogen. Obwohl Weiterbildungsbedarfe hĂ€ufig unmittelbar im Arbeitskontext entstehen, konnten -nicht zuletzt aufgrund der vorhandenen Datenlage- tĂ€tigkeits- und arbeitsplatzbezogene Merkmale seltener berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Auf der Grundlage einer reprĂ€sentativen Befragung von rund 20.000 ErwerbstĂ€tigen im Jahr 2006 ist dies jedoch möglich. Die nachfolgenden multivariaten Analysen zeigen, dass diese Merkmale einen hohen Einfluss auf die Weiterbildungsteilnahme ErwerbstĂ€tiger haben. Insbesondere hohe Qualifikationsanforderungen am Arbeitsplatz, aber auch wissensintensive berufliche TĂ€tigkeiten sowie Lern- oder KreativitĂ€tsanforderungen des Arbeitsplatzumfeldes erhöhen die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Teilnahme an formalisierter Weiterbildung in Kursen bzw. LehrgĂ€ngen, aber auch an informeller Weiterbildung wie z. B. dem Lernen auf Fachtagungen, Fachmessen oder ĂŒber Fachliteratur. Geringe Bedeutung haben die Merkmale dagegen in Bezug auf arbeitsplatznahe Lernformen, wie Einarbeitung/Anlernen am Arbeitsplatz, Supervision oder Coaching

    Young Adults with Immigrant Background and their Transition to the German System of Vocational Training. The Role of Preferences, Resources, and Opportunities

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    Anhand gepoolter DatensĂ€tze dreier SchulabgĂ€ngerbefragungen des Bundesinstituts fĂŒr Berufsbildung (BIBB) wird der Frage nach dem Grad und den Ursachen der Benachteiligung Jugendlicher auslĂ€ndischer Herkunft beim Zugang zu AusbildungsplĂ€tzen nachgegangen. Es wird untersucht, welche Rolle folgende Unterschiede zwischen Ausbildungsplatzsuchenden deutscher und auslĂ€ndischer Herkunft spielen: ihre PrĂ€ferenzen fĂŒr eine bestimmte berufliche Ausbildung, ihre Ausstattung mit arbeitsmarktrelevanten Ressourcen sowie ihnen offen stehende OpportunitĂ€ten auf dem Ausbildungsstellenmarkt. Dabei zeigt sich erstens, dass vor allem mĂ€nnliche Jugendliche auslĂ€ndischer Herkunft deutlich geringere Chancen haben, einen Ausbildungsplatz zu finden, als Jugendliche deutscher Herkunft. Dies gilt weitgehend unabhĂ€ngig davon, welchen Wunschberuf sie verfolgen, welchen Schulabschluss sie besitzen und welche Erstsprache sie gelernt haben. Auch Unterschiede in ihren Suchstrategien nach einem Ausbildungsplatz scheinen wenig zur ErklĂ€rung dieses PhĂ€nomens beizutragen, zumal diese bei den Gruppen kaum differieren. Die Analysen belegen zweitens, dass selbst diejenigen Jugendlichen auslĂ€ndischer Herkunft, die einen Ausbildungsplatz gefunden haben, nur halb so oft in ihrem "Wunschberuf" ausgebildet werden wie deutsche Jugendliche. Nicht zuletzt der starke Unterschied zwischen MĂ€dchen und Jungen mit Migrationshintergrund spricht dafĂŒr, dass Diskriminierungsprozesse seitens der Arbeitgeber bei der Vergabe von AusbildungsplĂ€tzen möglicherweise eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Rolle spielen als bei anderen Dimensionen der Arbeitsmarktintegration. Dies steht vermutlich im Zusammenhang mit Spezifika des Ausbildungsstellenmarktes, der durch eine vergleichsweise geringe ProduktivitĂ€t der Ausbildungsplatzsuchenden und eine Knappheit an AusbildungsplĂ€tzen gekennzeichnet ist.In this article, we examine the extent and the causes of ethnic inequalities in access to apprenticeship training positions within the German system of vocational training. Analyses are based on pooled data from three surveys of high school graduates conducted at the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB). The role of the following differences between German and applicants with an immigrant background for vocational training positions is analyzed: their preferences for certain occupational fields, their endowment with resources relevant to the integration of the individual in the labor market, and the opportunities available in the vocational training market. We can show, first, that the chances of finding a vocational training position are substantially lower for young - especially male - adults with an immigrant background even if their occupational preferences, their human capital endowment, and their first language are taken into account. Furthermore, there is no evidence that German and immigrant background youths differ substantially in terms of their job-search strategies. Our analyses show, secondly, that even those immigrant background youths who did manage to find a vocational training position are only half as likely as young Germans to be trained in their preferred occupational field. The large gender differences within the immigrant background group in particular suggest that ethnic discrimination processes on the part of potential employers may play a more important role in explaining ethnic inequalities in the access to vocational training positions than in other dimensions of labor market integration. This is probably related to specificities in those vocational training sectors that are characterized by a comparatively low productivity of applicants and by a shortage of vocational training positions

    Women’s Perceptions of Caesarean Birth: A Roy International Study

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    The purpose of this Roy adaptation model-based multi-site international mixed method study was to examine the relations of type of caesarean birth (unplanned/planned), number of caesarean births (primary/repeat), and preparation for caesarean birth to women’s perceptions of and responses to caesarean birth. The sample included 488 women from the United States (n = 253), Finland (n = 213), and Australia (n = 22). Path analysis revealed direct effects for type of and preparation for caesarean birth on responses to caesarean birth, and an indirect effect for preparation on responses to caesarean birth through perception of birth the experience

    Delays and loss to follow-up before treatment of drug-resistant tuberculosis following implementation of Xpert MTB/RIF in South Africa: A retrospective cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: South Africa has a large burden of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (RR-TB), with 18,734 patients diagnosed in 2014. The number of diagnosed patients has increased substantially with the introduction of the Xpert MTB/RIF test, used for tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis for all patients with presumptive TB. Routine aggregate data suggest a large treatment gap (pre-treatment loss to follow-up) between the numbers of patients with laboratory-confirmed RR-TB and those reported to have started second-line treatment. We aimed to assess the impact of Xpert MTB/RIF implementation on the delay to treatment initiation and loss to follow-up before second-line treatment for RR-TB across South Africa. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A nationwide retrospective cohort study was conducted to assess second-line treatment initiation and treatment delay among laboratory-diagnosed RR-TB patients. Cohorts, including approximately 300 sequentially diagnosed RR-TB patients per South African province, were drawn from the years 2011 and 2013, i.e., before and after Xpert implementation. Patients with prior laboratory RR-TB diagnoses within 6 mo and currently treated patients were excluded. Treatment initiation was determined through data linkage with national and local treatment registers, medical record review, interviews with health care staff, and direct contact with patients or household members. Additional laboratory data were used to track cases. National estimates of the percentage of patients who initiated treatment and time to treatment were weighted to account for the sampling design. There were 2,508 and 2,528 eligible patients in the 2011 and 2013 cohorts, respectively; 92% were newly diagnosed with RR-TB (no prior RR-TB diagnoses). Nationally, among the 2,340 and 2,311 new RR-TB patients in the 2011 and 2013 cohorts, 55% (95% CI 53%-57%) and 63% (95% CI 61%-65%), respectively, started treatment within 6 mo of laboratory receipt of their diagnostic specimen (p < 0.001). However, in 2013, there was no difference in the percentage of patients who initiated treatment at 6 mo between the 1,368 new RR-TB patients diagnosed by Xpert (62%, 95% CI 59%-65%) and the 943 diagnosed by other methods (64%, 95% CI 61%-67%) (p = 0.39). The median time to treatment decreased from 44 d (interquartile range [IQR] 20-69) in 2011 to 22 d (IQR 2-43) in 2013 (p < 0.001). In 2013, across the nine provinces, there were substantial variations in both treatment initiation (range 51%-73% by 6 mo) and median time to treatment (range 15-36 d, n = 1,450), and only 53% of the 1,448 new RR-TB patients who received treatment were recorded in the national RR-TB register. This retrospective study is limited by the lack of information to assess reasons for non-initiation of treatment, particularly pre-treatment mortality data. Other limitations include the use of names and dates of birth to locate patient-level data, potentially resulting in missed treatment initiation among some patients. CONCLUSIONS: In 2013, there was a large treatment gap for RR-TB in South Africa that varied significantly across provinces. Xpert implementation, while reducing treatment delay, had not contributed substantially to reducing the treatment gap in 2013. However, given improved case detection with Xpert, a larger proportion of RR-TB patients overall have received treatment, with reduced delays. Nonetheless, strategies to further improve linkage to treatment for all diagnosed RR-TB patients are urgently required

    User-centered development of a Virtual Research Environment to support collaborative research events

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    This paper discusses the user-centred development process within the Collaborative Research Events on the Web (CREW) project, funded under the JISC Virtual Research Environments (VRE) programme. After presenting the project, its aims and the functionality of the CREW VRE, we focus on the user engagement approach, grounded in the method of co-realisation. We describe the different research settings and requirements of our three embedded user groups and the respective activities conducted so far. Finally we elaborate on the main challenges of our user engagement approach and end with the project’s next steps

    UK hazards from a large Icelandic effusive eruption. Effusive Eruption Modelling Project final report

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    In response to the recent introduction of large, long-lasting gas-rich volcanic eruptions to the UK National Risk Register (risk H55) a modelling project has been conducted to improve our understanding of potential hazards to the UK from such an eruption on Iceland. A precautionary “reasonable worst case” eruption scenario based on the 1783-1784 CE Laki eruption has been determined using the results of an expert elicitation of scientists. This scenario has been simulated 80 times using two different atmospheric chemistry and transport models (NAME and EMEP4UK) over 10 years of meteorology (2003-2012). The results provide information on the range of concentrations of sulphur dioxide (SO2), sulphate aerosol (SO4) and some halogen species that might be experienced in the UK during such an eruption and the likelihood of key thresholds being exceeded and the duration of their exceedance. Data for the surface and for a range of key flight altitudes have been produced. These are evaluated against the threshold bandings of the UK’s Air Quality Index (AQI). The impact on UK ecosystems has also been considered. The data are intended to be used by UK Government Departments for further research into the impacts on the aviation, health, environmental and agricultural sectors. The results show that the prevailing meteorological conditions are the key influence on which parts of the North Atlantic and European region are affected at any time. The results demonstrate that the UK is unlikely to be affected by week after week of significantly elevated concentrations; rather there will a number of short (hours to days) pollution episodes where concentrations at the surface would be elevated bove Moderate and High air quality index levels. This pattern reflects the generally changeable nature of the weather in the UK. At the surface, consecutive exceedance durations are longer for SO4 than SO2, and can be particularly lengthy (1-2 weeks) in the Low air quality index levels, which may be of relevance to health impact assessments. The indications of potential peak concentrations and their corresponding AQI exceedance probabilities within this report serve to inform national, high-level generic risk planning. For more specific response planning, a much larger modelling study with multiple eruption scenarios and a greater number of meteorological realisations would be needed

    Time and change: A typology for presenting research findings in qualitative longitudinal research

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    Background: Qualitative longitudinal research (QLR) is an emerging methodology used in health research. The method literature states that the change in a phenomenon through time should be the focus of any QLR study, but in empirical studies, the analysis of changes through time is often poorly described, and the emphasis on time/change in the findings varies greatly. This inconsistency might depend on limitations in the existing method literature in terms of describing how QLR studies can present findings. The aim of this study was to develop and describe a typology of alternative approaches for integrating time and/or change in QLR findings. Methods: In this method study, we used an adapted scoping review design. Articles were identified using EBSCOhost. In total, methods and results sections from 299 QLR articles in the field of health research were analyzed with inspiration from content analysis. Results: We constructed a typology of three types and seven subtypes. The types were based on the underlying structural principles of how time/change was presented: Type A) Findings have a low utilization of longitudinal data, Type B) Findings are structured according to chronological time, and Type C) Findings focus on changes through time. These types differed in 1) the way the main focus was on time, change or neither; 2) the level of interpretation in the findings; and 3) how theoretical understandings of time/change were articulated in the articles. Each type encompassed two or three subtypes that represented distinct approaches to the aim and results presentation of QLR findings. Conclusions: This method study is the first to describe a coherent and comprehensive typology of alternative approaches for integrating time/change into QLR findings in health research. By providing examples of various subtypes that can be used for results presentations, it can help researchers make informed decisions suitable to their research intent.publishedVersio

    Relation between awareness of circulatory disorders and smoking in a general population health examination

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about proportions of smokers who maintain smoking after they are aware of a circulatory disorder. The goal was to analyze the extent to which the number of circulatory disorders may be related to being a current smoker. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey study with a probability sample of residents in Germany investigated in health examination centers. Questionnaire data of 3,778 ever smoking participants aged 18 – 79 were used, questions included whether the respondent had ever had hypertension, myocardial infarction, other coronary artery disease, heart failure, stroke, other cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, and venous thrombosis. Logistic regression was calculated for circulatory disorders and their number with current smoking as the dependent variable, and odds ratios (OR) are presented adjusted for physician contact, inpatient treatment, smoking cessation counseling, heavy smoking, exercise, overweight and obesity, school education, sex and age. RESULTS: Among ever smokers who had 1 circulatory disorder, 52.1 % were current smokers and among those who reported that they had 3 or more circulatory disorders 28.0 % were current smokers at the time of the interview. The adjusted odds of being a current smoker were lower for individuals who had ever smoked in life and had 2 or more central circulatory disorders, such as myocardial infarction, heart failure or stroke, than for ever smokers without central circulatory disorder (2 or more disorders: adjusted OR 0.6, 95 % confidence interval, CI, 0.4 to 0.8). CONCLUSION: Among those with central circulatory disorders, there is a substantial portion of individuals who smoke despite their disease. The data suggest that only a portion of smokers among the general population seems to be discouraged from smoking by circulatory disorders or its accompanying cognitive or emotional processes
