37 research outputs found

    Monitoring the flow of Atlantic water through the Faroe-Shetland Channel

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    This report presents results from an experiment, carried out in 2011-2012 within the EU-THOR project to investigate whether future monitoring of the Atlantic water transport through the Faroe-Shetland Channel might be more efficiently achieved on another section than the traditional Munken-Fair Isle section. The new section is less affected by meso-scale activity and narrower, allowing better horizontal resolution of the mooring array, but the experiment revealed that moving to the new section involved other drawbacks. The experiment also confirmed an earlier conjecture that data from satellite altimetry might provide better estimates of transport variations than estimates based on in situ measurements, solely. Previous efforts to determine the average volume transport of Atlantic water through the channel and its variations have been hampered by lack of information on the thickness variations of the Atlantic layer. Re-evaluating the historical data set, we find that the transport estimates are not significantly affected by assuming that the lower boundary of the Atlantic layer is fixed, equal to the average 5°C-isotherm. Based on the conclusions of this report, we recommend that future in situ monitoring in the channel is re-focused

    The Iceland-Faroe slope jet: a conduit for dense water toward the Faroe Bank Channel overflow

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Semper, S., Pickart, R. S., Vage, K., Larsen, K. M. H., Hatun, H., & Hansen, B. The Iceland-Faroe slope jet: a conduit for dense water toward the Faroe Bank Channel overflow. Nature Communications, 11(1), (2020): 5390, doi:10.1038/s41467-020-19049-5.Dense water from the Nordic Seas passes through the Faroe Bank Channel and supplies the lower limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, a critical component of the climate system. Yet, the upstream pathways of this water are not fully known. Here we present evidence of a previously unrecognised deep current following the slope from Iceland toward the Faroe Bank Channel using high-resolution, synoptic shipboard observations and long-term measurements north of the Faroe Islands. The bulk of the volume transport of the current, named the Iceland-Faroe Slope Jet (IFSJ), is relatively uniform in hydrographic properties, very similar to the North Icelandic Jet flowing westward along the slope north of Iceland toward Denmark Strait. This suggests a common source for the two major overflows across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. The IFSJ can account for approximately half of the total overflow transport through the Faroe Bank Channel, thus constituting a significant component of the overturning circulation in the Nordic Seas.Support for this work was provided by the Bergen Research Foundation Grant BFS2016REK01 (S.S. and K.V.), the U.S. National Science Foundation Grants OCE-1558742 and OCE-1259618 (R.S.P.), the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities (K.M.H.L., H.H., and B.H.) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 727852 (Blue-Action) (K.M.H.L., H.H., and B.H.)

    Discovery of an unrecognized pathway carrying overflow waters toward the Faroe Bank Channel

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    The dense overflow waters of the Nordic Seas are an integral link and important diagnostic for the stability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The pathways feeding the overflow remain, however, poorly resolved. Here we use multiple observational platforms and an eddy-resolving ocean model to identify an unrecognized deep flow toward the Faroe Bank Channel. We demonstrate that anticyclonic wind forcing in the Nordic Seas via its regulation of the basin circulation plays a key role in activating an unrecognized overflow path from the Norwegian slope – at which times the overflow is anomalously strong. We further establish that, regardless of upstream pathways, the overflows are mostly carried by a deep jet banked against the eastern slope of the Faroe-Shetland Channel, contrary to previous thinking. This deep flow is thus the primary conduit of overflow water feeding the lower branch of the AMOC via the Faroe Bank Channel

    The North Atlantic subpolar gyre regulates the spawning distribution of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou Risso)

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    The spawning stock of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), an economically important pelagic gadoid in the North Atlantic Ocean, increased threefold after 1995. The reproductive success of the stock is largely determined during the very early stages of life, but little is known about the spawning dynamics of this species. Here we show that the spawning distribution of blue whiting is variable, regulated by the hydrography west of the British Isles. When the North Atlantic subpolar gyre is strong and spreads its cold, fresh water masses east over Rockall Plateau, the spawning is constrained along the European continental slope and in a southerly position near Porcupine Bank. When the gyre is weak and conditions are relatively saline and warm, the spawning distribution moves northwards along the slope and especially westwards covering Rockall Plateau. The apparent link between the spawning distribution and the subpolar gyre is the first step towards understanding the reproduction variability, which currently is the main challenge for appropriate management of the blue whiting stock

    Ocean circulation causes the largest freshening event for 120 years in eastern subpolar North Atlantic

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    The Atlantic Ocean overturning circulation is important to the climate system because it carries heat and carbon northward, and from the surface to the deep ocean. The high salinity of the subpolar North Atlantic is a prerequisite for overturning circulation, and strong freshening could herald a slowdown. We show that the eastern subpolar North Atlantic underwent extreme freshening during 2012 to 2016, with a magnitude never seen before in 120 years of measurements. The cause was unusual winter wind patterns driving major changes in ocean circulation, including slowing of the North Atlantic Current and diversion of Arctic freshwater from the western boundary into the eastern basins. We find that wind-driven routing of Arctic-origin freshwater intimately links conditions on the North West Atlantic shelf and slope region with the eastern subpolar basins. This reveals the importance of atmospheric forcing of intra-basin circulation in determining the salinity of the subpolar North Atlantic

    Migration and fisheries of north east atlantic mackerel (scomber scombrus) in autumn and winter

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    It has been suggested that observed spatial variation in mackerel fisheries, extending over several hundreds of kilometers, is reflective of climate-driven changes in mackerel migration patterns. Previous studies have been unable to clearly demonstrate this link. In this paper we demonstrate correlation between temperature and mackerel migration/distribution as proxied by mackerel catch data from both scientific bottom trawl surveys and commercial fisheries. We show that mackerel aggregate and migrate distances of up to 500 km along the continental shelf edge from mid-November to early March. The path of this migration coincides with the location of the relatively warm shelf edge current and, as a consequence of this affinity, mackerel are guided towards the main spawning area in the south. Using a simulated time series of temperature of the shelf edge current we show that variations in the timing of the migration are significantly correlated to temperature fluctuations within the current. The proposed proxies for mackerel distribution were found to be significantly correlated. However, the correlations were weak and only significant during periods without substantial legislative or technical developments. Substantial caution should therefore be exercised when using such data as proxies for mackerel distribution. Our results include a new temperature record for the shelf edge current obtained by embedding the available hydrographic observations within a statistical model needed to understand the migration through large parts of the life of adult mackerel and for the management of this major international fishery