365 research outputs found

    Disjunct adverbs: a scale of disjunctiveness

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    Métodos matemáticos para el diseño

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    1 archivo PDF (147 páginas)Elementos básicos de álgebra lineal: álgebra de vectores y álgebra de matrices y algunos temas de geometría analítica con un intento de análisis, pero poniendo énfasis en la graficación de curvas especialmente las cónicas y las funciones trigonométricas, en coordenadas polares yen coordenadas cartesianas. Se desarrollan los conceptos con un enfoque sencillo y claro, explicando desde lo más elemental, ejemplificando gráfica y analíticamente y mostrando aplicaciones a problemas de diseño

    Herrería y forja antigua de La Losa (Segovia)

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    En número dedicado a: La provincia de Segovi

    Effectiveness of the application of massage therapy and kinesitherapy by parents on premature neonates: a research protocol

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    Aim: The study aims to analyse the efficacy of massage therapy and kinesitherapy applied by parents of premature infants admitted to hospital. Background: Premature newborns suffer early somatic deprivation that has adverse effects on their growth and development and that also has a negative impact on the emotional state of their parents. Massage therapy and kinesitherapy is beneficial in alleviating somatic deficit and facilitates the bond between parents and newborns. Design: A quasi-experimental community intervention trial will be conducted in a neonatology unit. Methods: This study will compare the benefits of a 15-min massage protocol applied by parents with the usual medical and nursing care given by neonatal units for premature babies. The evaluation of neuromotor development will take place through the Spanish Premie-Neuro scale. The determination of weight, size, and head circumference will be based on the unit's usual procedures. Discussion: If the implementation of a massage therapy and kinesitherapy protocol is effective in promoting the growth and development of hospitalized premature infants, the results of this study could give an impetus for the inclusion of somatic stimulation in the usual nursing care given for preterm infants. Impact: Prematurity and its associated morbidity pose a major global public health problem. Somatic and kinaesthetic stimulation has beneficial effects on anthropometric and neuromotor development in preterm infants. The results will have a positive impact on premature neonates and their families, both during the hospitalization, and a positive socio-economic effect throughout their lives (education, work, disability).SIWe thank the Neonatal Care Unit of the León University Hospital for taking part in this project, as well as all the nurses who participated for their efforts and dedication in collecting data. We are especially grateful to the premature newborns and their family members who kindly contributed to this study with their participation

    Oral supplementation of propionyl-l-carnitine reduces body weight and hyperinsulinaemia in obese Zucker rats

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    Propionyl-l-carnitine (PLC) is an SCFA esterified to carnitine that plays an important role in fatty acid oxidation and energy expenditure, in addition to having a protective effect on the endothelium. In order to evaluate the effect of PLC on an animal model of obesity, insulin resistance and, consequently, endothelial dysfunction, lean and obese Zucker rats (OZR) received either vehicle- or PLC-supplemented drinking water (200mg/kg per d) for 20 weeks. Body weight, food intake, systolic blood pressure and heart rate were controlled weekly and an oral glucose tolerance test was performed. Fasting glucose, TAG, cholesterol, HDL, NEFA, adiponectin and insulin were analysed in serum. Visceral adipose tissue and liver were weighed and liver TAG liver composition was evaluated. Endothelial and vascular functions were assessed in the aorta and small mesenteric arteries by response to acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside and phenylephrine (Phe); NO participation was evaluated after incubation with the NO synthase (NOS) inhibitor NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) and endothelial NOS protein expression by Western blotting. PLC decreased body-weight gain, food intake, adiposity, insulin serum concentration and TAG liver content and improved insulin resistance. Aortae from OZR receiving either vehicle or PLC exhibited a lower contractile response to Phe. PLC-treated OZR showed an enhanced release of endothelial NO upon the adrenergic stimulation. The protection of vascular function found after treatment with PLC in an animal model of insulin resistance supports the necessity of clinical trials showing the effect of l-carnitine supplements on metabolic disorders.Junta de Andalucía CTS-17

    The relationship between inflation rates in advanced economies

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    Artículo de revistaThis article analyses the link between the changes in and the drivers of inflation in a broad range of advanced economies, with special emphasis on those of the euro area. Inflation rates are seen to be highly synchronised across countries, especially in the euro area economies, reflecting their close economic and financial links and the common monetary policy. Also, the comovement of inflation is found to be a phenomenon that tends to be more visible in the medium and long-term. At the same time, the synchronisation of core inflation, which is based on products with more stable prices, is seen to be limited. The interdependence of headline inflation, by contrast, is significantly higher and has increased considerably in recent years. The drivers of inflation, according to New Keynesian Phillips curve models, such as inflation expectations, the cyclical position and external prices, also help to explain the relationship between inflation rates in advanced economies and especially in those of the euro area

    Inflation interdependence in advanced economies

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    Aunque la literatura sobre el grado de comovimiento del PIB entre países es prolífica, existe poca evidencia sobre la interdependencia de la inflación. En este trabajo, se analizan los comovimientos de la inflación en un amplio conjunto de economías avanzadas, prestando especial atención a los países del área del euro. Los resultados confirman que el grado de interdependencia de la inflación entre las economías avanzadas es bastante elevado, pero es todavía mayor entre los países de la zona del euro, que tienen fuertes vínculos comerciales y comparten una política monetaria común. Asimismo, el componente energético muestra el mayor grado de sincronización, lo que puede reflejar la existencia de shocks comunes en el precio del petróleo. Un resultado inesperado, que se mantiene robusto frente a distintas especificaciones empíricas, es que el grado de interdependencia de la inflación subyacente en su conjunto es muy reducido. Este resultado se mantiene tanto para los bienes industriales no energéticos como para los servicios. Por último, identificamos que la sincronización de la inflación parece estar ligada a las variables recogidas en los modelos neokeynesianos de curva de Phillips de economía abierta y en los modelos de mark-up de preciosAlthough there is a vast literature on GDP comovement across countries, there is scant evidence on inflation interdependence. We analyze inflation comovements across a wide set of advanced economies and across the subset of euro area countries. Some of our findings are expected, such as the fact that inflation interdependence among advanced economies is quite relevant, but is higher among euro area countries, which show strong trade links and a share common monetary policy, or the fact that inflation synchronization among countries is highest for energy prices, reflecting common oil shocks. We also find a robust puzzle: core inflation interdependence is fairly low and this result holds for both core goods and services. Inflation synchronization seems to be particularly linked to comovements in driving variables of open economy new Keynesian Phillips curve and mark-up pricing model

    Therapeutical interest of statins in the treatment of atherosclerosis

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    Los inhibidores de la HMG-Co A reductasa o estatinas, son fármacos muy utilizados en el tratamiento de la hipercolesterolemia, ya que consiguen disminuir la concentración plamática de lipoproteína de baja densidad (LDL) regulando la síntesis endógena de colesterol y por tanto, de receptores para LDL. Recientemente se ha comprobado como el tratamiento prolongado con estos fármacos disminuyen la mortalidad y morbilidad cardiovascular. Este fenómeno puede explicarse por los efectos beneficiosos directos de las estatinas en el desarrollo de la placa de ateroma. Las estatinas disminuyen la proliferación y migración de células de musculatura lisa vascular e inducen apoptosis de estas células. También previenen la oxidación de LDL y la formación de células espumosas, reducen la respuesta inflamatoria asociada a la aterosclerosis, normalizan los fenómenos de coagulación y fibrinolisis y por último mejoran significativamente la función endotelial. Todas estas propiedades parecen estar mediadas compuestos isoprenoides intermediarios de la ruta metabólica de la HMG-Co A reductasa, y son indepen- dientes de la concentración de colesterol en el medio. Por tanto, las estatinas también podrían ser utilizadas en enfermedades asociadas a disfunción endotelial indepen- dientemente de las cifras analíticas de LDL, tal y como sucede en la hipertensió

    Endothelium modulates contractile response to simvastatin in rat aorta

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    Simvastatin is an inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase used in the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. In the present study simvastatin-induced contraction was observed in rat aortic thoracic rings, this effect increased when the endothelium was removed and when NO synthase was blocked by L-NOARG (3 x 10-5 M). The contractile effect of simvastatin on intact aortic rings diminished when cyclo-oxygenase was inhibited with indomethacin (10-5 M). Also in the presence of endothelium, pretreatment with mevalonate (1 mM), the product of HMGCoA reductase activity, significantly inhibited the contraction. In other experiments carried out on endothelium-removed preparations and in medium containing the calcium antagonist, diltiazem (10-5 and 10-6 M), the contraction dose-response curves were significantly reduced and the same happened in the presence of the inhibitor of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca-2+ATPase, cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) (3 x 10-6 M). The results suggest that simvastatin might increase intracellular calcium concentration. This effect could lead to an activation of NO synthase and cyclooxygenase pathways in endothelial cells and to contraction in vascular smooth muscle cells. This rise in Ca2+ concentration could be due to an inhibition of isoprenoid synthesis prevented by mevalonate