40 research outputs found

    The diversity and evolution of pollination systems in large plant clades: Apocynaceae as a case study

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    Background and Aims Large clades of angiosperms are often characterized by diverse interactions with pollinators, but how these pollination systems are structured phylogenetically and biogeographically is still uncertain for most families. Apocynaceae is a clade of >5300 species with a worldwide distribution. A database representing >10 % of species in the family was used to explore the diversity of pollinators and evolutionary shifts in pollination systems across major clades and regions. Methods The database was compiled from published and unpublished reports. Plants were categorized into broad pollination systems and then subdivided to include bimodal systems. These were mapped against the five major divisions of the family, and against the smaller clades. Finally, pollination systems were mapped onto a phylogenetic reconstruction that included those species for which sequence data are available, and transition rates between pollination systems were calculated. Key Results Most Apocynaceae are insect pollinated with few records of bird pollination. Almost three-quarters of species are pollinated by a single higher taxon (e.g. flies or moths); 7 % have bimodal pollination systems, whilst the remaining approx. 20 % are insect generalists. The less phenotypically specialized flowers of the Rauvolfioids are pollinated by a more restricted set of pollinators than are more complex flowers within the Apocynoids + Periplocoideae + Secamonoideae + Asclepiadoideae (APSA) clade. Certain combinations of bimodal pollination systems are more common than others. Some pollination systems are missing from particular regions, whilst others are over-represented. Conclusions Within Apocynaceae, interactions with pollinators are highly structured both phylogenetically and biogeographically. Variation in transition rates between pollination systems suggest constraints on their evolution, whereas regional differences point to environmental effects such as filtering of certain pollinators from habitats. This is the most extensive analysis of its type so far attempted and gives important insights into the diversity and evolution of pollination systems in large clades


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    La revista Población y Salud en Mesoamérica tiene el agrado de poner a su disposición el volumen 11, número 2, correspondiente al periodo entre enero y julio del año 2014. En esta oportunidad, le presentamos un total de siete publicaciones, entre las cuales podrá encontrar seis artículos científicos y un documento histórico.En el primer artículo, Carballo propone la validación de una variante del método Paridez/Fecundidad (P/F) de Brass para estimar la fecundidad a nivel cantonal para Costa Rica; concluye que los índices sintéticos de fecundidad cantonal con la variante del método P/F sobreestiman los nacimientos de las estadísticas vitales. En el segundo artículo, Martínez y Fernández elaboran una investigación que aborda las barreras y los facilitadores para el uso de los servicios de primer nivel de atención de la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social, por parte de la población de uno a menos de seis años en dos comunidades costarricenses. Las autoras concluyen que las razones de uso están relacionadas con el buen trato por parte de los funcionarios y la comodidad de las instalaciones; mientras que las razones de no uso están ligadas a la ausencia de enfermedad, la falta de información y los problemas económicos de las usuarias.En el tercer artículo, Morera muestra los patrones geográficos de las hospitalizaciones por infarto agudo al miocardio en Costa Rica en el trienio 2010-2012; el autor pone en evidencia un patrón de bajas tasas de hospitalización en áreas de salud fuera del Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM). Dado que en la GAM se ubican los hospitales de mayor complejidad, el autor sugiere que esta situación podría estar relacionada con la dificultad de acceso a los servicios de hospitalización fuera de la GAM.Nuestro cuarto artículo, realizado por Ribotta y colaboradores, nos transporta hasta el sur del continente americano. Ofrece una reflexión sobre los alcances y limitaciones de las fuentes de información para el monitoreo de los derechos de los adultos mayores de Argentina y Uruguay, basado en el enfoque de los derechos humanos.El quinto artículo científico realiza una evaluación de la energía y los macronutrientes de la alimentación servida a niños y niñas menores de seis años en centros de cuido y hogares comunitarios de la Gran Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica; en él, Zúñiga y Fernández concluyen que la mayoría de los platos servidos a esta población de estudio no cumplen con el aporte de energía recomendado, mientras que el aporte de carbohidratos superó las recomendaciones en todos los centros estudiados.El sexto artículo nos traslada a México; en él, Reyes y Álvarez evalúan los programas de formación de promotores para la prevención y el control de la tuberculosis en la región fronteriza de Chiapas. Las autoras elaboran sus conclusiones en torno a la importancia de la participación comunitaria para definir el problema de la tuberculosis y reflexionar sobre los posibles caminos a seguir. Se demuestra la eficacia de la capacitación de promotores y su utilidad en el proceso de tratamiento de la tuberculosis a nivel comunitario.Nuestra sección de documentos históricos es un homenaje póstumo a la Dra. Doris Sosa Jara, quien fue decana de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad de Costa Rica por espacio de ocho años, además de activa colaboradora de esta revista. Luis Rosero hace una caracterización del aporte académico de la Dra. Sosa, y nos recuerda su carrera profesional y las cualidades humanas que siempre la caracterizaron.De parte del Comité Editorial de Población y Salud en Mesoamérica, les extendemos las más sinceras gracias a todos los autores por elegirnos como portal electrónico para la publicación de sus estudios académicos e investigaciones, y a los lectores, quienes son los que nos alientan a continuar trabajando para mejorar la calidad de nuestras publicaciones

    Evaluación del impacto ambiental debido a las actividades de la feria de ganado del cantón Biblián y propuesta de un plan de manejo ambiental

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    Al sur del cantón Biblián (provincia del Cañar) se desarrolla los días sábados la actividad de feria de ganado. Esta actividad genera problemas ambientales como, por ejemplo: ruido, descarga de aguas residuales (en el río Burgay que pasa junto al lugar de la feria), excrementos de los animales, polvo, malos olores, residuos sólidos, emisiones atmosféricas (producidas por los vehículos que acuden a la feria) y microorganismos patógenos. Sin embargo, no existen estudios que hayan evaluado el grado de contaminación y los posibles efectos en el ambiente del lugar, por ello, en esta tesis hemos realizado una evaluación de impacto ambiental, que permita estimar la gravedad de los daños y además que permita formular un plan de manejo ambiental. Para realizar esta evaluación se utilizó la matriz de Conesa Fernández-Vítora y además se tomaron muestras para determinar la calidad del agua, del aire y del suelo que está influenciado directamente por la feria, además, también, se analizaron los beneficios económicos. Los resultados de la evaluación indicaron que si existieron varios impactos que fueron de grado moderado y también algunos que fueron de grado severo. En función de estos impactos se formuló un plan de manejo ambiental que contribuya a la prevención, mitigación y atenuación de los dañosTo the south of the canton Biblián (province of Cañar) the activity of cattle fair takes place on Saturdays. This activity generates environmental problems such as: noise, wastewater discharge (in the Burgay river that passes next to the fair place), animal feces, dust, bad odors, solid waste, atmospheric emissions (produced by vehicles who attend the fair) and pathogenic microorganisms. However, there are no studies that have evaluated the degree of contamination and the possible effects on the environment of the place, therefore, in this thesis we have carried out an environmental impact assessment, which allows us to estimate the severity of the damage and also allows us to formulate an environmental management plan. To carry out this evaluation, the Conesa Fernández-Vítora matrix was used and samples were also taken to determine the quality of the water, air and soil that is directly influenced by the fair, in addition, the economic benefits were also analyzed. The results of the evaluation indicated that there were several impacts that were of moderate degree and also some that were of severe degree. Based on these impacts, an environmental management plan was formulated that contributes to the prevention, mitigation and mitigation of damagesIngeniera AmbientalCuenc

    QCD sum rules and the properties of rho and Phi meson excited states

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    Proteins from jackfruit seed defatted flour were fractionated, characterized and extracted using an alkaline solution and isoelectric precipitation, which was followed by an ultrasound treatment, for preparation and determination of the physicochemical and functional properties of a protein isolate. Glutelins were the dominant fraction, which are composed of 15–20 kDa polypeptides. The protein content, water and oil absorption capacity and least gelation concentration of the jackfruit seed protein isolate were 952.1 g/kg (dry basis), 6.42 ml water/g protein and 6.07 ml oil/g protein and 9% (at pH 6), respectively, whereas the greatest protein solubility, emulsifying activity, emulsion stability, foaming capacity and stability were 94.4%, 127%, 127%, 254% and 164%, respectively, and depended on the pH; the predicted PER was 2.36. In light of the functional and nutritive properties determined in this study, jackfruit seed protein isolate could be a novel protein source for use in food systems

    Phosphate Favors the Biosynthesis of CdS Quantum Dots in Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans ATCC 19703 by Improving Metal Uptake and Tolerance

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    Recently, we reported the production of Cadmium sulfide (CdS) fluorescent semiconductor nanoparticles (quantum dots, QDs) by acidophilic bacteria of the Acidithiobacillus genus. Here, we report that the addition of inorganic phosphate to Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans ATCC 19703 cultures favors the biosynthesis of CdS QDs at acidic conditions (pH 3.5). The effect of pH, phosphate and cadmium concentrations on QDs biosynthesis was studied by using Response Surface Methodology (RSM), a multivariate technique for analytical optimization scarcely used in microbiological studies to date. To address how phosphate affects intracellular biosynthesis of CdS QDs, the effect of inorganic phosphate on bacterial cadmium-uptake was evaluated. By measuring intracellular levels of cadmium we determined that phosphate influences the capacity of cells to incorporate this metal. A relation between cadmium tolerance and phosphate concentrations was also determined, suggesting that phosphate participates in the adaptation of bacteria to toxic levels of this metal. In addition, QDs-biosynthesis was also favored by the degradation of intracellular polyphosphates. Altogether, our results indicate that phosphate contributes to A. thiooxidans CdS QDs biosynthesis by influencing cadmium uptake and cadmium tolerance. These QDs may also be acting as a nucleation point for QDs formation at acidic pH. This is the first study reporting the effect of phosphates on QDs biosynthesis and describes a new cadmium-response pathway present in A. thiooxidans and most probably in other bacterial species

    Sepsis in the emergency department: Key points, controversies, and proposals for improvements in Latin America Puntos clave y controversias sobre la sepsis en los servicios de urgencias: Propuestas de mejora para Latinoamérica

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    Although infection rates and the impact of infection on hospital emergency departments (EDs) are known or can be reliably estimated, the incidence and prevalence of sepsis vary in relation to which definitions or registers used. Sepsis is also well known to be under-diagnosed by physicians in general and by ED physicians in particular. Over half of sepsis cases are community-acquired, and 50% to 60% of patients in intensive care units (ICUs) with sepsis or septic shock are admitted directly from the ED. Pneumonia and urinary tract infections are the most common points of focus in sepsis, septic shock, bacteremia, and ED admissions to the ICU for infectious processes. For this article a multinational group of experts representing Latin American emergency medicine associations reviewed and analyzed similarities and differences in the epidemiology of sepsis in different geographic locations. We consider key aspects and geographic similarities and differences in the early identification of patients with severe sepsis; criteria that define the diagnosis; appropriate early antibiotic and fluid therapy; the roles of triage systems and multidisciplinary sepsis code units; and the use of biological markers in this time-dependent disease. We also discuss key points and strategies for improving the diagnosis, prognosis, and care of sepsis patients in the ED

    El teletrabajo: un antes, un durante y un después de la pandemia

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    El interés de discusión en este capítulo se centra en mostrar la evolución que ha tenido el teletrabajo desde antes y durante la pandemia, para así describir los retos que una futura regulación del teletrabajo en tiempos de pospandemia generaría en el ámbito del trabajo. Este capítulo se ocupa, inicialmente, de la génesis del teletrabajo, su alcance jurídico, las modalidades, las ventajas y desventajas de su implementación, las garantías y los riesgos que se pueden derivar del mismo. Más adelante se trata la identificación de las diferencias entre el trabajo en casa y el teletrabajo, la descripción de los trabajos que posibilitan el teletrabajo y aquellos que no lo posibilitan, así como las barreras de acceso que esta figura presenta. Y por último, se plantean en forma positiva por los principales retos que puede implicar una regulación a futuro del teletrabajo, tales como: la implementación de un teletrabajo con garantías y prevención de riesgos, el respeto de los derechos que tiene el teletrabajador, la configuración específica del derecho a la desconexión digital, además de los retos que para la empresa y las administradoras de riesgos laborales se derivan de una implementación adecuada del teletrabajo

    Thyroid hormones and breast cancer association according to menopausal status and body mass index

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    Abstract Background Thyroxine (T4) has been positively associated with tumor cell proliferation, while the effect of triiodothyronine (T3) on cell proliferation has not been well-established because it differs according to the type of cell line used. In Mexico, it has been reported that 14.5% of adult women have some type of thyroid dysfunction and abnormalities in thyroid function tests have been observed in a variety of non-thyroidal illnesses, including breast cancer (BC). These abnormalities might change with body mass index (BMI) because thyroid hormones are involved in the regulation of various metabolic pathways and probably by menopausal status because obesity has been negatively associated with BC in premenopausal women and has been positively associated with BC in postmenopausal women. Methods To assess the association between serum thyroid hormone concentration (T4 and T3) and BC and the influence of obesity as an effect modifier of this relationship in premenopausal and postmenopausal women, we measured serum thyroid hormone and thyroid antibody levels in 682 patients with incident breast cancer (cases) and 731 controls, who participated in a population-based case-control study performed from 2004 to 2007 in three states of Mexico. We tested the association of total T4 (TT4) and total T3 (TT3) stratifying by menopausal status and body mass index (BMI), and adjusted for other health and demographic risk factors using logistic regressions models. Results Higher serum total T4 (TT4) concentrations were associated with BC in both premenopausal (odds ratio (OR) per standard deviation = 5.98, 95% CI 3.01–11.90) and postmenopausal women (OR per standard deviation = 2.81, 95% CI 2.17–3.65). In premenopausal women, the effect of TT4 decreased as BMI increased while the opposite was observed in postmenopausal women. The significance of the effect modification was marginal (p = 0.059) in postmenopausal women and was not significant in premenopausal women (p = 0.22). Lower TT3 concentrations were associated with BC in both premenopausal and postmenopausal women and no effect modification was observed. Conclusions There is a strong association between BC and serum concentrations of TT3 and TT4; this needs to be further investigated to understand why it happens and how important it is to consider these alterations in treatment