390 research outputs found

    Resolving parameter degeneracies in long-baseline experiments by atmospheric neutrino data

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    In this work we show that the physics reach of a long-baseline (LBL) neutrino oscillation experiment based on a superbeam and a megaton water Cherenkov detector can be significantly increased if the LBL data are combined with data from atmospheric neutrinos (ATM) provided by the same detector. ATM data are sensitive to the octant of Ξ23\theta_{23} and to the type of the neutrino mass hierarchy, mainly through three-flavor effects in e-like events. This allows to resolve the so-called Ξ23\theta_{23}- and sign(Δm312\Delta m^2_{31})-parameter degeneracies in LBL data. As a consequence it becomes possible to distinguish the normal from the inverted neutrino mass ordering at 2σ2\sigma CL from a combined LBL+ATM analysis if sin⁥22Ξ13≳0.02\sin^2 2\theta_{13} \gtrsim 0.02. The potential to identify the true values of sin⁥22Ξ13\sin^2 2\theta_{13} and the CP-phase ÎŽcp\delta_{cp} is significantly increased through the lifting of the degeneracies. These claims are supported by a detailed simulation of the T2K (phase II) LBL experiment combined with a full three-flavor analysis of ATM data in the HyperKamiokande detector.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figure

    Physics Potential of the SPL Super Beam

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    Performances of a neutrino beam generated by the CERN SPL proton driver are computed considering a 440 kton water Cerenkov detector at 130 km from the target. Ξ13\theta_{13} sensitivity down to 1.2∘1.2^\circ and a ÎŽ\delta sensitivity comparable to a Neutrino Factory, for Ξ13≄3∘\theta_{13} \geq 3^\circ, are within the reach of such a project.Comment: Invited talk at the Nufact02 Workshop, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, July 200

    A sterile neutrino scenario constrained by experiments and cosmology

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    We discuss a model in which three active and one sterile neutrino account for the solar, the atmospheric and the LSND neutrino anomalies. It is shown that if NΜ<4N_\nu<4 then these and other experiments and big bang nucleosynthesis constrain all the mixing angles severely, and allow only the small-angle MSW solution. If these neutrinos are of Majorana type, then negative results of neutrinoless double beta decay experiments imply that the total mass of neutrinos is not sufficient to account for all the hot dark matter components.Comment: LaTeX, 36 page

    A Mass Matrix for Atmospheric, Solar, and LSND Neutrino Oscillations

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    We construct a mass matrix for the four neutrino flavors, three active and one sterile, needed to fit oscillations in all three neutrino experiments: atmospheric, solar, and LSND, simultaneously. It organizes the neutrinos into two doublets whose central values are about 1 eV apart, and whose splittings are of the order of 10^(-3) eV. Atmospheric neutrino oscillations are described as maximal mixing within the upper doublet, and solar as the same within the lower doublet. Then LSND is a weak transition from one doublet to the other. We comment on the Majorana versus Dirac nature of the active neutrinos and show that our mass matrix can be derived from an S_2 x S_2 permutation symmetry plus an equal splitting rule.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figures, minor text change

    Limits on Active-Sterile Neutrino Mixing and the Primordial Deuterium Abundance

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    Studies of limits on active-sterile neutrino mixing derived from big bang nucleosynthesis considerations are extended to consider the dependance of these constraints on the primordial deuterium abundance. This study is motivated by recent measurements of D/H in quasar absorption systems, which at present yield discordant results. Limits on active-sterile mixing are somewhat relaxed for high D/H. For low D/H (≈2×10−5\approx 2 \times 10^{-5}), no active-sterile neutrino mixing is allowed by currently popular upper limits on the primordial 4^4He abundance YY. For such low primordial D/H values, the observational inference of active-sterile neutrino mixing by upcoming solar neutrino experiments would imply that YY has been systematically underestimated, unless there is new physics not included in standard BBN.Comment: 10 pages + 2 figures, uses revtex macros, submitted to Phys. Rev. D. Corrected figure captions and an added referenc

    Is CP Violation Observable in Long Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Experiments ?

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    We have studied CP violation originated by the phase of the neutrino mixing matrix in the long baseline neutrino oscillation experiments. The direct measurements of CP violation is the difference of the transition probabilities between CP-conjugate channels. In those experiments, the CP violating effect is not suppressed if the highest neutrino mass scale is taken to be 1\sim 5 \eV, which is appropriate for the cosmological hot dark matter. Assuming the hierarchy for the neutrino masses, the upper bounds of CP violation have been caluculated for three cases, in which mixings are constrained by the recent short baseline ones. The calculated upper bounds are larger than 10−210^{-2}, which will be observable in the long baseline accelerator experiments. The matter effect, which is not CP invariant, has been also estimated in those experiments.Comment: 28 pages, LaTex file, 6 figures included using epsfig Matter effect is estimated(Figs.3(a) (b)). Physical parameters are change

    Experimental study of the atmospheric neutrino backgrounds for p→e+π0 searches in water Cherenkov detectors

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    The atmospheric neutrino background for proton decay via p→e+π0 in ring imaging water Cherenkov detectors is studied with an artificial accelerator neutrino beam for the first time. In total, 3.14×105 neutrino events corresponding to about 10 megaton-years of atmospheric neutrino interactions were collected by a 1000 ton water Cherenkov detector (KT). The KT charged-current single π0 production data are well reproduced by simulation programs of neutrino and secondary hadronic interactions used in the Super-Kamiokande (SK) proton decay search. The obtained p→e+π0 background rate by the KT data for SK from the atmospheric neutrinos whose energies are below 3 GeV is 1.63-0.33+0.42(stat)-0.51+0.45(syst)(megaton-year)- 1. This result is also relevant to possible future, megaton-scale water Cherenkov detectors. © 2008 The American Physical Society

    Measurement of inclusive charged current interactions on carbon in a few-GeV neutrino beam

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    The SciBooNE Collaboration reports a measurement of inclusive charged current interactions of muon neutrinos on carbon with an average energy of 0.8 GeV using the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam. We compare our measurement with two neutrino interaction simulations: NEUT and NUANCE. The charged current interaction rates (product of flux and cross section) are extracted by fitting the muon kinematics, with a precision of 6-15% for the energy dependent and 3% for the energy integrated analyses. We also extract CC inclusive interaction cross sections from the observed rates, with a precision of 10-30% for the energy dependent and 8% for the energy integrated analyses. This is the first measurement of the CC inclusive cross section on carbon around 1 GeV. These results can be used to convert previous SciBooNE cross section ratio measurements to absolute cross section values.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by Phys. Rev. D. Minor revisions to match the accepted versio

    Four--Neutrino Oscillation Solutions of the Solar Neutrino Problem

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    We present an analysis of the neutrino oscillation solutions of the solar neutrino problem in the framework of four-neutrino mixing where a sterile neutrino is added to the three standard ones. We perform a fit to the full data set corresponding to the 825-day Super-Kamiokande data sample as well as to Chlorine, GALLEX and SAGE and Kamiokande experiments. In our analysis we use all measured total event rates as well as all Super-Kamiokande data on the zenith angle dependence and the recoil electron energy spectrum. We consider both transitions via the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) mechanism as well as oscillations in vacuum (just-so) and find the allowed solutions for different values of the additional mixing angles. This framework permits transitions into active or sterile neutrinos controlled by the additional parameter cos⁥2(ϑ23)cos⁥2(ϑ24)\cos^2(\vartheta_{23}) \cos^2(\vartheta_{24}) . We discuss the maximum allowed values of this additional mixing parameter for the different solutions.Comment: 28 pages Latex file using RevTeX. 8 postscript figures included (bitmapped for compression). Detailed explanation of criterion 3 and lower two graphs of Fig. 8. Misprints corrected in table II.A full version of the paper can be found at http://ific.uv.es/~penya/papers/four
