1,827 research outputs found

    Trace elements and C and N isotope composition in two mushroom species from a mine-spill contaminated site

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    Fungi play a key role in the functioning of soil in terrestrial ecosystems, and in particular in the remediation of degraded soils. The contribution of fungi to carbon and nutrient cycles, along with their capability to mobilise soil trace elements, is well-known. However, the importance of life history strategy for these functions has not yet been thoroughly studied. This study explored the soil-fungi relationship of two wild edible fungi, the ectomycorrhizal Laccaria laccata and the saprotroph Volvopluteus gloiocephalus. Fruiting bodies and surrounding soils in a mine-spill contaminated area were analysed. Isotope analyses revealed Laccaria laccata fruiting bodies were 15N-enriched when compared to Volvopluteus gloiocephalus, likely due to the transfer of 15N-depleted compounds to their host plant. Moreover, Laccaria laccata fruiting bodies δ13C values were closer to host plant values than surrounding soil, while Volvopluteus gloiocephalus matched the δ13C composition to that of the soil. Fungal species presented high bioaccumulation and concentrations of Cd and Cu in their fruiting bodies. Human consumption of these fruiting bodies may represent a toxicological risk due to their elevated Cd concentrations

    The so-called Itinerario de Barro. Questions of authenticity and interpretation

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    El empleo de la técnica de la termoluminiscencia sobre las 4 tablillas del denominado Itinerario de Barro, objeto de una encendida polémica desde su publicación hace casi un siglo, ha permitido establecer su autenticidad. A partir de esta constatación esbozamos la hipótesis de identificación de las mansiones de cada uno de los itinerarios y reinterpretamos esta fuente en el contexto de la red viaria del norte y occidente peninsulares, señalando los problemas que aún plantea.The authenticity of the so-called Itinerario de Barro has been proven thanks to the use of the thermoluminescence technique on the four fired clay tablets. Controversy around Itinerario de Barro has existed since it was first published almost one century ago, and the verification of its authenticity has been the basis to offer an outline of the identification hypothesis of mansiones. This source is reinterpreted here in the framework of the road network in Northern and Western Spain, and the problems that are still rela - ted thereto are mentioned

    New evidences of early Christianity in Asturias: christograms of the roman villa of Veranes (Gijón)

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    En este trabajo se presentan unos grafitos con anagramas cristianos realizados sobre sillares de arenisca extraídos de la obra arquitectónica de la villa romana de Veranes. El sillar con mayor número de grabados se reutilizó en una tumba de la necrópolis que ocupó el espacio de la villa a partir del siglo V d.C. Los análisis óseos del enterramiento nos permiten datar el momento de uso de esta tumba en el periodo tardoantiguo, así como plantear una reflexión sobre el primitivo cristianismo en Asturias.This paper deals with the graffiti containing Christian anagrams on sandstone blocks found in the Roman villa of Veranes (Gijón, Asturias). Ashlars with various engravings were reused in a tomb in the necropolis that occupied the space of the villa from the fifth century A.D. The analysis of the buried bones indicates that the tomb dates back to the Late Antiquity period and allows us to reflect on early Christianity in Asturias

    Ostracods from the global stratotype section for de base of the Aalenian stage, Jurassic, at Fuentelsaz section (Cordillera Ibérica, Spain)

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    The Toarcian/Aalenian Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) have been recently placed in the Fuentelsaz section, northeastern Spain. This paper is part of a long-term project that attempts to describe for the first time the fossil ostracod assemblages present in the Toarcian-Aalenian boundary GSSP, and to assess their palaeobiogeographical significance. The study of the Late Toarcian-Early Aalenian Turmiel and Casinos formations at the Fuentelsaz section has produced a detailed stratigraphy and a large collection of stratigraphically constrained ostracod faunas. Twenty benthic ostracod species have been identified and for the first time described in Spain. Higher part of the Mactra Subzone, Late Toarcian, have yielded abundant ostracod faunas, including mostly species of the genera Praeschuleridea, Cytherelloidea and Kinkelinella; fossiliferous marls of the Late Toarcian and part of the Early Aalenian and poorly fossiliferous marls at the beginning of the Opalinum Zone are dominated by Praeschuleridea and Cytherelloidea. The boundary between the Toarcian and Aalenian is not characterized by any radical change in the ostracod faunal composition. The Fuentelsaz sequence exhibits ostracod assemblages comparable to those recorded in western Europe, with many of their species having similar stratigraphical distributions

    Academic performance of immigrant students and teachers’ expectations

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en conocer si el pensamiento del docente es un pensamiento profético, es decir, si esas actitudes y acciones docentes penetran en el alumnado y condicionan su desempeño académico. Para ello se analizan las creencias de 167 docentes de Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria y Educación Secundaria de la provincia de Córdoba (España). Se utilizó un cuestionario para conocer la relación entre el alumnado inmigrante y su posible influjo en el logro académico. Los hallazgos evidencian, en primer lugar, la escasa confianza del profesorado en el alumnado no autóctono, fenómeno que es en gran medida inconsciente; en segundo lugar, resultados escolares más bajos en este alumnado con relación al autóctono; y, finalmente, un estilo atribucional externo en los docentes, para quienes las familias y los recursos organizativos de la institución escolar, no ellos, son los factores determinantes del logro escolar.This paper focuses on whether teachers’ thinking is prophetic, that is, whether these attitudes and actions permeate the students and condition their academic performance. To this end, we analyzed the beliefs of 167 teachers of Early Childhood, Elementary and High School Education in the province of Córdoba (Spain). A questionnaire was used to know the relationship between teachers’ beliefs about immigrant students and their possible influence on academic achievements. In the first place, the findings show the teachers’ lack of confidence in non-native students, a phenomenon that is largely unconscious; in the second place, lower school results in these students in relation to natives; and, finally, an external attributional style in teachers, for whom the families and the organizational resources of the school institution, not them, are the determining factors of school achievement.O eixo da presente pesquisa é investigar se o pensamento dos professores é um pensamento profético, ou seja, se suas atitudes e ações penetram nos alunos e condicionam o seu desempenho acadêmico. Para este fim, são analisadas as crenças de 167 professores de Educação Infantil, Educação Básica e Ensino Médio da província de Córdoba (Espanha). Foi utilizado um questionário para saber a relação entre os alunos imigrantes e sua possível influência no desempenho acadêmico. Os resultados mostram, em primeiro lugar, a baixa confiança dos professores nos alunos não nativos, fenômeno em grande parte inconsciente; em segundo lugar, registra-se um desempenho acadêmico mais baixo neste corpo discente em relação aos autóctones e, finalmente, um estilo de atribuição externo aos professores, para os quais as famílias e os recursos organizacionais da instituição escolar, e não eles, são os fatores determinantes do desempenho acadêmico

    Analysis of Research Topics and Scientific Collaborations in Energy Saving Using Bibliometric Techniques and Community Detection

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    Concern about everything related to energy is increasingly latent in the world and therefore the use of energy saving concepts has been increasing over the past several years. The interest in the subject has allowed a conceptual evolution in the scientific community regarding the understanding of the adequate use of energy. The objective of this work is to determine the contribution made by international institutions to the specialized publications in the area of energy-saving from 1939 to 2018, using Scopus Database API Interface. The methodology followed in this research was to perform a bibliometric analysis of the whole scientific production indexed in Scopus. The world’s scientific production has been analysed in the following domains: First the trend over time, types of publications and countries, second, the main subjects and keywords, third, main institutions and their main topics, and fourth, the main journals and proceedings that publish on this topic. Then, these data are presented using community detection algorithms and graph visualization software. With these techniques, it is possible to determine the main areas of research activity as well as to identify the structures of the collaboration network in the field of renewable energy. The results of the work show that the literature in this field have substantially increased during the last 10 years

    Heterocyclic GSK-3 allosteric modulators

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    [ES] La presente invención se refiere a derivados heterocíclicos de quinolinas sustituidas como inhibidores alostéricos del enzima glucógeno sintasa quinasa 3 (GSK-3). Estos compuestos, por tanto, son útiles para la fabricación de un medicamento para el tratamiento y/o prevención de enfermedades en las que GSK-3 esté implicada, tales como, enfermedades neurodegenerativas, enfermedades inflamatorias, cáncer, diabetes, así como para promover diversos procesos regenerativos.[EN] The invention relates to heterocyclic derivatives of substituted quinolines as allosteric inhibitors of the glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK-3) enzyme. Thus, said compounds can be used in the production of a drug for the treatment and/or prevention of diseases in which GSK-3 is involved, such as: neurodegenerative diseases, inflammatory diseases, cancer and diabetes, as well as to promote a plurality of regenerative processes.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)A1 Solicitud de patente con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    Agritourism project in Terra de Lemos (Galicia)

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    El proyecto Ronsel, Plan de recuperación del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de Galicia, pretende la puesta en valor y salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (PCI) de Galicia. La complejidad de este PCI, fruto de la densidad de manifestaciones culturales de la sociedad, precisaba del establecimiento de un plan de acción que respondiese a los siguientes objetivos básicos: Identificación, documentación, investigación, protección, promoción, transmisión y difusión del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial. El Proyecto Ronsel sostiene que es posible definir estrategias de desarrollo socioeconómico a partir del conocimiento tradicional, mediante propuestas innovadoras que garantizando nuestra propia supervivencia, contribuyan a la conservación del contorno natural y social. El siguiente artículo, expone la iniciativa financiada por el programa (INCITE) , sobre un plan piloto de creación de productos turísticos en torno al PCI.The Project for the Recovery of Galician Intangible Cultural Heritage known as Ronsel Project intends to promote the reassesment and conservation of Galician Intangible Cultural Heritage or Patrimonio cultural inmaterial (PCI). The richness and complexity of heritage derived from a great variety of cultural and social expressions calls for the establishment of a wide action plan that proves capable of achieving the following basic goals: identification, documentation, research, protection, promotion, transmission and socialization of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Ronsel Project, departs from the principle that it is possible to identify strategies of economic development based on the traditional knowledge and practices that allow for innovative ways of administering, thus contributing to guarantee the sustainable growth of the community and the conservation of its natural and social environment. The following article presents the activities financed by the INCITE program, thus offering a first assessment on designing tourism products based on intangible cultural heritage