206 research outputs found

    Reflections of “Use of Comics in Social Studies Education” Course: The Opinion and Experiences of Teachers

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    It is well known that a quality teacher education is necessary for qualified education. Teachers must be well-trained in multiple areas and have an open-minded structure. They must develop strategies based on the lesson and students, which needs effective material development and use. The materials to be used could be prepared by others and can be incorporated into the classroom setting or teachers could design and present them to students, which is essential for the quality of instruction. When a teacher creates and effectively employs instructional materials, his/her self-confidence will increase and teaching will be enriched and made easier. Comics is one of those materials enriching classroom. This study seeks to elucidate the perspectives and experiences of teachers who took course The Use of Comics in Social Studies Education on generating comics as educational materials. The instructor of the relevant course designed and implemented it for the first time in 2019. This is the first and only course of its kind in Turkey. It is an elective graduate course at Yildiz Technical University Faculty of Education, Istanbul, Turkey. The purpose of the courses is to introduce comics, explain the use of comics as an educational resource, and enhance the professional skills and competencies of teachers and teacher candidates. In this study, teachers who completed the course at the master\u27s level were examined. The study group consisted of twelve social studies teachers who took the course between 2019 and 2022, when it was offered for the first time. As a qualitative study, interviews were utilised to collect the data, then analysed through content analysis. The research revealed that the course The Use of Comics in Social Studies Education contributed positively to the academic and professional experiences of teachers. It has been determined that comics, as a medium, had positive effects on the professional experience of the participants, such as increasing student motivation, enabling learning while having fun, facilitating permanent learning, contributing to the development of empathy skills, and encouraging the formation of reading habits

    In The Process Of Adaptation to European Union, Training and Perception of Turkish Police About the Human Rights (a Research on the Model of Afyonkarahisar)

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    Türkiye’nin AB’ne uyum sürecinde yeteri kadar olgunlasmadan ve toplumsal bilinç olusmadan, birçok yasal düzenlemeler gerçeklestirilmis ve uygulanmaya çalısılmıstır. Böylesine köklü degisikliklerin bu kadar kısa sürede yapılmıs olmasından dolayı, yasaların uygulayıcısı olan diger birimler gibi, polis de derinden etkilenmistir. Uyum yasalarının iyice ögrenilip anlasılmasına, yorumlanıp idrak edilmesine kadar, poliste önyargıların olusmasına neden olmustur. Bunda, AB karsıtı medyanın manipülelerinin de büyük etkisi olmustur. Polis’in moral ve motivasyonunun bozulması, bir takım çıkar gruplarını sevindirmis olabilecegi gibi, bir takım çetelerin türeyip güçlenmesine de zemin teskil etmistir. Belirli bir zaman geçtikten sonra, tüm bu düzenlemelerin, Avrupa standartlarında bir demokrasiye sahip olmak, birey hak ve özgürlüklerini daha iyi garanti altına alabilmek, temel hak ve hürriyetleri daha da güçlendirmek için yapıldıgı anlasılabilmistir. Fakat bu geçis dönemi esnasında, polis ve toplumda meydana gelen çöküntü ve kaygılar halen tamamen yok olmus degildir. Bu çalısma; Afyonkarahisar l Emniyet Müdürlügü ve Afyonkarahisar Polis Meslek Yüksek Okulu Müdürlügü kadrolarında görevli polis amir ve memurları arasında yapılan bir “alan arastırması” niteligindedir. “Demokrasi” ve “ nsan Hakları”, modern toplumların yükselen degerleri arasında gösterilmektedirler. Ancak, kendilerinden beklenen barıs ortamını tesis etmeyi, bu zamana kadar tam olarak basaramamıslardır. Bu çalısmada, bu iki kavram hakkında, polisin tutum ve algısı tespit edilmeye çalısılmıstır.Before the adaptation process of Turkey to European Union got ripen and before the social conscious had constitıted, a lot of lawful arrangements carried out and were tried to put into practice. Because of such fundamental changings were maden in such a short time, police were effected deeply like the other units which puts the laws into practice. It caused constitution of prejudices at the police, until the time that adaptation laws were understood, interpreted and percepted. Manipulations of the media which is on the opposite of the European Union, had a big effect. Damaging of police’s motivation, may be made some benefit groups happy and also it constitute the circumstance that some bandits appeared and got strong. After some time passed; it can be understood that; all this arrangements were carried out to have a democracy at the standards of Europe, to better guarantee the individual rights and freedoms, to more strengthen the basic rights and freedoms. But the depressions and the worries which happened to police and the common during this transition period, weren’t completely removed yet. This working is a “field work” that was researched among the policemen and police chief who are on duty at Afyonkarahisar Province Police Headquarters and Afyonkarahisar Police Trade High School Headquarters. “Democracy” and “Human Rights” are shown among the increasing values. But, they couldn’t manage to establish the peace ambient completely until this time At this working, the attitude and the perception of the police were tried to be determined

    Sosyal Bilgiler Dersinde Çizgi Roman Kullanımı: Teksas Tarihi

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    Comic books are not only a type of reading material but also a useful educative source for various lessons. Based on this, this study aims to examine the effects of comic books on middle school students’ motivation and academic success in social studies course. Quasi-experimental research design was used in the current study, in which 19 students were in experimental group and 20 students were in the control group. The data gathered by the motivation scale and the achievement test. The study lasted for three weeks in 2015-2016 educational year. Findings revealed that students, who were taught by the comic book, in the experimental group, reached significantly better achievement score and higher motivation than their counterparts, who were taught in traditional classroom environment.Çizgi romanlar sadece bir okuma metni değil aynı zamanda çeşitli dersler için faydalı bir eğitsel kaynaktır. Buna dayalı olarak çalışmanın amacı çizgi roman kullanımının ortaokul öğrencilerinin sosyal bilgiler dersindeki başarı ve motivasyonlarını incelemektir. Yarı-deneysel araştırma modelinin kullanıldığı çalışmada 19 öğrenci deney grubunda, 20 öğrenci ise kontrol grubunda yer almıştır. Veriler başarı testi ve motivasyon ölçeği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. 2015-2016 yılı eğitim döneminde yapılan çalışma üç hafta sürmüştür. Elde edilen bulgulardan çıkan sonuçlara göre çizgi romanların kullanıldığı grup, geleneksel yaklaşım ile öğretim yapılan gruba göre daha yüksek başarı elde etmiş ve motivasyonlarının daha çok arttığı belirlenmiştir


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    Several problems such as the deterioration in water regime, climate’s getting harsh, desertification and the decrease in agricultural productivity have been experienced in and around Lake Avlan which was dried in 1970’s entirely for the purpose of opening new cultivation areas. Upon the deterioration, the gates of the regulators were closed by the Ministry of Environment upon the written demand from almost 3000 people from the vicinity by the organization of a mayor and 37 village headmen. Lake Avlan is the first wetland on which a decision of restoration has been taken upon the demand from the people in the vicinity, including the villagers who were given a piece of land from the lake. When the things experienced with the case are taken into consideration, it is observed that the perception of education on environment has changed and the importance of education on environment increased. The education for environment is aimed to raise individuals who are aware of local, regional, national and global problems; who approach these problems with concern and sensitivity; who spend effort voluntarily for thesolution of such problems; and those whose ecological culture, environmental moral and environmental consciousness is high (Atasoy&Ertürk, 2008). The aim of this study is to identify the views of the teachers who work in the schools in the vicinity of Lake Avlan on the lake. The participants of the study are 14 teachers as 9 males and 5 females. The study was designed as a case study, which is one of the methods of qualitative research. The data used in the study were collected by giving interviews to the teachers and were analyzed using content analysis technique. The findings revealed that the teachers rendered superficial information on the social and socioeconomic structure of the Lake Avlan; that they bear confusing ideas about the physical form of the lake and that the information they provide is not sufficient. They all share the idea that Lake Avlan has not been preserved and based upon each participant’sexplanations, the study reached the same conclusion.  Article visualizations

    Influence of cadmium and copper on tissue element levels of pregnant rats

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    In the current study, we examined the effects of Cd on Cd, Cu, Zn and Fe levels in placenta and maternal and fetal plasma and tissues, the placental weight, total fetal and maternal body weights, and fetal and maternal tissue weights during pregnancy. A total of 21 adult female rats were treated during gestation with drinking water containing one of the following: 70 mg/L of CdCl2, a combination of 70 mg/L of CdCl2 and 70 mg/L of CuSO4, or no addition (control). Placenta Cu and Fe levels, fetal liver and kidney Cu levels, and fetal liver tissue weights were lower in the group administered Cd than in the control group. Also, Cd levels in the placenta, maternal and fetal liver, and maternal kidney were higher in the group treated with Cd than in controls. In the group administered both Cd and Cu, fetal body and tissue weights did not change, but Cd levels in the placenta, maternal and fetal liver, and maternal kidneys were higher than in controls. Zn and Fe levels in the maternal kidney and fetal liver were also lower in this group. Cd exposure during pregnancy resulted in Cd accumulation in maternal and fetal tissues during pregnancy and a decrease in the total weight of fetuses, and the combination of Cd and Cu caused some changes in the both maternal and fetal levels of Cu, Zn, and Fe, but it did not cause changes in the total fetal body weight or the weights of individual tissues. © 2007 Versita Warsaw and Springer-Verlag

    Evaluation of multidrug resistance-1 gene C>;T polymorphism frequency in patients with asthma

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    OBJECTIVES:Asthma is a chronic inflammatory lung disease characterized by bronchial hyperresponsiveness and airflow obstruction. Genetic and oxidative stress factors, in addition to pulmonary and systemic inflammatory processes, play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of asthma. The products of the multidrug resistance-1 gene protect lung tissue from oxidative stress. Here, we aimed to evaluate the association between the multidrug resistance-1 gene C>;T polymorphism and asthma with regard to oxidative stress-related parameters of asthmatic patients.METHODS:Forty-five patients with asthma and 27 healthy age-matched controls were included in this study. Blood samples were collected in tubes with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid. DNA was extracted from the blood samples. The multidrug resistance-1 gene polymorphism was detected by polymerase chain reaction and a subsequent enzyme digestion technique. The serum levels of total oxidant status and total antioxidant status were determined by the colorimetric measurement method.RESULTS:The heterozygous polymorphic genotype was the most frequent in both groups. A significant difference in the multidrug resistance-1 genotype frequencies between groups indicated an association of asthma with the TT genotype. A significant difference between groups was found for wild type homozygous participants and carriers of polymorphic allele participants. The frequency of the T allele was significantly higher in asthmatic patients. The increase in the oxidative stress index parameter was significant in the asthma group compared with the control group.CONCLUSIONS:The multidrug resistance-1 gene C/T polymorphism may be an underlying genetic risk factor for the development of asthma via oxidant-antioxidant imbalance, leading to increased oxidative stress

    Soft Tissue Profile Changes Associated with the Treatment of Class III Anomalies with Maxillary Constriction and Retrusion

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate soft tissue profile changes of Class III patients with maxillary constriction and retrusion with area measurement method, following rapid maxillary expansion (RME) + Petit type face mask and fixed orthodontic appliance treatment. Cephalometric radiographs taken from 37 treated and 21 untreated Class III patients were used for this study. These radiographs were taken before and after treatment in test and control groups. Soft tissues were traced on these cephalometric radiographs. Nose, upper and lower lips, chin and free space areas were measured between the E-line and Juanita line. T-tests used to assess these parameters statistically. Significant changes in nose, upper lip, chin and free space areas were observed in the treatment group. The only mean increase occurred in chin area in control group. Increases of nose and upper lip areas were significantly different between treatment and control groups (P<0.001). Present study shows that the treatment with, RME + petit face mask and fixed appliances have an important role in profile improvement

    The effects of in vivo and ex vivo various degrees of cold exposure on erythrocyte deformability and aggregation

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    Background: This study aimed to investigate alterations in hemorheology by cold exposure, in vivo and ex vivo, and to determine their relationship to oxidative stress. Material/Methods: Rats were divided into 2 in vivo and ex vivo cold exposure groups. The in vivo group was further divided into control (AR), AC (4°C, 2 hours) and ALTC (4°C, 6 hours) subgroups; and the ex vivo group was divided into control (BR) and BC (4°C, 2 hours) subgroups. Blood samples were used for the determination of erythrocyte deformability, aggregation, and oxidative stress parameters. Results: Erythrocyte deformability and aggregation were not affected by 2-hour ex vivo cold exposure. While 2 hour in vivo cold exposure reduced erythrocyte deformability, it returned to normal after 6 hours, possibly due the compensation by acute neuroendocrine response. Six hours of cold exposure decreased aggregation index, and might be an adaptive mechanism allowing the continuation of circulation. Aggregation of ex vivo groups was lower compared to in vivo groups. Cold exposure at various temperatures did not cause alterations in plasma total oxidant antioxidant status and oxidative stress index (TOS, TAS, OSI) when considered together. Conclusions: Results of this study indicate that the alterations observed in hemorheological parameters due to cold exposure are far from being explained by the oxidative stress parameters determined herein. © Med Sci Monit

    Shifts in appraisal dimensions as mediators of efficiency of reappraisal in emotion regulation

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    Üks viis oma emotsiooni reguleerida on kasutada ümberhindamist ehk muuta oma tõlgendust emotsiooni tekitanud olukorrast. Kuigi tõlgendusdimensioonide rolli ümberhindamises on ammu teadvustatud, pole seda ideed ümberhindamise uurimisel seni kasutatud. Käesoleva uurimistöö eesmärk on uurida, kas ja kuivõrd võivad muutused tõlgendusdimensioonidel vahendada ümberhindamise mõju emotsiooni regulatsioonile. Igapäevaelus ettetulevate emotsioonide reguleerimise mõõtmiseks kasutati 7 päeva jooksul kogemuse väljavõtte meetodit. Tekstisõnumiga teavitades paluti uuritavatel kella 11, 13 ja 15 ajal täita küsimustiku päevane osa ning kell 19 küsimustiku õhtune kokkuvõtlik osa. Regressioonanalüüsidega uuriti tõlgendusdimensioonide muutuse ja emotsiooni muutuse vahelisi seoseid ning medieerimisanalüüsiga uuriti, kas ja kuivõrd tõlgendusdimensioonide muutused vahendavad ümberhindamise kasutamise mõju emotsioonide muutusele. Uuringus osales 181 inimest vanuses 18-52 aastat ( M =28.25; SD =7.75), kellest 85% olid naised. Saadud tulemused kinnitasid, et kolme analüüsitud emotsiooni - viha, ärevuse, lõõgastuse - muutused on arvestatavas osas seletatavad muutustega kindluse, olulisuse, eesmärgipärasuse, vastutuse ja kontrolli tõlgendusdimensioonidel. Tulemused näitavad ka, et eesmärgipärasus on universaalne tõlgendusdimensioon, mille hinnang tõuseb nii negatiivse emotsiooni vähendamisel kui ka positiivse emotsiooni suurendamisel. Medieerimisanalüüsid näitasid ainult lõõgastuse puhul, et tõlgendusdimensioonid vahendavad ümberhindamise kasutamise ja emotsiooni muutuse vahelist seost ning seda läbi muutuste eesmärgipärasuse, vastutuse ja kontrolli tõlgendusdimensioonidel. Käesolev uuring demonstreerib tõlgendusdimensioonide väärtust ümberhindamise käigus toimuvate kognitiivsete protsesside mõistmisel. Kuna tulemused on eripalgelised, vajab küsimus täiendavat uurimist