17 research outputs found

    Anuros de la reserva de recursos manejados Ybyturuzú. Un enfoque sobre su estado de conservación

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    La Reserva de Recursos Manejados del Ybyturuzú (RRMY) (Departamento Guairá, Paraguay) localizada en el Bioma Bosque Atlántico, se encuentra amenazada por el avance de la deforestación, deterioro hidrológico y fragmentación de hábitat. Entre los años 2008 y 2011 se realizaron estudios para conocer la riqueza, composición y estado de conservación de las especies de anfibios de dicha reserva. La RRMY alberga al menos el 30 % de los anfibios anuros citados para el país. Se confirman ocho registros nuevos para Guairá, la presencia de dos especies amenazadas: Hypsiboas curupi y Melanophryniscus devincenzii, así como especies endémicas de la ecorregión y especialistas de hábitats dentro de la RRMY. Se destaca la importancia de la RRMY para la conservación de los anfibios a nivel nacional, mediante un análisis de comparación preliminar de riqueza y composición de especies entre la RRMY y otras unidades de conservación de la ecorregión.Fil: Wood, Katia Airaldi. Universidad Nacional de Asuncion; ParaguayFil: Lavilla, Esteban Orlando. Fundación Miguel Lillo. Dirección de Zoología. Instituto de Herpetología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Tucumán; ArgentinaFil: Garcete Barrett, Bolívar R.. Universidad Nacional de Asuncion; Paragua

    New distributional and biological data for three species of Stenodynerus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) from Panama

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    We provide new data on the distribution and biology of the three Stenodynerus species (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Eumeninae) from Panama: Stenodynerus iolans (Cameron, 1905) is recorded for the first time from Panama; several localities are added to the known distribution in Panama of S. farias (Saussure, 1857); and S. otomitus (Saussure, 1857), currently known as a ground-nester, was found emerging from exposed cells together with Ipsiura pilifrons (Cameron, 1888) (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & Nemésio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; Nemésio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Stenonartonia guaraya Garcete-Barrett, sp. nov.

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    <i>Stenonartonia guaraya</i> Garcete-Barrett, sp. nov. <p>(Figs 15, 70, 83, 101, 115, 129, 142, 153, 178)</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis and comments.</b> This species is distinct in the group of <i>S. polybioides</i> by having the propodeal striae almost transverse, very weak, obscured by dense macropunctation and also: transverse carina of T1 weak; overall pilosity very sparse and short; metasomal macropunctation coarser and deeper and dark areas of the metasoma dark brown. As in <i>S. cooperi</i> there are no scutellar “windows”, but the metanotum is not so prominent in profile and the lateral axillary panel is less produced backwards.</p> <p> <b>Description</b>. FEMALE. Differing from <i>S. polybioides</i> in: <i>Color pattern.</i> Scape black dorsally. Flagellum brown dorsally. Black markings of the head wholly interconnected as in the darker headed specimens of <i>S. cooperi</i>, but with the frontal mark briefly interrupted midway to the antennal socket. Humeral line shaped like a baseball bat. Mesoscutum with an additional lateral yellow line. Medial line of scutellum thinner. Metanotum entirely yellow. Propodeum yellow, with only the medial channel and a subtle sublateral spot darkened. Legs without dark markings. T1 extensively yellowish on its anterior half; metasomal terga with the dark areas darker brown, partly blackish. S2 with some basal darkening. Fore wing venation brown, a bit lighter along the costal region.</p> <p> <i>Measurements and proportions.</i> Body length 12.6 mm. Wing length 11.3 mm. Clypeus 1.28 × wider than high and with its apical margin as wide as the interantennal distance. T1 1.21 × longer than wide and 0.67 × as wide as T2. S1 campaniform, with slightly curved sides: 1.8 × wider than its medial length and 1.27 × wider than its total length.</p> <p> <i>Structure</i>. Clypeus slightly more convex and with its apical margin definitely concave. Pronotal carina more weakly emarginated below the humeral angle. Parapsidal line undistinguishable. Parategula hook-shaped. Axilla broader. Lateral axillary panel shortly tongue like produced posteromesally, hardly overlapping the posterior tip of the axilla and not reaching the scutellar border. Scutellum slightly more convex and without anterolateral “window”. Metanotum right angled in profile, with a well marked toothed ridge. Posterior metapleural border not marked. Propodeum strongly convex and with a very narrow medial channel. Apical propodeal lamella expanded and slightly angular upward in lateral view. T1 broadly campaniform, with a weak transverse carina which is slightly retuse forward and shortly interrupted at the middle and hardly reaches the level of the spiracle, with a very superficial longitudinal sulcus and without transverse sulcus.</p> <p> <i>Tegumental sculpture</i>. Clypeus covered with a well marked but shallow macropunctation over its upper quarter. Pronotum coarsely macropunctate, even on its lateral surface. Scutellar macropunctures coarser and separated by less than their own diameter. Metanotum covered with coarse, almost confluent macropunctures and with a well marked anterior band. Mesepisternal macropunctures abundant, separated amongst them by 0.5 to 1 diameter. Metapleura and propodeal side with some thin scattered macropunctures. Sublateral propodeal surface covered with dense and shallow macropunctation obscuring a very thin, weak and almost transverse striation that does not reach the medial channel. Disc of T1 with well defined macropunctation. S1 covered with coarse and dense macropunctation. T2 covered with well defined and moderately spaced macropunctures which turn much denser and coarse on the apical yellow band.</p> <p> <i>Pilosity</i>. Overall pilosity shorter and less evident. Inner lamella of the scutellar crest covered with long appressed hairs pointing toward the opening of the axillary fossa and partly obscuring it.</p> <p>MALE. Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Holotype Ƥ, BOLIVIA: Santa Cruz: Santa Cruz, Jardín Botánico, 26–27.vii.1977 (C. Porter & Calmbacher) [IML].</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> Bolivia: Santa Cruz de la Sierra.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> This species is named after the Guarayos, the Guarani people from Santa Cruz province in Bolivia.</p>Published as part of <i>Garcete-Barrett, Bolívar R., 2011, A revision of the genus Stenonartonia Giordani Soika 1973 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae), pp. 1-50 in Zootaxa 2868</i> on pages 15-16, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/277490">10.5281/zenodo.277490</a&gt

    Stenonartonia grossa Garcete-Barrett, sp. nov.

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    <i>Stenonartonia grossa</i> Garcete-Barrett, sp. nov. <p>(Figs 23, 47, 76, 108, 122, 136, 179)</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis and comments.</b> This species looks much like <i>S. hermetica</i> in structure and color pattern, but differs in having a coarser macropunctation on clypeus, head and mesosoma; a larger apical propodeal lamella obtusely dislocated marginally from the valvula; a broader and dorsally more convex T1 with the transverse carina hardly reaching the level of the spiracle, and the more plainly black general color, due to a shorter, sparser and lighter pilosity.</p> <p> <b>Description</b>. FEMALE. Differing from <i>S. hermetica</i> in: <i>Measurements and proportions</i>. Wing length 11.7 mm. Clypeus 1.13 × as wide as high and with its apical margin 0.89 × as wide as the interantennal distance. S1 2.24 × wider than its medial length and 1.56 × longer than its total length. S1 2.24 × longer than its medial length and 1.56 × longer than its total length.</p> <p> <i>Structure</i>. Apical clypeal teeth broader. Humeral angle less produced. Pronotal sides more convex in dorsal view. Propodeal declivity slightly depressed along the medial line. Apical propodeal lamella longer, obliquely pointing upward, separated from the valvula by a slight lateral crease and a very obtuse marginal dislocation. T1 diverging more abruptly behind, with hardly salient spiracular tubercles, with a convex anterior declivity and with the transverse carina ending straight at the level of the spiracle.</p> <p> <i>Tegumental sculpture</i>. Clypeus covered with sparse micropunctation and well marked moderately dense and coarse macropunctation. Body overall less dull, with sparser micropunctation. Macropunctation on head and mesosoma sharper and deeper. Posterior propodeal depression slightly shagreened in part. T1 with defined punctures on its anterior declivity. Macropunctation of S1 deeper. Remainder of metasoma with more evident macropunctation. <i>Pilosity</i>. Shorter, sparser and lighter.</p> <p>MALE. Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Holotype Ƥ, BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro, Nova Friburgo, 14–19.xi.2007 (P.C. Grossi) [DZUP].</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> Brazil: highlands of Rio de Janeiro.</p> <p> <b>Biology.</b> The holotype bears several mites in its axillary fossae.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The name of this species refers to its relatively large body size and T1 compared to other species in the group of <i>S. apicipennis</i>. In Argentinean jargon the term “grosso” means “generous friend”, indirectly referring to the collector of the holotype, my colleague and friend Paschoal Grossi.</p>Published as part of <i>Garcete-Barrett, Bolívar R., 2011, A revision of the genus Stenonartonia Giordani Soika 1973 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae), pp. 1-50 in Zootaxa 2868</i> on page 26, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/277490">10.5281/zenodo.277490</a&gt

    Stenonartonia apicipennis

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    Species-group of <i>Stenonartonia apicipennis</i> <p> This is the largest and morphologically heterogenous group. Its seven species are medium sized, moderately stout to moderately elongate bodied wasps reminiscent in shape and/or color pattern of different socials wasps in the genera <i>Polybia</i> Lepeletier, <i>Agelaia</i> Lepeletier and <i>Brachygastra</i> Spinola. General features for their species include: occipital carina interrupted behind the interocular space. Female vertex with specialized area thin, boomerang-like. Humeral angle variable, projecting or not. Tegula extensively covered with micropunctation (medially smooth in <i>S. apicipennis</i>). Axillar depression strong, extensive and almost vertical. Anterior axillary fossula deep and partly hidden under the parategula (reduced and exposed in <i>S. mimica</i>). Scutellum flattened above and falling almost vertically into the axillary fossa, without lamellar projection above this latter. Opening of the axillary fossa oval and rather large. Scutellar crest separated behind from scutellum by a sulcus (sulcus absent in <i>S. flavotestacea</i>). Metanotal ridge variable, low and blunt of high and sharp. Epicnemial carina absent. Mesepisternal sulcus thin. Posterior metapleural border effaced (feebly marked in <i>S. flavotestacea</i>). Propodeum variable, slightly subtruncate, smoothly declivitous or slightly convex behind and with the medial channel diffusedly to sharply differentiated in direct correspondence with its degree of narrowness. Mid propodeal carina well developed (interrupted below in <i>S. flavotestacea</i>). Propodeal sublateral surface macropunctate to slightly striatopunctate in variable density and coarseness, but never alveolate or striate. Lateral propodeal surface covered with macropunctation of moderate density and coarseness. Apical propodeal lamella angular in lateral view and projected upward of backward in different degrees above the propodeal valvula. Propodeal valvula poorly to markedly differentiated from the apical propodeal valvula by a basal crease and/or a marginal dislocation or emargination. Metasomal segment 1 very broadly to moderately narrowly campanulate and moderately narrower than the second one. T1 roundly to obtusely bent in side view, with or without a medial carina along its anterior declivity, with a low, obtuse and variably marked transverse carina, without transverse sulcus and with a very weak to inexistent longitudinal sulcus. S1 variable, transversely crescent-shaped to elongate isoscelic. T2 with pregradular area smooth and shiny and gradulus groove-like (shallow in <i>S. flavotestacea</i>).</p>Published as part of <i>Garcete-Barrett, Bolívar R., 2011, A revision of the genus Stenonartonia Giordani Soika 1973 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae), pp. 1-50 in Zootaxa 2868</i> on page 16, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/277490">10.5281/zenodo.277490</a&gt

    Stenonartonia polybioides

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    Species-group of <i>Stenonartonia polybioides</i> <p> This is a quite homogeneous group in both structure and color pattern. Its five species are rather large, moderately elongate bodied, with a color pattern reminiscent of the social wasp <i>Agelaia fulvofasciata</i> (De Geer) and sharing the following features: Occipital carina interrupted behind the interocular space. Female vertex with specialized area thin, arc-like. Humeral angle not projecting. Tegula smooth at the middle. Axilla flattened, not or little (<i>S. perdita</i>) depressed posterolateraly, with its posterior tip translucent amber (except in <i>S. perdita</i>). Anterior axillary fossula small and exposed. Scutellum convex, hardly declivitous at side, where it forms a partly translucent amber lamellar projection over the opening of the axillary fossa. Opening of the axillary fossa rather dimple-like. Scutellar crest separated behind from scutellum by a sulcus. Metanotal ridge variable, from almost absent to very high. Epicnemial carina absent. Mesepisternal sulcus thin. Overall propodeal shape semi oval, without either a concavity nor a flattened posterior surface, and with a well defined medial channel bearing a complete medial carina. Sublateral propodeal surface abundantly striatopunctate to striate (striae very thin and obscured by macropunctation in <i>S. guaraya</i>). Lateral propodeal surface at most sparsely macropunctate. Apical propodeal lamella reduced and inseparably fused to the valvula. Metasomal segment 1 elongate sub conical to campanulate. T1 low and gently convex above in side view, without a medial carina along its anterior declivity and with a very low and obtuse though well marked transverse carina. S1 narrowly elongate to campanulate. T2 with pregradular area dull and gradulus shallow.</p>Published as part of <i>Garcete-Barrett, Bolívar R., 2011, A revision of the genus Stenonartonia Giordani Soika 1973 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae), pp. 1-50 in Zootaxa 2868</i> on page 10, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/277490">10.5281/zenodo.277490</a&gt

    Stenonartonia occipitalis

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    Species-group of <i>Stenonartonia occipitalis</i> <p> This small group is quite distinct. Both species are rather stout bodied, similar to species in the genus <i>Ancistrocerus</i> Wesmael and share the following features: Occipital carina continuous at middle. Female vertex with specialized area broadly oval. Humeral angle projecting. Tegula densely micropunctate. Axillar depression strong. Anterior axillary fossula small and exposed. Scutellum flat, declivitous at the side, where it forms an opaque (similar to the remainder of the scutellum) lamellar projection over the opening of the axillary fossa. Opening of the axillary fossa rather slit-like. Scutellar crest separated behind from scutellum by a sulcus. Metanotal ridge high and sharp. There are weak indications of epicnemial carina. Mesepisternal sulcus deep and wide. Posterior propodeal concavity rounded and well marked. Mid propodeal carina complete. Propodeal side covered above with large, flat bottomed alveoli. Apical propodeal lamella broadly rounded and inseparably fused with the valvula. Metasomal segment 1 short and broad. T1 strongly bent above in side view and with a rather sharp transverse carina. S1 crescent shaped. T2 with pregradular area dull and gradulus shallow.</p>Published as part of <i>Garcete-Barrett, Bolívar R., 2011, A revision of the genus Stenonartonia Giordani Soika 1973 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae), pp. 1-50 in Zootaxa 2868</i> on page 8, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/277490">10.5281/zenodo.277490</a&gt

    Stenonartonia tekoraava sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae), a new member of a typical Amazonian mimicry ring

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    Garcete-Barrett, Bolívar R. (2014): Stenonartonia tekoraava sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae), a new member of a typical Amazonian mimicry ring. Zootaxa 3860 (1): 97-100, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3860.1.

    Stenonartonia polybioides

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    <i>Stenonartonia polybioides</i> (von Schulthess 1904) <p>(Figs 11, 25, 34, 38, 58, 67, 79, 89, 97, 111, 125, 139, 151, 161, 169, 178)</p> <p> <i>Nortonia polybioides</i> von Schulthess 1904: 272, 279, 281 [lectotype (here designated), Ƥ, Peru, Callanga (ETHZ)], [examined].</p> <p> <i>Paranortonia polybioides</i>: Giordani Soika 1941: 159, fig. 6.</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis and comments:</b> <i>S. polybioides</i> is species peculiar for having a large bubble-like anterolateral scutellar “window”, one of the characters shared with <i>S. hasyva</i>, together with the much distorted male antennal tip and mid femur, as evidence of a complex axillary fossal atrium. The very wide clypeus, extremely reduced anterior metanotal band, relatively narrow propodeum with abundant thin oblique striae, and very slim metasomal segment 1 are some of the distinguishing features of this species.</p> <p> <b>Description</b>. FEMALE. <i>Color pattern</i>. Orange yellow integument with black to blackish brown (especially lighter on vertex and legs) as follows: mandibular teeth; mandibular condyle; dorsum of scape; complex interconnected marking including the interocellar space, a submedial frontal mark (which are very thin just before reaching the antennal insertions) and the specialized area of the vertex; elongate supraocular triangle pointing mesoposteriorly; thin occipital band that splits, where the occipital carina starts, in a thick posterior stump and an anterior thin elongate drop-like arm; spot at the middle of the anterior pronotal face; short posterior L-shaped humeral line; mesoscutum except for the parategula and a submedial line; small subalar and sublobular marks; scrobal sulcus; large cup-shaped scutellar mark; thin anterior and posterior metanotal bands; mid propodeal channel; P-shaped anterior submedial mark; suffuse darkening on the submarginal sublateral dimples of the propodeum; dorsal line along mid and hind femora; inner line along hind tibia; a spot at the muscular insertion on T1; gradular ring on T2. Orange brown are: antennae, tegula at middle; lamellar areas of the scutellar-axillar complex; some important suffusion on mid and hind legs; some limited suffusion around the dark areas of the propodeum; T1 and T2 except for the apical band and a more or less extensive but diffuse yellow basal area; base of T2 to T6. Fore wing membrane hyaline grayish yellow, a bit darker along the costal region. Fore wing venation yellowish, a bit darker toward the wing base.</p> <p> <i>Measurements and proportions</i>. Body length 11 mm. Wing length 12.7 mm. Clypeus 1.38 × wider than high and with its apical margin 1.3 × wider than the interantennal distance. T1 1.36 × longer than wide and 0.6 × as wide as T2. S1 elongate isoscelic, with gradually diverging straight sides: 1.28 × wider than its medial length and 1.02 × wider than its total length.</p> <p> <i>Structure</i>. Clypeus very slightly convex, almost flat, without apical depression and with its apical margin straight and finely translucent. Head broadly rounded. Humeral angle not outstanding, right angled in frontal view. Pronotal carina hardly emarginated under the humeral angle. Parapsidal line very thin. Parategula foot-shaped. Scutellum with a large anterolateral translucent bubble-like “window”. Lateral axillary panel not projected porteromedially. Metanotum evenly convex, with very weak indications of toothed ridge. Posterior metapleural border marked by a very thin carina along its posterior fifth. Propodeum hardly convex and with flat sides. Submedial propodeal carina poorly elevated. Apical propodeal lamella retracted, not outstanding. T1 elongate, with rather straight and smoothly diverging sides, prominent spiracular tubercles, anterior declivity straight in side view, with the transverse carina ending straight at the level of the spiracle and with well marked transverse and longitudinal sulci. T1 to T5 and S2 to S5 with an extremely thin and translucent apical lamella.</p> <p> <i>Tegumental sculpture</i>. Clypeus finely granulated and with very few fine scattered punctures. Head and mesosoma sub opaque, covered with abundant and moderately spaced piliferous micropunctation. Metasoma with denser micropunctation, even denser on terga and across sternal posterior margins. Frons, vertex, upper pronotal surface and mesoscutum covered with almost reticular macropunctation with rather convex intervals, which is slightly sparser on mesoscutum. Macropunctation much sparser on gena and pronotal side. Scutellum and upper mesepisternal plate covered with medium sized macropunctures separated by 0.5-1 diameter apart. Metanotum densely striatopunctate and with a reduced, hardly differentiated anterior crenate band. Lower mesepisternum covered with some few sparse macropunctures which are coarser and concentrate dorsoposteriorly. Mesepisternum finely and densely macropunctate on its dorsal three quarters. Metapleura and lateral propodeal surface almost free of macropunctures. Sublateral propodeal surface covered all over with abundant fine oblique striation and without evident macropunctation; some few macropunctures are visible just next to the lateral surface. Mid propodeal channel opaque and finely shagreened. T1 with some coarse and superficial macropunctures scattered over its anterior declivity and some finer ones scattered over its disc. T2 covered with very scattered, thin and superficial macropunctures which are suddenly coarser and moderately dense over the apical yellow band. T3 to T6 moderately densely macropunctured. S1 with some transverse weak rugae. S2 to S5 with scattered macropunctation gradually denser toward the posterior margin. S6 free of macropunctures. Apical lamella of terga and sterna free of punctures.</p> <p> <i>Pilosity</i>. Clypeus almost bare, with just a few scattered microscopic setae. Face, vertex and most of thoracic dorsum covered with thin and dense fulvous pubescence (less evident on frons), mixed with abundant erect brownish setae. Metanotum, propodeum, lower face and sides of head and mesosoma covered with an even thinner whitish pubescence which is less evident on the head and longer on propodeum. Metasoma covered with a very short fulvous pubescence and some few setae which are erect on segment 1, decumbent on the following segments and tend to concentrate on the apical bands.</p> <p> MALE. Differing from the female in: <i>Color pattern</i>. Scape not blackened above. Flagellum darker above and apically. Supraocular markings fused together with the interocellar marking. Anterior arm of the occipital band disconnected. Last tarsomere of mid and hind leg black.</p> <p> <i>Measurements and proportions</i>. Body length 10 mm. Wing length 11.3 mm. Clypeus 1.23 × wider than high and with its apical margin 1.3 × wider than the interantennal distance.</p> <p> <i>Structure, tegumental sculpture and pilosity</i>. General body shape more delicate and with a proportionally smaller head. F9 very concave ventrally. F11 very elongate, flattened and curved. Humeral angle sharper in frontal view. Mid femur distorted: flat behind and with a sharp carina along its front (forming a tooth in dorsal view) between a ventrobasal and a mesodorsal concavities; the latter one covered with long hairs. Propodeal striae a bit stronger. Propodeal sides flatter and with some evident macropunctures.</p> <p> <b>Type material</b>. Lectotype Ƥ, PERU: Callanga, without further data [ETHZ]. Paralectotypes: same data as the lectotype [1 3: ETHZ]; without locality label: [1 Ƥ: MCNV].</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> Peru: Cusco. This species is only known from the type series coming from “Callanga”, a place in the Yungas, around the Manu National Park (Rasmussen & Asenjo 2009). Ducke’s (1910) records of <i>Stenonartonia polybioides</i> from Iquitos (Peru) and Óbidos (Brazil) were based on individuals of <i>S. cooperi</i>.</p> <p> <b>Biology.</b> The examined females have a mite on at least one of the axillary fossa openings. The male had mites in between the metasomal sterna.</p>Published as part of <i>Garcete-Barrett, Bolívar R., 2011, A revision of the genus Stenonartonia Giordani Soika 1973 (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae), pp. 1-50 in Zootaxa 2868</i> on pages 10-12, DOI: <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/277490">10.5281/zenodo.277490</a&gt