16,182 research outputs found

    Interaction and imitation in a world of Quixotes and Sanchos

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    Producción CientíficaThis paper studies a two-population evolutionary game in a new setting in between a symmetric and an asymmetric evolutionary model. It distinguishes two types of agents: Sanchos, whose payoffs are defined by a prisoner’s dilemma game, and Quixotes, whose payoffs are defined by a snowdrift game. Considering an imitative revision protocol, a revising agent is paired with someone from his own population or the other population. When matched, they observe payoffs, but not identities. Thus, agents in one population interact and imitate agents from their own population and from the other population. In this setting we prove that a unique mixed-strategy asymptotically stable fixed point of the evolutionary dynamics exists. Taking as an example the compliance with social norms, and depending on the parameters, two type of equilibrium are possible, one with full compliance among Quixotes and partial compliance among Sanchos, or another with partial compliance among Quixotes and defection among Sanchos. In the former type, Sanchos comply above their Nash equilibrium (as they imitate compliant Quixotes). In the latter type, Quixotes comply below their Nash equilibrium (as they imitate defecting Sanchos)

    A contribution to the knowledge of Dermestidae (Coleoptera) from Guatemala

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    The following five species of Dermestidae (Coleoptera) are recorded for the first time from Guatemala: Attagenus fasciatus (Thunberg), Dermestes (Dermestinus) caninus caninus Germar, Orphinus fulvipes (Guérin-Méneville), Trogoderma simplex Jayne and Thorictodes heydeni Reitter. The species are recorded from the Guatemalan departments of Petén, Izabal and Zacapa

    An Extension of NDT to Model Entity Reconciliation Problems

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    Within the development of software systems, the development of web applications may be one of the most widespread at present due to the great number of advantages they provide such as: multiplatform, speed of access or the not requiring extremely powerful hardware among others. The fact that so many web applications are being developed, makes grotesque the volume of information that it is generated daily. In the management of all this information, it appears the entity reconciliation problem, which is to identify objects referring to the same real-world entity. This paper proposes to give a solution to this problem through a web perspective. To this end, the NDT methodology has been taken as a reference and has been extended adding new activities, artefacts and documents to cover this problem.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Entre gaditanización y romanización: repertorios cerámicos, alimentación e integración cultural en Turdetania (siglos III-I A. C.)

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    The changes in composition and shapes in domestic wares detected among the communities along the lower Guadalquivir valley, from the 3rdcentury B.C., seem to point to a slow but constant transformation in alimentary habits. On one side is a growing Phoenician influence, reflectedin the emergence of new cooking wares: saucepans, mortars and big bowls, related with new ways of processing and preparing food.Following a parallel evolution, the distribution of salted products, oil and other foodstuffs from the area around the Strait and the Cadiz plain becomes common. However, local cooking wares, mainly saucepans and big, straight-walled bowls, remain dominant at least until the early 1st century B. C., suggesting a low receptivity for changes in cooking practices. The Roman conquest introduced Italian fine wares, without apparently affecting consumption patterns among local populations. In addition,from the 2nd century B. C. and over the following century, the importation and imitation of Italian cooking wares became generalised in indigenous contexts

    Consideraciones morfológicas y taxonómicas sobre Ischnochiton (Ischnochiton) rissoi (Payraudeau, 1826) (Mollusca, Polyplacophora).

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    The morphological variability of <i>Ischnochiton (Ischnochiton) rissoi</i> (Payraudeau, 1826) has produced taxonomic discrepancies. In this paper, besides a taxonomic revision, the morphology of valves, perinotum and radula of several specimens of <i>I. (I.) rissoi</i> is studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy. Although a notable morphological variability is present in this species, however, some common features identify all the varieties as an only taxon.<br><br>La amplia variabilidad de ornamentación de <i>Ischnochiton (Ischnochiton) rissoi</i> (Payraudeau, 1826) ha determinado que ejemplares de esta especie se hayan descrito como especies diferentes. En este artículo, además de revisar y discutir las diversas opiniones existentes, se ha realizado un estudio con microscopía electrónica de barrido de numerosos ejemplares y se ha observado la gran heterogeneidad de <i>I. (I.) rissoi</i> en relación al tipo de ornamentación de la concha y del perinoto, aunque se han podido determinar ciertos caracteres comunes que permiten identificarlos como pertenecientes a una única especie

    Moluscos poliplacóforos del litoral atlántico del sur de la península ibérica

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    Se aporta el catálogo de los Moluscos Poliplacóforos de las costas atlánticas del sur de la Península Ibérica, desde Sagres (Portugal) hasta Gibraltar. Se cita un total de 20 taxones (Lepidopleurus cajetanus, Leptochiton cancellatus, Leptochiton algesirensis, Leptochiton scabridus, Callochiton septemvalvis, Callochiton euplaeae, Lepidochitona cinerea, Lepidochitona corrugata, Lepidochitona canariensis, Lepidochitona monterosatoi, Lepidochitona kaasi, Lepidochitona severianoi, Chaetopleura angulata, Ischnochiton rissoi, Chiton olivaceus, Chiton corallinus, Chiton phaesolinus, Acanthochi-tona fascicularis y Acanthochitona crinita) todos ellos pertenecientes al dominio litoral. La captura de Lepidochitona canariensis y L. simrothi en aguas atlánticas ibéricas constituye la primera cita para el suratlántico ibérico. A su vez se amplía la distribución a esta zona de Callochiton septemvalvis y de Lepidochitona monterosatoi.In this paper, an updated check-list of the polyplacophoran species from Sagres (Portugal) to Strait of Gibraltar is present. Twenty taxa are recorded in this area: Lepidopleurus cajetanus, Leptochiton cancellatus, Leptochiton algesirensis, Leptochiton scabridus, Callochiton septemvalvis, Callochiton euplaeae, Lepidochitona cinerea, Lepidochitona corrugata, Lepidochitona canariensis, Lepidochitona monterosatoi, Lepidochitona kaasi, Lepidochitona severianoi, Chaetopleura angulata, Ischnochiton rissoi, Chiton olivaceus, Chiton corallinus, Chiton phaesolinus, Acanthochitona fascicularis and Acanthochitona crinita. From these species, Lepidochitona canariensis, L simrothi, Callochiton septemvalvis and Lepidochitona monterosatoi amplify their geographical distribution to Southern Atlantic coast of southern Iberian Peninsul

    A Model-Driven Approach for Business Process Management

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    The Business Process Management is a common mechanism recommended by a high number of standards for the management of companies and organizations. In software companies this practice is every day more accepted and companies have to assume it, if they want to be competitive. However, the effective definition of these processes and mainly their maintenance and execution are not always easy tasks. This paper presents an approach based on the Model-Driven paradigm for Business Process Management in software companies. This solution offers a suitable mechanism that was implemented successfully in different companies with a tool case named NDTQ-Framework.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2010-20057-C03-02Junta de Andalucía TIC-578

    Derecho y políticas ambientales en Navarra

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    Derecho y políticas ambientales en Navarr

    La interacción deliberativa en los procesos de participación vinculados a las decisiones públicas

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    El artículo propone un análisis de la significación participativa y la comunicación deliberativa presentes en los procesos de participación ciudadana vinculados a las decisiones públicas. El principal objetivo radica en analizar en qué condiciones se produce la deliberación y qué efectos cognitivos y valorativos produce en los participantes, con el fin de articular decisiones colectivas y acción institucional. Como soporte pragmático y empírico de las ideas trabajadas, se utiliza la figura del presupuesto participativo, que constituye un espacio de participación orientado a la propuesta, deliberación y toma de decisiones relacionadas con la política pública. El texto concluye señalando la importancia de aspectos como la valoración de la solidaridad y la democracia interna en las asambleas ciudadanas, la valoración del tiempo y la información disponibles para el debate o la percepción del grado de compromiso institucional como factores que influyen en la calidad deliberativa de procesos participativos ligados a las decisiones públicas.L'article proposa una anàlisi de la significació participativa i la comunicació deliberativa presents en els processos de participació ciutadana vinculats a les decisions públiques. L'objectiu principal radica a analitzar en quines condicions es produeix la deliberació i quins efectes cognitius i valoratius produeix en els participants, amb la finalitat d'articular decisions col·lectives i acció institucional. Com a suport pragmàtic i empíric de les idees treballades, s'utilitza la figura del pressupost participatiu, que constitueix un espai de participació orientat a la proposta, deliberació i presa de decisions relacionades amb la política pública. El text conclou assenyalant la importància d'aspectes com la valoració de la solidaritat i la democràcia interna en les assemblees ciutadanes, la valoració del temps i la informació disponibles per al debat o la percepció del grau de compromís institucional com a factors que influeixen en la qualitat deliberativa de processos participatius lligats a les decisions públiques.This article analyzes the participatory significance and deliberative communication that must be present in citizen participation processes concerning public decisions. The main purpose is to examine the conditions in which deliberation is produced and the cognitive and appreciatory effects of deliberation on the participants in order to articulate collective decisions and institutional action. Participatory budgeting is used as a pragmatic and empirical framework for the ideas under consideration. This experience constitutes a sphere for participation oriented toward proposals, deliberation and decision making on public policy. The paper concludes that aspects such as the assessment of solidarity and internal democracy within citizen assemblies, time and information for the debate or the degree of institutional commitment are important factors that influence the deliberative quality of participative processes concerning public decisions