120 research outputs found
Processes of change used to fulfill with the recommendations of healthy practice of Acsm
The stages and processes of change of the Transtheoretical Model have been used to design programs that facilitate exercise adherence. The stages that explain when
people change refer to pre-contemplation (PC = inactive without any intention to change), contemplation (C = inactive with intention to change), preparation (P = active but not
fulfilling the recommendations of the American College of Sports Medicine [ACSM]), action (A = has complied with the recommendations of the ACSM but for less than six
months) and maintenance (M = has complied with the recommendations ACSM for more than six months). The processes that explain how this change occurs are divided into
cognitive processes (CP), implying thoughts, attitudes and awareness, and behavioral processes (BP), which involve actions. This model suggests that the effectiveness of
the change depends on doing the right things (processes) at the right moment (stage)
Utilidad de lentes de contacto como sistemas de liberación controlada de fármacos.
Un sistema ideal de administración de fármacos oculares sería el que permitiese una facilidad de fabricación, la capacidad de autoadministración del paciente, que alcanzase la zona ocular específica requerida con la concentración deseada y durante los periodos de tiempo requeridos y, por último, los mínimos efectos secundarios sistémicos que permitan la comodidad, seguridad y cumplimiento del paciente.Una manera de conseguir un sistema de administración de fármacos de estas características es mediante una formulación adecuada del fármaco, que en última instancia pretende mejorar la biodisponibilidad ocular del mismo.Los esfuerzos para mejorar la biodisponibilidad ocular se han centrado principalmente en prolongar la permanencia del fármaco en la superficie ocular. Una de las estrategias para conseguirlo consiste en el uso de agentes espesantes, polímeros mucoadhesivos y componentes gelificantes in situ, aunque en proporciones relativamente bajas para evitar una sensación pegajosa durante el parpadeo y la visión borrosa. También hablaremos de otras técnicas como la impresión molecular o el uso de nanopartículas.<br /
El niño oncológico
Las neoplasias infantiles más frecuentes son..
La infancia maltratada
El maltrato de un niño equivale a toda acción violenta contra la integridad..
Decreased incidence of pressure ulcers in intensive care: a program goal of improving care
INTRODUCCIÓN. En sanidad, la aparición de úlceras por presión (upp), es considerado un fracaso asistencial y un gran reto al que se enfrenta el profesional de Enfermería. En cuidados intensivos, objetivamos una serie de factores que aumentan el riesgo de aparición y desarrollo de upp. Como enfermeros, tomamos conciencia de nuestro papel en la prevención y tratamiento de las upp en nuestra unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI-1, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias) y emprendimos medidas para disminuirlas y mejorar la calidad asistencial proporcionada. OBJETIVOS. Aumentar la calidad asistencial Disminuir las tasas de úlceras por presión MATERIAL Y MÉTODO. Estudio descriptivo, prospectivo. Muestra, N: 1265 enfermos. Realizándose seguimiento diario de enfermos a través de hoja de valoración específica. Los enfermos valorados presentaban riesgo medio- alto de padecer upp por escala Braden y riesgo bajo por dicha escala pero con condiciones particulares de riesgo objetivables. Se introducen medidas preventivas consensuadas por el equipo investigador (descritas en el trabajo de investigación). RESULTADOS. Bajada significativa de las tasas de incidencia a los cuatro meses de introducir medidas estandarizadas de prevención y mejora asistencial. CONCLUSIONES. La concienciación y unificación de criterios preventivos y de tratamiento resultó ser decisiva en la bajada significativa de la incidencia de upp y en el logro de aumento de la calidad asistencial real percibida por todo el equipo interdisciplinar.INTRODUCTION. In health, the occurrence of pressure ulcers (PU) is considered a failure of care and major challenge facing the nursing professional. In intensive care, objectify a series of factors that increase the risk of occurrence and development of PU. As nurses, we realize our role in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers in our intensive care unit (ICU-1, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias) and we took measures to reduce and improve quality of care provided. OBJECTIVES. To augment quality of care To diminish rates of pressure ulcers MATERIALS AND METHODS. Prospective descriptive study. Sample, n = 1265 patients. Performing daily monitoring of patients through specific assessment sheet. The patients had rated medium-high risk of developing upp by Braden scale and low risk for this scale but with risk conditions to measure. Agreed preventive measures are introduced by the research team (described in the research). RESULTS. Llower incidence rates for four months to introduce standardized measures of prevention and improved care. CONCLUSIONS. The unification of awareness and prevention and treatment criteria proved to be instrumental in the significant decline in the incidence of PU and the achievement of increased quality of care received by all real interdisciplinary team
Enfermedades infecciosas de la infancia
¿Cuál o cuáles de los siguientes problemas pueden constituir complicaciones de la parotiditis epidémica?..
Los procesos químicos que se dieron durante los primeros años de la evolución del planeta Tierra, -antes de la presencia de formas celulares-, han sido motivo continuo de estudios a nivel experimental en muchos laboratorios. Considerando ambientes prebióticos plausibles, se ha dado importancia y validez a la presencia de materiales, tales como minerales y arcillas, que pudieron aportar elementos químicos necesarios para catalizar reacciones químicas y estabilizar otro tipo de compuestos orgánicos. La estructura cristalina de algunas biomoléculas de importancia biológica, así como su estereoquímica pueden llevarnos a comprender algunas de las formas de compuestos descritos en el espacio; en particular los compuestos orgánicos mencionados en algunas meteoritas. Finalmente, aportar elementos que nos ayuden a dar nuevas evidencias sobre el ¿cómo? y el ¿por qué? de la existencia de algunas moléculas de importancia
biológica, siempre enriquecen el campo científico, y en particular abren nuevos horizontes para entender la
relevancia en los procesos fisicoquímicos y más tardíamente, los procesos metabólicos, que pudieron dar lugar a organismos vivos de tipo unicelular en la Tierra primitiva. En el presente trabajo se discute la importancia de la histidina como catalizador orgánico en los estudios sobre el origen de la vida. Se presentan los resultados preliminares sobre la formación de monocristales de histidina en una disolución acuosa y sus posibles implicaciones como aminoácido esencial para la formación de oligopéptidos. Además se plantea la posibilidad de que este aminoácido haya actuado en un momento dado, como catalizador de ciertas reacciones químicas vitales en muchos seres vivos, apoyando su potencial actividad como catalizador orgánico.//The chemical processes occurred during the first years of the evolution of the planet Earth, before the presence of cellular forms, have been continuous reason of studies at experimental level in many laboratories. Considering some possible prebiotic environments, the presence of materials such as clays-type minerals, which could provide chemical and structural elements such as their surfaces, have been given importance and validity to give protection and reactivity to the organic molecules existing in the surrounding environment. These catalytic processes, mediated by mineral surfaces, could give rise in the interstellar medium to a whole range of organic molecules. Many of these are low molecular weights, such as amino acids and carboxylic acids and sometimes molecular weights are much higher. Providing elements that help us to give new evidence about the origin of some molecules of biological importance in the interstellar medium, always enrich the scientific field related to the origin of life, and in particular open new horizons to understand the relevance of physicochemical processes that Could give rise to living organisms on primitive
Earth. The present work discusses the possible abiotic synthesis of the amino acid histidine and its importance as an organic catalyst in the formation of oligopeptides in simulations of reactions at the origin of life. In this paper, we discuss the relevance of having histidine monocrystals, simulating a process of hydration-dehydration in shallow pools on the primitive Earth; A phenomenon that is essential for the formation of oligopeptides and, in turn, generate supramolecular assemblies before the appearance of life on our planet
Preclinical models of idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (iDILI): Moving towards prediction
Idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (iDILI) encompasses the unexpected harms that pre- scription and non-prescription drugs, herbal and dietary supplements can cause to the liver. iDILI remains a major public health problem and a major cause of drug attrition. Given the lack of biomarkers for iDILI prediction, diagnosis and prognosis, searching new models to predict and study mechanisms of iDILI is necessary. One of the major limitations of iDILI preclinical assessment has been the lack of correlation between the markers of hepatotoxicity in animal toxicological studies and clinically significant iDILI. Thus, major advances in the understanding of iDILI susceptibility and pathogenesis have come from the study of well-phenotyped iDILI patients. However, there are many gaps for explaining all the complexity of iDILI susceptibility and mechanisms. Therefore, there is a need to optimize preclinical hu- man in vitro models to reduce the risk of iDILI during drug development. Here, the current experimental models and the future directions in iDILI modelling are thoroughly discussed, focusing on the human cellular models available to study the pathophysiological mechanisms of the disease and the most used in vivo animal iDILI models. We also comment about in silico approaches and the increasing relevance of patient-derived cellular models.This work was supported by grants of Instituto de Salud Carlos III cofounded by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional-FEDER (contract numbers: PI18/01804, PI19-00883, PT20/00127, UMA18-FEDERJA-194, PY18-3364, Spain) and grants of Consejería de Salud de Andalucía cofounded by FEDER (contract number: PEMP-0127-2020, Spain). M.V.P. holds a Sara Borrell (CD21/00198, Spain) research contract from ISCIII and Consejería de Salud de Andalucía. C.L.G. holds a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación (IJCI-2017-31466, Spain) research contract from Ministerio de Ciencia del Gobierno de España. SCReN and CIBERehd are funded by ISCIII (Spain). This publication is based upon work from COST Action “CA17112dProspective European Drug-Induced Liver Injury Network” supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology); www.cost.eu. The figures in this review were created with Biorender.com
Role of targeted therapies in rheumatic patients on COVID-19 outcomes: results from the COVIDSER study
Objectives: To analyse the effect of targeted therapies, either biological (b) disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), targeted synthetic (ts) DMARDs and other factors (demographics, comorbidities or COVID-19 symptoms) on the risk of COVID-19 related hospitalisation in patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases.
Methods: The COVIDSER study is an observational cohort including 7782 patients with inflammatory rheumatic diseases. Multivariable logistic regression was used to estimate ORs and 95% CIs of hospitalisation. Antirheumatic medication taken immediately prior to infection, demographic characteristics, rheumatic disease diagnosis, comorbidities and COVID-19 symptoms were analysed.
Results: A total of 426 cases of symptomatic COVID-19 from 1 March 2020 to 13 April 2021 were included in the analyses: 106 (24.9%) were hospitalised and 19 (4.4%) died. In multivariate-adjusted models, bDMARDs and tsDMARDs in combination were not associated with hospitalisation compared with conventional synthetic DMARDs (OR 0.55, 95% CI 0.24 to 1.25 of b/tsDMARDs, p=0.15). Tumour necrosis factor inhibitors (TNF-i) were associated with a reduced likelihood of hospitalisation (OR 0.32, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.82, p=0.018), whereas rituximab showed a tendency to an increased risk of hospitalisation (OR 4.85, 95% CI 0.86 to 27.2). Glucocorticoid use was not associated with hospitalisation (OR 1.69, 95% CI 0.81 to 3.55). A mix of sociodemographic factors, comorbidities and COVID-19 symptoms contribute to patients' hospitalisation.
Conclusions: The use of targeted therapies as a group is not associated with COVID-19 severity, except for rituximab, which shows a trend towards an increased risk of hospitalisation, while TNF-i was associated with decreased odds of hospitalisation in patients with rheumatic disease. Other factors like age, male gender, comorbidities and COVID-19 symptoms do play a role.This Project has been financed by Bristol-Myers Squibb, Galapagos Biopharma Spain SLU, Gebro Pharma, Roche Farma and Sanofi Aventis
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