2,337 research outputs found

    Returns to education and to experience within the EU: are there differences between wage earners and the self-employed?

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    This paper investigates the returns to education and to experience within the 15 pre-enlargement EU countries, distinguishing between wage earners and the self-employed. These returns are estimated by using a comparable data set coming from the European Community Household Panel during the period 1994-2000. To correct for the ability bias and recover the education coefficients, an Efficient Generalized Instrumental Variable technique is applied. Although the results differ across countries, two common features can be observed. First, the earnings-experience profiles indicate certain traits of competitiveness in the labor markets and, secondly, the returns to education show that signaling plays a relevant role in the earnings of workers.Returns to education, wage earners, self-employed, panel data, European Union

    Dinámica salarial en España: evidencia a partir de datos individuales (1994-2001)

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    In this paper, we test the hypothesis of a wage curve against a Phillips curve for Spain, within a dynamic framework that allows for both of these, and for more general alternatives. To this end, we use data from the European Community Household Panel, providing micro-information for the period 1994-2001. The results indicate that, contrary to the situation in other European countries, the wage\ud adjustment occurs in just one period, with the elasticity of wages to unemployment being close to the «empirical law of economics» of –0.1.En este artículo, contrastamos para España la hipótesis de una curva\ud de salarios frente a la curva de Phillips en un marco dinámico que permite éstas y otras alternativas más generales. Para ello utilizamos datos del Panel de Hogares de la Unión Europea, el cual proporciona información individual para el periodo 1994-2001. Los resultados indican que, al contrario de lo observado en otros países europeos, el ajuste de los salarios tiene lugar en un solo periodo, siendo la elasticidad de largo plazo de los salarios a variaciones en el empleo próxima a la «ley empírica de la economía» de –0,1

    Estudio computacional de una turbina eólica de eje vertical H-Darrieus con perfiles NACA 4518

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado desarrolla el estudio de una turbina eólica de eje vertical H-Darrieus equipada con perfiles NACA 4518. Partiendo de un repaso de la situación actual en la que se encuentra la energía eólica se introducen las leyes físicas que caracterizan el aprovechamiento de esta energía. Se realiza la construcción de un modelo matemático 2D de la turbina y, haciendo uso de la Mecánica de Fluidos Computacional con el software Fluent.Inc, se establecen las configuraciones y condiciones para simular el funcionamiento real de la misma. A partir de los resultados obtenidos se construyen las curvas características que definen el comportamiento del aerogenerador y se analiza el patrón de flujo al que se ve sometido. Por último se realiza un estudio paramétrico, variando la inclinación de los álabes o ángulo de pitch, para comprobar su influencia en el funcionamiento de la turbina. Palabras clave: Energía eólica, VAWT, H-Darrieus, CFD, ángulo de pitch.Departamento de Ingeniería Energética y FluidomecánicaGrado en Ingeniería Mecánic

    Simulación CFD del proceso de atomización y mezcla de un inyector GDi a partir de modelos de acomplamiento unidireccional (One-way coupling)

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    [ES] Dada la creciente preocupación social por las emisiones contaminantes y de efecto invernadero en el sector de la automoción, los motores de combustión interna alternativos (MCIA) se ven sometidos cada vez más a restricciones que obligan a los fabricantes a desarrollar tecnologías eficientes y respetuosas con el medio ambiente. Entre estas se encuentra la inyección directa de gasolina (GDi), que permite operar con carga estratificada y disminuir el consumo de combustible en determinadas condiciones. Al contrario que los tradicionales sistemas de inyección indirecta, en los motores de GDi no se inyecta el combustible en una pre-cámara previa a la cámara de combustión sino directamente en el cilindro. En consecuencia, el proceso de atomización y mezcla con el aire pasa a ser determinante en las prestaciones del motor. Actualmente existen numerosas herramientas computacionales (CFD) que permiten realizar simulaciones de los fenómenos que ocurren en el proceso de inyección, facilitando así su estudio. En este proyecto, se va a utilizar el software CONVERGE V2.4 para caracterizar el chorro de un inyector GDi, el cual cumple los estándares definidos por la Engine Combustion Network (ECN), mediante la técnica de mapeado.[EN] Due to the increasing social concern about pollutant emissions and greenhouse gases at the automotive sector, internal combustion engines are submitted to ever more regulations that push manufacturers to develop efficient and environmental-friendly technologies. One of them is Gasoline Direct injection (GDi), which enables to operate with stratified mixture and low the fuel consumption in particular conditions. Unlike traditional Port Fuel Injection systems (PFI), fuel is not injected in a pre-chamber previous to the combustion chamber but in the cylinder directly at GDi engines. Consequently, atomization and air-mixing process is decisive in the engine performance. Nowadays, there are multiple computing tools that can simulate the phenomena occurring at the injection process in order to facilitate its analysis. This project involves the use of the CONVERGE V2.4 software for the characterization of a GDi injector spray -which matches with the Engine Combustion Network (ECN) standards- by means of the mapping technique.García Gómez, V. (2021). Simulación CFD del proceso de atomización y mezcla de un inyector GDi a partir de modelos de acomplamiento unidireccional (One-way coupling). Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/170204TFG

    Análisis de la razonabilidad del rubro inventarío-costo de venta de una entidad dedicada a la compra y venta de arroz en el cantón samborondón al 31 de diciembre del 2008

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    The present work shows the financial audit made an agricultural company dedicated to the purchase and sale of rice in the Samborondón corner during the period between 1 of 31 January of the 2008 to December of he himself year. The red Inventory-cost of sale is the account of the analysis and on which it falls the study of this work, he himself that consists of a complete analysis on the activity of the business as far as the purchase and sale of rice in its different presentations. In order to be able to determine the veracity of our work of audit we have been centered in analyzing the procedures, controls and internal policies that the company handles essentially based on the Ecuadorian norms of audit, Ecuadorian norms of accounting and laws that are incumbent on to the agricultural sector within the country. Additionally to the exposed thing to the heading in mention audit tests were made to him that helped to find excellent findings within the study. The present consists of 4 chapters. The first chapter makes reference to the theoretical frame, where summary general concepts on financial audit, the internal control with its respective analysis COSO, the Ecuadorian norms of audit applied to the turn of the business and the Ecuadorian norm of accounting referring to the Treatment of the Inventory. The second chapter details the determination of the audit approach, in where a brief description becomes of the knowledge of the business, to be able to measure the financial performance of the company I am made an analysis of the main financial indices, concluded this details the main countable policies related to the activity of the business as well as the application of statistical techniques for the respective sampling of audit. He chapter 3 deals with on the application about controls about audit for the account about study “Inventory Cost Sale”, the application of these controls helped to find possible findings us and power to verify if they are fulfilling the respective ones controls. In chapter 4 to the conclusions and recommendations are detailed, in where it says the irregularities that are happening in the company and which they were observed during the process of the audit but suggesting respective the corrective ones which it must take management for the good financial development from the company

    Cognitive Fusion Mediates the Relationship between Dispositional Mindfulness and Negative Affects: A Study in a Sample of Spanish Children and Adolescent School Students

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    Nowadays, mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) have experienced a remarkable development of studies among childhood and adolescent interventions. For this reason, dispositional mindfulness (DM) measures for children and adolescents have been developed to determine the e ectiveness of MBI at this age stage. However, little is known about how key elements of DM (for example, cognitive de/fusion or experiential avoidance that both confirm psychological inflexibility) are involved in the mechanisms of the children and adolescents’ mental health outcomes. This research examined the mediating e ect of cognitive fusion between DM and anxiety and other negative emotional states in a sample of 318 Spanish primary-school students (aged between 8 and 16 years, M = 11.24, SD = 2.19, 50.8% males). Participants completed the AFQ-Y (Avoidance and Fusion Questionnaire for youth), which is a measure of psychological inflexibility that encompasses cognitive defusion and experiential avoidance; CAMM (DM for children and adolescents), PANAS-N (positive and negative a ect measure for children, Spanish version of PANASC), and STAIC (an anxiety measure for children). The study accomplished ethical standards. As MBI relevant literature has suggested, cognitive defusion was a significant mediator betweenDMand symptoms of both negative emotions and anxiety in children and adolescents. However, experiential avoidance did not show any significant mediating relationship. Probably, an improvement of the assessment of experiential avoidance is needed. MBI programs for children and adolescents may include more activities for reducing e ects of the cognitive defusion on their emotional distress

    Computational modelling of cell migration in confined environments

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    Cell migration has gained attention over the last years due to its key role in different physiological and pathological process such as embryonic development and tumour growth [1]. Many researchers have developed studies about what stimulate the cells and the critical point in the cell mobility. In this work, we consider cell migration in microchannels, simulating the exact moment when the cell cross to the veins

    El capital humano en la empresa aragonesa

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    Premios: Premio de investigación "Ángela López Jiménez" 201

    Metodología para la mitigación de los errores en los procesos de construcción de proyectos de edificaciones

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    En nuestro país una de las actividades de mayor actividad económica, generadora de empleo directo e indirecto y de alta dinámica e inversión en la industria de la construcción, se hace necesario la implementación de un control durante cada una de las etapas del proyecto, donde las personas que integran el equipo de trabajo (Administración-Construcción-Interventoría) tengan definidos sus alcances y responsabilidades durante la ejecución de los proyectos y en sus diferentes etapas. Es un estudio para 20 edificaciones en diferentes sectores del Valle de Aburrá, con el fin de implementar una metodología que ayude a minimizar los errores en cualquier etapa del proyecto, en otras palabras se basa en detectar de manera inmediata o a corto plazo cualquier error o anomalía que se presente y como consecuencia pueda generar resultados nefastos en pérdidas humanas y económicas. Finalmente se concluye que la aplicación e implementación de esta metodología deja abierta las puertas para continuar con estos estudios y lograr en un futuro la optimización para minimizar y mitigar al máximo los diferentes errores constructivos.In our country, Construction provides a huge amount of economic activity generating direct and indirect employment with high and dynamic investment into the industry. Therefore, it is necessary to implement a control during each of the stages of the project where the people involved (Administrators, Constructors, and Auditors) have their goals and responsibilities defined during each of the different stages of the project execution. The idea of implementing a methodology that helps to minimize the errors in any of the stages of the project execution, is based on the immediate or short term detection of any anomalies that could arise and could generate negative results such as economic, social or the extreme case of losing any human lives. Finally, the implementation and application of this methodology opens up opportunities to continue focusing and studying future projects. The main goal would be optimize, minimize, and mitigate the most amount of problems and construction errors