964 research outputs found

    Zonation of positively buoyant jets interacting with the water-free surface quantified by physical and numerical modelling

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    ABSTRACT: The evolution of positively buoyant jets was studied with non-intrusive techniques-Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Laser Induce Fluorescence (LIF)-by analyzing four physical tests in their four characteristic zones: momentum dominant zone (jet-like), momentum to buoyancy transition zone (jet to plume), buoyancy dominant zone (plume-like), and lateral dispersion dominant zone. Four configurations were tested modifying the momentum and the buoyancy of the effluent through variations of flow discharge and the thermal gradient with the receiving water body, respectively. The physical model results were used to evaluate the performance of numerical models to describe such flows. Furthermore, a new method to delimitate the four characteristic zones of positively buoyant jets interacting with the water-free surface was proposed using the angle (?) shaped by the tangent of the centerline trajectory and the longitudinal axis. Physical model results showed that the dispersion of mass (concentrations) was always greater than the dispersion of energy (velocity) during the evolution of positively buoyant jets. The semiempirical models (CORJET and VISJET) underestimated the trajectory and overestimated the dilution of positively buoyant jets close to the impact zone with the water-free surface. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model (Open Field Operation And Manipulation model (OpenFOAM) is able to reproduce the behavior of positively buoyant jets for all the proposed zones according to the physical resultsFunding: The work described in this paper is part of a research project financed by the VI National Plan (2008–2012) for Research in Science and Technological Innovation of the Spanish Government (VERTIZE CTM2012-32538)

    Fractura osteoporótica de cadera. Estudio de factores de riesgo de mortalidad en la población geriátrica

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    La fractura de maluc en persones majors de 65 anys és una patologia prevalent en l'actualitat i amb una repercussió molt important en el desenvolupament de la vida quotidiana d'aquest col·lectiu. Per aquesta raó, és rellevant conèixer els factors de risc que puguin condicionar el pronòstic d'aquests pacients. En la literatura actual disponible, s'han descrit alguns d'aquests, però existeixen poques recerques que esmentin l'impacte de la interacció entre ells. A més, existeixen controvèrsies entre diferents corrents teòriques per a determinar en què mesura aquests factors poden condicionar el pronòstic d'aquests pacients. Aquestes diferències són degudes a l'heterogeneïtat de les poblacions i a les particularitats de l'atenció de les persones a cada país. La present tesi doctoral pretén determinar la supervivència i aquells factors de risc de mortalitat, d'entre un conjunt de síndromes geriàtriques en població major de 65 anys que ha sofert una fractura de maluc de causa osteoporótica en la població de referència de l'Hospital Universitari Sant Joan. Per a això s'ha desenvolupat un estudi observacional prospectiu amb un any de seguiment sobre una cohort de 825 pacients atesos pel servei de Cirurgia Ortopèdica i Traumatologia de l'Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus, majors de 65 anys que han sofert una fractura de maluc de tipus osteoporótica. Les dades s'han recollit prospectivament a partir de l'any 2015 fins a l'any 2018 i s'han registrat per a la posterior anàlisi amb el programa estadístic SPSS 28.0. Una vegada analitzades les dades, cal esmentar, en primer lloc, que la mortalitat a l'any d'haver patit una fractura de fèmur proximal és del 31,1%. D'altra banda, el principal factor de risc de mortalitat al cap de 6 mesos d'haver patit la fractura va ser el fet de sofrir síndrome confusional durant l'ingrés, mentre que els factors de risc de mortalitat a l'any van ser presentar una alteració de la funció renal a l'ingrés, registrar anèmia a l'ingrés, sofrir de demència a l'ingrés, patir infecció respiratòria durant l'estada hospitalària o presentar dependència greu o total a l'ingrés segons l'escala de Barthel. En segon lloc, aquest estudi ha pogut determinar el paper fonamental que juga l'atenció multidisciplinària dels pacients que han sofert una fractura de maluc, permetent que aquests tinguin una miLa fractura de cadera en personas mayores de 65 años es una patología prevalente en la actualidad y con una repercusión muy importante en el desarrollo de la vida cotidiana de este colectivo. Por esta razón, es importante conocer los factores de riesgo que puedan condicionar el pronóstico de estos pacientes. En la literatura actual disponible, se han descrito algunos de éstos, pero existen pocas investigaciones que mencionen el impacto de la interacción entre ellos. Además, existen controversias entre diferentes corrientes teóricas para determinar en qué medida estos factores pueden condicionar el pronóstico de estos pacientes. Estas diferencias son debidas a la heterogeneidad de las poblaciones y a las particularidades de la atención de las personas en cada país. La presente tesis doctoral pretende determinar la supervivencia y aquellos factores de riesgo de mortalidad, de entre un conjunto de síndromes geriátricos en población mayor de 65 años que ha sufrido una fractura de cadera de causa osteoporótica en la población de referencia del Hospital Universitari Sant Joan. Para ello se ha desarrollado un estudio observacional prospectivo con un año de seguimiento sobre una cohorte de 825 pacientes atendidos por el servicio de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología del Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus, mayores de 65 años que han sufrido una fractura de cadera de tipo osteoporótica. Los datos se han recogido prospectivamente a partir del año 2015 hasta el año 2018 y se han registrado para el posterior análisis con el programa estadístico SPSS 28.0. Una vez analizado los datos, cabe mencionar en primer lugar, que la mortalidad al año de haber padecido una fractura de fémur proximal es del 31,1%. Por otro lado, el principal factor de riesgo de mortalidad a los 6 meses de haber padecido la fractura fue el sufrir síndrome confusional durante el ingreso, mientras que los factores de riesgo de mortalidad al año fueron presentar una alteración de la función renal al ingreso, registrarse anemia al ingreso, sufrir de demencia al ingreso, padecer infección respiratoria durante la estancia hospitalaria o presentar dependencia grave o total al ingreso según la escala de Barthel. En segundo lugar, este estudio ha podido determinar el papel fundamental que juega la atención multidisciplinar de los pacientes que han sufridoHip fracture in people over 65 years of age is a prevalent pathology nowadays and with a very important repercussion on the daily life of this group. For this reason, it is important to know the risk factors which can condition the prognosis of these patients. In the current available literature, some of these have been described, but there is little research that mentions the impact of the interaction between them. In addition, there are controversies between different theoretical currents to determine to what extent these factors may condition the prognosis of these patients. These differences are due to the heterogeneity of the populations and the particularities of the care of people in each country. This doctoral thesis aims to determine survival and those risk factors for mortality among a set of geriatric syndromes in the population over 65 years of age who have suffered a hip fracture of osteoporotic cause in the reference population of the Hospital Universitari Sant Joan. For this purpose, a prospective observational study was carried out with a one-year follow-up on a cohort of 825 patients attended by the Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology service of the Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus, over 65 years of age who have suffered a hip fracture of the osteoporotic type. The data were collected prospectively from 2015 to 2018 and recorded for subsequent analysis with the SPSS statistical programme 28.0. Once the data has been analysed, it is worth mentioning, firstly, that the mortality rate one year after suffering a fracture of the proximal femur is 31.1%. On the other hand, the main risk factor for mortality 6 months after suffering the fracture was suffering confusional syndrome during admission, while the risk factors for mortality at one year were presenting an alteration in renal function on admission, registering anaemia on admission, suffering dementia on admission, suffering respiratory infection during the hospital stay or presenting severe or total dependency on admission according to the Barthel scale. Secondly, this study has been able to determine the fundamental role played by multidisciplinary care of patients who have suffered a hip fracture, allowing them to have a better functional recovery, greater adherence to treatment and lower mortality. Finally, this doctoral thesis

    Artificial neural networks as emulators of process-based models to analyse bathing water quality in estuaries

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    This study aims to provide a method for developing artificial neural networks in estuaries as emulators ofprocess-based models to analyse bathing water quality and its variability over time and space. Themethodology forecasts the concentration of faecal indicator organisms, integrating the accuracy andreliability offield measurements, the spatial and temporal resolution of process-based modelling, andthe decrease in computational costs by artificial neural networks whilst preserving the accuracy of re-sults. Thus, the overall approach integrates a coupled hydrodynamic-bacteriological model previouslycalibrated withfield data at the bathing sites into a low-order emulator by using artificial neural net-works, which are trained by the process-based model outputs. The application of the method to the EoEstuary, located on the northwestern coast of Spain, demonstrated that artificial neural networks areviable surrogates of highly nonlinear process-based models and highly variable forcings. The resultsshowed that the process-based model and the neural networks conveniently reproduced the measure-ments ofEscherichia coli(E. coli) concentrations, indicating a slightly betterfit for the process-basedmodel (R2¼0.87) than for the neural networks (R2¼0.83). This application also highlighted that dur-ing the model setup of both predictive tools, the computational time of the process-based approach was0.78 times lower than that of the artificial neural networks (ANNs) approach due to the additional timespent on ANN development. Conversely, the computational costs of forecasting are considerably reducedby the neural networks compared with the process-based model, with a decrease in hours of 25, 600,3900, and 31633 times for forecasting 1 h, 1 day, 1 month, and 1 bathing season, respectively. Therefore,the longer the forecasting period, the greater the reduction in computational time by artificial neuralnetworks

    Creencias sobre la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 de la etnia Wixarika del occidente de México

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    Introduction. There is a series of changes in the lifestyle of indigenous peoples that are caused by the processes of urbanization and westernization, which have generated modifications in the epidemiological profile of the people. These changes are an explanation to diseases that didn’t exist before in ethnic groups, such as the case of diabetes in the Wixarika people. Methodology. Exhaustive interviews were made, and from transcription they were codified with the aid of the Atlas-ti program. Subsequently, categories for interpretation and theorization were formulated. Results. Wixarika people were found to consider diabetes as a disease that belongs to mestizos and not to them, since this malady arrived to their communities along with the processes of modernization and the Western culture. Therefore, their marakames (curanderos) can’t heal it and only a mestizo physician can treat it. Conclusion. From the incorporation of the Wixarika people into the global processes, some cultural elements have been modified, such as the ways to produce food, eating and doing physical activity. Therefore, diseases like diabetes type II come up in their communities.Introducción. Existen una serie de cambios en los modos de vida de los pueblos originarios causados por procesos de urbanización y occidentalización que han generado modificaciones en el perfil epidemiológico, que explican las enfermedades que antes no existían en la etnia como es la diabetes. Metodología. Se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad, las cuales, a partir de la transcripción, se codificaron con ayuda del programa Atlas-ti, posteriormente se formaron categorías para su interpretación y teorización. Resultados. Se encontró que los Wixaritari consideran a la diabetes como una enfermedad que es del mestizo y no propia de su cultura, porque este padecimiento llegó a sus comunidades con los procesos de modernización y la cultura occidental, por lo que sus curanderos (Marakames) no la pueden curar, únicamente el médico mestizo la puede tratar. Conclusión. A partir de la incorporación del pueblo Wixárika a los procesos globales se han modificado elementos culturales como las formas de producir alimentos, de comer y de realizar actividad física y a consecuencia se presentan enfermedades que antes no existían en sus comunidades como la diabetes

    University students remembering attachment patterns learned through role playing

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    La presente investigación se enmarca dentro de los estudios para la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El objetivo principal es observar el grado de recuerdo que muestra el alumnado universitario al preguntarles sobre el apego y los tipos de apego, que fueron explicados mediante simulaciones y juegos de roles en las clases de la asignatura “Psicología del desarrollo”. Los 110 participantes proceden de una muestra de alumnos de la Facultad de Educación-Centro de Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Para alcanzar el objetivo se diseñó una investigación empírica utilizando metodología cualitativa. Se trata de comprobar si el alumnado recuerda en qué consiste el apego, el apego seguro, el apego inseguro ambivalente, el apego inseguro evitativo y el apego desorganizado. Los resultados encontrados muestran, en general, un alto grado de recuerdo, incluso, más de un año después de haber cursado la asignatura. En conclusión, el análisis parece mostrar la utilidad de este tipo de metodología docente para mejorar el aprendizaje del alumnado.This paper forms part of the studies for the improvement of the teaching-learning processes. The main aim is to observe the memory retention level of university students when asked about attachment and attachment patterns, which were explained through simulations and role playing in Developmental Psychology lessons. The 110 participants were drawn from a sample of students of the Faculty of Education - Professorship Formation Center from the Complutense University of Madrid. To reach the proposed aim, an empirical research is designed using quantitative methodology. The question is to verify whether students remember attachment, secure attachment, anxious attachment, avoidant attachment and disorganized attachment. The results show a high memory retention level, even more than a year after having attended the course. In conclusion, analysis reveals the usefulness of implementing this kind of teaching methodology to improve students learning.peerReviewe

    Comparative analysis of the transition from early childhood education to primary education: factors affecting continuity between stages

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    p. 411-454The educational transition between early childhood education and primary education is a complex moment of change with repercussions throughout the academic life of the students. For this reason, it is important to seek continuity between both educational stages. A successful transition produces for the social, cognitive and emotional well-being of the student. The aim of this study is to find out how transition-related factors apply in ten European Union (EU) countries. The factors analyzed are the age of onset of transition, the teacher-student ratio, types of clustering, financing of the stage, responsibility, and both initial and in-service teacher training. The methodology followed in this study is documentary analysis and the main source of data search has been the European Commission's Eurydice portal. The results show differences in stage change within each country, especially in the explicit consideration of a transition period. The main conclusion is that there is a great difference between the northern and southern countries. The main differences between countries in the transitions from early childhood education to primary education in the EU are in the years of compulsory education, the teacher/student/unit ratio, the initial teacher training, and the decentralization of education.S

    Evaluation of undergraduate research projects on environmental education at university implementing the hypothesis of progression

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    En este trabajo se aplica la hipótesis de progresión en la valoración de los proyectos de gradode los estudiantes en Educación Ambiental en la Universidad. Para ello, se han analizadolos proyectos realizados por los alumnos de la Licenciatura en Biología y EducaciónAmbiental, en la Universidad del Quindío, Colombia. Cuyo objetivo tiene la formaciónde profesores en el nivel primaria, secundaria u otros niveles educativos. La hipótesis deprogresión permite valorar el cambio conceptual presentado en los proyectos de grado nocomo un proceso puntual, sino como un proceso de evolución de los contenidos. This paper aims to explain the implementation of the hypothesis of progression in the evaluation of research projects of undergraduate students of Environmental education at university. To this end, there have been analyzed some projects of students of the bachelor’s degree in Biology and Environmental Education at the University of Quindío in Colombia. This academic program, aims at the professional training of teachers of elementary, middle and high school or even other educative levels. The hypothesis of progression leads to assess the conceptual change stated in the research project, not as a specific process but as a process of contents evolution

    Validación Inteligente para la Sincronización de Semáforos Basada en Feature Models

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    El concepto de Smart City o Ciudad Inteligente engloba el conjunto de acciones y servicios, basados en las tecnologías de información y comunicación, que se ofrecen en un núcleo urbano. En este sentido, el uso de técnicas bioinspiradas para la gestión del flujo del tráfico mediante la sincronización de semáforos podría constituir uno de los aspectos más innovadores en los entornos urbanos en el futuro. No obstante, la programación automática de semáforos requiere además de un proceso de validación de las soluciones generadas, dado que afectan a la seguridad de miles de usuarios. En este trabajo se propone una estrategia de validación basada en los Modelos de Características (Feature Models) para generar automáticamente diversos escenarios para la comprobación de la robustez de los programas de semáforos. Como caso de estudio, se realiza la validación de programas de semáforos en el área urbana de la ciudad de Málaga, generados mediante cuatro algoritmos de optimización (PSO, DE, Random Search y SCPG). El resultado es información validada sobre el programa de semáforos que mejor actúa para un mayor porcentaje de situaciones de tráfico diferentes.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y FEDER: TIN2011-28194, BES-2012-055967 y BES-2009-01876

    Concurrent Validity and Reliability of Two Portable Powermeters (Power2Max vs. PowerTap) to Measure Different Types of Efforts in Cycling

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    [EN] The purpose was to assess the concurrent validity and reliability of two portable powermeters (PowerTap vs. Power2Max) in different types of cycling efforts. Ten cyclists performed two submaximal, one incremental maximal and two supramaximal sprint tests on an ergometer, while pedaling power and cadence were registered by both powermeters and a cadence sensor (GarminGSC10). During the submaximal and incremental maximal tests, significant correlations were found for power and cadence data (r = 0.992–0.997 and 0.996–0.998, respectively, p < 0.001), with a slight power underestimation by PowerTap (0.7–1.8%, p < 0.01) and a high reliability of both powermeters (p < 0.001) for measurement of power (ICC = 0.926 and 0.936, respectively) and cadence (ICC = 0.969 and 0.970, respectively). However, during the supramaximal sprint test, their agreement to measure power and cadence was weak (r = 0.850 and 0.253, p < 0.05) due to the low reliability of the cadence measurements (ICC between 0.496 and 0.736, and 0.574 and 0.664, respectively; p < 0.05) in contrast to the high reliability of the cadence sensor (ICC = 0.987–0.994). In conclusion, both powermeters are valid and reliable for measuring power and cadence during continuous cycling efforts (~100–450 W), but questionable during sprint efforts (>500 W), where they are affected by the gear ratio used (PowerTap) and by their low accuracy in cadence recording (PowerTap and Power2Max).S

    Variability cognitive profile in children and adults with Down syndrome. A neuropsychological study

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    Introducción: El síndrome de Down (SD) es una alteración cromosómica que presenta un fenotipo cognitivo y conductual específico y de una gran complejidad. Objetivos: estudiar el grado de variabilidad del perfil cognitvo a través de pruebas de diagnóstico neuropsicológico en dos edades claramente diferenciadas del desarrollo: edad escolar y edad aulta. Participantes y métodos: Se estudiaron 105 sujetos de edad infantil y adulta, 43 con SD y 62 sin SD. Se valoraron variables neuropsicológicas. Se realizó estudio comparativo de las diferentes variables neuropsicológicas entre los grupos SD y comparación, y entre los grupos infantiles y adultos. Resultados: Los grupos SD infantil y adulto presentaron un rendimiento neuropsicológico significativamente (p<0.05) más bajo que los grupos control. El 84% de las variables neuropsicológicas estudiadas en el grupo SD infantil mostraron un significativo grado de variabilidad (p<0.05), en el grupo SD adulto apareció un 44% de las variables estudiadas con un significativo grado de variabilidad. Conclusiones: El rendimiento neuropsicológico es deficitario en todas las áreas cognitivas estudiadas con diferente grado de representación según la función cognitiva, y con un alto grado de variabilidad cognitiva, especialmente en la edad infantil.Introduction: Down syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal disorder that has a specific and highly complex cognitive and behavioral phenotype. Objectives: To study the degree of variability cognitvo profile through neuropsychological diagnostic tests into two distinct developmental ages : aulta school age and older. Participants and Methods: 105 subjects aged child and adult, 43 with and 62 without SD SD were studied. Neuropsychological variables were assessed. Comparative study of different neuropsychological variables between SD and comparison groups was performed, and between groups of children and adults. Results: Children and adult SD neuropsychological performance groups had significantly (p < 0.05) lower than the control groups. 84% of the neuropsy- chological variables studied in child SD group showed a significant degree of variability (p < 0.05 ) in the SD group showed adult 44% of the studied variables with a significant degree of variability. Conclusions: The neuropsychological performance in all cognitive deficit in study areas with different levels of representation according to cognitive function, and with a high degree of cognitive variability, especially in childhood.peerReviewe