37 research outputs found

    Educational Climate at Nursing Study Program Gadjah Mada University as Measured Using Dreem

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    Latar Belakang: Salah satu aspek pendidikan yang perlu untuk dievaluasi adalah suasana pendidikan. l\u27ujuan: Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi suasana pendidikan di Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran UGM dengan menggunakan instrumen Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure (DREEM) Metode: Subyek adalah mahasiswa regular Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran UGM. Instrumen DREEM dalam versi bahasa Indonesia dibagikan kepada mahasiswa setelah kuliah. Interpretasi hasil didasarkan pada pedoman yang dibuat oleh pembuat DREEM. Hasil: Rata-rata skor total adalah 123,14. Rata-rata skor untuk sub-skala persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pengajaran, persepsi mahasiswa terhadap dosen, persepsi mahasiswa terhadap proses akademik, persepsi mahasiswa terhadap atmosfir pembelajaran dan kehidupan sosial secara berurutan adalah 27,008,0619,8631,69dan 16. Ada 4 area yang dinilai positif, 38 area yang harus diperbaiki dan 8 area yang mengindikasikan adanya masalah. Kesimpulan: Walaupun ada beberapa area yang memerlukan perhatian, namun secara umum suasana pendidikan di Program Sudi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran UGM diukur dengan instrumen DREEM cukup memuaskan, mengarah ke suasana yang lebih balk. Kata kunci: Program evaluation, educational climate, learning environment, learning climate - DREE

    Efektivitas pendidikan sebaya terhadap perilaku kesehatan diri santri di pesantren

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    Tujuan: Mengetahui efektivitas peer education terhadap perilaku menjaga kebersihan pribadi pada santri di Pondok Pesantren Al-Iman Putri Babadan Kabupaten Ponorogo.Metode: Pretest dan posttest pada 84 santri Madrasah Tsanawiyah kelas I Al-Iman. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan paired t-test.Hasil: Ada perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan dengan intervensi berupa peer education tentang menjaga kebersihan pribadi antara kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Kelompok intervensi yang diberikan peer education mengalami peningkatan lebih tinggi daripada kelompok kontrol yang tidak diberikan peer education.Implikasi Praktis: Manajemen pondok pesantren dapat menggunakan metode peer education sebagai upaya preventif untuk mempromosikan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehatKeaslian: Studi ini menyatakan bahwa peer education efektif untuk mempromosikan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat kepada santri di pesantren.Purpose This study aimed to know the effectiveness of peer education on the behavior of maintaining personal hygiene among students in Pondok Pesantren Al-Iman Putri Babadan Ponorogo Regency.Methods Pretest and posttest were given to 84 students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah class I Al-Iman Islamic boarding school. Data were analyzed using paired t-tests.Results There was a significant difference in the level of knowledge, attitude and action between the control group and the intervention group with peer education about maintaining personal hygiene. The intervention group experienced a higher increase than the control group.Conclusion This study demonstrated that peer education is effective to promote clean and healthy life behavior among students in Islamic boarding schools. Boarding school management can use peer education methods as a preventive effort to promote clean and healthy life behavior

    Intergrating Problem-Based Learning and Team-Based Learning (PITBL) in Nursing Students: A Pilot study

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    Background: Change seems to be a constant in education. The shifting paradigm from teacher-centered to student-centered impact on demands of medical and health professions education institution to undertake curricullum reform. The development of PBL requires the provision of resources needed for its implementation. The emergence of newly developed method, TBL, garnered interest because of its potential to promote active learning without requiring large numbers of resources. The integration of these two methods can complement each deficiencies with their advantages, so it can optimize student learning. This study is aimed to determine the impact of the integration of PBL and TBL (PiTBL) on student engagement and to evaluate the perceptions of students in terms of accountability, preferences and their satisfaction with this method. Method: This study was a pre-experimental with one group pre and post test design. Subjects consisted of 103 nursing students who enrolled Fluid, Electrolyte an Elimination course. The collection of data before and after the intervention were held to determine the difference in student engagement, using “Classroom Engagement Survey” instrument from Baylor University. Students perceptions in terms of accountability, preference and satisfaction were measured with PiTBL-Student Assessment Instrument (PiTBL-SAI). Results: PiTBL had a positive impact on student engagement, but its results were lower then PBL. The difference was not significant for participation sub-scale, and significant in several weeks of course for enjoyment sub-scale and total value of student engagement. Students perceptions in terms of accountability, preference and their satisfaction with PiTBL all showed positive results. Conclusions: PiTBL had a positive impact on student engagement, although lower than PBL. Students perceptions in terms of their accountability, preference and satisfatction with this method is also positive. We concluded that this method can be used as an alternative in implementing an effective and eficient active learning method

    Students Perceptions on the quality of clinical supervision among the 12 affiliated hospital of Medical Faculty of UNISSULA

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    Background: Clinical supervision has a vital role in the learning process of undergraduate medical education because it may improve the student’s clinical performance of the students. Supervision is a complex activity and covers wide variety of applications. Medical faculty of Islamic Sultan Agung University has 15 affiliated hospitals for its clinical education. To assure the quality of the clinical program, an evaluation on the quality of clinical program is required. This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the clinical supervision among the 12 affiliated hospitals.Design and Methods: This study involved 181 students of clinical internship of the year 2003, 2004 and 2005 of medical faculty of Islamic Sultan Agung University having the clinical rotation at the stage of surgery, obsgyn, pediatrics, internal medicine, ENT, neurology, dermatology and venerology, psychiatry, across the affiliated hospitals. The subject were divided into groups based on the hospital they were placed. Clinical Teaching Effectiveness Instrument (CTEI) adapted in bahasa Indonesia was used. The Descriptive and Kruskal-Wallis test were applied for the data analysis.Results: Means of the effectiveness of clinical supervision for 12 affiliated hospitals ranged from 3.25 to 4.02. Kruskal-Wallis test resulted in the value of Chi-S=13.32 and p=0.27.Conclusion: Over all the clinical supervision for the 12 affiliated hospitals is perceived good and shows no significant difference. However the practice of clinical supervision varies among the hospitals (Sains Medika, 3(2):135-149)

    Aplikasi Gaya Belajar pada Kegiatan Belajar Mandiri Mahasiswa Tahun Pertama Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar

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    Latar belakang: Pengetahuan akan gaya belajar sangat dibutuhkan oleh mahasiswa. Pada saat belajar mandiri, mahasiswa memiliki kebebasan untuk untuk dapat mengidentifikasi kebutuhan belajarnya yang akan dijabarkan dalam bentuk tujuan belajar, setelah itu menyiapkan rencana belajar, mencari sumber daya yang dibutuhkan dan melaksanakan rencana belajar tersebut serta diakhir dengan evaluasi hasil dan proses belajar. Dalam proses belajar inilah gaya belajar dapat menjadi katalisator untuk pembelajaran yang efektif. Salah satunya adalah gaya belajar Visual, Aural, Read/write, Kinestetik (VARK).Metode: Penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif terhadap mahasiswa tahun pertama FK Unismuh di TA 2013/2014. Tahap pertama dengan menyebarkan kuesioner VARK untuk mendapatkan data gaya belajar mahasiswa. Selanjutnya mahasiswa diberikan buku harian belajar mandiri untuk diisi sesuai apa yang mereka lakukan saat belajar mandiri.Hasil: Berdasarkan analisis data diperoleh gaya belajar unimodalitas mahasiswa yaitu Visual 1.4%, Aural 29%, Read/write 24.6%, Kinestetik 32%, dan multimodalitas 13%. Dari kelompok unimodalitas hanya sebesar 10% yang mengaplikasikan gaya belajar sesuai karakteristik gaya belajarnya sedangkan dari kelompok multimodalitas sebesar 77.7%.Simpulan: Gaya belajar yang paling dominan adalah gaya belajar kinestetik dan kelompok multi modalitaslah yang paling banyak mengaplikasikan gaya belajar sesuai dengan karakteristik gaya belajarnya. Background: Knowledge of learning styles is needed by the student. At the time of self -learning, students have the freedom to be able to identify learning needs to be spelled out in the form of learning objectives, and then prepare a lesson plan, look for the resources needed to learn and implement the plan as well as the end of the evaluation results and the learning process. In this learning process learning styles can be a catalyst for effective learning. One of which is the Visual, Aural, Read / write, Kinesthetic (VARK). Methods: Descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The population was freshman FK Unismuh in school year 2013/2014. The data were taken byquetionnaire s to obtain data VARK learning styles of students. Then, students are given self-learning diary filled according to what they do when the independent study. Result: Learning style is Visual 1.4%, 29% Aural, Read / write 24.6%, Kinesthetic 32%, 13% and multimodality. Of group unimodalitas only 10% who apply learning style according to the characteristics of learning styles while multimodality group at 77.7%. Conclusion: The most dominant learning style is kinesthetic but group multimodality most widely applied according to the learning style characteristics

    Developing an instrument to measure student's perception of the medical education curriculum from the perspective of Communities of Practice theory

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    The concept of participation as a learning process is essential to foster professional identity development. Faculties are expected to provide a curriculum that supports students' participation in the profession's context. Curriculum evaluation is needed to assess the extent to which curriculum implementation supports participation. In this regard, this study aims to develop instruments that measure students' perceptions of the medical education curriculum. The blueprint for the instrument's development was based on the concept of participation in communities of practice theory. Qualitative research, which involved 17 pre-clinical and clinical medical students as participants, was conducted to explore medical students' perception about formal learning activities that encourage participation. The results were used to generate the items. A series of review processes, item reduction, revisions, and analysis generated 20 items in four factors, namely: engagement support, imagination support, convergence, and feedback. This shows that the instrument is multidimensional. The instrument also has good discriminant validity and composite reliability

    Clinical reasoning skills: measurement and development

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Measuring what matters: Decoding the long-term impact of assessment methods in medical education

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    In the field of delivery of medical education, assessment plays a pivotal role in measuring attainment of the student learning outcome. However, we must acknowledge that more often than not, assessment methods have been employed to predominantly measure short-term outcomes. Nevertheless, with the passage of time, medical educators have realized that we must also aim to assess the long-term impact of educational strategies, including assessment methods, in facilitating long-term learning and skill development among medical students. Evaluating the long-term impact of assessment methods has gradually gained importance owing to multiple reasons, such as we can measure the impact of assessment methods in contributing toward the acquisition and retention of knowledge and skills over an extended period of time. In conclusion, the process of evaluating the long-term impact of assessment methods is extremely crucial to gain an understanding of their effectiveness in promoting lasting learning and skill development. In fact, the evaluation findings are expected to provide valuable information in the domains of knowledge retention, skill application, critical thinking, and continuous learning and thereby provide adequate evidence for policymakers to bring about timely and appropriate modifications in the curriculum to ensure the attainment of learning outcomes


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    Background: The development of information and communication technology has provided a positive effect on the world of education. Elearning is a teaching method that is applied in education and was designed in the Health Science Faculty of Respati University in Yogyakarta, but now there are no e-learning that can be used to support learning. E-learning applications can be designed to suit the needs of its capabilities at the Health Science Faculty of Respati University in Yogyakarta. Method: Action research study design. The sample stage of diagnosing and planning actions taken by managers and lecturers a purposive sampling techniques, sample student with cluster of random sampling. The samples on the stage taking and evaluating the action taken with the technique of convenience sampling. Data analysis in this research is the descriptive analysis of qualitative and quantitative. The size of the validity of the data is performed using the method of triangulation. Results and Discussion: Availability of hardware and software technology has been ready to support the use of information technology but to the readiness of the means by which the user has not all ready for 8.4% of the students, while teachers are all using computers. Availability of computer technology that has not been 100% owned e-learning can be inhibited. Ability to use internet software contained 2.9% of students who can not, a lecturer are 2.0%. Tools used are downloading, uploading, quizzes, assignments and discussions. Users agree as much as 99% if the e-learning design be used to support of learning. Conclusions and suggestions: Needs of e-learning course is suitable as a supporting curriculum applies. Menu e-learning is a download, upload content, quizzes, assignments and discussion. Hardware software technical support has been prepared but not yet all ready user readiness. Evaluation design e-learning accessible, engaging, and agree if applied as complementary learning with some improvement suggestions