394 research outputs found

    Il lago dei cigni di Delo : dal threnos al peana

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    From Euripides\u2019 tragedy to Plato\u2019s philosophy, up to the erudite Callimachean poetry, an interesting association can be observed between mentions of Delos and its swans and the transition from the threnodic expression of sorrow to the liberating, healing power of paean. This article begins with a brief excursus into the Homeric epic, to discover the most ancient coexistence between threnos and paean, and into archaic liric poetry and Homeric Hymns, to find the origins of the swan connotated as the Apollinean bird of poetry; the focus then shifts to some passages in Euripides (Heracles, Ion and Iphigenia in Tauris), Plato (Phaedo) and Callimachus (Hymn to Delos and Hymn to Apollo), in which the swan lake of Delos is mentioned, trying to understand its significance and permanent features

    Dodona versus Delphi in Greek tragedy : the wanderings of the hero between expiation and ties of genos

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    This study deals with the relations between the oracles of Delphi and Dodona as depicted in 5th-century Greek tragedy. In the first part we consider the wanderings of Io in Prome\uadtheus Bound, those of Heracles in Sophocles\u2019 Trachiniae, as well as the wanderings of Odysseus in the fragments of Sophocles\u2019 Odysseus Thorn-Struck. These tragedies are characterized by a harmonious complementarity between the two oracles: Dodona, the an\uadcient oracle guaranteeing the sacred ties of the family, is placed at the end of the hero\u2019s travels, while the Delphic oracle provides the initial motive and aim of the journey, namely expiation. In the second part our focus is on the (failed) wanderings of Orestes and Menoeceus in Euripides\u2019 Andromache and Phoenissae respectively, where the harmonious consonance between the two oracles slides into a dissonant alterity: the goal of the journey is never reached, leading to the dissolution of family ties

    Ecopharmacology: Deliberated or casual dispersion of pharmaceutical principles, phytosanitary, personal health care and veterinary products in environment needs a multivariate analysis or expert systems for the control, the measure and the remediation

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    .The increasing human and animal use and abuse of drugs as well as of personalhealthcare and gross domestic products, involve disposal and waste problems and, as a consequence, affect the environmental condition. Actually most of the active principles are complex synthesised organic molecules that react, inside human or animal body, by specific biochemical reactions that in no case can reach a 100% yield and produce residues that could be more noxious of the starting compounds. Just reading the indication sheet accompanying any drugs, it is easy to state that no drug can be considered healthy, so, their use constitutes a serious pollution source. The full awareness of this relatively new environmental problem let many researchers to face it from different point of view. Current studies are considering the sources of these substances in the environment, the effects on human health as well as on the flora and fauna species, the recalcitrance and possible degradation methods, analytical techniques able to determine them and their metabolites even at low concentrations and in complex matrices. Literature on the subject continuously increases and a comparison of all data became more and more difficult both for a single drug and for different ones based on the same or different active principles. This is a typical case in which chemometrics can extract a full information in the easier way, so the design of a European database coupled to suitable expertsystem software should be strongly suggested

    Ultrafast dynamics in unaligned MWCNTs decorated with metal nanoparticles

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    The relaxation dynamics of unaligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes decorated with metallic nanoparticles have been studied by using transient optical measurements. The fast dynamics due to the short-lived free-charge carriers excited by the pump are not affected by the presence of nanoparticles. Conversely, a second long dynamics, absent in bare carbon nanotubes, appears only in the decorated samples. A combination of experiment and theory allows us to ascribe this long dynamics to relaxation channels involving electronic states localized at the tube-nanoparticle interface

    Using WiMAX technology to improve volcano monitoring: the WEIRD System

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    IEEE 802.16 standards (IEEE, 2004; IEEE, 2005), commonly known as WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access Forum), is one of the most promising broadband wireless access technology for next generation all-IP networks. This access technology allows reaching high bit rate and covering large areas with a single Base Station (BS). Thanks to these features, IEEE 802.16 opens the way for the use and the introduction of wireless technologies in particular emergency scenarios, like volcano monitoring. Active volcano surveillance is based prevalently on the analysis of geophysical and geochemical parameters gathered by monitoring networks. Of all, seismology is one of the most useful methods for volcano monitoring. In fact, several types of seismic signals, e.g. volcano-tectonic earthquakes (VT), long-period events (LP), volcanic tremor, can occur before and during an eruption. The analysis and interpretation of these seismic signals are a very important task for the volcanic eruption forecasting (Scarpa and Tilling, 1996). WiMAX technology can be applied to provide broadband wireless access in volcano monitoring scenarios, in order to solve all the problems that today limit the possibility to realize a real-time and accurate monitoring of volcanoes activities in emergency situations. In particular, this paper focus on a novel solution, designed within the IST FP6 EU WEIRD (WiMAX Extension to Isolated Research Data networks) Integrated Project, to perform volcano monitoring using the features offered by IEEE 802.16 networks in order to improve transmission of data acquired by temporary seismic stations deployed during emergencies. Tests performed on field demonstrate the advantages offered by the use of WiMAX compared with other commonly used technologies

    Using Nodal Ratios to Predict Risk of Regional Recurrences in Patients Treated with Breast Conservation Therapy with 4 or More Positive Lymph Nodes

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    Purpose. The value of nodal ratios (NRs) as a prognostic variable in breast cancer is continually being demonstrated. The purpose of this study was to use NR in patients with ≥4+ nodes to assess a correlation of NR with regional (lymph node) recurrence. Methods. Inclusion criteria was ≥8 nodes dissected with ≥4+ nodes after breast conservation therapy. Of 1060 patients treated from 1975 to 2003 who had a minimum of 8 nodes dissected, 273 were node+; 56 patients had ≥4+ involved nodes and were the focus of this study. Nodal ratios were calculated for each patient and grouped into 3 categories: high (≥70%), intermediate (40%–69%) and low (<40%). Each nodal ratio was correlated with patterns of local, regional, and distant failures and OS. Results. Outcomes for the entire cohort were BRFS-83%, NRFS-93%, DMFS-61%, and OS 63% at 10 yrs. The OS, DMFS, and NRFS correlated with N2 (4–9 nodes+) versus N3 (≥10+) status but did not correlate with BRFS, as expected. When evaluating NR, 18 pts had high NR (>70%). Only 3 patients experienced nodal recurrences, all within previously radiated supraclavicular fields. All 3 in-field regional failures occurred in the N3 group of patients with NR >70%. All were treated with a single AP field prescribed to a dose of 46 Gy at a standard depth of 3 cm. Conclusions. In this group of N2/N3 patients treated with BCT, we were able to identify patients at high risk for regional failures as those with high NR of >70% and ≥10+ nodes. While these findings need to be reproduced in larger datasets, this group of patients with NR of >70% in 4 or more positive axillary lymph nodes may benefit from meticulous targeting of regional nodes, dose escalation, and/or more intensive systemic therapies

    QoS management and control for an all-IP WiMAX network architecture: Design, implementation and evaluation

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    The IEEE 802.16 standard provides a specification for a fixed and mobile broadband wireless access system, offering high data rate transmission of multimedia services with different Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements through the air interface. The WiMAX Forum, going beyond the air interface, defined an end-to-end WiMAX network architecture, based on an all-IP platform in order to complete the standards required for a commercial rollout of WiMAX as broadband wireless access solution. As the WiMAX network architecture is only a functional specification, this paper focuses on an innovative solution for an end-to-end WiMAX network architecture offering in compliance with the WiMAX Forum specification. To our best knowledge, this is the first WiMAX architecture built by a research consortium globally and was performed within the framework of the European IST project WEIRD (WiMAX Extension to Isolated Research Data networks). One of the principal features of our architecture is support for end-to-end QoS achieved by the integration of resource control in the WiMAX wireless link and the resource management in the wired domains in the network core. In this paper we present the architectural design of these QoS features in the overall WiMAX all-IP framework and their functional as well as performance evaluation. The presented results can safely be considered as unique and timely for any WiMAX system integrator

    Cross-protection against European swine influenza viruses in the context of infection immunity against the 2009 pandemic H1N1 virus : studies in the pig model of influenza

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    Pigs are natural hosts for the same influenza virus subtypes as humans and are a valuable model for cross-protection studies with influenza. In this study, we have used the pig model to examine the extent of virological protection between a) the 2009 pandemic H1N1 (pH1N1) virus and three different European H1 swine influenza virus (SIV) lineages, and b) these H1 viruses and a European H3N2 SIV. Pigs were inoculated intranasally with representative strains of each virus lineage with 6- and 17-week intervals between H1 inoculations and between H1 and H3 inoculations, respectively. Virus titers in nasal swabs and/or tissues of the respiratory tract were determined after each inoculation. There was substantial though differing cross-protection between pH1N1 and other H1 viruses, which was directly correlated with the relatedness in the viral hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) proteins. Cross-protection against H3N2 was almost complete in pigs with immunity against H1N2, but was weak in H1N1/pH1N1-immune pigs. In conclusion, infection with a live, wild type influenza virus may offer substantial cross-lineage protection against viruses of the same HA and/or NA subtype. True heterosubtypic protection, in contrast, appears to be minimal in natural influenza virus hosts. We discuss our findings in the light of the zoonotic and pandemic risks of SIVs