13 research outputs found

    Characterization of microcellular plastics for weight reduction in automotive interior parts

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    The present PhD thesis is framed within the Industrial Doctorate Plan promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya and has been developed in cooperation between the Universitat Polit猫cnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, the Centre Catal脿 del Pl脿stic, SEAT SA and Volkswagen AG. The research project has as main objective the characterization of microcellular plastics obtained by injection molding, motivated by a concern to reduce weight, cost and carbon footprint in automotive plastic parts. First, cylindrical bars and square plates made of Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) and 20% Glass Fiber reinforced-Polypropylene (PP 20GF) were injection molded and foamed through the MuCell庐 technology. Shot volume was found as the most influencing parameter on cell structure and tensile and flexural properties. The effect of mold temperature and injection speed was secondary and not statistically significant for the mechanical performance. Tensile and flexural properties decreased almost linearly with the apparent density, whereas impact resistance was strongly reduced during foaming. Glass fibers contributed to partially overcome the loss of properties due to the reduction in density. Cells act as crack arrestors by blunting the crack tip. However, once the crack is propagating, cells acting as stress concentrators lead to a decrease in fracture toughness. Because of the low amount of blowing agent injected during the foaming process, no significant changes in the thermal properties were determined as compared to that of the solid counterpart. Simulation of the microcellular injection molding process with Moldex 3D庐 software and prediction models of the mechanical properties based on the apparent density and morphological characteristics provided a good approach to the experimental results. On the other hand, the Core Back tool technology was also employed in this study. By pulling the core and increasing the final thickness of the part, the apparent density decreased but the bending stiffness was greatly enhanced. Finally, a new alternative foaming technology, called IQ Foam庐 and developed by Volkswagen AG, was used to produce rectangular plates and compare their properties to that of the obtained by MuCell庐 process. By using a minimum amount of blowing agent, foamed plastic parts through IQ Foam庐 obtained through this process exhibited thicker solid skins and lower cell densities, but consequently higher mechanical properties. Additional benefits such as cost-effectiveness, easy-to-use and machine-independence are also offered by this new emerging technology.La presente tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro del Plan de Doctorats Industrials convocado por la Generalitat de Catalunya y se ha desarrollado como colaboraci贸n entre la Universitat Polit猫cnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech, el Centre Catal脿 del Pl脿stic, SEAT SA y Volkswagen AG. El proyecto de investigaci贸n tiene como principal objetivo la caracterizaci贸n de pl谩sticos microcelulares, motivado por el inter茅s en reducir peso, coste e impacto ambiental en piezas de pl谩stico de automoci贸n. En primer lugar, se obtuvieron mediante moldeo por inyecci贸n barras cil铆ndricas y placas cuadradas fabricadas con Acrilonitrilo-Butadieno-Estireno (ABS) y Polipropileno reforzado con un 20% de fibra de vidrio (PP 20GF), espumadas con la tecnolog铆a MuCell庐. El volumen de dosificaci贸n es el par谩metro m谩s influyente sobre la estructura celular y las propiedades a tracci贸n y a flexi贸n. El efecto de la temperatura de molde y velocidad de inyecci贸n, en cambio, es secundario y no introduce variaciones estad铆sticamente significativas sobre el rendimiento mec谩nico. Las propiedades a tracci贸n y flexi贸n se reducen de manera pr谩cticamente lineal con la disminuci贸n de densidad, mientras que la resistencia a impacto decrece dr谩sticamente debido a la espumaci贸n. El efecto reforzante de las fibras de vidrio contribuye a compensar parcialmente la ca铆da de propiedades debido a la reducci贸n de densidad. Las celdas tienden a enromar el frente de grieta, retrasando as铆 el inicio de propagaci贸n. Sin embargo, una vez la grieta comienza a propagar, las celdas act煤an como concentradores de tensi贸n provocando una disminuci贸n en la tenacidad a fractura. El reducido contenido de agente espumante inyectado durante el proceso de espumaci贸n no es suficiente para producir cambios en las propiedades t茅rmicas en comparaci贸n con las del material macizo. La simulaci贸n del proceso de inyecci贸n microcelular con el software Moldex 3D庐 y los modelos de predicci贸n de propiedades mec谩nicas basados en la densidad y caracter铆sticas morfol贸gicas proporcionaron valores cercanos a los obtenidos experimentalmente. Por otro lado, en este trabajo tambi茅n se estudi贸 el efecto de la tecnolog铆a de molde Core Back en combinaci贸n con el proceso de espumado mediante moldeo por inyecci贸n. A trav茅s del movimiento de la cavidad y el aumento del espesor final de la pieza inyectada, la densidad aparente se reduce al mismo tiempo que la rigidez a flexi贸n se incrementa considerablemente. Finalmente, una nueva tecnolog铆a de espumaci贸n desarrollada por Volkswagen AG, llamada IQ Foam庐, se utiliz贸 para la inyecci贸n de placas rectangulares y la comparaci贸n de sus propiedades con las de placas an谩logas obtenidas mediante el proceso MuCell庐. Mediante la utilizaci贸n de un contenido m铆nimo de agente espumante, las placas espumadas con IQ Foam庐 exhibieron mayores espesores de piel y menores densidades celulares, y por tanto, propiedades mec谩nicas ligeramente superiores. Esta nueva tecnolog铆a ofrece tambi茅n otras ventajas, como una menor inversi贸n inicial, facilidad de operaci贸n y posibilidad de utilizaci贸n en cualquier m谩quina de inyecci贸n convencional

    Mejora del modelo de interacci贸n din谩mica pant贸grafo-catenaria

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    [EN] The main objective of this Master鈥檚 Thesis is the development of a dynamical interaction simulation model between pantograph and catenary in high speed lines by means of the finite element method. The formulation of new elements has been carried out considering the existing methodology for calculating the initial configuration of the catenary and analyzing the dynamical performance in service, developed by the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials at the Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. This work complements the aforementioned in order to consider more realistic static and dynamic effects due to other elements contained in the catenary system. Firstly, the formulation of the element used to model the messenger and contact wires has been modified so as to take into account lacks of continuity because of connections with other elements. On the other hand, the messenger wire suspension and the tensioning system have been modeled by means of springs, dampers and equivalent masses. Secondly, new pantographs models have been developed, including degrees of freedom of rotation of some components. Moreover, a catenary-several pantographs interaction simulating method has been programmed, on the basis of a rising distance of the pantographs to the height of the contact wire. Finally, the code developed in this project has been used in order to compare results obtained in a reference catenary simulation defined by an international group of research institutions, like the Vehicle Technology Research Centre of the Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia.[ES] El presente Trabajo Fin de M谩ster tiene como objetivo principal el desarrollo de un modelo de simulaci贸n de la interacci贸n din谩mica entre pant贸grafo y catenaria en l铆neas de alta velocidad mediante el m茅todo de los elementos finitos. La formulaci贸n de nuevos elementos se ha llevado a cabo considerando la metodolog铆a para el c谩lculo de la configuraci贸n inicial de la catenaria y su posterior an谩lisis del comportamiento din谩mico en servicio desarrollada en el Departamento de Ingenier铆a Mec谩nica y Materiales de la Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. El trabajo desarrollado complementa pues al anteriormente citado para representar efectos est谩ticos y din谩micos m谩s realistas debidos a diversos elementos presentes en el sistema que forma la catenaria. En primer lugar, se ha modificado la formulaci贸n del elemento tipo cable, empleado para modelar el cable sustentador y de contacto, con el fin de considerar la no continuidad producida cuando 茅ste se conecta con otros elementos. Por otro lado, se ha representado el soporte del cable sustentador y el sistema de compensaci贸n mec谩nica mediante un conjunto de resortes, amortiguadores y masas equivalentes. A continuaci贸n, se han desarrollado modelos de pant贸grafos con grados de libertad adicionales que consideran la rotaci贸n de algunos componentes. Asimismo, se ha implementado una metodolog铆a para la simulaci贸n de la interacci贸n entre la catenaria y m谩s de un pant贸grafo. Por 煤ltimo, el c贸digo implementado se ha utilizado para comparar los resultados obtenidos en la simulaci贸n de una catenaria de referencia definida por un conjunto internacional de grupos de investigaci贸n, entre los que se encuentra el Centro de Investigaci贸n de Tecnolog铆a de Veh铆culos de la Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia.[CA] El present Treball Fi de M谩ster t茅 com a objectiu principal el desenvolupament d鈥檜n model de simulaci贸 de la interacci贸 din脿mica entre pant貌graf i caten脿ria en l铆nies d鈥檃lta velocitat mitjan莽ant el m猫tode dels elements finits. La formulaci贸 de nous elements s鈥檋a dut a terme considerant la metodologia per al c脿lcul de la configuraci贸 inicial de la caten脿ria i el seu posterior an脿lisi del comportament din脿mic en servei desenvolupat al Departament d鈥橢nginyeria Mec脿nica i Materials de la Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. El treball desenvolupat complementa a l鈥檃nteriorment esmentat per a representar efectes est脿tics i din脿mics m茅s realistes deguts a diversos elements presents al sistema que forma la caten脿ria. Per una part, s鈥檋a modificat la formulaci贸 de l鈥檈lement tipus cable, empleat per a modelar el cable sustentador i de contacte, per a considerar la no continu茂tat produ茂da quan aquest es connecta amb altres elements. Per altre costat, s鈥檋a representat el suport del cable sustentador i el sistema de compensaci贸 mec脿nica mitjan莽ant un conjunt de ressorts, amortidors i masses equivalents. A continuaci贸, s鈥檋an desenvolupat models de pant貌grafs amb graus de llibertat que consideren la rotaci贸 d鈥檃lguns components. Aix铆 mateix, s鈥檋a implementat una metodologia per a la simulaci贸 de la interacci贸 entre la caten脿ria i m茅s d鈥檜n pant貌graf. Per 煤ltim, el codi obtingut s鈥檋a utilitzat per a comparar els resultats obtinguts en la simulaci贸 d鈥檜na caten脿ria de referencia definida per un conjunt internacional de grups d鈥檌nvestigaci贸, entre els quals es troba el Centre d鈥橧nvestigaci贸 de Tecnologia de Vehicles de la Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia.G贸mez Monterde, J. (2013). Mejora del modelo de interacci贸n din谩mica pant贸grafo-catenaria. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/39138Archivo delegad

    Morphology and mechanical characterization of ABS foamed by microcellular injection molding

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    In the present work ABS was used to inject cylindrical test bars, obtaining solid and foamed specimens. By varying the gas content, two levels of weight reduction were achieved. Morphology analysis revealed the presence of solid skin-foamed core structure in foamed samples. SEM micrographs showed a nucleus zone having bigger cells and irregular cell distribution, surrounded by a microcellular area with finer cell structure. Foamed bars with 10% and 17% of weight reduction presented similar values of cell size, cell density and solid skin thickness. On the other hand, results provided by simulation software were consistent with the experimental analysis. Mechanical properties were determined through tensile tests. Tensile strength and elastic modulus gradually decreased with decreasing apparent density. Experimental results were related to relative density and morphology parameters, and prediction models were employed to compare the estimated values to the experimental data.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Effect of microcellular foaming on the fracture behavior of ABS polymer

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    In this work, the properties of microcellular ABS were studied. Foamed samples exhibited a solid skin/foamed core struc- ture, with some elongated cells in the flow direction, while spherical cells were mostly observed in the transversal direction. The flex- ural modulus, flexural strength, and fracture toughness K Ic decreased with the density. However, the crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) was found to increase with the foaming ratio. The evolution of the mechanical properties and fracture toughness was well described by prediction models considering the skin/core morphology of these microcellular materials. Foaming increased the aniso- tropic behavior of the material, due to the cell elongation caused by the fountain flow during injectionPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    ARID2 deficiency promotes tumor progression and is associated with higher sensitivity to chemotherapy in lung cancer

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    The survival rate in lung cancer remains stubbornly low and there is an urgent need for the identification of new therapeutic targets. In the last decade, several members of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes have been described altered in different tumor types. Nevertheless, the precise mechanisms of their impact on cancer progression, as well as the application of this knowledge to cancer patient management are largely unknown. In this study, we performed targeted sequencing of a cohort of lung cancer patients on genes involved in chromatin structure. In addition, we studied at the protein level the expression of these genes in cancer samples and performed functional experiments to identify the molecular mechanisms linking alterations of chromatin remodeling genes and tumor development. Remarkably, we found that 20% of lung cancer patients show ARID2 protein loss, partially explained by the presence of ARID2 mutations. In addition, we showed that ARID2 deficiency provokes profound chromatin structural changes altering cell transcriptional programs, which bolsters the proliferative and metastatic potential of the cells both in vitro and in vivo. Moreover, we demonstrated that ARID2 deficiency impairs DNA repair, enhancing the sensitivity of the cells to DNA-damaging agents. Our findings support that ARID2 is a bona fide tumor suppressor gene in lung cancer that may be exploited therapeutically.Financial Support: I. V. is supported by SAF2012-31627 and SAF2016-76758-R grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad (MINECO), by a Fundaci贸n Ram贸n Areces grant and by ERC2014-StG637904 grant from the European Research Council. I. V has been awardee of the Programa Ram贸n y Cajal (MINECO, Spain). T. M has been awardee of the Ayudas para la contrataci贸n de investigadores predoctorales (MINECO, Spain). B. M is awardee of the Ayudas para la formaci贸n de profesorado universitario (FPU, Ministerio de Educaci贸n y Formaci贸n Profesional, Spain). PC laboratory is supported by grant SAF-2015-63638R (MINECO/FEDER, UE); by Centro de Investigaci贸n Biom茅dica en Red de C谩ncer (CIBERONC) and by Asociaci贸n Espa帽ola Contra el C谩ncer (AECC), grant GCB141423113. BC has been supported by a Retos J贸venes Investigadores grant SAF2015-73364-JIN (AEI/FEDER, UE) and a grant from Fundaci贸n Francisco Cobos. P. S. is supported by the Francis Crick Institute, which receives its core funding from Cancer Research UK (FC001152), the UK Medical Research Council (FC001152). HUCA/IUOPA which is jointly financed by Servicio de Salud del Principado de Asturias, Instituto de Salud Carlos III and Fundaci贸n Bancaria Cajastur. This research was funded in part by the Wellcome Trust [FC001152]

    Simulaci贸n din谩mica de la interacci贸n pant贸grafo-catenaria mediante elementos finitos

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    Proyecto confidencialG贸mez Monterde, J. (2012). Simulaci贸n din谩mica de la interacci贸n pant贸grafo-catenaria mediante elementos finitos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/28300.Archivo delegad

    Morphology and mechanical characterization of ABS foamed by microcellular injection moulding

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    In the present work ABS was used to inject cylindrical test bars, obtaining solid and foamed especimens. By varying the gas content, two levels of weight reduction were achieved. Morphology analysis revealed the presence of solid skin-foamed core structure in foamed samples. SEM micrographs showed a nucleus zone having bigger cells and irregular cell distribution surrounded by a microcellular area with finer cell structure. Foamed bars with 10% and 17% of weight reduction presented similar values of cell size, cell density and solid skin thickness. On the other hand, results provided by simulation software were consistent with the experimental analysis. Mechanical properties were determined throught tensile tests. Tensile strength and elastic modulus gradually decreased with decreasing apparent density. Experimental results were related to relative density and morphology parameters, and prediction models were employed to compare the estimated values to the experimental data.Postprint (published version

    Morphology and mechanical characterization of ABS foamed by microcellular injection molding

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    In the present work ABS was used to inject cylindrical test bars, obtaining solid and foamed specimens. By varying the gas content, two levels of weight reduction were achieved. Morphology analysis revealed the presence of solid skin-foamed core structure in foamed samples. SEM micrographs showed a nucleus zone having bigger cells and irregular cell distribution, surrounded by a microcellular area with finer cell structure. Foamed bars with 10% and 17% of weight reduction presented similar values of cell size, cell density and solid skin thickness. On the other hand, results provided by simulation software were consistent with the experimental analysis. Mechanical properties were determined through tensile tests. Tensile strength and elastic modulus gradually decreased with decreasing apparent density. Experimental results were related to relative density and morphology parameters, and prediction models were employed to compare the estimated values to the experimental data.Peer Reviewe

    Morphology and mechanical characterization of ABS foamed by microcellular injection moulding

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    In the present work ABS was used to inject cylindrical test bars, obtaining solid and foamed especimens. By varying the gas content, two levels of weight reduction were achieved. Morphology analysis revealed the presence of solid skin-foamed core structure in foamed samples. SEM micrographs showed a nucleus zone having bigger cells and irregular cell distribution surrounded by a microcellular area with finer cell structure. Foamed bars with 10% and 17% of weight reduction presented similar values of cell size, cell density and solid skin thickness. On the other hand, results provided by simulation software were consistent with the experimental analysis. Mechanical properties were determined throught tensile tests. Tensile strength and elastic modulus gradually decreased with decreasing apparent density. Experimental results were related to relative density and morphology parameters, and prediction models were employed to compare the estimated values to the experimental data

    Effect of microcellular foaming on the fracture behavior of ABS polymer

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    In this work, the properties of microcellular ABS were studied. Foamed samples exhibited a solid skin/foamed core struc- ture, with some elongated cells in the flow direction, while spherical cells were mostly observed in the transversal direction. The flex- ural modulus, flexural strength, and fracture toughness K Ic decreased with the density. However, the crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) was found to increase with the foaming ratio. The evolution of the mechanical properties and fracture toughness was well described by prediction models considering the skin/core morphology of these microcellular materials. Foaming increased the aniso- tropic behavior of the material, due to the cell elongation caused by the fountain flow during injectionPeer Reviewe