861 research outputs found

    Arqueologia i acció social : de la inutilitat a la praxi, alguns exemples

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    Aquest article pretén ser una breu anàlisi entorn de la funció social de l'Arqueologia. La seva utilitat i sobretot l'acció participativa de tots els agents socials que en són responsables. Massa temps ha passat ja des que començaren a plantejar-se aquestes necessitats i encara són massa els qui no ho tenen en compte. A partir de tres exemples hem volgut apropar aquesta realitat des de diferents punts de vista: el pedagògic, el polític i el de la praxi. Esperem que pugui servir de referència per a aquells que ara comencen a integrar-se al món de l'Arqueologia, i de recordatori per als qui des de dins d'aquest col·lectiu encara no ho han tingut en compte.This article is intended to be a brief analysis on the social function of archaeology. Its utility and especially participatory action of all social actors that are responsible. Too much time has already passed since I began to consider these needs and still are too who don't take into account. From three examples we wanted to bring this reality from different points of view: the political and educational, the praxis. Hope will serve as a reference to those who now start to integrate into the world of archaeology, and reminder for those from within this collective haven't yet been taken into account

    The role of fatness on physical fitness in adolescents with and without Down syndrome. The UP&DOWN Study

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    Background/Objectives: Adolescents with Down syndrome (DS) exhibit higher levels of fatness and low levels of physical fitness compared with those without DS. In adolescents without DS, fatness is tightly associated with physical fitness, but this association is unclear in adolescents with DS. The aim of this study was to examine the association between several markers of fatness and physical fitness in a relative large sample of adolescents with and without DS. Subjects/ Methods: For this study, a total of 111 adolescents with DS (41 females) aged 11 to 20 years old participated in this cross-sectional study. We also included a sex-matched control group (ratio 1:2) of 222 adolescents without DS aged 12 to 18 years old, participating in the UP&DOWN Study. The ALPHA health-related fitness test battery for adolescents was used to assess fatness and physical fitness. Results: Our results show that fatness is not associated with low levels of physical fitness in adolescents with DS (i.e. 3 of the 16 analyses identified differences in physical fitness variables by groups of fatness). In contrast, fatness, as expected, is associated with levels of physical fitness in adolescents without DS (i.e. 13 of the 16 analyses identified differences in physical fitness variables by groups of fatness). Conclusions: The present finding contributes to new knowledge by suggesting that the role of fatness on physical fitness is different in adolescents with and without DS, and consequently, the poor levels of physical fitness in adolescents with DS may be due to its syndrome rather than the high prevalence of obesity from this population

    La justificación de las condiciones de trabajo y demandas laborales en España: órdenes de valor

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    In this article, the dominant legitimating discursive strategies around the ever-increasing labour demands and ever-declining standards of safety and well-being at work in Spain are analysed through the lens of Boltanski and Thévenot’s (2006) view of the transfor-mation of capitalism. A qualitative methodology based on semi-structured interviews is used. Results show that the justificatory arguments most commonly put forward by managers and experts are the logic of supply and demand, and values related to flexibility, resilience and adaptability to change. In contrast, the stability and protection established in the twentieth century are widely cherished values, particularly among union representatives and some human resources specialists. We found that discourse practices map two specific legitimating categories (market values and a projects orientation), and one critical category (Civic World), but the critical category has no practical impact, as the predominant feeling is resig-nation. Our research describes the common attitudes to legitimacy in the job market and points to a deep discontent in some of its key agents.En este artículo se analizan, bajo la lente de la crítica de Boltanskiy Thevenot (2006) sobre la transformación del capitalismo, las estrategias de legitimación que dominan los discursos sobre las siempre crecientes demandas laborales y las cada vez más precarias condiciones de trabajo en España. Para la investigación se usó una metodología cualitativa a través de entrevistas semiestructuradas. Como resultado, se puede afirmar que los argumentos justificadores más utilizados son los relacionados con la lógica de oferta y demanda, así como con los valores de flexibilidad, resiliencia y adaptabilidad al cambio, sobre todo por parte de directivos y expertos. Entretanto, los valores de estabilidad y protección característicos del siglo XX son los más preciados por sindicalistas y técnicos en RR. HH. Encontramos que las prácticas discursivas se corresponden con dos categorías legitimadoras —los valores del mercado y la orientación a proyectos— y una categoría crítica —el mundo cívico— que, sin embargo, carece de eficacia práctica, siendo el sentimiento más generalizado el de resignación. Con esta investigación se describen empíricamente las actitudes comunes sobre la legitimidad en el mercado de trabajo y queda patente un profundo descontento en algunos de sus agentes principales.Grant BES-2015-073179 and Grants FFI2014-56391-P and FFI2017-87953-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, National Plan of Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation

    Responsabilidad Social Corporativa: de concepto abstracto a elemento clave en la estrategia empresarial

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    La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) o Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE), es una práctica que surge como consecuencia de los cambios económico-sociales que se producen en la globalización, y de la actuación de la economía a nivel mundial. La empresa no es un ente aislado, sino que forma parte de un entorno en el que debe estar perfectamente integrada como un elemento más del mismo. Lejos de ser una moda, la RSC en la actualidad se conforma como una práctica directamente vinculada con la actividad de las empresas y de las organizaciones que se valen del entorno, bien usando sus recursos (inputs) o abasteciéndolos (outputs). Todo ello está impregnado de unas demandas sociales que han permanecido latentes durante largos años. Esta realidad deriva en la necesidad de una concienciación social de todas las acciones empresariales que se desarrollan.                  El objetivo de este estudio se centra en analizar la transformación y evolución del concepto de RSC hacia un elemento crucial de toda la estrategia de las organizaciones. Para ello se utiliza una metodología mixta: conceptual teórica y de análisis de contenido. La práctica de la RSC ha pasado de ser complemento de reconocimiento social a valor obligatorio en el ámbito empresarial y socia

    Evidências materiais da ocupação islâmica da margem direita do Guadiana (Reguengos de Monsaraz)

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    Apresenta-se aqui um primeira aproximação ao estudo das cerâmicas de 27 sítios que foram intervencionados no âmbito das minimizações da Barragem de Alqueva numa área situada entre os rios Degebe e Guadiana, concelhos de Reguengos de Monsaraz e de Portel, abrangendo cronologicamente sítios atribuídos genericamente aos períodos medieval e moderno. Estas estações, que apresentavam na generalidade uma estratigrafia estreita, devido aos solos rarefeitos, encontram-se sobretudo estruturas destruídas devido aos trabalhos agrícolas, apresentando uma cultura material muito pobre e com uma cronologia entre a Antiguidade Tardia e os nossos dias. Nesses sítios encontramos evidentes marcas de continuidade, sobretudo nas técnicas construtivas das estruturas conservadas e nas cerâmicas de produção local, efectuadas com técnicas de fabrico pouco elaboradas. Estas cerâmicas, em alguns casos, convivem com elementos exógenos provenientes dos mercados urbanos. Este fenómeno, que se inicia no Baixo Império, continua durante o período islâmico e sobrevive até a época moderna

    Stress Increases Vulnerability to Inflammation in the Rat Prefrontal Cortex

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    Inflammation could be involved in some neurodegenerative disorders that accompany signs of inflammation. However, because sensitivity to inflammation is not equal in all brain structures, a direct relationship is not clear. Our aim was to test whether some physiological circumstances, such as stress, could enhance susceptibility to inflammation in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), which shows a relative resistance to inflammation. PFC is important in many brain functions and is a target for some neurodegenerative diseases. We induced an inflammatory process by a single intracortical injection of 2 μg of lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a potent proinflammogen, in nonstressed and stressed rats. We evaluated the effect of our treatment on inflammatory markers, neuronal populations, BDNF expression, and behavior of several mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases and the transcription factor cAMP response element-binding protein. Stress strengthens the changes induced by LPS injection: microglial activation and proliferation with an increase in the levels of the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor-α; loss of cells such as astroglia, seen as loss of glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity, and neurons, studied by neuronal-specific nuclear protein immunohistochemistry and GAD67 and NMDA receptor 1A mRNAs expression by in situ hybridization. A significant increase in the BDNF mRNA expression and modifications in the levels of MAP kinase phosphorylation were also found. In addition, we observed a protective effect from RU486 [mifepristone (11β-[p-(dimethylamino)phenyl]-17β-hydroxy-17-(1-propynyl)estra-4,9-dien-3-one)], a potent inhibitor of the glucocorticoid receptor activation. All of these data show a synergistic effect between inflammation and stress, which could explain the relationship described between stress and some neurodegenerative pathologies.España,Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Grants SAF2002-01952 and SAF2004-0660

    Nutritional planning to run an Ultra-marathon, the Transvulcania: Case report

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    La Transvulcania es una competición individual de montaña con 74,6km, en la que se dispone de avituallamientos para cubrir las necesidades de alimentación e hidratación de los participantes. La importancia de la preparación dietético-nutricional radica en la prevención o disminución de problemas gastrointestinales, deshidratación, hiponatremia y fatiga, entre otros. El objetivo del presente informe es describir la planificación dietético-nutricional de un deportista que afronta este evento. Varón de 37 años con 10 años de experiencia deportiva, en el que se evaluaron los hábitos alimentarios, ingesta de suplementos, composición corporal. Para la planificación alimentaria de la Transvulcania, se tuvo en cuenta las recomendaciones dietético-nutricionales para deportistas en competición, tiempo medio, lugar de los avituallamientos y posible ingesta de alimentos/suplementos. La planificación dietético-nutricional en eventos de ultrarresistencia es un condicionante para realizar satisfactoriamente la prueba, tolerando e ingiriendo adecuadamente los alimentos/suplementos y evitando riesgos nutricionales como la deshidratación, fatiga, molestias gastrointestinales, etc.The Transvulcania is an individual mountain competition with 74,6km. The event has provisioning areas to meet the needs of nutrition and hydration of the participants. The importance of dietary-nutritional preparation is in preventing or reducing gastrointestinal problems, dehydration, hyponatremia, fatigue, among others. The aim is to describe the dietary and nutritional planning an athlete in this event. Eating habits, supplement intake and body composition were evaluated in a 37 years old male with 10 years of sports experience. Dietary and nutritional recommendations for athletes in competition, test time, refreshment areas and possible food intake/supplements were taken into account for dietary planning during the competition. The dietary and nutritional planning in ultra-endurance events is important to successfully perform the competition, tolerating and taking foods/supplements properly, and avoiding nutritional risk and dehydration, fatigue, gastrointestinal disturbances, etc

    The future of an illusion: Paradoxes of Corporate Social Responsibility

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the psychological strategies as well as the rhetorical and discursive arguments developed in organizations and by individuals when they have to cope with the paradoxes and changes related to CSR. Design/methodology/approach – This study uses the perspective of the paradox as an analytical framework to parse strategies developed in organizations as they cope with tensions and changes related to CSR. The authors conducted 50 semi-structured interviews with stakeholders and the authors performed a qualitative analysis with the information compiled. Findings – The main strategies for dealing with CSR paradoxes and changes consist of developing perceptual and motivational biases as well as explicative heuristic ones through which, from a discursive perspective, a coherent and conciliatory framework is presented with rhetoric that play a fundamental role in justifying CSR as a present hope over a future illusion regardless of the past reality. Originality/value – The lesson to be drawn from the exploration is the following: managers and CSR officers need to leave behind fear, anxiety and defensive attitudes and accept the paradox by re-contextualizing the tension as a stimulus for conscious and reflexive confrontation with emotional equilibrium, this being defiantly motivating as a sensemaker. In this way, the approach to the present inconsistencies in CSR should not involve a dismissal of conflictive situations but rather the development of the capacity to transcend the tension emanating from them and to learn to manage organizations from this paradoxical reality

    Case report of necrotizing sialometaplasia

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    Introduction: Necrotizing sialometaplasia is a rare inflammatory necrotizing reactive process that can involve minor and major salivary glands. Gland tissue ischaemia has been proposed as the aetiology. Case Report: A 21-year-old woman was referred with a 1-week history of bilateral painful swelling of the palate, with the development of two deep ulcers after the first 3 days. Ulcer edges were elevated but not indurated, and the bases had a necrotic appearance. An incisional biopsy of the margin of one ulcer confirmed the diagnosis of necrotizing sialometaplasia. The ulcers spontaneously healed within 8 weeks without treatment. Discussion: The clinical and histological similarity between this entity and a malignant lesion implies a risk of unnecessary or inadequate treatment. This case illustrates the need for an incisional biopsy to be analyzed by an experienced pathologist to establish a correct diagnosis. © Medicina Oral S. L