129 research outputs found

    Production, partitioning and stoichiometry of organic matter under variable nutrient supply during mesocosm experiments in the tropical Pacific and Atlantic Ocean

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    Oxygen-deficient waters in the ocean, generally referred to as oxygen minimum zones (OMZ), are expected to expand as a consequence of global climate change. Poor oxygenation is promoting microbial loss of inorganic nitrogen (N) and increasing release of sediment-bound phosphate (P) into the water column. These intermediate water masses, nutrient-loaded but with an N deficit relative to the canonical N:P Redfield ratio of 16:1, are transported via coastal upwelling into the euphotic zone. To test the impact of nutrient supply and nutrient stoichiometry on production, partitioning and elemental composition of dissolved (DOC, DON, DOP) and particulate (POC, PON, POP) organic matter, three nutrient enrichment experiments were conducted with natural microbial communities in shipboard mesocosms, during research cruises in the tropical waters of the southeast Pacific and the northeast Atlantic. Maximum accumulation of POC and PON was observed under high N supply conditions, indicating that primary production was controlled by N availability. The stoichiometry of microbial biomass was unaffected by nutrient N:P supply during exponential growth under nutrient saturation, while it was highly variable under conditions of nutrient limitation and closely correlated to the N:P supply ratio, although PON:POP of accumulated biomass generally exceeded the supply ratio. Microbial N:P composition was constrained by a general lower limit of 5:1. Channelling of assimilated P into DOP appears to be the mechanism responsible for the consistent offset of cellular stoichiometry relative to inorganic nutrient supply and nutrient drawdown, as DOP build-up was observed to intensify under decreasing N:P supply. Low nutrient N:P conditions in coastal upwelling areas overlying O2-deficient waters seem to represent a net source for DOP, which may stimulate growth of diazotrophic phytoplankton. These results demonstrate that microbial nutrient assimilation and partitioning of organic matter between the particulate and the dissolved phase are controlled by the N:P ratio of upwelled nutrients, implying substantial consequences for nutrient cycling and organic matter pools in the course of decreasing nutrient N:P stoichiometry

    The Shelhigh No-React® bovine internal mammary artery: a questionable alternative conduit in coronary bypass surgery?

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    Background: Increasing age and comorbidities among patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG) stimulates the exhaustive research for alternative grafts. No-React® treatment should render the tissue resistant against degeneration and reduce early inflammatory response. The aim of the present study was an invasive assessment of the patency of No-React® bovine internal mammary artery (NRIMA grafts) used as bypass conduit in CABG surgery. Patients and methods: Nineteen NRIMA grafts were used in 17 patients (2.9%) out of a total of 572 patients undergoing CABG surgery within a 12-month period. All intraoperative data were assessed and in-hospital outcome was analysed. Follow-up examination was performed 7.0±4.0 months after initial surgery, including clinical status and coronary angiography to assess patency of the NRIMA grafts. Results: Average perioperative flow of all NRIMA grafts was 71±60ml/min. One patient died in hospital due to a multi-organ failure. Four patients refused invasive assessment. Follow-up was complete in 12 patients with overall 13 NRIMA grafts. Nine NRIMA grafts (69.2%) were used for the right coronary system, two NRIMA grafts (15.4%) on the LAD and two on the circumflex artery. Graft patency was 23.1% and was independent of the intraoperative flow measurement. Conclusions: NRIMA grafts show a very low patency and cannot be recommended as coronary bypass graft conduits. Patency was independent of the perioperative flow, assessed by Doppler ultrasound. Because of this unsatisfying observation, this type of graft should be utilised as a last resource conduit and used only to revascularise less important target vessels, such as the end branches of the right coronary arter

    Renin Angiotensin System Inhibitors for Patients with Stable Coronary Artery Disease without heart failure: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials

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    Objective: To critically evaluate the efficacy of renin angiotensin system inhibitors (RASi) in patients with coronary artery disease without heart failure, compared with active controls or placebo. Design: Meta-analysis of randomized trials. Data sources: PubMed, EMBASE, and CENTRAL databases until 1 May 2016. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies: Randomized trials of RASi versus placebo or active controls in patients with stable coronary artery disease without heart failure (defined as left ventricular ejection fraction ≥40% or without clinical heart failure). Each trial had to enroll at least 100 patients with coronary artery disease without heart failure, with at least one year’s follow-up. Studies were excluded if they were redacted or compared use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors with angiotensin receptor blockers. Outcomes were death, cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, angina, stroke, heart failure, revascularization, incident diabetes, and drug withdrawal due to adverse effects. Results: 24 trials with 198 275 patient years of follow-up were included. RASi reduced the risk of all cause mortality (rate ratio 0.84, 95% confidence interval 0.72 to 0.98), cardiovascular mortality (0.74, 0.59 to 0.94), myocardial infarction (0.82, 0.76 to 0.88), stroke (0.79, 0.70 to 0.89), angina, heart failure, and revascularization when compared with placebo but not when compared with active controls (all cause mortality, 1.05, 0.94 to 1.17; Pinteraction=0.006; cardiovascular mortality, 1.08, 0.93 to 1.25, Pinteraction14.10 deaths and >7.65 cardiovascular deaths per 1000 patient years) but not in those with low control event rates. Conclusions: In patients with stable coronary artery disease without heart failure, RASi reduced cardiovascular events and death only when compared with placebo but not when compared with active controls. Even among placebo controlled trials in this study, the benefit of RASi was mainly seen in trials with higher control event rates but not in those with lower control event rates. Evidence does not support a preferred status of RASi over other active controls

    Szenarienentwicklung für die "nachhaltige Hochschule" - ein Beitrag für die Hochschulforschung?!

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    Im Beitrag wird das Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekt \u27Sustainable University - Nachhaltige Entwicklung im Kontext universitärer Aufgabenstellungen\u27 beschrieben. Der besondere Ansatz des Projekts liegt in der verknüpfenden Zusammenschau der Binnensicht (auf die eigene Institution) und der Systemanalyse (des Hochschulsystems, in das die Institution eingebettet ist) mit Hilfe eines eigens entwickelten Fallstudiendesign. Die Darstellung fokussiert den Aspekt der zeitlichen Transformation der Fallstudie \u27Sustainable University\u27 mit Hilfe der Entwicklung von Szenarien. Dabei geht es weniger um ein mögliches Aussehen des Hochschulwesens im Jahre 2035 als vielmehr um die Beschreibung der verschiedenen Schritte der komplexen Methode der Szenarioentwicklung. Gliederung: Ziele und Struktur des \u27Sustainable University\u27 Projekts. - Erste Ergebnisse (Die lebensweltoffene Universität agiert als finanzstarke Kooperationspartnerin. - Die konservative Universität pflegt ihr Nischendasein. - Wissenschaft als Motor für Wirtschaft). - Fazit (HoF/Text übernommen

    High resilience of carbon transport in long-term drought-stressed mature Norway spruce trees within 2 weeks after drought release

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    Under ongoing global climate change, drought periods are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity in the future. Under these circumstances, it is crucial for tree\u27s survival to recover their restricted functionalities quickly after drought release. To elucidate the recovery of carbon (C) transport rates in c. 70-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] KARST.) after 5 years of recurrent summer droughts, we conducted a continuous whole-tree 13^{13}C labeling experiment in parallel with watering. We determined the arrival time of current photoassimilates in major C sinks by tracing the 13^{13}C label in stem and soil CO2_{2} efflux, and tips of living fine roots. In the first week after watering, aboveground C transport rates (CTR) from crown to trunk base were still 50% lower in previously drought-stressed trees (0.16 ± 0.01 m h1^{-1}) compared to controls (0.30 ± 0.06 m h1^{-1}). Conversely, CTR below ground, that is, from the trunk base to soil CO2_{2} efflux were already similar between treatments (c. 0.03 m h1^{-1}). Two weeks after watering, aboveground C transport of previously drought-stressed trees recovered to the level of the controls. Furthermore, regrowth of water-absorbing fine roots upon watering was supported by faster incorporation of 13^{13}C label in previously drought-stressed (within 12 ± 10 h upon arrival at trunk base) compared to control trees (73 ± 10 h). Thus, the whole-tree C transport system from the crown to soil CO2_{2} efflux fully recovered within 2 weeks after drought release, and hence showed high resilience to recurrent summer droughts in mature Norway spruce forests. This high resilience of the C transport system is an important prerequisite for the recovery of other tree functionalities and productivity

    Clean Clothes

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    El presente trabajo de investigación analiza los aspectos más importantes de las madres actuales respecto al cuidado de sus hijos en edades pequeñas. Principalmente, por el cuidado y protección que los niños necesitan en su ropa. Diferentes estudios demuestran que padres con hijos entre las edades de 0 a 5 años invierten mucho dinero en la vestimenta, es ahí donde se encontró una necesidad insatisfecha y nuestra propuesta es ofrecerles un producto innovador y de más alta calidad sin dejar de lado la protección a los niños antes las caídas y suciedades que están expuestos. Al mismo tiempo que contribuimos con la economía familiar y el cuidado del medio ambiente. Se han realizado estudios de mercado y entrevistas a los clientes con la finalidad de conocer los factores determinantes que influyen en la decisión de compra de ropa para niños. Así mismo, se analizó el mercado y determinó con claridad el nicho al cual queremos llegar. Finalmente se realizó un estudio del plan de marketing que permitirá constituir la empresa, además de diseñar el plan de operaciones, estrategias y financiamiento del proyecto.This research work analyzes the most important aspects of current mothers regarding the care of their children at young ages. Mainly, for the care and protection that children need in their clothes. Different studies show that parents with children between the ages of 0 to 5 years invest a lot of money in clothing, this is where an unmet need was found and our proposal is to offer them an innovative and higher quality product without neglecting the protection children before the falls and dirt that are exposed. At the same time we contribute to the family economy and the care of the environment. Market studies and interviews with clients have been conducted in order to know the determining factors that influence the decision to purchase children's clothing. Likewise, the market was analyzed and clearly determined the niche we want to reach. Finally, a marketing plan study was carried out that will allow the company to be established, as well as designing the project's operations, strategies and financing plan.Trabajo de investigació

    Characterizing Antimicrobial Resistance in Clinically Relevant Bacteria Isolated at the Human/Animal/Environment Interface Using Whole-Genome Sequencing in Austria

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    This article belongs to the Collection Feature Papers in Molecular Microbiology.Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a public health issue attributed to the misuse of antibiotics in human and veterinary medicine. Since AMR surveillance requires a One Health approach, we sampled nine interconnected compartments at a hydrological open-air lab (HOAL) in Austria to obtain six bacterial species included in the WHO priority list of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB). Whole genome sequencing-based typing included core genome multilocus sequence typing (cgMLST). Genetic and phenotypic characterization of AMR was performed for all isolates. Eighty-nine clinically-relevant bacteria were obtained from eight compartments including 49 E. coli, 27 E. faecalis, 7 K. pneumoniae and 6 E. faecium. Clusters of isolates from the same species obtained in different sample collection dates were detected. Of the isolates, 29.2% were resistant to at least one antimicrobial. E. coli and E. faecalis isolates from different compartments had acquired antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) associated with veterinary drugs such as aminoglycosides and tetracyclines, some of which were carried in conjugative and mobilizable plasmids. Three multidrug resistant (MDR) E. coli isolates were found in samples from field drainage and wastewater. Early detection of ARGs and ARB in natural and farm-related environments can identify hotspots of AMR and help prevent its emergence and dissemination along the food/feed chain.This research was partially funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, grant agreement No 773830: One Health European Joint Program.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dynamics of initial carbon allocation after drought release in mature Norway spruce—Increased belowground allocation of current photoassimilates covers only half of the carbon used for fine‐root growth

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    After drought events, tree recovery depends on sufficient carbon (C) allocation to the sink organs. The present study aimed to elucidate dynamics of tree-level C sink activity and allocation of recent photoassimilates (Cnew_{new}) and stored C in c. 70-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies) trees during a 4-week period after drought release. We conducted a continuous, whole-tree 13^{13}C labeling in parallel with controlled watering after 5 years of experimental summer drought. The fate of Cnew_{new} to growth and CO2_{2} efflux was tracked along branches, stems, coarse- and fine roots, ectomycorrhizae and root exudates to soil CO2_{2} efflux after drought release. Compared with control trees, drought recovering trees showed an overall 6% lower C sink activity and 19% less allocation of Cnew_{new} to aboveground sinks, indicating a low priority for aboveground sinks during recovery. In contrast, fine-root growth in recovering trees was seven times greater than that of controls. However, only half of the C used for new fine-root growth was comprised of Cnew_{new} while the other half was supplied by stored C. For drought recovery of mature spruce trees, in addition to Cnew_{new}, stored C appears to be critical for the regeneration of the fine-root system and the associated water uptake capacity