2,236 research outputs found

    Política de Segurança Pública no enfrentamento e combate ao crime, tendo como visão fundamental a Teoria das Janelas Quebradas em contraste com a Lei no 9099/95

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    O presente artigo tem a finalidade de demonstrar que no ordenamento jurídico, há leis que devemser respeitadas, porém estas leis podem não ser efetivas na realidade brasileira atual. Há leis quepossuem efeito contrário ao que propõem, que geram consequências graves a toda sociedade. OObjetivo geral será questionar quanto aos motivos e as consequências da aplicação de leis não efetivas, pois seus impactos podem ter consequências irreversíveis. A justificativa desse trabalhoé devido a realidade atual, não noticiada nos veículos de imprensa, e não comparada com arealidade de outros países, para que se possa fazer uma análise sensata sobre as decisões tomadas nos últimos anos pelos governantes. Este artigo será baseado em pesquisas bibliográficas,especialmente em coleta de dados decorrentes de fontes documentais, quais sejam: livros, revistas,jornais, internet e periódicos, além das fontes legais existentes no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro.Como resultado, espera-se confirmar os argumentos apresentados para que não seja aplicada a Lei de No 9.099/95 na realidade brasileira atual, bem como apresentar fundamentos dos quais é possível afirmar a ineficiência da política de “boa vizinhança” em relação à segurança pública brasileira, além de trazer discussão relativa ao posicionamento americano em relação à política de “tolerância zero” e mostrar a realidade vivenciada atualmente pelas duas nações.Palavras-Chave: criminalidade; violência; juizados especiais criminais; política de tolerância zero

    Threats to Health and Well-being Perceived by Older people in Poland and Portugal

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    Introduction: According to the OECD, Portugal and Poland rank below average in several well-being measures such as income and wealth, and health status. Investigating how people perceive the threats to health in these two countries, is an important issue to address priority needs. To meet this need, the objective of this paper was to compare the perceptions of the threats to the health and well-being among the Polish and Portuguese older persons and explore differences between the countries in respect of patterns of self-rated health. Material and Methods: A Cross-sectional study with two convenience samples from primary health care services of Poland and Portugal was conducted; 480 adults aged 65 and over (247 Portuguese) were included. The EASYCare standard assessment of 2010 was applied under a joint project of both countries. The association between ‘self-rated unhealthy’ and socio-demographic and threats to health variables was examined using logistic regression. Results: In both countries about two thirds of the older persons self-rated their health as unhealthy. Having more than enough finances was associated with a significant lower odds of being unhealthy compared with those without enough finances at the end of the month (Portugal: OR = 0.25, 95% CI 0.10 to 0.63; Poland: OR = 0.33, 95% CI 0.12 to 0.88). Visual problems, bodily pain, memory loss, feeling bored or lonely and reporting shortness of breath during normal activities was consistently associated with fair or poor self-rated health. Discussion: These findings provide important information regarding the health profile of older people which can help in the development of people-centred health systems where their lives and well-being can be improved. Conclusion: The unhealthy perception of older people was consistently associated with indicators of major health threats

    How Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys Differ in Their Use of Neuroscience Evidence

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    Much of the public debate surrounding the intersection of neuroscience and criminal law is based on assumptions about how prosecutors and defense attorneys differ in their use of neuroscience evidence. For example, according to some commentators, the defense’s use of neuroscience evidence will abdicate criminals of all responsibility for their offenses. In contrast, the prosecution’s use of that same evidence will unfairly punish the most vulnerable defendants as unfixable future dangers to society. This “double- edged sword” view of neuroscience evidence is important for flagging concerns about the law’s construction of criminal responsibility and punishment: it demonstrates that the same information about the defendant can either be mitigating or aggravating depending on who is raising it. Yet empirical assessments of legal decisions reveal a far more nuanced reality, showing that public beliefs about the impact of neuroscience on the criminal law can often be wrong. This Article takes an evidence-based and multidisciplinary approach to examining how courts respond to neuroscience evidence in capital cases when the defense presents it to argue that the defendant’s mental state at the time of the crime was below the given legal requisite due to some neurologic or cognitive deficiency

    Heranças de uma pandemia no século XXI: preparados ou de olhos fechados?

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    From a social point of view, it has to be said that the world is changing too fast. From a scientific point of view, an era revolutionized by technology, new ways of working and living, we face a new way of thinking, rationalizing, behaving and acting. Undoubtedly, for society, the new coronavirus pandemic brought a world upside down; however, for us, health professionals and researchers, the pandemic has brought practical lessons, many of which include theory in the training process, whether at the undergraduate or specialization level, both lato and stricto sensu.Do ponto de vista social, há de se dizer que o mundo está mudando rápido demais. Já do ponto de vista científico, uma era revolucionada pela tecnologia, novas formas de trabalho e de se viver, encaramos uma nova forma de pensar, racionalizar, se portar e agir. Indubitavelmente, para a sociedade, a pandemia do novo coronavírus trouxe um mundo de ponta cabeça; todavia, para nós, profissionais da área da saúde e pesquisadores, a pandemia trouxe o aprendizado de lições práticas, muitas das quais encaramos a teoria no processo de formação, seja ao nível de graduação como de especialização, tanto lato como stricto sensu

    Heranças de uma pandemia no século XXI: preparados ou de olhos fechados?

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    From a social point of view, it has to be said that the world is changing too fast. From a scientific point of view, an era revolutionized by technology, new ways of working and living, we face a new way of thinking, rationalizing, behaving and acting. Undoubtedly, for society, the new coronavirus pandemic brought a world upside down; however, for us, health professionals and researchers, the pandemic has brought practical lessons, many of which include theory in the training process, whether at the undergraduate or specialization level, both lato and stricto sensu.Do ponto de vista social, há de se dizer que o mundo está mudando rápido demais. Já do ponto de vista científico, uma era revolucionada pela tecnologia, novas formas de trabalho e de se viver, encaramos uma nova forma de pensar, racionalizar, se portar e agir. Indubitavelmente, para a sociedade, a pandemia do novo coronavírus trouxe um mundo de ponta cabeça; todavia, para nós, profissionais da área da saúde e pesquisadores, a pandemia trouxe o aprendizado de lições práticas, muitas das quais encaramos a teoria no processo de formação, seja ao nível de graduação como de especialização, tanto lato como stricto sensu

    Haldane-gap chains in a magnetic field

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    We consider quasi one dimensional spin-1 Heisenberg chains with crystal field anisotropy in a uniform magnetic field. We determine the dynamical structure factor in various limits and obtain a fairly complete qualitative picture of how it changes with the applied field. In particular, we discuss how the width of the higher energy single magnon modes depends on the field. We consider the effects of a weak interchain coupling. We discuss the relevance of our results for recent neutron scattering experiments on the quasi-1D Haldane-gap compound NDMAP.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure

    GSK3-mediated raptor phosphorylation supports amino acid-dependent Q2 mTORC1-directed signalling

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    The mammalian or mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 (mTORC1) is a ubiquitously expressed multimeric protein kinase complex that integrates nutrient and growth factor signals for the co-ordinated regulation of cellular metabolism and cell growth. Herein, we demonstrate that suppressing the cellular activity of glycogen synthase kinase-3 (GSK3), by use of pharmacological inhibitors or shRNA-mediated gene silencing, results in substantial reduction in amino acid (AA)-regulated mTORC1-directed signalling, as assessed by phosphorylation of multiple downstream mTORC1 targets. We show that GSK3 regulates mTORC1 activity through its ability to phosphorylate the mTOR-associated scaffold protein raptor (regulatory-associated protein of mTOR) on Ser(859). We further demonstrate that either GSK3 inhibition or expression of a S859A mutated raptor leads to reduced interaction between mTOR and raptor and under these circumstances, irrespective of AA availability, there is a consequential loss in phosphorylation of mTOR substrates, such as p70S6K1 (ribosomal S6 kinase 1) and uncoordinated-51-like kinase (ULK1), which results in increased autophagic flux and reduced cellular proliferation

    MeerKLASS: MeerKAT Large Area Synoptic Survey

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    We discuss the ground-breaking science that will be possible with a wide area survey, using the MeerKAT telescope, known as MeerKLASS (MeerKAT Large Area Synoptic Survey). The current specifications of MeerKAT make it a great fit for science applications that require large survey speeds but not necessarily high angular resolutions. In particular, for cosmology, a large survey over 4,000deg2\sim 4,000 \, {\rm deg}^2 for 4,000\sim 4,000 hours will potentially provide the first ever measurements of the baryon acoustic oscillations using the 21cm intensity mapping technique, with enough accuracy to impose constraints on the nature of dark energy. The combination with multi-wavelength data will give unique additional information, such as exquisite constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity using the multi-tracer technique, as well as a better handle on foregrounds and systematics. Such a wide survey with MeerKAT is also a great match for HI galaxy studies, providing unrivalled statistics in the pre-SKA era for galaxies resolved in the HI emission line beyond local structures at z > 0.01. It will also produce a large continuum galaxy sample down to a depth of about 5\,μ\muJy in L-band, which is quite unique over such large areas and will allow studies of the large-scale structure of the Universe out to high redshifts, complementing the galaxy HI survey to form a transformational multi-wavelength approach to study galaxy dynamics and evolution. Finally, the same survey will supply unique information for a range of other science applications, including a large statistical investigation of galaxy clusters as well as produce a rotation measure map across a huge swathe of the sky. The MeerKLASS survey will be a crucial step on the road to using SKA1-MID for cosmological applications and other commensal surveys, as described in the top priority SKA key science projects (abridged).Comment: Larger version of the paper submitted to the Proceedings of Science, "MeerKAT Science: On the Pathway to the SKA", Stellenbosch, 25-27 May 201

    The protective effect of inflammatory monocytes during systemic C. albicans infection is dependent on collaboration between C-type lectin-like receptors

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    Acknowledgments The authors wish to acknowledge the NIH-sponsored Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Center (MMRRC) National System as the source of genetically-altered mice (C57BL/6-Clec4etm1.1Cfg/Mmucd 031936-UCD) for use in this study. The mice were produced and deposited to the MMRRC by the Consortium for Functional Glycomics supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (GM62116). We would like to thank Catherine Neiseryan and Ann Kift-Morgan for cell sorting. We would like to thank Wales Gene Park for providing computer resources that assisted this research. Funding: SJO was funded by a Sir Henry Dale Fellowship jointly funded by the Wellcome Trust and the Royal Society (Grant Number 099953/Z/12/Z) and by a Wellcome Trust ISSF Cross-Disciplinary Award. LCD is supported by a Henry Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Fellowship (103973/Z/14/Z). CL is supported by a Kidney Research UK/MedImmune Joint Fellowship Award (PDF_006_20151127). GDB is funded by a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award (102705) and the MRC Centre for Medical Mycology and the University of Aberdeen (MR/N006364/1). IRH is supported by a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship (207503/Z/17/Z). PRT is supported by a Wellcome Trust Investigator Award (107964/Z/15/Z) and the UK Dementia Research Institute. Funding URLs: https://wellcome.ac.uk/ https://royalsociety.org/ https://www.kidneyresearchuk.org/ https://mrc.ukri.org/ https://ukdri.ac.uk/ The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. Data Availability: All relevant data apart from RNAseq files are within the manuscript and its Supporting Information files. RNAseq data files are available from ArrayExpress (https://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/), (accession number E-MTAB-8030).Peer reviewedPublisher PD