194 research outputs found

    Optimization of in vitro organogenesis in passion fruit (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa)

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    A organogênese in vitro de maracujá foi estudada pela indução de gemas adventícias em discos de folha cultivados em meio de cultura suplementado com benziladenina (BAP) ou thidiazuron (TDZ). Nitrato de prata (AgNO3) foi adicionado ao meio de cultura de indução de gemas adventícias para minimizar o efeito do acúmulo de etileno no desenvolvimento dos brotos. Tanto BAP (0; 2,2; 4,4; 6,6 µmol L-1) como TDZ (0; 1,1; 2,2; 3,4 µmol L-1) foram eficientes em promover o desenvolvimento de brotos. Embora diferenças significativas no uso de AgNO3 (23,5 µmol L-1) não tenham sido detectadas, gemas adventícias desenvolvidas em meio de cultura suplementado com AgNO3 eram mais vigorosas. O número de explantes com gemas obtidos no meio de cultura suplementado com TDZ e AgNO3 (5,6) foi maior do que aquele obtido com BAP e AgNO3 (3,0). Os meios de cultura MSM + ácido giberélico (GA3), MSM + água de coco ou ½ MSM foram utilizados para o alongamento dos brotos, os quais foram incubados em frascos com tampas ventiladas ou tampas normais. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos cultivando-se as gemas adventícias no meio de cultura MSM + água de coco em frascos com tampas ventiladas. As plântulas transferidas para meio de cultura MSM + ácido indol butírico enraizaram num período de 30 dias. A organogênese in vitro de maracujazeiro foi otimizada utilizando-se TDZ + AgNO3 para a indução de gemas adventícias. A transferência das gemas para meio de cultura MSM + água de coco e a incubação em frascos com tampas ventiladas favoreceu o alongamento e o desenvolvimento de plântulas.In vitro organogenesis of passion fruit was studied by the induction of adventitious buds from leaf discs in culture media supplemented with benzyladenine (BAP) or thidiazuron (TDZ). To minimize adverse effects of ethylene accumulation on shoot development, silver nitrate (AgNO3) was added to the induction media. Both BAP (0; 2.2; 4.4; 6.6 µmol L-1) and TDZ (0; 1.1; 2.2; 3.4 µmol L-1) were effective in promoting shoot development. Although no significant differences were detected using AgNO3 (23.5 µmol L-1), buds grown in AgNO3-supplemented media were more vigorous. The number of explants with buds obtained using TDZ and AgNO3-supplemented media (5.6) were higher than those obtained using BAP and AgNO3 (3.0). MSM + giberrellic acid (GA3), MSM + coconut water, and ½ MSM culture media were tested for shoot bud elongation, incubated in flasks covered with either non-vented or vented lids. Best results were obtained by culturing buds in MSM + coconut water media in flasks covered with vented lids. Plantlets transferred to MSM + indol butyric acid (IBA) media rooted in a 30-day period. Passion fruit organogenesis was enhanced by using TDZ and AgNO3 for bud induction. Transferring the buds to MSM + coconut water media and incubating in flasks with vented lids favored shoot elongation and plantlet development

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    Metafluid dynamics as a gauge field theory

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    In this paper, the analog of Maxwell electromagnetism for hydrodynamic turbulence, the metafluid dynamics, is extended in order to reformulate the metafluid dynamics as a gauge field theory. That analogy opens up the possibility to investigate this theory as a constrained system. Having this possibility in mind, we propose a Lagrangian to describe this new theory of turbulence and, subsequently, analyze it from the symplectic point of view. From this analysis, a hidden gauge symmetry is revealed, providing a clear interpretation and meaning of the physics behind the metafluid theory. Also, the geometrical interpretation to the gauge symmetries is discussed.

    From consensus to dissensus : the bolivarian movement and politics in Venezuela

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    Orientador: Marcelo Siqueira RidentiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciencias HumanasResumo: Em 1999, a chegada de Hugo Chávez à presidência significou uma mudança importante na política da Venezuela: desde 1958, era a primeira vez que o cargo seria ocupado por alguém que não pertencia aos dois partidos mais tradicionais do país, o social-democrata Acción Democratica (AD) e o democrata-cristão Comité de Organización Política Electoral Independiente (COPEI), protagonistas na conformação do Pacto de Punto Fijo, também em 1958. O fenômeno Chávez foi apresentado por um grande número de cientistas sociais como o retorno de um velho problema na América Latina: o populismo. Nesta pesquisa pretendo apresentar este fenômeno de outro modo: a eleição de Chávez faria parte do processo de crise orgânica que afetou a sociedade venezuelana no início dos anos 1980. Para entendê-lo, analiso diversos elementos históricos da política, da cultura e da economia naquele país que tornam única sua experiência recente. Em seguida, dedico-me às idéias que deram origem ao programa do Movimento Bolivariano, bastante influenciado pelo debate que atingiu movimentos políticos radicais em todo o mundo nas décadas de 70 e 80 do século passado. Por fim, apresento as principais frações que atuam hoje no interior de cada pólo - governo e oposição - ao qual aparentemente se reduz a chamada Revolução BolivarianaAbstract: In 1999, Hugo Chavez's rise to the presidency meant an important change in Venezuelan politics: since 1958, it was the first time that this position would be filled by someone who was not part of the two most traditional parties in the country, the social-democrat Acción Democrática (AD) and the christian-democrat Comité de Organización Política Electoral Intependiente (COPEI), protagonists in the formulation of the Pacto de Punto Fijo, also in 1958. The Chavez phenomenon was perceived by a large number of social scientists as the return of an ancient problem in Latin America: populism. In this investigation I intend to present this phenomenon in another manner: Chavez's election as part of a process of an organic crisis that affected the Venezuelan society in the beginning of the 1980's. To understand it, I analyze several historical elements in Venezuelan politics, culture and economy that express this country's recent experience as unique. After this, I dedicate myself to the ideas that originated the Movimento Bolivariano's program, largely influenced by the debates that reached radical political movements all over the world in the 1970's and 1980's. At last, I present the principal fractions that act in the interior of each segment - government and opposition -, and that apparently represent the so called Bolivarian RevolutionMestradoMestre em Sociologi

    Determination of variation in the Manaus-AM microclimate for anthropogenic activities and natural climatic modulations

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    O foco principal deste artigo foi detectar mudanças no microclima da cidade de Manaus (AM), Brasil e procurar indicar as possíveis causas destas flutuações e tendências observadas. A análise está baseada em informações geotérmicas e meteorológicas. Por dados meteorológicos determinamos um incremento nas temperaturas médias do ar de 0,27 ± 0,04 ºC, durante os últimos 80 anos, baseado na normal climatológica de 1950 a 1979 e este incremento não tem sido contínuo, mas parece ser modulado pelas freqüências de meses com El Niño, La Niña e Neutros, detectados no Oceano Pacifico tropical. Contudo, por dados geotérmicos, nós determinamos um incremento quase instantâneo de 3,17 ºC ± 0,53 ºC, relacionado com o uso do solo. Verificamos que as perturbações transientes do subsolo de locais com cobertura vegetal são bons indicadores das variabilidades climáticas anuais recentes e que as análises dos perfis sob locais sem cobertura vegetal indicam mudanças no microclima atribuídas às atividades antrópicas, tais como, o desflorestamento e urbanização.The focus of this paper was to detect microclimate changes in Manaus City (AM), Brazil in attempting to indicate possible causes for the fluctuations and trends observed. The analysis is based on Meteorological and shallow geothermal records. The meteorological data indicated an increment of 0.27 ± 0.04 ºC in the mean surface air temperature during the last 80 years with reference to the 1950-1979 climatological mean and this increment has not been continuous, but seem to be modulated by frequency of El Niño, La Niña e Neutral events over the tropical Pacific Ocean. Though, quasi-instantaneous increment of 3.17 ± 0.53 ºC was determined from geothermal data, which is associated with the land-use changes. From shallow geothermic data under sites with vegetation cover we verified that transient perturbations are good indicators of recent annual climate variability, while analysis of temperature profiles data under sites without vegetation cover seem to indicate microclimate changes related to the anthropogenic actions like deforest and urbanization action

    Irreversible time-dependent rheological behavior of cement slurries : constitutive model and experiments

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    Over the last few decades, much focus has been given to investigating the reversible rheological behavior of thixotropic materials, but the description of the rheology of materials undergoing an irreversible process is still challenging. In this work, the time-dependent rheological behavior of a cement slurry is investigated. Different rheometric experiments are performed to evaluate the structure breakdown under shear, cement gelation, and curing process. A recently proposed thixotropic elasto-viscoplastic model [de Souza Mendes, Soft Matter 7, 2471-2483 (2011)] is modified to account for irreversible effects, which can be either of a chemical or physical nature, making the current model capable of describing reversible and irreversible processes with a single structure parameter. The parameters of the model are estimated from constant shear rate tests and from the flow curve of the fresh cement slurry. The model predictions are compared to step-down and step-up in stress experiments, and the results show that the model successfully describes experimental data obtained. Interesting phenomena are observed and discussed, including (i) thixotropic behavior during the dormant period, (ii) shear banding, (iii) irreversible changes in cement slurry rheology after the hydration reactions accelerate, and (iv) the existence of a characteristic time for the transition from a thixotropic-yield-stress material to a solid during curing. The predictive capability of the new model includes bifurcation, shear banding, stress overshoots, effects of chemical reactions, and irreversible shear degradation. It is argued that the ideas employed in the present work can be used to incorporate irreversible effects into other thixotropic models, giving rise to the possibility of describing the transient rheological behavior of complex materials in an unprecedented fashion. (c) 2019 The Society of Rheology

    Sacral neuromodulation for treatment of overactive bladder: a review

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    Sacral neuromodulation (SNM) therapy is an established third line therapeutic option for the treatment of urgency urinary incontinence, urgency-frequency and chronic non-obstructive urinary retention. The continuous stimulation of the sacral root S3 with an electrode connected to an implanted pulse generator (IPG) may influence detrusor and sphincter activity and improve lower urinary tract symptoms. The mechanism of action is not completely understood and seems to be based on the modulation of spinal cord reflexes and brain centers involved in lower urinary tract function. It is implanted with a minimally invasive technique that can be performed under local anesthesia and includes a test phase that precedes the definitive implantation of the pulse generator. When compared to the standard pharmacological therapy, neuromodulation promoted better results both in the partial improvement of overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms and total continence. Moreover, sexual function, quality of life and depressive symptoms may also improve in patients with OAB that undergo SNM. However, SNM is associated with significant rates of adverse events and need for surgical revisions, requiring continuous medical attention.A neuromodulação sacral (NMS) é uma opção bem estabelecida de tratamento de terceira linha da bexiga hiperativa, incluindo as indicações de urgência-frequência, incontinência urinária de urgência e também a retenção urinária crônica não obstrutiva. A estimulação contínua da raiz sacral S3, através de um eletrodo conectado a um gerador de pulsos implantado, pode influenciar a função do detrusor e do esfíncter uretral e melhorar os sintomas do trato urinário inferior. O mecanismo de ação não é totalmente conhecido e parece basear-se na modulação dos reflexos medulares e dos centros cerebrais envolvidos no controle da função do trato urinário inferior. O eletrodo sacral é implantado com técnica minimamente invasiva, que pode ser realizada com anestesia local, e inclui uma fase de teste que precede o implante definitivo do gerador de pulsos. Em comparação com o tratamento farmacológico padrão da bexiga hiperativa, a NMS promove melhores resultados na melhora dos sintomas e nas taxas de cura. Além disso, a função sexual, a qualidade de vida e os sintomas depressivos também podem melhorar nos pacientes com bexiga hiperativa que são submetidos à NMS. No entanto, a NMS acompanha-se de significativas taxas de eventos adversos e de necessidade de revisões cirúrgicas, requerendo acompanhamento clínico periódico

    Perception of sleep duration in adult patients with suspected obstructive sleep apnea

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    PURPOSE: Discrepancies between subjective and objective measures of total sleep time (TST) are frequent among insomnia patients, but this issue remains scarcely investigated in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We aimed to evaluate if sleep perception is affected by the severity of OSA. METHODS: We performed a 3-month cross-sectional study of Brazilian adults undergoing overnight polysomnography (PSG). TST was objectively assessed from PSG and by a self-reported questionnaire (subjective measurement). Sleep perception index (SPI) was defined by the ratio of subjective and objective values. Diagnosis of OSA was based on an apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) ≥ 5.0/h, being its severity classified according to AHI thresholds: 5.0-14.9/h (mild OSA), 15.0-29.9/h (moderate OSA), and ≥ 30.0/h (severe OSA). RESULTS: Overall, 727 patients were included (58.0% males). A significant difference was found in SPI between non-OSA and OSA groups (p = 0.014). Mean SPI values significantly decreased as the OSA severity increased: without OSA (100.1 ± 40.9%), mild OSA (95.1 ± 24.6%), moderate OSA (93.5 ± 25.2%), and severe OSA (90.6 ± 28.2%), p = 0.036. Using logistic regression, increasing SPI was associated with a reduction in the likelihood of presenting any OSA (p = 0.018), moderate/severe OSA (p = 0.019), and severe OSA (p = 0.028). However, insomnia was not considered as an independent variable for the presence of any OSA, moderate/severe OSA, and severe OSA (all p-values > 0.05). CONCLUSION: In a clinical referral cohort, SPI significantly decreases with increasing OSA severity, but is not modified by the presence of insomnia symptoms.publishersversionpublishe
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