349 research outputs found

    The impact of Zika in Minas Gerais, Brazil: epidemiological profile and spatial diffusion of the disease, 2015-2019

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    Objective: To overview the epidemiological profile for Zika in MG and map its spatial diffusion from 2015 (onset of the outbreak) to 2019. Method: this is a descriptive observational study based on three secondary databases: Disease Notification System (SINAN), the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and the Health Surveillance Secretariat of Minas Gerais State (SVS-SES/MG). The spatial diffusion of the confirmed cases was georeferenced with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Geographic Database (BDG), using ArcGIS 10.3 software. Results: in Minas Gerais, the spread of Zika was similar to other regions of Brazil. 10,465 cases were confirmed and of these, 26.5% were pregnant women. Almost 80% of the reported cases were female. The first cases were recorded in 2015, reaching all 13 regions in 2016, declining in 2017 and 2018, increasing again in 2019. Final considerations: in addition to socio-economic inequalities in Minas Gerais, it can be argued that women who are young, mixed-race, with low-education and from vulnerable areas are more likely to be affected by the disease. The analysis of disease epidemiology and mapping may better access disease impact, thus contributing to more adequate public health policies and planning

    Use of clobetasol in lacquer for plaque psoriasis treatment

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    Clobetasol benefits to control psoriasis lesions are well defined, but there were not studies about its action when used in lacquer vehicle to control skin lesions. A double-blind study was conducted with 40 patients that utilized clobetasol 0.05% in one hemibody and just the vehicle in the other hemibody. Twenty of them used petrolatum as vehicle and the others used lacquer. An assessment was conducted using the clinical index PASI and a quality of life questionnaire (Dermatological Life Quality Index). There was no statistical difference between groups. There was a trend of favorable response particularly in the hemibody treated with clobetasol911113115CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPSem informação2008/09433-

    Comparison of transcutaneous electrical tibial nerve stimulation for the treatment of overactive bladder: a multi-arm randomized controlled trial with blinded assessment

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of tibial nerve transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) for an overactive bladder, considering the sites of application and frequency of attendance. METHODS: This multi-arm randomized controlled trial enrolled 137 adult women (61.0±9.0 years) with overactive bladder from a university hospital. They underwent 12 sessions of 30-min TENS application and were assigned to five groups: one leg, once a week (n=26); one leg, twice a week (n=27); two legs, once a week (n=26); two legs, twice a week (n=28); and placebo (n=30). Symptoms of overactive bladder and its impact on quality of life were evaluated before and after 6 or 12 weeks of treatment using the Overactive Bladder Questionnaire-V8 and voiding diary. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01912885. RESULTS: The use of one leg, once a week TENS application reduced the frequency of urgency episodes compared with the placebo (1.0±1.6 vs. 1.4±1.9; p=0.046) and frequency of incontinence episodes compared with the placebo (0.7±1.4 vs.1.4±2.2; p<0.0001). The one-leg, twice a week protocol decreased the urinary frequency compared with the two legs, once a week protocol (8.2±3.5 vs. 9.0±5.1; p=0.026) and placebo (8.2±3.5 vs. 7.9±2.7; p=0.02). Nocturia improved using the two legs, once a week protocol (1.5±1.8) when compared with the one leg, twice a week protocol (1.9±2.0) and placebo (1.7±1.6) (p=0.005 and p=0.027, respectively). Nocturia also improved using the two legs, twice a week protocol when compared with the one leg, twice a week protocol (1.3±1.2 vs.1.9±2.0; p=0.011). CONCLUSION: One-leg stimulation improved the daily urinary frequency, urgency, and incontinence, and the two-leg stimulation once and twice weekly improved nocturia


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    This study aims at presenting the results of an experience developed in the curricular component Chemistry applied to food services in the Higher Technology Gastronomy course at the Federal Institute of Brasília (IFB) - Riacho Fundo Campus, in which active methodologies supported by digital technologies were used. The experience report was chosen to present, discuss and analyze the experience of a teacher, also the author of this study, who based her lesson plan of online classes on an extension course. The data collected were organized into five experiences with active methodologies such as storytelling; storytelling and problem solving; hybrid teaching / inverted classroom; peer learning; and maker learning. The results of this experience indicate that there was a methodological appropriation by the teacher, which is exemplified by the planning of learning itineraries, as proposed from the experienced active methodologies.El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados de una experiencia desarrollada en la asignatura Química aplicada a los servicios de alimentación del curso Superior de Tecnología en Gastronomía del Instituto Federal de Brasília - Campus Riacho Fundo, en el cual han sido utilizadas metodologías activas apoyadas en tecnologías digitales. Hemos elegido el relato de experiencia para presentar, discutir y analizar la vivencia de una profesora, coautora de este trabajo, que ha hecho su organización pedagógica para las clases remotas en un curso de extensión. Los datos han sido organizados en cinco experiencias con metodologías activas: storytelling; storytelling  y resolución de problemas; enseñanza híbrida/clase invertida; aprendizaje en parejas; aprendizaje maker. Los resultados de esa experiencia nos muestran que hubo una apropiación metodológica por parte de la profesora, lo que podemos comprobar a partir de la organización pedagógica de sus guiones de aprendizaje, que han sido construidos de acuerdo con lo propuesto utilizando las metodologías activas experimentadas.O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar os resultados de uma experiência desenvolvida no componente curricular Química aplicada a serviços de alimentação, do curso Superior de Tecnologia em Gastronomia do Instituto Federal de Brasília - campus Riacho Fundo, na qual foram utilizadas metodologias ativas apoiadas em tecnologias digitais. Escolhemos o relato de experiência para apresentar, discutir e analisar a vivência de uma professora, também autora deste trabalho, que pautou seu planejamento de aulas remotas em um curso de extensão. Os dados foram organizados em cinco experiências com metodologias ativas, a saber: storytelling; storytelling e resolução de problemas; ensino híbrido/sala de aula invertida; aprendizagem em pares; e aprendizagem maker. Os resultados dessa experiência apontam ter havido uma apropriação metodológica por parte da professora, o que é exemplificado pelo planejamento dos roteiros de aprendizagem, conforme proposto a partir das metodologias ativas experienciadas

    Brazilian Adults Believe that Complete Dentures would be the Solution to the Oral Impacts Caused by Reduced Dentition

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    Objective: To evaluate the direct and oral impact-mediated association between reduced dentitions and the self-perceived need for complete dentures (CD) in dentate adults. Material and Methods: Data from the Brazilian Oral Health Survey (2010) were analyzed. The outcome was self-perceived need for CD. Functional dentition (FDClassV) was defined by the presence of the following criteria: level I - ≥1 tooth in each arch, level II - 10 teeth in each arch, level III - 12 anterior teeth, level IV - ≥ 3 posterior occluding pairs (POPs) of premolars and level V - ≥1 bilateral POPs of molars. Oral impacts were assessed with Oral Impacts on Daily Performances scale. Results: FDClassV was associated with a less self-perceived need for CD both directly and mediated by oral impacts. Dentitions without level V were associated with the outcome mediated by oral impacts. Between individuals with 10 teeth in each arch, self-perceived need for CD was similar for those who had or not anterior teeth and POPs. Individuals with <10 teeth in each arch and level III did not have a higher frequency of self-perceived need for CD compared to those with level II. Conclusion: Oral impacts mediated the association between reduced dentitions and self-perceived need for CD. Individuals with tooth loss may report need for CD, even when they have dental configurations compatible with functionality


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    The pequi is a fruit with an exotic flavor and grown throughout the Brazilian cerrado. The pulp of the fruit is sold fresh or canned, used in the preparation of several typical dishes. However, this fruit is little explored in sweet cuisine. Therefore, this work aimed to develop a formulation of pequi jelly with two types of sugar, in addition to evaluating the physical-chemical characteristics and the sensory acceptance of the product. The pequi were pulped, crushed, mixed with sugar and heated over low heat until the minimum value of soluble solids reached 65 ºBrix. For moisture, acidity and total solids, there was no significant difference between the formulations studied. As for pH, ash and vitamin C, the results were significantly higher for jelly made with brown sugar and attributed to the composition of sugar that contains the highest mineral content. The color contributed to a greater acceptance of the jelly made with crystal sugar. Therefore, the formulation of gelatin with the pequi pulp becomes an alternative to add value to Brazilian exotic fruits.Pequi es un fruto de sabor exótico y cultivado en todo el cerrado brasileño. La pulpa de fruta se comercializa en natura o enlatado, utilizado en la preparación de varios platos típicos. Sin embargo, esta fruta es poco explorada en la cocina dulce. Por lo tanto, este estudio tenía como objetivo desarrollar una formulación de jalea de pequi con dos tipos de azúcar, además de evaluar las características físico-químicas y la aceptación sensorial del producto. El pequis fue pulpado, triturado, mezclado con azúcar y calentado a fuego lento hasta que el valor mínimo de los sólidos solubles alcanzó los 65 ºBrix. Para la humedad, acidez y sólidos totales, no hubo ninguna diferencia significativa entre las formulaciones estudiadas. Mientras que para el pH, ceniza y vitamina C, los resultados fueron significativamente más altos para la jalea preparada con azúcar morena, y se atribuyen a la composición del azúcar que contiene mayor contenido mineral. En el análisis sensorial, la jalea con azúcar cristalina fue la más preferida por el juez. En la prueba de aceptación, el color contribuyó significativamente a una mayor aceptación de la jalea hecha con azúcar de cristal. Por lo tanto, la formulación de gelatina con pulpa de pequi se convierte en una alternativa para agregar valor a las frutas exóticas brasileñas.O pequi é uma fruta de sabor exótico e cultivada em todo o cerrado brasileiro. A polpa da fruta é comercializada in natura ou enlatada, utilizada no preparo de diversos pratos típicos. No entanto, essa fruta é pouco explorada na culinária doce. Portanto, este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver uma formulação de geleia de pequi com dois tipos de açúcar, além de avaliar as características físico-químicas e a aceitação sensorial do produto. Os pequis foram despolpados, triturados, misturados ao açúcar e aquecidos em fogo baixo até que o valor mínimo de sólidos solúveis atingisse 65 ºBrix. Para umidade, acidez e sólidos totais, não houve diferença significativa entre as formulações estudadas. Enquanto para pH, cinzas e vitamina C, os resultados foram significativamente maiores para a geleia elaborada com açúcar mascavo, e atribuídos à composição do açúcar que contém maior teor de minerais. Na análise sensorial, a geleia com açúcar cristal foi a mais preferida pelos julgados. No teste de aceitação, a cor contribuiu significativamente para uma maior aceitação da geleia elaborada com açúcar cristal. Portanto, a formulação da gelatina com a polpa do pequi torna-se uma alternativa para agregar valor às frutas exóticas brasileiras


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    O texto apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa que teve como temática central a evasão escolar em um curso que é ofertado na modalidade da educação de jovens e adultos. O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi compreender quais fatores são responsáveis pela evasão de alunos do curso Técnico Integrado em Agroindústria do Instituto Federal de Ciências e Tecnologia de Goiás no Câmpus Itumbiara. A pesquisa pautou-se numa abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa que associou o estudo bibliográfico e documental e a aplicação de um questionário semiestruturado para alunos matriculados e evadidos, e também para professores do curso analisado. O estudo possibilitou a compreensão sobre a existência de vários fatores responsáveis pela evasão nesse curso, os quais estão associados a motivações internas e externas à instituição. Destaca-se problemas relacionados às questões pessoais, profissionais, como também, questões relacionadas às dificuldades no processo de ensino e aprendizagem nessa modalidade de educação. Dentre as conclusões tem-se que a evasão escolar no curso analisado ainda continua sendo um sério desafio a ser enfrentado pela instituição, embora ela venha realizando ações de modo a minimizar esse problema nesse e em outros cursos ofertados.

    Airway-centered interstitial fibrosis: etiology, clinical findings and prognosis

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    Background: Airway-centered Interstitial Fibrosis (ACIF) is a common pathologic pattern observed in our practice.Objectives: the objectives of this study are to describe the causes associated with ACIF in a large sample of patients and its effect on survival.Methods: A retrospective study in three centers of interstitial lung disease in São Paulo, between January of 1995 and December of 2012. the surgical lung biopsy specimens were reviewed by three pathologists. the clinical, functional and tomographic findings were analyzed by a standardized protocol.Results: There were 68 cases of ACIF, most of them women. the mean age was 57 +/- 12 yr. Dyspnea, cough, restrictive pattern at spirometry and oxygen desaturation at exercise were common. A reticular pattern with peribronchovascular infiltrates was found in 79% of the cases. the etiologies of ACIF were hypersensitivity pneumonitis in 29 (42.6%), gastroesophageal reflux disease in 17 (25.0%), collagen vascular disease in 4 (5.9%), a combination of them in 15 cases and idiopathic in 3 (4.4%). the median survival was 116 months (95% CI = 58.5 - 173.5). Lower values of oxygen saturation at rest, presence of cough and some histological findings - organizing tissue in the airways, fibroblastic foci and microscopic honeycombing - were predictors of worse survival.Conclusions: ACIF is an interstitial lung disease with a better survival when compared with IPF. the main etiologies are HP and GERD. the oxygen saturation at rest, the presence of cough and some histological findings are predictors of survival.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pulm, São Paulo, BrazilMayo Clin, Dept Pathol, Scottsdale, AZ USAUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pathol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pulm, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Pathol, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Overview of Chagas disease surveillance in an endemic region in Southeastern Brazil

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    Chagas disease (CD) is a neglected disease caused by the protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi. It has high morbidity and mortality rates and mainly affects socially vulnerable populations. This is a cross-sectional study, with retrospective and prospective data collection. Using questionnaires applied to environmental surveillance coordinators, we characterized the status of CD surveillance activities in municipalities endemic for the disease in Northern Minas Gerais State (MG) and Jequitinhonha Valley (Vale do Jequitinhonha). Moreover, we spatialized the vulnerability index for chronic CD in the study area. The population consisted of 22 environmental surveillance coordinators, active in 2020, from Northern MG and Jequitinhonha Valley, 21 municipalities included in the SaMi-Trop research project, and Montes Claros municipality. After applying the questionnaires to the coordinators, a descriptive analysis of the variables was performed. To characterize the active municipalities, the explanatory variables collected in the questionnaire were compared with the dichotomous variable. Bivariate descriptive analysis was performed. Finally, geoprocessing techniques were used to spatialize the data and prepare maps. Regarding the team of endemic combat agents (ECA), 90.9% reported the lack of a specific team for CD vector control actions. Of the 22 municipalities participating in this study, nine were active (41.1%). Only 25% (n=2) of active municipalities (9% of the municipalities studied) met the target of visiting 50% of households per year. Finally, 81.1% of the coordinators stated that in their municipality, they developed actions linked to primary health care (PHC). The implementation of CD surveillance activities weakened in the endemic region. Few municipalities have a surveillance team, with low regularity of active surveillance and noncompliance with the program’s goal. The results suggest insufficient recording of activities in the information system, considering that there are municipalities that report performing the activities, but no production record was observed in the system